Introduce Yourself



  • eesh78
    eesh78 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi. I have rejoined mfp recently. I did introduce myself on the main group but noticed this group seems more active. So I'll introduce myself again.

    I'm 42 and have fluctuated with my weight since my mid 20s when I had children.

    For the last decade my weight has been 200+ lbs which is alot for my 5ft1 frame.
    I have struggled to lose more than a stone before complacency and procrastination kick in and have regained the weight plus some.

    My biggest battle now is that my weight is affecting my health and am on medication as well as being extremely unfit and struggling to do any exercise besides walking, even housework tires me out. I want to lose 75 plus pounds or near enough and be healthier and fitter in myself.

    Plz add me if you are looking for friends too.
    Looking forward to inspiration and motivation from this group.
  • Ccricfo
    Ccricfo Posts: 156 Member
    Welcome, glad to meet you. This is a great group with lots of discussion...
  • lolakun
    lolakun Posts: 2 Member
    I'd like to lose 200 pounds. Even 120 pounds would be amazing. I want to be healthier so I can explore and share the world with my daughter as she grows up (she's 15 months old). I want to be there when she needs me. I want her to grow up with healthy habits-so activity and nourishing food is natural to her. I don't want her to go through what I've gone through.

    I know it's really going to be a struggle to reshape 34 years of an unhealthy lifestyle - I'll spare you my sob story and reasons/excuses. I know what I'm fighting for, and we're worth it.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    eesh78 wrote: »
    Hi. I have rejoined mfp recently. I did introduce myself on the main group but noticed this group seems more active. So I'll introduce myself again.

    I'm 42 and have fluctuated with my weight since my mid 20s when I had children.

    For the last decade my weight has been 200+ lbs which is alot for my 5ft1 frame.
    I have struggled to lose more than a stone before complacency and procrastination kick in and have regained the weight plus some.

    My biggest battle now is that my weight is affecting my health and am on medication as well as being extremely unfit and struggling to do any exercise besides walking, even housework tires me out. I want to lose 75 plus pounds or near enough and be healthier and fitter in myself.

    Plz add me if you are looking for friends too.
    Looking forward to inspiration and motivation from this group.

    Hi @eesh78,


    In what way do you struggle to lose your first stone? The reason I ask is for anyone in this group with 75 or more pounds to lose the first 14 should be among the easiest. The other reason I ask is because in many of my past failures the first 14 were some of the hardest because I made them much harder than I needed.

    My initial advise to you is to pay close attention to yourself as you begin to lose weight. It does not actually take that long before moving around doesn't tire you quite as quick. You will know when that happens that you are slightly healthier and fitter than when you began. Whatever good health is for you may take a lot of loss to achieve but better health is always a little loss away.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    lolakun wrote: »
    I'd like to lose 200 pounds. Even 120 pounds would be amazing. I want to be healthier so I can explore and share the world with my daughter as she grows up (she's 15 months old). I want to be there when she needs me. I want her to grow up with healthy habits-so activity and nourishing food is natural to her. I don't want her to go through what I've gone through.

    I know it's really going to be a struggle to reshape 34 years of an unhealthy lifestyle - I'll spare you my sob story and reasons/excuses. I know what I'm fighting for, and we're worth it.

    Hi @lolakun,

    I am going to slightly repeat what I just posted but try not to think about 200 pounds or even 120. You will very likely have noticeable improvement in 20 pounds, then 30, 40, etc. I won't lie to you and say that losing 10 thru 20 percent will make a huge difference but it will help. It won't be 120 pounds before you are able to do more things with your daughter.

    There will be occasional struggles and fights but if done right you can reshape yourself in easy to manage changes over the next couple of years. I call this concept "nudging your normal" and the idea is to keeps things as normal as possible for yourself in the beginning and change only what you need to change to begin. Then after those changes feel normal make some more. I never got anywhere making drastic changes even when I lied to myself and called it a new lifestyle. It turns out, for me anyway, lifestyles need to be adapted not replaced.

    Find your easiest path towards progress so that many days are relatively easy. This will help tremendously when the occasional hard days show up.
  • deafenbaugh
    deafenbaugh Posts: 39 Member
    Hello everyone-my name is Luann and I have recently joined MFP (again). My story is very similar to the others on this thread. I have 200 lbs to lose which seems almost impossible but I am determined this time. My health has suffered because of the extra weight and I look forward to feeling better and healthier. I intend to try to enjoy the journey and look forward to the losses but also of the NSV's. Look forward to talking to everyone.
  • deafenbaugh
    deafenbaugh Posts: 39 Member
    I do have a question. I am 64 years old. Anyone older in the group and do you face different issues or challenges because of your age?
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    I do have a question. I am 64 years old. Anyone older in the group and do you face different issues or challenges because of your age?

    I will be 69 in a couple of weeks!....I started MFP May 28, 2019 and I have lost 86 lbs...I started at 350 lbs and now I am at 264.... I only recently began exercising by treading water and jogging in the pool...I hate to sweat...being determined is a good place to start...perseverance is the in the process and you will lose weight...welcome to Larger Losers...this is a highly motivated and supportive group...yes, your health will improve and you will feel better!...welcome!
  • hansep0012
    hansep0012 Posts: 385 Member
    I do have a question. I am 64 years old. Anyone older in the group and do you face different issues or challenges because of your age?

    Welcome @deafenbaugh from one of the "more mature" members (age 57) of MFP/LL, ;)

    Your question regarding issues or challenges based on age resonates with me because I found myself slipping into a mindset of age-based excuses. Listen to this one, "Grandma's don't go hiking" or "I am too old to ride a bike, I'll fall down and break a hip!" and "This is how I was raised to prepare meals" to name a few.

    Ummm. No.

    For me, I am learning to change my thought patterns and celebrate that yes, at 57 I no longer have to cook three meals a day to ensure small children are eating. Nor am I in charge of endless taxi service to and from school, activities, friends, etc. I am experiencing for the first time in my life what it means to take care of me - a gift of age and experience.

    So, my hiking is improving in duration and distance although I typically can't keep up with the kids and grandkids, but this Granny Pam hikes. Yes, I've been on a bicycle several times thinking it would be a fun activity either solo or with others, it turns out I prefer other activities - but I tried it. I've started to play golf (badly) but the walking, social and outdoor aspect of it remains appealing so I continue pursuing the game.

    My challenge is to learn new, positive, affirming and helpful narratives for my thoughts.

    SW: 260 CW: 239 GW: 150-ish

  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    Hello everyone-my name is Luann and I have recently joined MFP (again). My story is very similar to the others on this thread. I have 200 lbs to lose which seems almost impossible but I am determined this time. My health has suffered because of the extra weight and I look forward to feeling better and healthier. I intend to try to enjoy the journey and look forward to the losses but also of the NSV's. Look forward to talking to everyone.

    Hi @deafenbaugh Luann,

    Welcome to LL.

    Another way of looking at it is that you do not have 200 pounds to lose. You only have a very small amount to lose today. You then hand tomorrow's version of yourself a slightly less heavy body to work on and let her do her part. If you follow your good plan of enjoying yourself time will fly by and before you know it the weight will add up to some serious change. This idea was how I approached it and, to me, it makes sense because I can only live today. Tomorrow is always future me's concern. What I have found though is that even now after so much is gone (more than 270 pounds) it often still seems impossible that it happened.

    I hope you stick around!
  • resina
    resina Posts: 17 Member
    Hi NovusDies, congratulations on your fantastic achievement. I like the your approach and need to adopt this way of thinking.

    Over the last 15 months I'm recycling the same few kilos and I need to refocus my mental state. Over time I have lost about 40 kgs (around 88 lbs) but have slowly regained nearly half of that and I can feel the difference this has made in my daily activities. I fear that if I don't change my ways, I will regain the other half and as I'm getting older I don't want to lose my mobility and independence.

    I look forward to chatting with you all.
  • crzycowgrl23
    crzycowgrl23 Posts: 68 Member
    Hi, im back again to give this a whirl, i had lost 45 lbs but now scale is creeping up & i have a long ways to go, i have struggled my whole adult life with weight. I am active & get around pretty good but I just worry it is going to catch me & it will be the end.. i don't want that. Good luck to everyone.
  • tempe987
    tempe987 Posts: 39 Member
    Hi Everyone!!!

    I'm Rachel, I am 32 and starting over on a journey that has been a lifelong struggle. I have always been overweight. I think I weighed 200 as a freshman in high school. I am now at 336lbs. I've used MFP on and off for years but never the forums before and I am looking for "like-minded" people to be friends and support each other in this journey! i was planning on having a WLS but I was having second thoughts. So I am giving myself the next three months as a short term goal to see what changes I can make on my own!

  • Ccricfo
    Ccricfo Posts: 156 Member
    Welcome Rachel!

    I, too, have struggled with weight for my whole life. I am finally convinced that I have to track EVERYTHING that I eat and I have to be honest about it. These forums help a lot because I don't like being accountable and will only do it with people I trust.

    Chris (I'll send you a FR).
  • tempe987
    tempe987 Posts: 39 Member
    Thanks!!! I totally understand that! My problem is procrastination. I will wait till the very last second to do anything and that makes me miss tracking things or I'll skip workouts "because I don't have enough time" GIRL GET OFF YOUR PHONE LOL!
  • Ccricfo
    Ccricfo Posts: 156 Member
    Welcome to the group! I just sent you a FR.
  • jodibeth5744
    jodibeth5744 Posts: 65 Member
    @TheLastMrBig Hi! I just wanted to say that I can’t speak for everyone but I would take a stab at saying most of us are here because we have decisions behind us that didn’t lead us to a good place. I don’t think you have to focus so much on where you’ve been, but where you’re going.

    There is a success stories group under the community tab and in there there is a thread named “most helpful posts” (or something similar) I think if you were to take some time looking around in there you’ll see that there’s a lot of stories of people who started with a lot to lose or major health concerns. It might be insightful to read about their journeys.

    Best of luck to you!
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    resina wrote: »
    Hi NovusDies, congratulations on your fantastic achievement. I like the your approach and need to adopt this way of thinking.

    Over the last 15 months I'm recycling the same few kilos and I need to refocus my mental state. Over time I have lost about 40 kgs (around 88 lbs) but have slowly regained nearly half of that and I can feel the difference this has made in my daily activities. I fear that if I don't change my ways, I will regain the other half and as I'm getting older I don't want to lose my mobility and independence.

    I look forward to chatting with you all.

    Hi @resina,

    I gave up most of my mobility and a fair amount of my independence so this is a feeling I know well. I am fortunate, I believe, that this time I am more focused on changing the entire me instead of changing the numbers on the scale and the numbers before the XL on clothing. Most of those changes are mental and largely that is the awareness that continuous excess food is not a freedom, a pleasure, or a reward. It is a lie that leads to me imprisoning myself.