Waist Aways - September 2020 Team Chat



  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    I love your "bike" workout! Of course it counts :blush: If Fitbit says it is biking, it is biking. But I'll bet it sounded a heck of a lot better than your average person breathing+gears whirring+tires on road noises!

    It seems we are only missing 2 weigh-ins, and week 1 is a wrap!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    Terytha wrote: Β»
    Omg you guys, the cupcakes I tried to make were SO GROSS. Just vile. I didn't know cupcakes could taste so bad. πŸ˜‚

    But you can make a pretty yummy frosting out of fat free/ low fat cream cheese and chocolate syrup.

    This must be the week for BAD healthy desserts! I tried a recipe that substituted zucchini for apples in an apple streusel thing, I made it gluten free for my DH who has celiac disease, and it was so terrible we could not believe it! But the raccoons are happy. We call our compost pile the "raccoon restaurant" and they are in heaven, I hope! I didn't know anything with sugar and cinnamon could taste that bad either.
  • theweeonemfp
    theweeonemfp Posts: 27 Member
    Saturday wight in at 190.5 x
  • eggfreak
    eggfreak Posts: 681 Member
    @conleywoods people in my town worry about our loads of coyotes, which are really not a threat, but a cougar...that would be a creature to be very cautious with, especially running, right? Triggering that hunting response.

    @micki48 more on zoom later in the week...I'm off to the countryside today for a couple days of blissful peace and quiet ; ) Imagine if the Fitbit Yosemite challenge would set a grizzly or cougar on your tail to 'encourage' you to get moving, ha!!!

    Big pot of soup (chicken, barley & mushroom) made last night - 25 cups worth, portioned out with much in the freezer for easy grabbing. Garlicky Lentil will be next. Happy that the days are cooler - beef stew season nearly here. No wine last night and I woke feeling great. I am back on the wagon and who knows, maybe I'll just stay there - I don't stop at one glass, there's too many calories, then the next day I'm ravenous, trying to quench whatever craving my body thinks it needs - fat and sugar. No good.
    I'm looking ahead to my Thursday weigh in - thoughtful eating from today on.
  • evangsimmons170
    evangsimmons170 Posts: 1,188 Member
    You guys and your terrible desserts crack me up! πŸ˜‚ I had such a good day and then ...cookies πŸͺ πŸͺ πŸͺ. Not weird healthy cookies but 3 fresh baked chocolate chip cookies. They were good and I am only over a little. I did an hour of ballet beautiful for my workout today. I almost went for a walk but didn't. Good thing, my father in law was driving back from the neighbors and a cougar was 5 feet off my walking trail 😳 No thank you. Hopefully the cougars will go somewhere else soon. My kids are having a sleepover with the grandparents tonight. It's date night, hence the cookies. But we had a yummy salmon dinner and a green salad with cheddar, peaches and corn first. I only have a few days before school starts on Tuesday. So far, no one knows anything so this should be great. Oh well, it is what it is.

    @conleywoods In what state or country do you live where the cougars run so freely? When I read your post, I immediately thought, why are there old women walking along the side of the road, looking for young, male boyfriends in their 20s? (Hence, the vernacular definition of a cougar! LOL) Then I realized you meant the animals. Either way, my original question still stands. LOLOLOL
  • ells_runs
    ells_runs Posts: 99 Member

    Hi all! Hopefully you'll having great weekend ☺️
    @micki48 sorry, I forgot to post my steps 😞
    You can tell I'm back to work properly and full time πŸ˜‚
  • evangsimmons170
    evangsimmons170 Posts: 1,188 Member

    Not feeling great today. Here in Texas, we've had LOTS of rain this week that brought along a change in seasons literally overnight...from 100+ degrees each day to high 80s the next day. This coming Wednesday's high will be 66. That's cold for Texas. Anyway, I've had a stomach bug since yesterday, but no fever thank God. I haven't left the house since Friday night. So for breakfast today, I've had a glass of probiotics and crackers for breakfast. LOL

    @micki48 I think this might be the first time ever that I've posted my steps throughout the week instead of waiting until the weekend. LOL

    STEPS = 3,667

    Well, I'm off to catch up on the ton of homework I'm behind on. Talk to everyone later.
  • eggfreak
    eggfreak Posts: 681 Member

    Not feeling great today. Here in Texas, we've had LOTS of rain this week that brought along a change in seasons literally overnight...from 100+ degrees each day to high 80s the next day. This coming Wednesday's high will be 66. That's cold for Texas. Anyway, I've had a stomach bug since yesterday, but no fever thank God. I haven't left the house since Friday night. So for breakfast today, I've had a glass of probiotics and crackers for breakfast. LOL

    Hope you feel better soon - imagine a huge pot of chicken noodle soup I am imaginarily making for you.

  • BaileyCat88
    BaileyCat88 Posts: 39 Member
    @micki48 Weekly Step Challenge! :) It was a good week.

    8/30 Sun - 10,774
    8/31 Mon - 10,271
    9/1 Tues - 10,279
    9/2 Wed - 10,192
    9/3 Th - 10,352
    9/4 Fri - 8,763
    9/5 Sat - 12,744
  • spyro88
    spyro88 Posts: 472 Member
    edited September 2020
    For those chatting about desserts, I discovered a delicious one the other day - baked nectarine with cinnamon.

    Preheat oven to 200C
    Cut a nectarine in half (sometimes they won't come apart in which case you can bake it whole but just put some slits in the side to help it bake)
    1tsp low fat spread and 1tsp honey - spread on top of the halved nectarines or stuff into the slits if baking whole
    sprinkle on some cinnamon
    Bake for around 20 minutes

    Serve with a dollop of fat free yoghurt.

    Comes to about 120 calories and is sooo delicious. It would probably also work with peaches :)
  • evangsimmons170
    evangsimmons170 Posts: 1,188 Member
    Thanks @eggfreak I'm going to try to do a Leslie Sansone workout today because I can't seem to shake this exhaustion, no matter how much I sleep. I'll also check my blood pressure, but this type of exhaustion typically happens when my BP is higher than normal. (Yes, I took my meds.)

    @ells_runs You said you were back to work. What do you do for a living that results in those great steppin' days? Or are you a runner?
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Steps and Workouts

    Sun 6,382
    30 min Intervals (21DF)
    Mon 7,265
    30 min Instervals (21 DF)
    Tues 12,186
    30 min Barre
    Wed 6,804
    Thurs 7,010
    Fri 6,500
    Sat 17,635
    30 min Barre
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    While you all are eating bad dessert, I split a piece of cake yesterday with my daughter for my inlaws 40th wedding anniversary. The scale was done today.πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ I was really busy yesterday. I walked in the Bosque with the baby in the carrier. Then, I went shopping. I bought fall decorations. It was so fun to actually go inside a store. I also went to Costco, which I do every week. I got in a Barre workout before we went to celebrate. Today, I am putting away the summer decor and breaking out the fall. Its close to 100 today and tomorrow, but Tues night its supposed to drop to 30s, with snow in the mountains. Tomorrow, we will go swimming and BBQ at my mom's house. This will be the last time because she plans to sell her house and move closer to me. (She's about 20 min away now). This will be our last week of virtual learning. I have to go into the school two days to learn all the procedures. I'm ready to be back in the school.
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member

    1st Shrinking Assets 0.43%
    2nd Mission Slimpossilbes 0.37%
    3rd Trimstones 0.612%

    1st Mission Slimpossibles 22.3 Lbs
    2nd Shrinking Assets 21.5 Lbs
    3rd Trimstones 7.2 Lbs

    1st @onward1 3.78 %
    2nd @mmclatchy 3.02%
    3rd @Zumba_Luvah 2.89 %

    1st @mmclatchy 7.0 Lbs
    1st - 2 @BethB554 7.0 Lbs
    2nd @PlaneMonkey 6.2 Lbs
    3rd @onward1 5.0 Lbs



  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    :star:The Green Challenge :star: Percentage of people who lost weight this week. No matter how small the loss the weights are recorded in green. Remember slow and steady wins the race! B)

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