Mission Slimpossible - October 2020 Team Chat



  • ChristBeforeCheesecake
    @AustinRuadhain and @Jactop The struggle is REAL!!! my current strategy for the candy bowl is eating it! However, you have given me something to think about (food for thought, if you will :D ) about how to either avoid it or incorporate it (with self control). I'll try a few different things and report back!

    @TeresaW1020 Jesus before all, in all and through all! Trusting Him to help me with honoring my body to get to a healthy BMI, surrendering food decisions to Him, using how He created me to enhance the journey!

    @Katmary71 I love what I do! I was redeployed to the COVID testing site after the site where I was working (a doctors office) pretty much closed because all visits went to tele health visits, so there was no need to have a nurse in the office. People are so anxious about COVID and to know that I can bring them a little bit of comfort and ease their anxiety while I'm swabbing them brings me great satisfaction. Most of us go into the medical profession to serve you guys, the patients! That's where our hearts are!

    @GretchenReine yes one day at a time! that's all we can do!

    @raleighgirl09 living in the present moment and being mindful is so challenging! Especially in the environment where we are currently living...everything is vying for our attention! I sometimes find myself mindlessly grabbing the bag of chips because i'm either deep in thought about something else, or i'm stressed. I think this habit started when i was in college and i would eat while i was studying, so it's retraining my brain. You got this girl!

    @adhmrh glad everything went well!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,079 Member
    @TeresaW1020 Thank you! I hope the time spent with the 4-5 year olds went well. Congrats on the pound down, well done! Thanks for the link to the smart BMI calculator.

    @adhmrh Oh my dear, I'm so sorry it was a tough one! I'm glad it was better yesterday, I'm sure it's even better today (Thursday). Hugs to you.

    @raleighgirl09 That's good that yesterday was better. Do you know the old saying, progress not perfection? I planned next week's menu and I planned to have a Thai Peanut Chicken Wrap for lunch on Monday, something that doesn't need to be heated up and is portable. I think that will be okay.

    @GretchenReine Great job getting to the gym, WTG!!! Have a great day.

    Hello all. Yesterday was a pretty good day. I ate on plan (although I was over my WW points for the day), I did my physical therapy exercises, I meditated. I started off well drinking my liquids but then I didn't end up drinking my second bottle of water, so that wasn't good. I hope I'm better at it today. Speaking of my WW points, I am over my WW points for the week thanks to that stop at fast food on Monday. I hope it doesn't sabotage me at the scale Saturday.

    Calories: over/under: over
    Water: over/under: under
    Exercise: walk and physical therapy exercises
    - rate my hunger on a scale of 1-10 before I eat - not accomplished
    - track 90% of food intake - 100% accomplished
    - get at least 7 hours of sleep every night - not accomplished
    - drink 2 (26 oz) bottles of water a day - 50% accomplished
    - meditate for at least 15 minutes a day - 100% accomplished
    - put my utensil down between bites - not accomplished
    - ask myself if I'm really hungry before eating anything - 100% accomplished
    - leave at least 3 bites of food on my plate at each meal - 100% accomplished
    Goals or Improvements for tomorrow:
    - do physical therapy exercises
    - rate my hunger on a scale of 1-10 before I eat
    - track 90% of food intake
    - get at least 7 hours of sleep every night
    - drink 2 (26 oz) bottles of water a day
    - meditate for at least 15 minutes a day
    - put my utensil down between bites
    - ask myself if I'm really hungry before eating anything
    - leave at least 3 bites of food on my plate at each meal
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,714 Member
    Good Morning Mission Slimpossible's....You have a newcomer heading your way ... Please welcome @aaronb0 :)
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,592 Member
    edited October 2020
    Good Morning Mission Slimpossible's....You have a newcomer heading your way ... Please welcome @aaronb0 :)

    Thank you, Megan!

    @aaronb0 - Welcome to Slimpossibles! Jump on into the conversation if you feel like it. We are here for quiet or chatty, whichever suits! We hope the team can help you reach your weight loss and health goals!


  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 696 Member
    Welcome @SammyDee201
    @ChristBeforeCheesecake and @aaronb0 its always nice to see new faces (or avatars lol)

    @Katmary71 you might be onto something with cookies that taste like soap. That might be the only thing that keeps me from eating them.

    @trooworld for work I often take a Protien Up wrap (brand Flat Out) 3 WW points 10g of protien. I either fill it will chicken and veg or spread it with peanutbutter, roll it up and cut it into pinwheels so I can grab a piece quick if I get hungry. Lately I've been taking a Leanfit shake (from Costco 1 WW point) and drink it throughout the day. I also keep small containers of emergency almonds in my car, purse and lunch bag. They dont fill me up but help take the edge off and help me avoid caving into fast food.

    Thanks for the idea of bringing my own candy. I'm sure I can find some suitable alternatives.

    Well yesterday went better than I thought it would. Cravings were over the top but thankfully I managed to stick to my no sugar rule as I know I wouldnt have stopped eating sweats once I started. It's hard enough handling chocolate all day but I had to package 60lbs of candy yesterday and it all looked so yummy 😟


    1. No sugar ✔
    2. Monitor water intake ✔
    3. 30 min of activity per day ✔
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,716 Member
    @TeresaW1020 I like that weight prediction, it says I'm 25 and normal instead of bordering between "thick" and "chubby"! As far as back exercises one I used to always do wrong is sit-ups, you're only supposed to do half sit-ups. You're also supposed to support your head when doing them as it puts a lot of stress on the neck. When they're ALREADY hurt you can tell but prior to that you can't!

    @Aaronb0 Welcome to the gang!

    @Jactop You're way stronger than I am! Sounds like good planning as far as food choices, I'm the same way, if I give in I tend to really give in. I'd probably get fired if I worked around chocolate!

    @gwamajtw91 I love pretzels! I'd eat them all too, it's so easy to go through a lot if you don't portion them out. Even then it's so easy to go back for more!

    Thursday check-in
    Exercise- stretches, core
    Calories- just at

    I have a blood test in a bit, can't walk in anymore with COVID and it was a week out to get my appointment so it's in the afternoon, I'm drinking black coffee and fasting. I looked it up and don't know if I need to or not, he wrote a bunch of random codes so I don't know if it's necessary. I'll be right by Trader Joe's, I love that store but it's so tough to walk right now I probably won't make it. I have a gift card too, I may just wait until their peppermint stuff since that's my favorite time and hopefully the next medication helps with walking. Have a great day gang!
  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 687 Member
    book recommendation!!

    Hey gang, I wanted to pass along a good read (or listen) in the event anyone is interested. As I have been working to right the ship - I didn't sink but I definitely developed a hole that has been letting in water!! - I have been back to more routinely listening to podcasts and audio books on weight loss journeys. It's very helpful to me and helps keep me motivated as I go about my day.

    Target 100 — Liz Josefsberg has been a really nice surprise. I thought it would be about someone who lost 100 pounds but it's a specific approach to weight loss. The core of it is not what I want to follow as I know what works for me but there is a lot of terrific advice and wisdom, most I have also found to be true and some new....and I am getting a particular lot out of the exercise chapter. Anyway, if you like this kind of thing and find it helpful, give it a whirl! I copied the link to Amazon below in case anyone is interested to hear an excerpt - if you have Audible, it's a free read!

  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,592 Member
    Wednesday Check-in
    🟢Food on plan weighed & logged
    🟢Calories in the "Green"
    🟢Workout: 45 min+/6 days-wk - yes! 24 min Classical Stretch session in a.m., 45 min platform stepping in p.m.!
    🟢Over 10K steps
    🟢Only the one planned snack, no trigger foods*
    🟢In bed by 12
    * Yes, I put down the Garden of Life vegan bar that called to me at the store. Hah!

    Thursday plans
    Stay on track with food plan (critical!). Exercise session in evening (platform stepping).
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @Firefly743 I’m glad that you found a free moment to check in with us. I know how busy life can be so just do the best you can when you can. :)

    @itsmegina Good I’m glad you liked the calculator. I did too! :)

    @GretchenReine That is great that you got an hour on the treadmill! I find the more I workout the more my body will crave it and miss it when I don’t. You can get back to where you were. Just take it one day at a time and keep your goals right in front of you. <3

    @ChristBeforeCheesecake I LOVE the reason behind your name!! There is a group that I belong to called Take Back Your Temple. You might be interested in checking it out. ;)https://www.takebackyourtemple.com/

    @trooworld The time spent with the 4-5-year-olds went fine but my throat hurt from having to overtalk and keep control of all 8 of them! And I get to do it again next week. Lord help me!!! :grin: Can you get in a few more exercise points to make up for the points you went over. Also, try to drink extra water to flush out the fast food. Yeah, yeah I know you hate water! Just do it! :D

    @Jactop Girl, you are a Rockstar saying no to that candy!! Those Christmas candy corns are like crack for me!! I so admire your determination to stick to your no sugar rule. B)

    @gwamajtw91 Well, at least you can look on the bright side that your weight gain was super tiny and I’m sure those chocolate covered pretzels were super tasty. Is it a new season of Amazing Race? How do they handle COVID? I used to love that show. :)

    @Katmary71 Ahhhh sit-ups are something I’m sure that I’ve been doing wrong. So much to learn about how to stay fit and yet protect our poor bodies. I hope you were able to get your blood test done easily. I love Trader Joe’s at the holidays!! I am seriously addicted to their Blue Cheese Dijon mustard that only comes out during the holidays. Last year I bought like 8 jars and I still have a couple left. :grin:

    @raleighgirl09 Thanks for the book recommendation. It’s always good to find things to listen to or read that help motivate and inspire us. I am so addicted to my podcast right now that it frustrates me that I’ve been too busy to sit with my puzzle and just listen. :)

    @TwistedSassette Twingy is totally a word in my world. :grin: Glad you didn’t need your meds. My back was doing fine but now it’s acting up, so I need to go put my back massager on it. I find that is the one thing that almost always helps. That weight gain will come off next week. High sodium will do it to us every time. Go drink a bunch of water to flush it out.

    Hi Team! Well, today was a good day. I went to my staff meeting at the church and then came home to break my 19 hour fast. I couldn’t decide if I wanted a low-fat Greek vanilla yogurt mixed with sugar-free chocolate jello and chocolate PB Fit peanut butter or pork rinds and jalapeno cream cheese. So I had some of each! :D Hubby and I went shopping and got a new tree and decorations for the church since I’m on the decorating committee and have the church credit card. ;) We just had homemade pizza on Flatout bread and now I’m going to go have a cup of decaf on the porch before turning back on my fasting app. I will fast until tomorrow’s dinner and only eat the 500 calorie meal. Fingers and toes are crossed for tomorrow’s weigh-in!!

    100-Day Challenge Goals: Day 36
    1. Fast clean for 19+ hours, with 2 days at 23+ hours. I fasted 19 hours
    2. Workout six days a week (either BOD program, treadmill, or deep cleaning). Today, I shopped!
    3. Eat at least 90% on plan, which means mostly low carb with one or two days of high-carbs. Ate right on plan.
    4. Have a quiet time with God and do my Bible study. No, not today. :/
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,079 Member
    @Jactop That's what I need to do, something like that. Oh gosh, you do need some alternatives, that all looks so yummy! :(

    @gwamajtw91 Last week, I bought yogurt covered pretzels, but they were flavored pumpkin spice. I thought, there's no way I could binge these. They are probably going to be terrible. Well, I did eat a lot of them, they turned out to be fantastic! LOL I also need to not buy irresistible goodies. ;)

    @AustinRuadhain WTG putting that bar down! Looks like you had a super day!!!

    @TeresaW1020 lol...my throat would hurt, too! Yes, I did get in a few exercise points so that might help. I do need to drink more water, that's a great idea. Wow what a great weigh-in!!! Congratulations!

    @adhmrh Thank you! Are you sick of soft foods yet? When can you eat regular foods again? Have a good day!

    Hi all. I'm kind of slipping but the important thing is that I AM tracking everything. By slipping I mean I had pizza for dinner last night. :( I also mean I'm not doing well on my below goals. But I will work harder and get back to it!

    Calories: over/under: over
    Water: over/under: under
    Exercise: walk and physical therapy exercises
    - rate my hunger on a scale of 1-10 before I eat - not accomplished
    - track 90% of food intake - 100% accomplished
    - get at least 7 hours of sleep every night - 100% accomplished
    - drink 2 (26 oz) bottles of water a day - 50% accomplished
    - meditate for at least 15 minutes a day - not accomplished
    - put my utensil down between bites - not accomplished
    - ask myself if I'm really hungry before eating anything - 100% accomplished
    - leave at least 3 bites of food on my plate at each meal - not accomplished
    Goals or Improvements for tomorrow:
    - rate my hunger on a scale of 1-10 before I eat
    - track 90% of food intake
    - get at least 7 hours of sleep every night
    - drink 2 (26 oz) bottles of water a day
    - meditate for at least 15 minutes a day
    - put my utensil down between bites
    - ask myself if I'm really hungry before eating anything
    - leave at least 3 bites of food on my plate at each meal
  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 696 Member
    edited October 2020
    @Davidji82 and @Teresa1020 nice loss this week. Your determination is impressive.

    1. No sugar ✔ Day 4
    2. Monitor water intake ✔
    3. 30 min of activity per day ✔

    Not my best food day (lots of salt) but stayed within my budget and got in 60 min on the treadmill while watching a movie.

    Today I'm going to try tweaking some favorite recipes so I have more options that are low in WW points
  • SammyDee2015
    SammyDee2015 Posts: 285 Member
    edited October 2020
    Thanks for the warm welcome everyone. So many posts to go through! Obviously an active group so I will want to come daily 🤗

    Many have goals stated but I am not sure what mine are or that I even want to make one ( other than my overall “fit into smaller clothes, get strong enough to slug my bottles of water like they are nuthin, and become flexible enough to contort around the floor like my 3yr old grandbaby Lovebug”) because I tend to self sabotage by going too TOO rigid then burning and crashing or getting too behind to meet the goal then become too discouraged to ‘bother’ 🙄

    Hmmmm... okay let’s try this...
    93.0 lbs (down 1lb) 😋

    Peaky Pounds Eviction plan: Do same OR more than I did the week before. Thursday Oct 29 crack of stupid (4:45am) stats:
    - 44,372 steps TTL
    - 2 Run/walk sessions (8.9km TTL)
    - 2 Strength sessions (95min TTL)
    - 1 Yoga session (10min TTL)
    - 1 HiiT session (10min TTL)
    - 6 days faithful food tracking
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    edited October 2020
    @adhmrh Thanks, I’m really loving my new fasting plan and the results that I’m getting. Yes, I do love little kids, but they are also quite a handful for the hour I’m with them every week. I much prefer the upper elementary age that I teach in children’s church. But I go where I’m needed. :) I hope that your mouth is feeling better and that you will be rewarded with a nice weigh-in.

    @davidji82 GREAT weigh-in!! All your walking is defiantly having a positive effect on you. Keep it up! B)

    @trooworld Thanks, I’m happy with this week too. Do you know why you are starting to slip? Stress? Weather? Both! I know for me that when I start slipping it gets really easy to just keep slipping further. The good news is that you are still tracking everything. Now, you just need to refocus and remember your reasons for losing weight and you will get your mojo back. My fingers are crossed that your weigh-in will be better than you fear. <3

    @Jactop Tweaking recipes is one of my favorite things to do. Good for staying within your food budget and getting in a nice long walk. :)

    @SammyDee2 Yes, you will want to come daily! This group gets away from me all the time. But the nice thing is that everyone is so great at communicating with each other that if one of us misses a day or so that is totally fine. Just jump back in and post as much as you can. ;) As for goals, I’m not a big fan of setting goals for the same reason you stated. I have targets that I strive for but if I am too rigid I will also crash and burn. It’s really good to know ourselves and what motivates us.

    Hi Team! Well, I was super happy with my weight loss this week. I really feel this new fasting plan that I’m on is really going to be my thing. I like that I got up this morning and I already knew that I wasn’t eating until dinner and that it would only be 500 calories. The mental knowledge of that fact helps me push through any temporary hunger pangs and move on with my day. Plus, I know that I get to eat more tomorrow and that gives me something to look forward to. I did a bunch of work around the house today and helped my mom hang new pictures in her room. Now, I’m going to sit on my back porch and have a cup of decaf with my sweet hubby! Have a good night.

    NEW YEAR CHALLENGE: 63 Days until January 1st
    1. Fast Clean I fasted 23 and ½ hours
    2. Workout I restarted Beachbody Barre Blend and did a 35-minute full-body workout.
    3.Eat on plan Today was my 500 calorie meal and I recorded 469 calories. Looking forward to eating more tomorrow.

    This is one of my favorite James Clear quotes and one that I truly believe is the secret to us all having success!

This discussion has been closed.