TEAM: Run Track Minds (January)

AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
Welcome to the Challenge new and returning teammates!! This is the conversation/weigh in thread for your Team :) Keep on losing because our first weigh ins begin THIS Sunday! I am here for you should you need anything - simply message me or tag me by putting an '@' just before my username (NO SPACES) and I will get to you asap! ~ Ashley @AB0215. or Krystal @Krysless2.


  • twinkle150
    twinkle150 Posts: 133 Member
    Looking forward to participating
  • elenitsa10
    elenitsa10 Posts: 6 Member
    Me too!
  • AmyG1982
    AmyG1982 Posts: 1,040 Member
    Welcome to the January challenge everyone! It officially kicks off on Sunday and I know I’m looking forward to a fresh start lol.

    My name is Amy and I’m the team captain. I’m married with a 1 year old son and a 5 year old daughter.

    I’ve been in this group for just over a year and have had some big ups and downs and sadly am nearly back up to my starting weight :(

    On top of our weekly weigh ins we also do an optional daily check in to help with accountability, it can be anything you want but a loose format is:

    Daily Post (day)
    Track: Yes/no
    Calories: Under/over
    Exercise: yes/no or what you did
    Day: how your day went, any specific challenges/successes

    Happy to have you all here and I’m looking forward to kicking off a new year!
  • CrystalEssex
    CrystalEssex Posts: 184 Member
    Welcome everyone :smile:
  • tcje131
    tcje131 Posts: 8 Member
    Hello My name is Courtney Moncrief a d I am currently wanting to lose weight. I have four children between the ages of 10 and 2. My husband is currently away due to the military and I figured this is a perfect time to take charge of weight and eating healthy! I’m looking forward to everything I can do with added accountability! My biggest thing is sugar so I will tackle that first! Looking forward to this!

  • tlgale
    tlgale Posts: 894 Member
    Hi all, I'm Tracy. I was in this group a few years ago and did well. Got back into old/bad eating habits and have gained it all back, plus more :disappointed: Ready to get back on track again now!!
  • Paulette_Spencer
    Paulette_Spencer Posts: 46 Member
    Hi Im Amber and I am really excited about doing this and seeing where I end up at the end of this challenge. I am not at my highest but I lost 40lbs a few years ago on MFP and I have gained it all back. I hope this can jump start new healthy habits for me this year.
  • CrystalEssex
    CrystalEssex Posts: 184 Member
    tlgale wrote: »
    Hi all, I'm Tracy. I was in this group a few years ago and did well. Got back into old/bad eating habits and have gained it all back, plus more :disappointed: Ready to get back on track again now!!

    I'm in the same boat! A lot of us are, actually. I lost 30 lbs in 2017 and joined this group a little over a year ago when I noticed I was falling back into some old habits. Unfortunately, last summer I fell off hard and I have gained everything back and then some. We are in this together.

    Welcome back.
  • red1185
    red1185 Posts: 388 Member
    Username: red1185
    PW: 170.8
    CW: 169.4
  • twinkle150
    twinkle150 Posts: 133 Member
    Hi all. I am Carolyn and turned 55 last week. Before my son was born I was quite active and fit. Shortly after he was born, my husband quit his job to start his own business. Needless to say, my focus became about supporting my family and my weight creeped up every year. It's now time to focus on me.
  • twinkle150
    twinkle150 Posts: 133 Member
    Week 1
    Current weight 319
  • skullsandskeletons
    skullsandskeletons Posts: 675 Member
    Username: skullsandskeletons
    Week: January week 1
    Weigh in day: Sunday
    PW: 175
    CW: 171

    It’s mathematically impossible for me to have lost 4 pounds lol. Last week I had gone up 4 pounds so it’s probably just a lot of fluctuation from my eating salty food.
    Hi all. I’ve been in this group since Spring 2019 and have lost 79 pounds. I am now trying to maintain and so far it’s been going okay. I am trying to fix my past mistakes of losing then letting my guard down and gaining it all back. The struggle is real! Lol
  • Bekah7482
    Bekah7482 Posts: 247 Member
    Good morning team!

    I was just added.

    My story:
    I have been obese all my life. A couple years ago I got serious about weight loss and lost 170lbs.

    Then during a period of a long commute (4.5hours daily), relocating, buying my first house and the emotions of trying to get pregnant, I lost focus and gained 70lbs. March 2020, I got pregnant. I gained an additional 30lbs while pregnant.

    My baby is now 6w old and I have lost the 30 baby lbs. My goal this year is to lose the previous 70lb regain.

    My hands are really full with a new baby but we are trying to get family walks in as much as possible. I know at this point, exercise will probably not be consistent and reliable as part of my weight loss plan so I am super focused on my diet.

    Excited to be part of the team. Feel free to add me as a friend if you wish.
  • CrystalEssex
    CrystalEssex Posts: 184 Member
    Username: skullsandskeletons
    Week: January week 1
    Weigh in day: Sunday
    PW: 175
    CW: 171

    It’s mathematically impossible for me to have lost 4 pounds lol. Last week I had gone up 4 pounds so it’s probably just a lot of fluctuation from my eating salty food.
    Hi all. I’ve been in this group since Spring 2019 and have lost 79 pounds. I am now trying to maintain and so far it’s been going okay. I am trying to fix my past mistakes of losing then letting my guard down and gaining it all back. The struggle is real! Lol

    That's incredible!!! Way to go!
  • CrystalEssex
    CrystalEssex Posts: 184 Member
    Bekah7482 wrote: »
    Good morning team!

    I was just added.

    My story:
    I have been obese all my life. A couple years ago I got serious about weight loss and lost 170lbs..

    Woah! You go girl! Welcome to the team!
  • Krysless2
    Krysless2 Posts: 1,965 Member
    edited January 2021
    Hey Team Run Track Minds! I thought I’d stop by to introduce myself!🤗 My name is Krystal and I’ve been a part of the The Biggest Loser challenge off and on for sometime now and just recently I started assisting Ashley or @AB0215 with the spreadsheets. I wanted to show my face real quick and let you all know that I happen to be on here daily either looking for motivation or just making sure the challenge is running smoothly within all of the Team threads. Because I am in here so often, its easy for me to catch a small error before it snowballs into a bigger one! With that being said your Captains are the best! and they are still your best resource when you need them! I feel like I’m more like the TBL mechanic who may randomly pop in to say “Hey I changed the oil” or “Hey I changed your Weigh in Date as per your request”. I may even just drop by to ask about an interesting post or to give someone words of encouragement when they are needed.

    Please feel free to add me as a friend and send me a message if you would like. I can’t tell you enough how much I appreciate this challenge, it has changed my life and I want to do anything I can to keep it going strong!
  • CrystalEssex
    CrystalEssex Posts: 184 Member
    Hey All. My name is Crystal. I have been in this team since Nov of 2019. I came here because I had fallen off a bit and was starting to gain weight again after loosing almost 30 lbs in 2017. The accountability was great but I fell off hard this past summer and have been struggling to get on track. I have gained all the weight lost and then a few. There's something exciting about a fresh start: new year, new month, new challenge. My friend Courtney has joined this challenge and so I am excited about that. One thing I have struggled maintaining is daily posting and daily tracking. Those are my goals this month is to track 100% (because that's what helped me loose the 30 lbs) and to do the daily posting 80% of the time (because I need accountability and small wins!).

    My weights are lower than most, and in the past people have left nasty comments. (This has never happened in this group! This group is full of amazing people). But, as a disclaimer I am 4'8 with a BMI of 29. So even though my weights look low, and my goal weight is 90lbs, know that 90 lbs is an average weight for my height and normal BMI. I felt my best at 93lbs. That's what I am shooting for.

    We can do this 😄
  • sodonovan74
    sodonovan74 Posts: 42 Member
    Username: sodonovan74
    Week: January week 1
    Weigh in day: Sunday
    PW: 162
    CW: 161
This discussion has been closed.