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  • 927caryo
    927caryo Posts: 121 Member
    Hi is anyone still active in this group?
  • rickbeal218
    rickbeal218 Posts: 7 Member
    My diet was the opposite 5-6 small snacks a day. Switched to a 15:9 IF at the beginning of 2020 with nice smooth drop in weight and increase in energy. Slid into having a snack with some tea during the fast window and, predictably, the progress stopped. The need to be consistent was driven home. Now i'm back on track again, with and IF of no calories during the dark... sunset to sunrise. It started working immediately.
  • MrsArdizzone
    MrsArdizzone Posts: 5 Member

    Started intermittent fasting just before the pandemic started. While I haven't lost much weight per the scale, I have found that my soft belly has slimmed down considerably, and gone down a pantsize!

    I do find if I go over 16 hours I get headaches (I suffer from chronic migraines with many triggers). Other than black coffee and water, how do you push past 16 hours?
  • lisaap77
    lisaap77 Posts: 123 Member
    I do OMAD 4 days a week and 10a-6p the other days. I am a "dirty" faster. I start my day with a glass of hot water with ACV and cinnamon/ginger in it. Then I will have some black coffee with cinnamon and a pinch of pink himilayan salt. From then on it's water with lemon juice in it. Keeps my hunger at bay and my electrolytes in balance. I've been doing this for about 7 mths. I've lost weight and inches. Most importantly, I feel amazing!
  • la_nanita
    la_nanita Posts: 409 Member
    I am currently doing bulletproof intermittent fasting. I have my last meal before 7pm then I have a bulletproof Coffee in the morning, around 6-7am and will each lunch at noon. In my coffee there is a tbs of grass fed butter and a tbs of MCT oil plus black coffee. I am for two good meals, 8 cups of water, my BPC and no snacking.
  • ksimmo2
    ksimmo2 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone, I’ve been pretty inconsistent with IF after four years of doing some 16:8 to 21 hr fasts.

    As of Jan 3, I have fasted a minimum of 20 hours a day, including weekends, which is a big adjustment for me since I was doing 16:8 previously on weekends.

    I’ve released 5 pounds so far. I do notice that I get very hungry on my workout days, so I try to time it now so that my eating window follows my workout within 3 hours.

    Beyond the weight reduction (which is a big deal at 5’1”), getting my insulin levels to drop is a huge motivator and keeps me going on the tough days.
  • Barrett9835
    Barrett9835 Posts: 134 Member
    1. day one that I did a 20/4 fast.
    2. how will it affect my hypothyroidism?
  • ncbasia
    ncbasia Posts: 1 Member
    hello :) I Just started 16:8 and the first few days were a bit challenging but it's ok now. i have been losing about 0.3lbs per day. I bet this is only at the start and mostly water weight. What has been your experience? i'd love to lose about 50 lbs but traditional calories in /calories out diets always plateau around where I am now so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the weight loss continues. I drink a lot of water and green tea during my fasting window. Any advise would be appreciated.
  • sefi01
    sefi01 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, started 15-9 about 6 weeks ago and finding it the easiest method so far to consistently drop weight. Losing about 0.7 to 1kg per week and although if I push my fasts longer I get rotten headaches I plan to continue with this way of eating. It seems to suit my digestive system and I've felt physically better than I have in years.
  • jeremiahcourter
    jeremiahcourter Posts: 3 Member
    Hello. I've been intermittent fasting for almost two years. Lost 52 pounds and have kept it off for this last year. However, I do occasionally struggle with eating outside my eating window if it's late at night (and I'm still up) or breaking my fast earlier then intended. It's somewhat keeping me from losing my last 8-10 pounds. I realize I need a support group with advice and encouragement and tips as to how to stay the course and replace my hunger cues with more productive means. Late night is usually my biggest problem. I struggle going to bed early (old habits from my younger years) and I know I likely need to schedule something productive for me to do so I don't mindlessly watch TV (which is always exciting for me to do when eating at the same time so they ALWAYS go hand in hand)

    Anyway, nice to be here!
  • Naghma_k
    Naghma_k Posts: 6 Member
    Tell us

    1. How long you have been fasting
    2. What questions do you have?

    Hi, Day 1 for me :)
    Question/Fear/Worry- How do I sustain? It looks like quite an overwhelming journey :(
  • Oppaloopa
    Oppaloopa Posts: 49 Member
    Hi Just had breast cancer surgery Thursday. Restarting diet today Saturday I love this diet I lose a pound a day when I do low carb with it. I must stay with it this time.
  • FitRican
    FitRican Posts: 98 Member
    Hi all, FitRican here from New Jersey, USA. I have fasted in the past, but now I have been Intermittent Fasting for a month doing 16:8 and lost 7 pounds already . My question : What are good recommendations to achieve a low fat %? I am currently 18% BF 190 LBS. I eat low carbs 25-75 grams a day, high proteins 175-200 gm/day all other is fat. I work out using HST 4 times a week with low intensity and HIIT cardio a few times a week.
  • kmyriam3404
    kmyriam3404 Posts: 1 Member
    My name is Myriam. I live in Minneapolis MN. This is my first time fasting. I'm doing 16:8. I started just a week ago. I try to eat only 1200 calories per day. I'm seeing some changes already and I'm really excited.
  • PtrnlKaf
    PtrnlKaf Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I've been doing intermittent fasting since April. I am from the Czech Republic and I alternate 16/8, 18/6 and 20/4. I try to run and walk a lot. It's the only way of eating that suits me. Petronela.
  • pussnboots686
    pussnboots686 Posts: 10 Member
    Hello. I just finished my first 16 hour fast. I run a daycare and only felt really hungry while preparing the daycare kids breakfast and lunches. Does anyone else have these feel the same while preparing food for your family? I'm looking for tips to make sure the urge to break the fast doesn't become overwhelming. I'm drinking a ton of water to help.
  • just_a_few_lbs
    just_a_few_lbs Posts: 20 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I have used IF several times over the years, the route that works for me is eating only between noon and 8pm. Though 2/3 times a week I keep my calories below 1,000. I don’t particularly give anything up, just limit frequency.

    I’m not a yo-yo dieter, it’s simply what I do when my clothes feel too tight. Lately, I’ve been unwell and have let my healthy lifestyle slip. Now off to see if I can make MFP work with fasting… 😊
  • RaeChillNeedsNewKnees
    RaeChillNeedsNewKnees Posts: 10 Member
    I'm Rachel or Rae. I have been fasting for 1 hour and 9 minutes. :D
    I don't have any questions right now but I'm sure I will soon.

    I have previously lost 125lb. I need double knee replacement and have been given a further weight loss goal by my surgeon. So I'm trying to power off an additional 65 and quickly, but as healthily, as possible to get my knees. I have done a lot of reading on intermittent fasting and the research backing it and think that it, along with a healthy diet, is going to be good for me. I look forward to reading about other's experiences with it in this group.
  • MrsVBecks
    MrsVBecks Posts: 32 Member
    Hello - I'm Vanessa. I'm 47 years old with a 6 and 3 1/2 year old. I'm going through Perimenopause. I have 90 lbs to lose

    Long story short - I'm a hot mess lol.

    I found my old weight loss tricks aren't working so I came across Internmittment fasting. Right now I've been doing 14:10 and slowly trying to get to 16:8. Any suggestions for peri-chicks would be HELPFUL!!!