DOWNSIZERS Team Chat - July 2020



  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,574 Member
    I have done some thinking. With all in my life rn I am going to back off to support you guys but as my scales are packed I won’t be weighing in. I have to have another surgery on my left wrist. I still do morning walks when I can. But realistically I am just focusing in on calorie count. I have to finish packing in the next week. I’m going to school in the fall, just about a month from now. Once, I have moved and unpacked I will resume weekly weigh-ins. I will get weighed once a month when I see my dietician. I will try and be more active on here to support all you fabulous people. Good luck, Downsizers!

    I will move you to team support until you are able to weigh in weekly. Good luck with your move and surgery.
  • leeniekat
    leeniekat Posts: 145 Member
    Hi everyone, sorry I'm again overdue. From last week, I was trying to get myself out of this funk that I've been in and I can say I'm getting there (or at least starting to). I took a few vacation days and went on three day trips. I walked, but I also ate a lot. My weight is up again, but it's not as up as it was... amazing how you can struggle to lose 1lb for weeks but 6lbs pops right back on the second you eat crap food! I'm now in a StepBet to keep me on track to walk or lose my money, so there's that.

    Username: missgyst
    Weigh-in Day: Wednesday
    Weigh-in week: 2
    Starting Weight: 229.0
    Previous weight: 212.4
    Current weight: 214.0

    Catching up with my steps from the last time I posted...
    7/02: 2,737
    7/03: 4,214
    7/04: 0 - didn't wear my Fitbit this day
    7/05: 4,683 (this was actually fine because I went to the beach with my niece again and it logged 3k calories burned so at least it tracked our swimming)
    7/06: 10,157
    7/07: 13,118
    7/08: 9,820
    7/09: 6,969
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,141 Member
    7/10 steps 20742
    I tried to do the "healthy" thing by limiting my coffee. Well that's no longer happening, coffee is back on my menu. I had 5 large cups today. Soon I'll be back to normal.
    I did intervals using my fitbit and then walked. I think it only registered my walk though.
    I pray you all have a blessed day.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,744 Member
    Username: Megan_smartiepants1970
    PW: 242.1
    CW: 239.2 (loss 2.9 lbs this week )
    LTD: 29.8 lbs :)

    What an awesome loss this week!

    Thank you so much Linda :)
  • leeniekat
    leeniekat Posts: 145 Member
    Steps for 7/10: 9,696
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    Username: mari_moulin
    Weigh-in Day: Saturday
    Weigh-in week: 2
    Previous weight: 189.4
    Current weight: 191 🤦🏻‍♀️

    Check-In: Friday, July 10

    •Log all food: Yes ✅
    •Under Calories: Yes ✅
    •Exercise: Gym (❤️+💪🏻) ✅
    •Water: 2,750 L ✅
    •Steps: 7,867 ❌
    •Self-Care: I didn’t get anything organized but I did take the time for myself and my hair. At least my hair is no longer a huge mess lol ✅

    Happy Saturday friends. It’s weigh in day for me and sadly I’ve come in with a gain. The only thing I can say is I am trying my best. I am working out and making better food choices (kids and hubby had McDonald’s last night and I had chicken breast and salad and only stole a few of their potatoes) and drinking all the water possible. I have been stuck here for so long and I just don’t know what to do to make it budge.

    Anyway, have a wonderful weekend team.

    July goals:

    •Log all food. The good the bad and the ugly!
    •Stay on or under my allowed calorie goal.
    •Do at least 30 minute workout each day.
    •Drink at least 2L water each day.
    •Reach at least 10,000 steps each day.
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member

    It’s day 14 of our Self Care challenge! Groom yourself! Hair, skin, or nails 💇🏻‍♀️💇🏻💄🪒💅🏼🧴🧖‍♂️

  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member

    Dont Forget our fitness challenge!!!

    To participate you run through the 6 following exercises. You can repeat this up to 6 times. Each time you do a set of all 6 exercises, you get a point. You can earn up to 6 points a day. We will keep track of the points and will let everyone know how they did at the end of the week. If you want to be in the challenge, let me know and report your points in the chat daily. Enjoy! Mari and Linda

    Challenge Exercises
    1. Squats 10 reps
    2. Pushups 10 reps
    3. Reverse crunch 10 reps
    4. Bicycle crunch 10 reps
    5. Forward lunges 10 each leg
    6. Plank 30 seconds
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member

    OMG so accurate!
    Thursday’s check in
    Calories: under
    Exercise: 46 minute walk
    Water: ✅

    Steps 7/9 10,817

    Self care: didn’t see any movies I liked so I allowed myself to watch extra episodes of Brooklyn nine-nine
    Fitness challenge: 2 rounds

    PW 200.0
    CW 198.8
    LTD 64 pounds

    After the ride I had I the scale this week I am pleasantly surprised to see a loss. Next week, I am going to try and not freak out over the fluctuations on the scale. If that doesn’t work I am not going to weigh myself daily the week after.

    Granddaughters are sleeping over tonight. I may let them have McDonald’s for supper but I am going to make myself something different. I did my walk shortly after I got up and I increased it to 50 minutes today. Next week I need to concentrate on getting that 30 minute minimum walk( more is better) and the 10,000 steps daily.

    Have a fun FriYAY!

    Today’s goals
    1. Walk 30 minutes minimum ✅
    2. 10,000 steps
    3. Stay within calorie goal
    4. Drink 8 cups of water
    5. Bed by 11:30 pm

    Yes!! You did it! Back under. Well done choosing to not eat the McDonald’s. I did the same last night. I was late out the hair dressers so we stopped at McDonald’s. I didn’t have any other than the few potatoes I stole odd my kids lol.
    Username: Megan_smartiepants1970
    PW: 242.1
    CW: 239.2 (loss 2.9 lbs this week )
    LTD: 29.8 lbs :)

    Yeah !! Well done on this weeks loss! You are smashing it 💪🏻 I’m gonna need some tips from you!
    Steps 7/9: 16,536

    I have done some thinking. With all in my life rn I am going to back off to support you guys but as my scales are packed I won’t be weighing in. I have to have another surgery on my left wrist. I still do morning walks when I can. But realistically I am just focusing in on calorie count. I have to finish packing in the next week. I’m going to school in the fall, just about a month from now. Once, I have moved and unpacked I will resume weekly weigh-ins. I will get weighed once a month when I see my dietician. I will try and be more active on here to support all you fabulous people. Good luck, Downsizers!

    I can understand the stress you must be in with your move. I am in the exact same boat. We are meant to move I to our new place first week of next month. We are having our moving boxes delivered next week so we officially start packing our stuff to get ready ahead of time and not last minute. Wishing all the best over the next month and hope to see you bank very soon ❤️

  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    missGYST wrote: »
    Hi everyone, sorry I'm again overdue. From last week, I was trying to get myself out of this funk that I've been in and I can say I'm getting there (or at least starting to). I took a few vacation days and went on three day trips. I walked, but I also ate a lot. My weight is up again, but it's not as up as it was... amazing how you can struggle to lose 1lb for weeks but 6lbs pops right back on the second you eat crap food! I'm now in a StepBet to keep me on track to walk or lose my money, so there's that.

    Username: missgyst
    Weigh-in Day: Wednesday
    Weigh-in week: 2
    Starting Weight: 229.0
    Previous weight: 212.4
    Current weight: 214.0

    Catching up with my steps from the last time I posted...
    7/02: 2,737
    7/03: 4,214
    7/04: 0 - didn't wear my Fitbit this day
    7/05: 4,683 (this was actually fine because I went to the beach with my niece again and it logged 3k calories burned so at least it tracked our swimming)
    7/06: 10,157
    7/07: 13,118
    7/08: 9,820
    7/09: 6,969

    Got your steps in. I am so happy to see you back here and hope you can continue checking in with us daily. Let us help you get through these hard times. I know we aren’t there physically to help but we are here to listen and encourage you from afar.
    19shmoo69 wrote: »
    7/10 steps 20742
    I tried to do the "healthy" thing by limiting my coffee. Well that's no longer happening, coffee is back on my menu. I had 5 large cups today. Soon I'll be back to normal.
    I did intervals using my fitbit and then walked. I think it only registered my walk though.
    I pray you all have a blessed day.

    Got your steps in. Blessings to you over this weekend as well. BTW. Nothing wrong with coffee unless you add bad stuff to it. I love coffee and have at least 3 cups a day (breakfast, lunch, and 4 pm) but I have it black no sugar or cream. I know it sounds gross but I promise you get used to it.
    missGYST wrote: »
    Steps for 7/10: 9,696

  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,574 Member
    missGYST wrote: »
    Hi everyone, sorry I'm again overdue. From last week, I was trying to get myself out of this funk that I've been in and I can say I'm getting there (or at least starting to). I took a few vacation days and went on three day trips. I walked, but I also ate a lot. My weight is up again, but it's not as up as it was... amazing how you can struggle to lose 1lb for weeks but 6lbs pops right back on the second you eat crap food! I'm now in a StepBet to keep me on track to walk or lose my money, so there's that.

    Username: missgyst
    Weigh-in Day: Wednesday
    Weigh-in week: 2
    Starting Weight: 229.0
    Previous weight: 212.4
    Current weight: 214.0

    Catching up with my steps from the last time I posted...
    7/02: 2,737
    7/03: 4,214
    7/04: 0 - didn't wear my Fitbit this day
    7/05: 4,683 (this was actually fine because I went to the beach with my niece again and it logged 3k calories burned so at least it tracked our swimming)
    7/06: 10,157
    7/07: 13,118
    7/08: 9,820
    7/09: 6,969

    I am glad you are starting to get back to yourself. It’s seems like these bets motivate you so good luck with this one. I agree with Mari about checking in and using the group as a tool to help you.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,574 Member
    19shmoo69 wrote: »
    7/10 steps 20742
    I tried to do the "healthy" thing by limiting my coffee. Well that's no longer happening, coffee is back on my menu. I had 5 large cups today. Soon I'll be back to normal.
    I did intervals using my fitbit and then walked. I think it only registered my walk though.
    I pray you all have a blessed day.

    I drink 3 to 4 large cups of coffee a day. I do drink it black so I save myself calories on sugar and creamers. Great job on the intervals today!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,574 Member
    Username: mari_moulin
    Weigh-in Day: Saturday
    Weigh-in week: 2
    Previous weight: 189.4
    Current weight: 191 🤦🏻‍♀️

    Check-In: Friday, July 10

    •Log all food: Yes ✅
    •Under Calories: Yes ✅
    •Exercise: Gym (❤️+💪🏻) ✅
    •Water: 2,750 L ✅
    •Steps: 7,867 ❌
    •Self-Care: I didn’t get anything organized but I did take the time for myself and my hair. At least my hair is no longer a huge mess lol ✅

    Happy Saturday friends. It’s weigh in day for me and sadly I’ve come in with a gain. The only thing I can say is I am trying my best. I am working out and making better food choices (kids and hubby had McDonald’s last night and I had chicken breast and salad and only stole a few of their potatoes) and drinking all the water possible. I have been stuck here for so long and I just don’t know what to do to make it budge.

    Anyway, have a wonderful weekend team.

    July goals:

    •Log all food. The good the bad and the ugly!
    •Stay on or under my allowed calorie goal.
    •Do at least 30 minute workout each day.
    •Drink at least 2L water each day.
    •Reach at least 10,000 steps each day.

    Maybe your body has decided to plateau here for awhile. As long as you are making the right choices your weight will start moving again. I know I have heard before if you shake up your exercise routine it can move a plateau. Maybe you can change your cardio up?
  • FormerlyFit48
    FormerlyFit48 Posts: 45 Member
    Last weight 219.5
    Current weight 220

    No excuses...I ate poorly. Meal preparation definitely makes a difference. Back to kitchen I go.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,574 Member
    Friday’s check in
    Calories: under
    Exercise: 51 minute walk
    Water: 👎

    Steps 7/10 12,614

    Self care: cleaned out clutter baskets in apartment
    Fitness challenge: 0 rounds 😞

    I am dragging my butt today as I stayed up way to late and I had to get up early this morning. Hopefully, I can get energy and do my walk later today. I am off grocery shopping as soon as I finish my wake up coffee ☕️. The kids will be here for the day and I will probably play another game of monopoly with them.

    Our health officer thinks we will be in stage 3 of our opening by the end of July. This means gyms will open. I am going to join the one I used to go to that is only a 10 minute walk from my house. It is a small gym and the people who own it are great. I can start with the machines for now and when I get more confidence I will use free weights again.

    Today’s goals
    1. Walk 30 minutes minimum
    2. 10,000 steps
    3. Stay within calorie goal
    4. Drink 8 cups of water
    5. Bed by 11:30 pm for sure!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,574 Member
    Last weight 219.5
    Current weight 220

    No excuses...I ate poorly. Meal preparation definitely makes a difference. Back to kitchen I go.

    You know what went wrong. I am sure this week will be a good one.
  • Z10Rtza
    Z10Rtza Posts: 450 Member
    Last weight 289,6 lbs
    Current weight 289,6 lbs

    I must say that this week I'm quite pissed because Wednesday I was 285,2 lbs and then all and sudden I started to gain weight with no reason
  • cesse47
    cesse47 Posts: 947 Member
    Cesse - age 72 - Weigh-In

    308.6 lbs - starting weight on 3/28
    295.4 lbs - weighin on 04/30 -- (-13.2 Total Loss to date)
    291.2 lbs - weighin on 05/30 -- loss = 4.2 lbs for month of May (17.4 lb Total Loss To Date)
    293.2 lbs - weighin on 06/27 -- gain = 2.0 lbs for month of June (15.4 lb Total Loss To Date)
    291.1 lbs - weighin on 07/04 -- loss = 2.1 lbs -- (17.5 lb total loss to date)
    290.8 lbs - weighin on 07/11 -- loss = 0.3 lbs -- (17.8 lb total loss to date)

  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,744 Member
    Yeah !! Well done on this weeks loss! You are smashing it 💪🏻 I’m gonna need some tips from you!

    Thank you .......My only tip weigh and measure all your food ... I am back on keto since 6/9/2020.... I measure weigh everything .... I make my own keto version vanilla cream for coffee ... keto pesto own keto mayo ....I work out 5 days a week (right now just swimming since I injured my ankle ....
This discussion has been closed.