WEIGHT NO MORE Team Chat - July 2020



  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @cafelelia my weight this morning was 152.8. Is this still a weekly weigh in I assume?
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,344 Member
    KristieJC wrote: »
    Sure! How close is Lawrence to Manhattan? That’s where my brother lives. And I have family outside of Ark City. My parents grew up there.

    Manhattan is 90-ish miles west of Lawrence.
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,344 Member
    KristieJC wrote: »

    @KristieJC don't you worry girl! I have plenty of delicious butter and homemade jam. Actually I just scraped out the last little bit of the rhubarb strawberry jam. Thinking of making plum or cherry next. You come on over anytime. Where do you live?

    I’m in Texas. Packing my bags now. The hub and kids can fend for themselves!

    Pick me up in KS? It's on the way...

    I never make jam (except for kiwi) but I do love a good plum or cherry jam...


    Ouch. Kiwis are not quite the same thing here in New Zealand... this is your resident Kiwi talking! (We call the fruit a kiwifruit!)

    You know...I knew that...but didn't think about it...kind of like American jokes about Girl Scout cookies (Made with real Girl Scouts?)

    Okay, revision...I occassionally make kiwifruit jam. No Kiwis are harmed in this effort.

    I've met several Kiwis over the years working with Moodle (Aussie thing, but several big groups in NZ are involved in the project) and I've quite liked them.
  • brown6267
    brown6267 Posts: 476 Member
    06/30 steps 5730
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,344 Member
    edited July 2020
    PW: 212.3
    CW: 212.4

    This is higher than two weeks ago but something is either going on with me or with my scale. If it doesn't turn around soon, there might be something going on with a sledge hammer and my scale.

    I've been over a couple days but not that much...need to figure out what is up.
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Tuesday check in
    Food - a bit under
    Water - 2l
    Exercise- 5 km walk
    Yesterday was another day of great weather, and it looks like we are having another one today. Canada Day is pretty subdued this year. Usually, cities have fireworks, concerts and large gatherings, all of which have been cancelled. It’s ok to have quieter celebrations this year and I feel more appreciative for what I do have.

    @bburrer30 - Having only one slice of garlic bread is a big win! Great walk and I hope that you enjoy you girls day. Your pup is adorable.

    @pacsnc6 - Glad that chemo went well yesterday and I hope that it continues that way. We are absolutely keeping you on the cheer squad until you are ready to come back. Thanks for checking in and it is a good thing that you did as your name had been accidentally removed from the squad on the spreadsheet, so I just fixed it.

    @melaniescott - Don’t get out the sledgehammer just yet! Maybe have a look at what you are doing and tweak what you can. You can also buy a new scale, or maybe two in case the sledgehammer does come out.

    @ProfDawnLee - You are doing all of the right things. Starting fresh, refocusing, not beating yourself up, planning and committing. I do find that daily check ins help with accountability, even just quick ones. You can do it and don’t give up!

    @Mrsbell8well - That is correct. You continue to weigh in once a week, and we track it, but the weigh in is not factored into our weight loss stats for the weekly competition. If you go over your goal range, you can change the range, move to the weight loss team or move to cheer squad. Hope that you feel better soon!

    @freeglerock - Fantastic loss! Socializing can be such a challenge with weight loss and you did great! You do have to enjoy life too! I find that if I am too strict, it always backfires and I cannot maintain it.

    @xX_PhoenixRising_Xx - omg, I have to start saying kiwifruit. We have beaver tails here in Canada, not made from beavers! They are like a flattened doughnut.

    @tryingagain5 - You are doing great! I am really glad you are managing to check in everyday too.

    @annliz23 - What a productive day! I got tired just reading your list!

  • GingerPwr
    GingerPwr Posts: 1,984 Member
    @pacsnc6 Please keep us posted throughout this new round! We're all rooting for you and sending you healing vibes!

    @Mrsbell8well You're such a great member and cheer leader! Keep posting your awesome recipe pics!

    @xX_PhoenixRising_Xx Lol with the kiwi!

    Wednesday weigh in:
    Username: GingerPwr
    PW: 135.5
    CW: 134

    Happy first day of July! Set those goals! Make those plans! Get those day 1 workouts in! Log that food! Do all the healthy things!

  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,452 Member
    Tuesday's check in
    Food-logged and over
    Water-over 64 oz
    Exercise-30 min bike ride, 30 min kayak and at least 30 min walk

    Happy Canada Day to my Canadian Friends!

    Yesterday wasn't too bad. I didn't make the best choices in the evening because I was starving when I got home from the beach. I have to plan some quick and easy meals for when I feel this way. I lost 3.1 lbs in June so I am happy with that. May I lost 2.1 lbs so I am slowly getting that 10 pounds off from April. If only it came off as fast as it goes on...

    Today I just did not feel like working out first thing. I took Daisy for a walk and got a bug bite so I was talking myself out of kayaking because it was too buggy. I finally just put a stop to my toddler brain saying no, grabbed a water, my earbuds and bug spray and went kayaking! I love kayaking but just wanted my coffee first Lol! I hopped on my bike right after so I got about 1.5 hours of exercise in first thing. I really want to continue this. I still have to do my strength and PT today though. Nothing planned for today, it is going to rain on and off so I am going to do some cleaning and organizing here. I wasn't going to do a deep cleaning here because of my late start to the summer but I will feel better if I do Lol! Tomorrow MaryKate, Shannon and my nieces will be down. My daughter Nicole and her husband Brian will be coming down in the evening too. So a full house. Jim is staying away. He is coming down Sunday night when it is a little quieter. He thinks it is going to get too crowded down here for the holiday weekend. I just don't go out so it doesn't effect me.

    Got to get moving, it is getting later than I wanted. Tomorrow check in will probably be late or I will check in Friday. I want to go food shopping early. I plan to still workout before but my coffee and computer time will be pushed back.

    Have a great day everyone!

    @JillyBT Happy Anniversary!
    @Cafelelia Your Mom lives in a beautiful area. Is she by Niagara? We went one time in May and visited a really cute town nearby for lunch. It is beautiful up there. Our July 4th celebrations are pretty much canceled too. I am fine with it. It is always too crowed to participate anyway.
    @annliz23 I am tired from just reading your list! Lol! Great day!
    @tryingagain5 One day at a time-you are doing great!
    @xX_PhoenixRising_Xx I loved that pic, the Kiwi made me lol! They are cute! I wonder if the fruit was named for the bird?
    @freeglerock Nice loss! You must have found some sort of balance with the BBQ since you had a loss this week. I have to work on that myself. You are right, we should be able to enjoy social events without ruining our progress.
    @ProfDawnLee Yes, new month, fresh start! Sounds like you have a good plan going forward!
    @melaniedscott Omg, you are cracking me up today! Lol! "no kiwis were harmed..." and the sledgehammer and scale comment :D You seem like you are doing great so don't get to wrapped up in the number on the scale. Just keep doing what you are doing. So much can go into the number on the scale.
    @pacsnc6 Was that your first chemo with the new drug? I hope you have no side effects with this one too. Sending hugs. xoxo
    @bburrer30 Nice job with the garlic bread! I know that is hard to resist. I know when I don't feel like walking, I go because I feel bad letting Daisy down. Dogs are great motivators :) Enjoy the time with your niece and daughter.
    @GingerPwr Nice loss! Love your post/pic. I never know what to call them Lol!
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Thanks everyone for all your kind support! I greatly appreciate it. And you all are making me laugh with your road trip plans. We have a sleeper sofa, a twin bed in my "fairy room", a guest bedroom and Skylynns pink unicorn room with 2 bunk beds. The rest of you are going to have to bring sleeping bags and find a spot! I need to get my back strong again so I can ride with you all and cook up a healthy delicious feast for your visit! Wouldn't it be fun if we could do it for my birthday in October? I have a week's vacation. Makes me smile to think about it.

    I am still so very tired. I think even though my back is better it is still slowing me down. I have been having good nights of sleep and this week focusing on really great nutrition and lots of fresh veggies. Now to get my exercise back in...slowly. I am hoping to do Adrienes 18 minute yoga today. I couldn't do it this morning but maybe this afternoon. I brought my yoga clothes to work.

    Have a great day everyone! I will try to post my intro and goals soon. Tomorrow is 2 years since I have been with MFP :)
  • 1theresamcvean
    1theresamcvean Posts: 929 Member
    Thanks everyone for all your kind support! I greatly appreciate it. And you all are making me laugh with your road trip plans. We have a sleeper sofa, a twin bed in my "fairy room", a guest bedroom and Skylynns pink unicorn room with 2 bunk beds. The rest of you are going to have to bring sleeping bags and find a spot! I need to get my back strong again so I can ride with you all and cook up a healthy delicious feast for your visit! Wouldn't it be fun if we could do it for my birthday in October? I have a week's vacation. Makes me smile to think about it.

    I am still so very tired. I think even though my back is better it is still slowing me down. I have been having good nights of sleep and this week focusing on really great nutrition and lots of fresh veggies. Now to get my exercise back in...slowly. I am hoping to do Adrienes 18 minute yoga today. I couldn't do it this morning but maybe this afternoon. I brought my yoga clothes to work.

    Have a great day everyone! I will try to post my intro and goals soon. Tomorrow is 2 years since I have been with MFP :)

    I call dibs on the Fairy room. Seriously though, Angelina, I'm glad you're resetting and focusing on getting your body in a better state with less pain. I can't remember what your words for 2020 were, mine were 'listen and balance.' It sounds like you're listening to your body and bringing things back into balance. Sometimes we just have to be.
  • 1theresamcvean
    1theresamcvean Posts: 929 Member
    edited July 2020
    Happy Canada Day!

    For all of you around the world, take a trip across Canada in two minutes. It's lovely. There's a link below this pic:

    WATCH HERE https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1863244463698882&t=10 CLICK AGAIN WHEN IT STARTS FOR SOUND :wink:
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,080 Member
    Happy Canada Day!! I miss Canada. I am trying to figure out what to do this year. Anyway, I just came from the surgeon. This lady is not backing down, she is making sure I am having surgery the end of Sept beginning of Oct. I have to lose some weight by then because I know sitting around for a few weeks will not be good. So I will be having slight panic attacks until then, lol. The pool people have finally got my liner in and the pool is filling, i will never use this company again, so far they haven't done anything they said they would. And the final straw is they left the old liner over next to the pool when they told me they put it out at the street. Do you know how heavy that thing is? I also think they broke my fence. I am so aggravated. I think I am going to head out for a walk.
  • 1theresamcvean
    1theresamcvean Posts: 929 Member
    New Member!

    Hey Team Weight No More, I'm very excited to welcome a new member to our team! @minstrelofsarcasm has been my friend on the greater MFP for a couple of years and I'm so excited she's joining us here. Let's give her a few minutes to find her way around, and figure out who we all are, and I'm sure she'll be by to say hello in a bit.

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