Mission Slimpossible - October 2020 Team Chat



  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,713 Member
    @TeresaW1020 Score on the furniture, that's awesome and it's even more exciting when you get a deal! Starbucks at this time of year, a pumpkin scone sounds pretty incredible. I'm a mocha frapp girl, I got it down to a cold brew with light pumpkin cream but I'm trying to stay strong this year on the no or low sugar front! I thought of you today, I assumed I'd need another root canal and I'm now minus a tooth. I still wish I'd gone for ice cream, that would make my sore mouth feel WAY better. If it still hurts tomorrow I just might!

    @miriammuhindi Nice fast, do you usually do 12/12?

    @adhmrh What a great day, fresh air and a new hairstyle!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,713 Member
    Exercise- arm cardio, 1 dance song, arm resistance bands, kundalini yoga, stretching- going to do chakra meditation after this
    Calories- over

  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,728 Member
    Hi all, sorry I was out yesterday at my parents farm and didn’t catch up on all your posts. I did see some wonderful weigh in results so congrats!!

    Day 17: Friday 9 October
    1. Log calories eaten: No - 9/17
    2. 20 mins exercise: No - 7/17
    3. Record a calorie deficit: Yes - 8/17
  • CKS0806
    CKS0806 Posts: 460 Member
    @TeresaW1020 congrats on hitting onedaland and ur tremendous loss to date

    @itsmegina im new to this group dnt know of habit tracker but will check it out. Ur spot on this group is of great support

    @mss9675 so jealous that u get to change ur wardrobe ..... that’s my December 2020 goal too

    Today was my cheat day but was careful not to negate past gains..... had a few cookies but after being on clean eating mode past few days I dint feel too good about my move.its back to clean eating morrow ....loving the energy in this group. I fasted 12 hours tho .... trust to see good results on weigh in day Tuesday

    @miriammuhindi - Before pandemic I use to personal train and lost of weight. Now with the work hours and still pandemic going on it's been tough to weight train.
  • emj90210
    emj90210 Posts: 11 Member
    @TwistedSassette congrats on fab weight loss

    @TeresaW1020 I love a bargain and/or discount when out shopping too

    @miriammuhindi Fab fast, I accidentally did a fast yesterday because I was so busy but I wish I had the willpower to do it on regular basis

    @mss9675 congrats on the fab weight loss

    I’m so tired today but I realised I’ve had no refined sugar for almost 2 weeks, not smoked for 33 days and lost half of the weight I had gained in the first 3 weeks of quitting smoking within 1 week of joining this group 🥳 All these achievements are enough to keep me on track with my diet and exercise even if I am tired.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,591 Member
    edited October 2020
    Happy Saturday!
    So many people are in the game and rocking and rolling -- it's inspiring!
    Hi Everyone, been away for a month wasnt very well so couldnt workout and as a result i wasnt watching my portions either but am back and hoping to end the year well. going to resume my walking to start of light then work my way up to the running coach to 10k this time!!
    last weigh in : dont remember
    this week : 219.1
    Hurray, Cherry! We are so glad you are here! Have fun with that great walking/10k goal!

    emj90210 wrote: »
    I’m so tired today but I realised I’ve had no refined sugar for almost 2 weeks, not smoked for 33 days and lost half of the weight I had gained in the first 3 weeks of quitting smoking within 1 week of joining this group 🥳 All these achievements are enough to keep me on track with my diet and exercise even if I am tired.
    😮😮😮 Holy smokes! Thank you for sharing that! It's definitely worth a celebration!
    And YES -- it's great to stop and look at the big picture, to remind ourselves of how far we have come, to have the energy to get through low energy/down moments! 😁

    @mss9675 🥳
    @TwistedSassette 🥳
    Wow! Congratulations on those great weigh-ins!

    👍🏾👍🏾 Hurray for the workouts and the meditation!
    And all your talk of mocha fraps and pumpkin creams is going to have me head to the kitchen for my coffee soon! ☕

    🥳 Oooh, congratulations on the new hair style!
    And that trail hiking sounds great! I live in central Texas, and we love our trails here, too. 🍃

    You are so smart to both build in a few treats and to make sure you don't go overboard and blow the week. (I say this as someone who has totally done "blow the whole week" sometimes!) 👍🏾👍🏾

    😮A big WOW to all your furniture wheeling and dealing! It sounds like you had a fabulous shopping day, and have a wonderful upgrade to that living room in your future! 🤩

    Cornanda wrote: »
    Friday weigh in
    Week 1- 10/9
    PW: 187.3
    CW: 186

    LTD: 5 pounds

    Yee haw! :D
    Yee haw indeed! What a great weigh-in! 🤠
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,079 Member
    @AustinRuadhain Thank you! I might be heading back to "the zone". ;) WTG, resisting that treat!!! That's amazing that you guys fixed your own stove. Did you watch a YouTube video to learn how to fix it, or did you just figure it out on your own?

    @TeresaW1020 Thank you. I feel like it is starting to pay off. I am struggling with water consumption. :/ Exercise is lacking, too, but I am working on it. Are you trying to put your utensil down between bites? We have a recliner (and ours doesn't look like the typical frumpy recliner) and we love it. I hope you love yours, too. You are a good shopper!!!

    @adhmrh I am loving the time off! I hope you enjoy yours as much as I am mine! :) I am working on those goals and I do believe it's starting to pay off at the scale. Walking on the trails in the fall sounds wonderful...are the fall leaves turning where you live? Congrats on the new hair style, that must feel good! Have a wonderful weekend!

    @emj90210 You've achieved a lot, that's wonderful, congratulations!

    Calories: over/under: under
    Water: over/under: under
    Exercise: walk and Leslie Sansone video
    - track 90% of food intake - 100% accomplished
    - get at least 7 hours of sleep every night - not accomplished
    - drink 2 (26 oz) bottles of water a day - 50% accomplished
    - meditate for at least 15 minutes a day - 100% accomplished
    - get up from my desk every hour and stretch - 100% accomplished
    - put my utensil down between bites (CARRYOVER GOAL) - 100% accomplished
    - ask myself if I'm really hungry before eating anything (CARRYOVER GOAL) - 100% accomplished
    - leave at least 3 bites of food on my plate at each meal (CARRYOVER GOAL) - not accomplished
    Goals or Improvements for tomorrow:
    - track 90% of food intake
    - get at least 7 hours of sleep every night
    - drink 2 (26 oz) bottles of water a day
    - meditate for at least 15 minutes a day
    - get up from my desk every hour and stretch
    - put my utensil down between bites (CARRYOVER GOAL)
    - ask myself if I'm really hungry before eating anything (CARRYOVER GOAL)
    - leave at least 3 bites of food on my plate at each meal (CARRYOVER GOAL)
  • broncobuddee
    broncobuddee Posts: 372 Member
    Hi Everyone, been away for a month wasnt very well so couldnt workout and as a result i wasnt watching my portions either but am back and hoping to end the year well. going to resume my walking to start of light then work my way up to the running coach to 10k this time!!

    last weigh in : dont remember
    this week : 219.1

    Welcome back!
  • broncobuddee
    broncobuddee Posts: 372 Member
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @Firefly743 OK you aren’t happy. But you are down on the scale and that is something to celebrate. Now, what do you need to do this week to make a bigger dent on your scale? :)

    @trooworld Girl, look at you!! :o I totally agree that your mediation and staying focused on the goals you have set for yourself is what is giving you such amazing results. Now, that holidays are coming, I encourage you to start right now taking steps on how you are going to balance all the foods that will be in your life with your desire to see the scale drop. That is what I’ve been working on today. And no, I’m not even trying to put my fork or spoon down between bites. I think I need a shock collar or something. :D

    @AustinRuadhain Look at all those goals in green that you have accomplished. Now get to bed and get some sleep!! That is great that you fixed your gas oven! Can you come over and fix my dishwasher? Ten days before the repairman comes out to probably tell us we need a new one. Tell me about this chopped salad of yours? I love a good salad. <3 Hubby told me it was fun to watch me work the salespeople at the stores. I did furniture sales for almost 5 years so I know the game pretty well. ;)

    @cherrymajoni Hey it’s great to have you back on the team!! <3 Now let what happened to go and let’s focus on finishing this year strong! We still have 83 days left until January 1st and that is lots of time to turn it all around. ;)

    @emj90210 I am soooo amazed by how great you are doing!! NO refined sugar, no smoking, and losing weight! Yes, these are great motivations to keep you on track!! B)

    @mss9675 and @TwistedSassette You have both had nice losses this week! Keep it up! B)

    @Katmary71 Ohhhh I am sorry that you have had to lose a tooth too! I do recommend the ice-cream but only if it won’t cause you more harm than good. Feel better! <3

    @adhmrh I was totally surprised that a pumpkin scone still existed in the afternoon. That never happens at my local Starbucks. :grin: That is lovely that you had a nice time with your dad and I bet you look wonderful with your new hairdo. :)

    @miriammuhindi Sometimes those cheat days just aren’t worth are they? How did you do today? Were you able to get back on track? :)

    Hello everyone! Today has been a relaxing day at home. I started my new workout program, which is called 80 Day Obsession. Most of the workouts are an hour long and I will have to use the modifier when I need to or even do a whole different exercise but I'm determined to finish all 80 days and hoping to see some real progress with my fitness. I made homemade beef stew for dinner and we had bread and wine. I drank too much wine and ate too much bread so now I feel a little icky. I told my hubby that I will either eat the food or drink the wine but I will not have both. It's just too much for my body right now. I now need a nap. :grin:

    100-Day Challenge Goals: Day 18
    1. Fast clean for 19+ hours, with 2 days at 23+ hours. Fasted 20 hours
    2. Workout six days a week (either BOD program, treadmill, or deep cleaning). 60 minute full body core
    3. Eat at least 90% on plan, which means mostly low carb with one or two days of high-carbs. NO, I had too much bread and wine! >:)
    4. Have quiet time with God through prayer and reading. Yes, I worked on my Bible study today. o:)


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