Waist Aways - September 2020 Team Chat



  • ells_runs
    ells_runs Posts: 99 Member

    I work Monday to Friday in schools.
    I get up at 6.30 and get my family ready for the day. I leave the house at 7.30am and drive to do my first job: breakfast club in local primary school, from 9am I clean that school for half an hour (just wipe the handles, entrance - all the high touch surfaces). Finish that by about 9.30am and I drive back home to have quick breakfast and change my clothes for job number 2 - kitchen assistant in local high school 😁 I work there from 10.30 until 2.30. the job is full on, bit of food prep, cleaning, operating tills etc I finish that at 2.30 and I'll sit in the car in the car park to wait for my children to finish school. They go to that same high school that I work at. I always enjoy that 30 minutes. I have time to catch up on my emails, Facebook and just peace and quiet 😁 my boys get to the car at 3.10pm, I drive them home and then drive straight to my job number 3! Different high school - I clean there! Lol I work there from 3.30pm until 7.30pm. I walk a lot, because of mopping, hoovering, I have a large area to clean, little offices and classrooms ...
    When I get home at 8pm I'm just knackered. I'm lucky because my husband helps a lot. We have slow cooker which is life saver, really 😁

    @evangsimmons170 I bet you wish you never asked about my working day, right? πŸ™ˆπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  • FatSlayer1016
    FatSlayer1016 Posts: 127 Member
    Hiked a 4065 foot mountain today. It was hard. It took me 4:45 to do the whole hike, a total of 7.4 miles. Phew. I woke up at 5 am to get to the trail head before the Labor Day visitor hoard showed up and COMPLETELY forgot 8t was my weigh in day. @jugar can I weigh in tomorrow? I always take my weight first thing in the morning before I have ingested anything and right now I am FAR from being "empty"
    Boy do I wish I had a bathtub right about now,these aching legs could use a nice epsom soak...
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    Hiked a 4065 foot mountain today. It was hard. It took me 4:45 to do the whole hike, a total of 7.4 miles. Phew. I woke up at 5 am to get to the trail head before the Labor Day visitor hoard showed up and COMPLETELY forgot 8t was my weigh in day. @jugar can I weigh in tomorrow? I always take my weight first thing in the morning before I have ingested anything and right now I am FAR from being "empty"
    Boy do I wish I had a bathtub right about now,these aching legs could use a nice epsom soak...
    I'm so jealous! I would join you in your Vermont hikes if the border were not closed. I did a lot of hiking in Vermont years ago - it is beautiful! Enjoy your epsom soak, and weigh in tomorrow. It is no problem!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    Those cougar photos are great! We have the occasional lynx around here, but never one of the big kitties. They are impressive - but I sure would not want to get their attention.

    Heck with 3 dog night, you've got the 3 job day! Holy moly, that's some schedule. Even so, it is better in a lot of ways than sitting at a desk all day stressing over emails. You sure earn your shower, your night's sleep, and your family's appreciation! Hats off!

    I hope you feel better soon - maybe you need the 3 dogs to curl up with!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    Oh - just FYI

    If you are wondering where someone on the team lives, I have put that on the spreadsheet - scroll ALL the way to the right, after the Green weeks part, and there are the names and places of those of us I who have shared that information. I may have missed some, but I think they are all there.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    The Week 2 Challenge is up! This week is an exercise focus, so tie your shoes and let's go!

  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    I added Kelly to the step/exercise team and put in her week including both steps and exercise. I think I caught everyone's exercise minutes for the week - there are still blanks if anyone wants to get them in!
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,292 Member
    Hey all, quick hi! I actually hit my step goal every day this week and exercised. I’m not feeling great tonight. My stomach hurts. I’m hoping it was our pizza dinner not agreeing with me.

    I will attend to the steps tomorrow. Have a good night. 😴
  • tobeme3
    tobeme3 Posts: 22 Member
    @jugar so sorry wasn't sure if i was auto registered for September but i should have checked. I might be too late to give my weight but im up from i think

    197 or 197.7 to 198.

    I still want to be in for this month though.
  • evangsimmons170
    evangsimmons170 Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi gang! Feeling better today. I think the stomach bug has finally passed. I did the BRAT diet this weekend to get the stomach bug over with faster. Bananas, rice, apples, and toast. I didn't have any apples, but I ate everything else. Plus drank my probiotics (Kefir). Glad I had some on hand.

    I am SO glad today's a holiday. I'm behind in my homework, housework, and work/work. So I'll be busy. I'm about to plan out my week now. I usually do that weekly with a calendar and a to-do list, but didn't do it last week with all the craziness going on at work. So not worth it! Planning out the week makes all the difference in the world.

    I hope everyone can enjoy their Monday, even if it's not a federal holiday where you are.

    @micki48 here are stats:

    9/6/20 STEPS = 5,023
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    tobeme3 wrote: Β»
    @jugar so sorry wasn't sure if i was auto registered for September but i should have checked. I might be too late to give my weight but im up from i think

    197 or 197.7 to 198.

    I still want to be in for this month though.

    You are always automatically brought forward from one month to the next, unless you ask to leave. No problem! You're stuck with us :tongue:
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    1.6 pounds is not to sneeze at! I know it feels puny when you're hungry and running around a lot, but you're building muscle, right? That's always my story, and I stick to it!

    Sunday-Monday weigh-ins still remaining:

  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    There are NO weigh-ins for tomorrow. So we can have a talk. :wink:

    What makes this time different? You have certainly tried to lose before, we have all gone up and down. This time could be the one that sticks.
    So what is or has to be different?
  • graceojo999
    graceojo999 Posts: 95 Member
    Pw 92kg
    Cw 92kg
  • CanadianGiraffe
    CanadianGiraffe Posts: 205 Member
    I hope everyone had a good Labour Day. I managed to get all my onions pulled and stripped all the cherry tomatoes off the vines. Also harvested all my herbs. The Roma and beefsteak tomatoes are still out but I've covered them because it is already only 2C (35F) and the forecast is for it to go quite a bit lower overnight. I would like for them to get a little more sun before I bring them in but we'll see what the next few days bring for weather...
  • Steph1498
    Steph1498 Posts: 307 Member
    @conleywoods The cougar photos and stories are amazing. I walk a lot here in Luxembourg forests and haven’t seen much other than deer, fox and birds. I would not like to see a cougar! 😳
  • Steph1498
    Steph1498 Posts: 307 Member
    @jugar - What makes this time different?
    I have time and energy to focus on my health. I am choosing this now for my future self. A healthy lifestyle of good for me foods and exercise will pay off more that an immediate brief satisfaction. When I recently went home I recognized the destruction my family is doing to themselves by not being mindful of their choices. I can’t do that anymore.
  • FatSlayer1016
    FatSlayer1016 Posts: 127 Member
    PW: 162.7
    CW: 164

  • Gidgitgoescrazy
    Gidgitgoescrazy Posts: 636 Member
    So steps

    9/5 = 14,777
    9/6 = 6270 + 90 minutes of Kayaking - we were actually out for over 3 hours, but I wasn't paddling the whole time, I did some sitting and relaxing...
    9/7 - 523 - I took the day off and charged my fitbit... I needed that day off...

    BUT that day off, ran into this morning, because instead of getting up at 5.30 to get my exercise done, I slept till 6.30 - SO I am going to make it up, but doing a few quick walks here at work, then doing a video or two once I get home... I will make it up, no worries on that.. but I did get a 92 on my sleep score, I think thats the highest I've ever gotten..

    So I said I wanted to work on doing better on weekends, well I feel like I was alot more active, BUT I still didn't eat as well as I could have, and I didn't log.. 3 More weekends to get it right...

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