Mission Slimpossible - October 2020 Team Chat



  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,690 Member
    Happy Monday everyone!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Happy anniversary! Maybe think about what has and has not worked for you? Is your daughter still walking with you and eating healthier? As you know it's an ongoing challenge, I think we start out thinking we have to change so many things and it's in a certain time period but it's changes we need to make for the rest of our lives. Prayers to you, I know you can do this! Keep trying and doing SOMETHING, it's better than nothing!

    I'm still stretching and doing back exercises. Not doing the best with food but not going too overboard. I made cookies so once those are gone I'm going to do better at maintaining. I can't wait until I feel better, it's going to be a lot of trail-and-error with medications and testing so unless I improve my eating (can't do aggressive workouts) I'll have to get bigger clothing.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,690 Member
    @apple852hk That recipe looks really good, let us know how it is!

    @trooworld Is that skinnytaste's bang bang shrimp? I'm in her Facebook group and people are always talking about it, I haven't had shrimp in ages and it sounds really good! I hate that when you get ready to make a recipe and it has a huge prep time like marinating for a few hours and you're hungry NOW! That happened to me with chilling cookie dough the other night, 4 hours of chilling plus leaving the butter out wasn't happening!

    @Jactop Good luck with no sugar for November, it's going to get tough coming into the holiday season. I'll have to get back to limiting sugar again. You're incredibly strong being around chocolate all the time, I don't know how you do it!
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @adhmrh I’m sitting on my new chair right now and hoping for the best! You know I couldn’t have done IF the way I’m doing it now when I first started. It’s been almost 2 years and I’ve had to learn a lot and finally embrace the clean fast before I could move to the longer fasting hours. Ohhhh I know I couldn’t live without coffee! Lipstick seems to be easier to forget now that I’m wearing a mask everywhere. :grin:

    @raleighgirl09 It’s good to change up our routine now and again. I go back and forth on when I post on here. I really like it if I start a Word.doc in the morning where I can reply to people and then at the end of the day, I can finish it up. Otherwise, if I wait until the end of the day to reply to everyone it often doesn't happen. Of course, it's a good thing that we have such a chatty group! :grin:

    @trooworld Your day sounds lovely! I’ve been enjoying the fall weather here too. I LOVE Bang Bang shrimp and your chicken and mushroom orzo sound super tasty too. <3

    @Jactop Great weigh-in this week!! No sugar November is a great idea! Candy is a huge downfall for me so it’s best if I just avoid it. We don’t get kids in our neighborhood which is a very good thing! ;)

    @vegan4lyfe2012 You are in my prayers! You said it yourself that you totally know how to lose weight. The issue is finding out what is stopping you. I know that is a struggle for many of us. But I have big faith in you! <3

    @Katmary71 I am sure hoping that you start feeling better soon too. Hey, what kind of back exercises do you do? I need to look into what I should and shouldn’t be doing for mine. :/

    @buniphuphu Another great weigh-in!! B)

    Hi everyone! I had a great day today. I got my new office chair and so far I really like it and it hasn’t hurt my back. We also got the new dishwasher installed so no more handwashing! I did great on my new plan today. I fasted for almost 24 hours and then had a 500 calorie meal that consisted of a turkey sausage frittata and a cup of coffee with heavy cream. Tomorrow my mom and I are doing some shopping so I will fast for at least 18 to 19 hours before having some lunch and then later I will have dinner. Then I will do it again on Wednesday. It really helps me to push through the fast knowing that 1) I get the 500 calorie meal and 2) I get to eat more food the next day. But we will see what weigh-in on Friday has to say about my new plan. *fingers crossed*

    100-Day Challenge Goals: Day 34
    1. Fast clean for 19+ hours, with 2 days at 23+ hours. I fasted 23 hrs. 46 minutes.
    2. Workout six days a week (either BOD program, treadmill, or deep cleaning). I did 30 minutes on the treadmill
    3. Eat at least 90% on plan, which means mostly low carb with one or two days of high-carbs.
    4. Have quiet time with God through prayer and reading. I worked on my Bible study for this week.
  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,726 Member
    Just a quick check in today. I have been reading all your posts and seeing some great weigh-in results so well done everyone! For those struggling, it seems to happen to all of us from time to time and I think that's part of building habits and letting go of the old ones. When we regress back to old habits, we remember why we don't want to keep living that way and why we wanted to build these good habits.

    I had an enjoyable but relaxed weekend. Caught up with a few friends for dinner or coffee, and on Sunday it was grand final day in the NRL (National Rugby League - grand final day would be like your super bowl in the US, I guess). I wasn't happy with the end result of the game, but enjoyed too many drinks with my sister and some awfully-delicious junk food for dinner. Regretted it the next day when I woke with a migraine and couldn't go to work - actually I think the migraine was triggered by work-related anxiety, as it seems to happen more when things are super busy and stressful at work. Back at it today, now with extra stress from the day off. Kind of a vicious circle!

    Day 34: Monday 26 October
    1. Log calories eaten: Yes - 22/34
    2. 20 mins exercise: No - 18/34
    3. Record a calorie deficit: Yes - 17/34
  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 685 Member
    Monday check in

    Hi gang - I'm taking the win of giving my (late) weigh in this morning and a check in, this evening. =>

    I've been going back to read nearly a month of what I have not kept up with and so much has been going on! And so much support for one another... =>

    Today was a good day for food choices, I am currently a little higher at 1450 calories a day rather than the 1200 I was following. I want to get back to better weight loss but for now I need attainability of goals and this is one of my strategies. I have been logging more consistently and have begun pre-planning and pre-logging again - each a powerhouse as a key for me to be successful (but ya gotta DO IT, Maria! =>) Sleep and water were good today; sleep has been really good of late but water is often a challenge for maintaining the habit to get in enough, but there is small improvement.

    I watched the video for the cauliflower and chickpeas that @apple852hk posted - wow, that looks amazing! Would be lovely with some seared chicken or portabello muchrooms, if keeping meatless. I'll post a recipe I have made of Lentil and (Beef or Turkey) few times in the recipes thread here: https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10803881/recipes/p2

    @TeresaW1020 I have always really liked your word.doc plan but had not thought about the benefit of keeping it going through the day so that I can work it in, in smaller chunks. I'm going to give that a shot, I think it will be helpful and easier than marathon read/repy sessions!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 it's the getting fired up and assessing and figurng out what went wrong at 2 pounds instead of 20 that's key...you're on the right track!

    Great weigh ins, @buniphuphu and @anido1 - no matter the amount lost or maintaining....it's all progress. And even gains and setbacks are progress when we learn from them.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,043 Member
    @vegan4lyfe2012 I am sorry you are struggling, I wish I could take the struggle away for you. I know you are going to figure it out, I have faith you can do it. Hugs!

    @Katmary71 No, I haven't seen that one. I'll have to look for it to compare it. It's actually a recipe from The Country Cook. It came out really, really good. I reduced the mayo by half and replaced the missing mayo with nonfat Greek yogurt. Didn't miss the mayo at all! Here's the recipe, if you want to check it out: https://www.thecountrycook.net/air-fryer-bang-bang-shrimp/ I hate when that happens, too. We were all hungry for this recipe and then waaa waaa! No, 4 hours of marinating! How did your cookies turn out?

    @TeresaW1020 It was super nice and relaxing. I'm sure you are enjoying the fall weather on your new porch! :) Oh the Bang Bang Shrimp was amazing and the other recipe was delicious, too. That's great that the new chair hasn't hurt your back. Yay for the new dishwasher, too. You are doing great!

    @TwistedSassette Great advice. I hope your day is less stressful than you anticipate. I get migraines, too, they stink.

    @adhmrh Great loss, woo hoo! I'm so sorry you have to have a tooth pulled. I will be thinking good thoughts for you. Hugs!

    Hi all. I had a Dr. Jeckyl and Mr. Hyde day yesterday: I had a lot of good things about my day but there were some stinker moments, too. The good: tracked everything, got a good night's sleep, meditated, had a healthy breakfast, modified dinner to be a healthy one, went to bed on time. The Mr. Hyde part of the day was that I didn't have time to eat my lunch so by the time I got off work at 1:30 p.m., it had been 5 1/2 hours since I last ate (I don't intermittent fast, so that's a long time for me) and I was starving. I got fast food. :( I also only drank 1/2 the amount of water that I wanted to. Today's a new day and I hope to reach all of my goals.

    Calories: over/under: over
    Water: over/under: under
    Exercise: walk
    - rate my hunger on a scale of 1-10 before I eat - not accomplished
    - track 90% of food intake - 100% accomplished
    - get at least 7 hours of sleep every night - 100% accomplished
    - drink 2 (26 oz) bottles of water a day - 50% accomplished
    - meditate for at least 15 minutes a day - 100% accomplished
    - put my utensil down between bites - not accomplished
    - ask myself if I'm really hungry before eating anything - 100% accomplished
    - leave at least 3 bites of food on my plate at each meal - not accomplished
    Goals or Improvements for tomorrow:
    - do physical therapy exercises
    - rate my hunger on a scale of 1-10 before I eat
    - track 90% of food intake
    - get at least 7 hours of sleep every night
    - drink 2 (26 oz) bottles of water a day
    - meditate for at least 15 minutes a day
    - put my utensil down between bites
    - ask myself if I'm really hungry before eating anything
    - leave at least 3 bites of food on my plate at each meal
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,587 Member
    edited October 2020
    Monday Check-in
    🟢Food on plan weighed & logged
    🟢Calories in the "Green"
    🟢Workout: 45 min+/6 days-wk
    🟢Over 10K steps
    🔴Only the one planned snack, no trigger foods (Stayed in the green, but had some cashew milk and coffee off schedule)
    🟢In bed by 12

    Username: AustinRuadhain
    Weigh-in week: Week 4
    Weigh-in day: Mon
    Previous Weight: 136.9
    Today's Weight: 138.5
    Ha! Last week's number was indeed too good to be true! I didn't help matters with a late night almond butter and goji berry snack when I stayed up super late on Sunday. And I also think staying up that late (close to an all-nighter on a project) messes with things, too, so I am paying more attention to sleep this week. Back to work!

    Tuesday Plans
    Food on plan weighed & logged
    Calories in the "Green"
    Workout: 45 min+/6 days-wk
    Over 10K steps
    Only the one planned snack (100 cal, no trigger foods; hottea if I get nibbly)
    In bed by 12

    Did a morning yoga-ish workout. Still planning a short weights set and an outdoor walk later today.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,422 Member
    You have a newcomer heading your way ... Please welcome @ChristBeforeCheesecake :)
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,587 Member
    You have a newcomer heading your way ... Please welcome @ChristBeforeCheesecake :)


    Welcome to the group @ChristBeforeCheesecake ! We are delighted you are joining us!

    This is a super friendly, supportive group. Feel free to jump into the conversation anytime!
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,587 Member
    Hello and thank you for welcoming me! I am excited to join a group who are all working towards the same goals!

    I currently work at the COVID 19 testing sites for a large hospital in my area (about 12,000 employees). We test employees as well as patients all ages from a few days old all the way to 104 is the oldest! Working outside, I have found myself using any fuel necessary when I come in for breaks which has not included the best food choices and have gained some weight since March (my scrubs are fitting tighter and I refuse to go up a size!) And when I'm working inside, the candy bowl is a quick fix!

    I'm looking forward to "catching up" on this thread and "meeting" you guys!

    Wow, that's a huge and important job. Thank you. We are happy to do anything we can to help you take care of yourself and your health.

    Candy bowls at work can be such a terrible temptation! I have had a couple of jobs where we always had sweets on the staff table, and it was challenging. What works for you, as a way to get around that?
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @ChristBeforeCheesecake Welcome to the team!! I love your username and need to know the story behind it. :)

    @TwistedSassette I’m glad that you had a good weekend but sad for you that you woke up with a migraine. I hope that you are feeling better today. <3

    @raleighgirl09 Believe me when I say if I can find a simple way to do something I will do it! :grin: Since I have a Word.doc for my 100-day challenge it’s easy to just pop it open and do a quick reply in the morning. Like I just did to you. ;)

    @adhmrh WOW! Great weigh-in this week! I am sorry that you have to have a tooth extracted. As you might remember I just had that done myself. I will keep you in my prayers that all goes smoothly and that you will heal quickly. <3

    @trooworld It helps doesn’t it to stop and focus on the good parts of your day and what you did accomplish for yourself. And now you know to have a plan for work so that you don’t end up eating something you regret. But even if you do, you know how to balance it out. You have been doing amazing!! :)

    @AustinRuadhain I agree that staying up most of the night and stressing over a project is not good for weight loss or even maintaining. Is the project about finished so you can resume a normal sleep schedule? :)

    Hi everyone! Well, today was a good day. My mom and I went shopping this morning and then hubby and I went shopping this afternoon. I am on the church Christmas decorating team and since I’m on staff and have a credit card, I got the OK to buy some new stuff and replace some of our old tired decorations. And of course, I had to get a few things for my house too, which is why I dragged hubby along. ;) My eating was good today. I made Kodiak pancakes and bacon for dinner and while it fit my calories it is way higher in carbs than I think I want to do for a while. I’m going to have to figure out how to make my family happy with our dinners and at the same time stick to what I know I should be eating. And that will just take discipline. I should have made eggs and next time I just might.

    100-Day Challenge Goals: Day 35
    1. Fast clean for 19+ hours, with 2 days at 23+ hours. I fasted 19 hours
    2. Workout six days a week (either BOD program, treadmill, or deep cleaning). Today, I shopped and then shopped some more. :grin:
    3. Eat at least 90% on plan, which means mostly low carb with one or two days of high-carbs. I ate on plan but feel kinda of icky from all the carbs. I'm going to look at my menu and see if I can tweak it.
    4. Have quiet time with God through prayer and reading. I worked on my Bible study for this evening.
  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,726 Member
    @ChristBeforeCheesecake Welcome!! Sounds like you have a stressful work environment, for sure. I hope the support you find here helps :smile:

    @adhmrh What a fantastic result this week, well done! I hope your tooth isn't too painful. I've only ever had to have wisdom teeth extracted but my hubby had all his bottom teeth pulled at once to allow for a full mouth of dental implants and I know how painful that was for him. Hoping for a quick recovery for you!

    @AustinRuadhain You're so right, good sleep makes the world of difference not just on the scale but in how we feel! It's often discounted in weight loss advice, but it is so important.

    @TeresaW1020 I had to google what Kodiak pancakes are, I've never heard of them! But they do at least look like a healthier option than regular or buttermilk pancakes. High protein, whole grains. It could be worse!

    Quick update from me...Just an average day yesterday. I wanted to go to the pool after work but it was a bit too cool - we've had a cold change with some storms in the last week or so but next week is forecast to go back up to 35 degrees (95 Fahrenheit) so we will definitely be back at it then. I thought about going for a walk or riding my stationary bike but I have done something to my back and I'm suffering from a little sciatica. Nothing too major but I don't want to make it worse so I settled for some gentle stretching. Unfortunately the sciatica made getting to sleep rather difficult last night. I ended up taking some Voltaren to try to reduce some inflammation and that really did help. Once I got to sleep, I don't think I moved all night! Here's hoping for a better day today. If my back is still hurting this afternoon, I'll at least try to do something that's less mobile.

    Day 35: Tuesday 27 October
    1. Log calories eaten: Yes - 23/35
    2. 20 mins exercise: No - 18/35
    3. Record a calorie deficit: Yes (barely) - 18/35
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,422 Member
    Hi Mission Slimpossible ... Please welcome @SammyDee2015 to your team :)
This discussion has been closed.