Waist Aways - September 2020 Team Chat



  • evangsimmons170
    evangsimmons170 Posts: 1,188 Member
    edited September 2020
    micki48 wrote: »
    If you are interested in being on our step team, let me know what your daily goal is. You may report your steps daily or all at once at the end of the week. (Our week runs Sunday to Saturday). Please have all steps in by Sunday afternoon.

    1. @micki48 9K
    2. @jguldi11 5K
    3. @evelynladams527
    4. @YinxFed
    5. @evangsimmons170 (10k)

  • eggfreak
    eggfreak Posts: 681 Member
    sorry about the step reporting, or lack of.... I think for September I'll have to give it a pass.
    8/24 7121
    8/25 7552
    8/26 8495
    8/27 10082
    8/28 7906
    8/29 15790
    8/30 543 (charging all day, ha!)
  • Gidgitgoescrazy
    Gidgitgoescrazy Posts: 636 Member
    Okay, so remember how I said last week I was going to get my plan for Sept ready to go... Yeah, that did not happen... and I woke up late this morning, because I was off yesterday so I turned my alarm off, and forgot to turn it back on, so no exercise this morning... I'm off to a great start for September... :#

    Okay so @Micki48 my steps

    8/23 - 1890
    8/24 - 2315
    8/25 - 2295
    8/26 - 2259
    8/27 - 2164
    8/28 -3666
    8/29 - 4656
    8/30 -8138
    8/31 - 795

    I do want to continue the step challenge, I would like to make my goal 10K - I am going to aim to earn a min of $50 dollars this month, with the health ins thingy...

    Anyway, I'm Vikki - I just turned 49 yesterday - So I have 1 year to get to my goal weight, which would be 30 more pds... I've been with this group for 1 year (next month) and it has helped me stick to my goals much better than any thing I have ever tried before.. It's so helpful to have some where to go where others understand the struggles and celebrate the victories with you.

    I am a planner, if I don't have a plan, I do NOTHING, I am not good at winging it, never have been, and at this rate never will be, so since I did not plan my week in advance, and messed up my morning, I will have to plan my evening with precision in order to accomplish everything... So

    I will do 30 min video once i get home from work, before dinner.
    Then I will have dinner which will be a turkey wrap
    Then I will do a 20 min video, and 15 minutes of yoga.

    My goals for Sept are to try to change my weekends, and stop throwing everything out the window, I do great during the week, but weekends undo everything, and are the reason I yo-yo like I do... I have to figure out how to get better control of my weekends...

    I also would like to start hiking again, so for Sept I will do atleast 2 hikes...

    I am not going to make a weight a goal, because I've been doing that for how many months, and I think I've hit it ONE time, just once... and I'm just tired of the disappointment.

    My goals for this week are
    Tuesday - outlined above
    Weds - 40 min video in the morning - pilates in the evening
    Thursday - 40 min video in the morning - Yoga in the evening
    Friday - 40 min video in the morning - Strength training in the evening
    Saturday - Local park to walk the track
    Sunday - We have a party to go to in the afternoon - and they live near a nice park, so I think we should go early and do a hike..

    Have a great day !
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,205 Member

    Sleepin' Sunday (how close to 8 hours of sleep can get to tonight?)
    Meatless Monday (all veggies and fruit today)
    Toning Tuesday (the workout of your choice that includes toning/strength exercises)
    Workout Wednesday (cardio workout of your choice)
    Thirsty Thursday (how close to 64 oz of water can you get today?)
    Fruity Friday (fresh fruit anyone?)
    Steppin' Saturday (How many steps can you walk in a day?)

    Here are my September goals:

    1. Exercise DAILY for @ least 30 minutes.
    2. Create a DAILY calorie deficit of at least 500
    3. Drink at least 64 oz of water DAILY
    4. Lose 8-10 pounds by month's end.

    Here's my progress so far:

    Sleepin' Sunday -- Less than 3 hours of sleep (had LOTS of homework to do)
    Exercise = 15 minutes
    Calorie Deficit -- nope!
    Water = 29 oz
    STEPS = 8,919

    Meatless Monday -- SUCCESS!
    Exercise = 55 minutes of walking (thanks to an early morning workout and an insane day at work)
    Calorie Deficit = 611
    Water = 57 oz
    STEPS = 11,463

    This is accountability in action! Fantastic job, except for those 3 hours of sleep instead of 8... I hope you can catch up :sleeping:

    Toning Tuesday, people! Work those likkle mooscles (as my demented daughter would say).
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,205 Member
    OK - challenge accepted. TWO HIKES this month. I have also fallen off my hiking habit - I take long walks in our woods here at home, but have not done a "real" hike for a long time. I'm going to try to do this along with you! The leaves are starting to turn all beautiful, so this is the best time ever for hiking.

    We missed your birthday! Congratulations on reaching 49 hopefully in a better place than you were at 48. You are my planning muse, and you can always put a smile on everyone's face. This time next year, there will be 30 pounds less of you. :heart:
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,279 Member
    Terytha wrote: »
    micki48 wrote: »
    This is an upcoming free Pilates 5 day with Robin, the woman Liselyn and I use. Give it a try if you are interested. It starts September 14th.


    I signed up! It's gotta be better than my tent planks plan. XD

    Hopefully I have enough room to do it here. Might have to clean my living room up.

    Yay! That's great. We can check in here to see how everybody is doing. I really love it. Glad you're in.
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,279 Member
    eggfreak wrote: »
    sorry about the step reporting, or lack of.... I think for September I'll have to give it a pass.
    8/24 7121
    8/25 7552
    8/26 8495
    8/27 10082
    8/28 7906
    8/29 15790
    8/30 543 (charging all day, ha!)

    Sylvia, You gave me a September step number. Confirming - You do not wish to be on the Step Team for September??
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,279 Member
    Welcome @Kali2020. Glad to have you join us. Family eating is my downfall as well. Would you like to join our step team, no pressure, but since you mentioned your steps, just another level of accountability. If so, let me know, along with your daily goal and report either daily or weekly here.

    @Gidgitgoescrazy and @jugar I'm going to join you with the hike goal. I have been wanting to get myself out more and enjoy the natural beauty of my area. Too much house time. So perfect reason to get out and do 2 hikes this month. Thanks for the idea Vikki! Also your planning is awe inspiring.

    Sleepin' Sunday (how close to 8 hours of sleep can get to tonight?) I got 7 hours and 14 minutes. My goal is 7 hours, not 8
    Meatless Monday (all veggies and fruit today)Didn't see this in time for it today.
    Toning Tuesday (the workout of your choice that includes toning/strength exercises)Will be doing Kettlebell for Beginners or Pilates. Will confirm later.
    Workout Wednesday (cardio workout of your choice)
    Thirsty Thursday (how close to 64 oz of water can you get today?)
    Fruity Friday (fresh fruit anyone?)
    Steppin' Saturday (How many steps can you walk in a day?)No Tuesday Tone yet here, but I plan on doing a kettlebell routine or pilates later. I have family here for dinner again today, so it will be later.

    I did log everything yesterday and was under my calories. I listened to my hunger and stopped when I was full. Today I made a Pecan Pie because I had a lot of pecans and I bake. :|And took a walk at the Bog Garden with this cutie! 5ztiuijgbb73.jpg
  • evangsimmons170
    evangsimmons170 Posts: 1,188 Member
    @micki48 Your grandbaby is adorable!!!!! :smiley:
  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,079 Member
    Steps & Exercise log 31st August

    Steps - 4348
    Exercise - 40 mins Full body HIIT

  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,079 Member
    @micki48 My daily step target is 6000 steps.
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    September is off to a good start. I have been getting my 5am workouts in. I have been logging and feeling good about my calories. I need to work a little harder to hit my macros though.

    The scale is still really high, which is frustrating. At one point, I thought about putting my scale away for the month because I feel like I am doing better then the scale shows, but I changed my mind. 🤷‍♀️

    @micki48 your grand baby is so cute!!! I will continue in the step challenge.

    @gidgitgoescrazy Happy Birthday!

    Welcome new friends!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,205 Member
    I'm watching you, @KellyBgetsfit

    I did not get the toning happening today - but I finished painting what will become my sewing room! My daughter moved out many years ago, and I'm finally re-purposing her old room, and moving all my sewing gear out of my own bedroom. I am terrible at decorating and all that, but it is done! Now I just have to clean it all up, we're going to do something new for flooring, and then I can move my stuff. Then it will be time to paint our bedroom. Tell my why I started this again?

    So yeah - I'm glad to see everyone's news. And you found us @Kali225 !

    Heads up for Wednesday weigh-ins:

    I sure hope you'll be getting some more green numbers on the spreadsheet! There is a rather red trend happening so far...

    Enjoy the full moon - and get ready for some cardio tomorrow! Let's have some good sweat happening.
  • conleywoods
    conleywoods Posts: 986 Member
    Happy Tuesday,

    @CanadianGiraffe Happy anniversary 🎉 ❤ 💕
    @Gidgitgoescrazy Happy birthday! How did your cake turn out?
    @jugar Sounds like a big win on the sewing room. So nice to have a space to sew. I have a tiny space that I set up and take down. I did a little sewing on so masks today.

    I ordered a bunch of clothes from Amazon for a closet overhaul since I shrunk. I loved about half of it which was way better than I thought. I also have a terrible time getting my arms to fit into more tailored shirts but not this time! Now I just need some cooler weather for some of those fall outfits.

    I did not do toning Tuesday. Taking a little workout break the last two days. Back at it tomorrow. @terytha glad you signed up for the balanced life. I have done some in the past and I love the instructor, Robin. Funny story, my core was super weak at the beginning of summer and probably my pelvic floor too. My ballet core workouts are similar to pilates but really heavy on the reps. I would have to go to the bathroom every 10 minutes, I was afraid I was going to pee my pants during workouts. 😆 LOL
  • evangsimmons170
    evangsimmons170 Posts: 1,188 Member

    Sleepin' Sunday (how close to 8 hours of sleep can get to tonight?)
    Meatless Monday (all veggies and fruit today)
    Toning Tuesday (the workout of your choice that includes toning/strength exercises)
    Workout Wednesday (cardio workout of your choice)
    Thirsty Thursday (how close to 64 oz of water can you get today?)
    Fruity Friday (fresh fruit anyone?)
    Steppin' Saturday (How many steps can you walk in a day?)

    Here are my September goals:

    1. Exercise DAILY for @ least 30 minutes.
    2. Create a DAILY calorie deficit of at least 500
    3. Drink at least 64 oz of water DAILY
    4. Lose 8-10 pounds by month's end.

    Here's my progress so far:

    Sleepin' Sunday -- Less than 3 hours of sleep (had LOTS of homework to do)
    Exercise = 15 minutes
    Calorie Deficit -- nope!
    Water = 29 oz
    STEPS = 8,919

    Meatless Monday -- SUCCESS!
    Exercise = 55 minutes of walking (thanks to an early morning workout and an insane day at work)
    Calorie Deficit = 611
    Water = 57 oz
    STEPS = 11,463

    Toning Tuesday -- SUCCESS -- I did some stretch band exercises
    Exercise = 15 minutes of walking at work; 5 minutes of stretch bands
    Calorie Deficit = OMG I was WAY over my calorie budget today! I was hungry today, but that was ridiculous!
    Water = 52 oz
    STEPS = 9,405
  • spyro88
    spyro88 Posts: 472 Member
    @conleywoods Congrats on the new clothes, that must be such a great feeling! I can't wait to go shopping for smaller clothes :D

    Things are going OK for me although my ankle is still not back to normal so I'm not back to the gym yet. I have been doing pretty well with keeping within my calories though, which is good. I was very worried I would back track and end up over-eating as I'm used to having the extra exercise calories most days, but I have been exerting my Supreme Willpower! Lol.

    Luckily the weight has stayed off, I've not lost any more, but that's OK for these few days whilst my ankle is recovering.

    I am going to look into the Pilates challenge too - I was doing some Pilates over Zoom however they are currently on Summer break so this could be great for me. Really need to get my core strength up!

    Have a great day everyone and keep at it!
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