Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @quilteryoyo Any news yet?

    Dh found a Beary look alike 6 months old 2 hours away. Were waiting on the acceptance of our offer to take him. Bear is incredibly rowdy today, running everywhere. I wonder if he senses the best brother ever is coming over?

    ugh. The wall I am trying to run the outlet in had been repaired d/t foundation work. I have mentioned to DH 5 times to call his electrician buddy. It'll take me all day and him 10 minutes.
    I also need to track down the break in the dog fence. Ms Maggie thinks she rules the neighborhood.

    up significantly. So I am going to try to weigh daily or at least every other day to curtail the gain, keeping me mindful of my choices. I woke rather swollen today, I assume it's food choices.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,402 Member
    Just went out and checked the CaringBridge site and saw this from Vicky (@quilteryoyo):
    'The surgery went well. I've walked 3 times today and have all of the tubes out. They say I'm doing great.'

    I was getting worried since there hadn't been anything posted so I am relieved that she is doing so well and they already have her up and walking!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,402 Member
    Oh @swenson19d! A new Beary brother!! Can't wait to see pictures!!

    I was doing well with food until Dh went and got donuts. I had just little (less than a quarter) of the different flavors and feel like I ate a whole one of each. To my credit I did go out and do a power walk (Peloton app 45 mins of intervals). It was fun and challenging but not particularly hard cardiovascularly. My HR went up but I was not really breathing hard like I do when I do running intervals. In the faster intervals I got my walking pace into the 12-13min range so there is that, guess I was doing ok for a walk. My hamstring was complaining towards the end so I took it really easy walking home while trying not to completely drop my pace.

    Tomorrow is a rest day and then I will maybe try a run walk on Monday. Depending on how that goes I will call my PCP back to talk about the xray results. I have found nothing documented that correlates hamstring pain and tenderness to the hip bursitis and I am not having any hip pain or issues. Doesn't mean what they saw on the xray won't bother me eventually just that it doesn't seem to be an issue currently.

    Taking Christmas lights down for Hilde this afternoon and then watching football and working on my puzzle.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Yay I'm so relieved to hear from @quilteryoyo. Sounds like good progress.

    Went for a big run today. It was wonderful. 5 fast km. Felt fantastic.

    Im still on track. Been 16 days now. Feels like actual progress. Probably helps that I feel like im living groundhog day working shift as I am. Last night was a calm night which was wonderful. I was busy enough, but not insane.

    Have made pretty much the same dinner tonight. It was so so tasty. I have all my food sorted. And get a couple of extra snacks as well.

    I also went out with the kids to a local hike path. I bought a new hiking bag in the new years sale (down to 80 from 200!) so wanted to try it out.

    My 6yr old would have kept going, but miss 4 only lasted about 25 minutes before we had to turn back. It got pretty steep so I was impressed with what she did so
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Sorry Caring Bridge didn't get updated yesterday. My person didn't realize there were people on there that had no other way of finding out and he was tired., had only slept about 1.5 hours Thursday/Friday.

    I'm doing good, just really sore. I'm hoping that will start going away some.

    Wonderful to hear from you.

    It's OK, your person needs rest too. Hope you continue to improve!
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    @shanaber - great news on @quilteryoyo! And yay, @quilteryoyo herself!
    @avidkeo - 16 days! You are are hero! The pictures are so good. Your girls ... :heart: !!

    DH decided to order breakfast takeaway, so I put in an order for chocolate chip pancakes. eh. Not that great. So @shanaber - I am feeling like you did. Yay power walk! I am going to run today - it's 44 this morning in Daytona Beach so I can wait till it's slightly warmer and the pancakes settle in.

    @swenson19d - Beary twin! We want to see and hear how they are getting along!

    here is the view from my condo breakfast window this morning. We get the sunset here and it is so pretty. Can't wait for the RTNSNA Challenge group to meet here one day! And we'll have wine, donuts, chocolate and take-aways!

  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I've been MIA for a bit. I restarted yet again about 2 weeks ago and have been going strong. I just couldn't keep up with the group.

    I've been logging all food. Trying to stay close to my calorie goal but if I go over, oh well. *kitten* happens (that's been my motto lately). I'm also trying to get back to having one treat (for lack of a better word) a day. So if I have chocolate after lunch, my evening snack is like cheese or granola instead of a brownie.

    My word for 2021 is consistency. I know consistency is what helps me reach my goals so I just have to do it.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    edited January 2021
    Good to hear from you @RunsOnEspresso ! I love your goal to stay consistent. I think that is what I need to do.

    @ddmom0811 Beautiful view. There is something extraordinary calming (to me) about the color blue, skys and water. What a wonderful way to start your day.

    Bear Buddy
    Still no word. So perhaps someone beat us to Kakashi. Too bad, Dh found him when the post was just hours old. I think it's still on the quest list. I'll let you know if/when that pans out.

    Quest list
    DH's friend the electrician is coming over today. DH was nervous about running something and it voiding the homeowners insurance if a fire occurred, good thinking. eh hem, I'd been hinting about getting a pro all last week... His buddy is bring his girlfriend too. I hear she is early in recovery (drugs, mental health), kudos chick. But dh asked me to put away scripts and jewelry. I don't have any except my wedding/engagement rings so I just put them back on. oooff, what a wake up call. I have sausage fingers. It isn't helping that i am still swollen for whatever reason, I hope it's allergies. A good reason for me to be mindful of my diet.

    I posed a continuation of the catification of the living room last night, Dh promptly said lets go to Lowes.
    Bear can go up over and all the way across. I need to put up another shelf on the left and a strip of carpet on the top so he doesn't fall. tf1l3eixqv1y.png

    @quilteryoyo Good to hear you are on the mend!

    @Avidkeo You are my inspiration! I can already see a loss in your face! whoot whoot! way to go!
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    I am so tired. And I'm stressed. Work is incredibly busy and I'm getting Drs and Nurses coming at me from left and right asking me when their pt will be imaged. I want to eat all the junk food (the vending machine is calling...)

    Atm I've taken 30 minutes to eat my dinner (spaghetti with corn, bacon and Pesto. Very yummy). Then I'm going to get another Coke zero - yes this will be my second of the day. I feel the caffeine is called for. Then dive in.

    One patient at a time.

    5 more hours. Then a day off tomorrow! Can't come soon enough.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,402 Member
    @Avidkeo - you've got this! Hang tough and get through this stressful period!!
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    edited January 2021
    Thank you @shanaber, I really appreciate the encouragement!
    It's now 2240. I had 25 individual patients and 39 examinations. I go home in 20 minutes. I am exhausted.

    I stuck to calories. Actually ate fewer than goal atm. Will have some chocolate when I get home. Probably have 10 mins in the spa or a hot shower then bed. I am so tired.

    Day off tomorrow. Woo hoo!
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    Good morning all! It's Monday I think! My weekend was crazy with the endurance challenge called PeloFundo. I am nuts and fully embrace the cray cray....these people keep me laughing or I'd prolly be crying haha.

    @quilteryoyo You are a model patient and its a testament to how great of shape you are in from running, Tennis, yard work etc. So glad you are on the mend and will be back to full activity soon!!

    @ddmom0811 That view is so nice.....I'd love to visit.....lets get that vaccine out!

    @shanaber I finally got our Tread and love it....just last week so I have only walked on it a few times but I feel so much less impact than outside concrete. I see the sports med guy today and will discuss running. Which class did you take? let me know - it sounds good! your walking pace is my running pace lol! Also thanks for the tips on familysearch. I will check it out.

    @avidkeo You are doing so well even with work stress. That hiking place looks incredible and your girls are adorable.!

    @RunsOnEspresso I plan to restart my logging and it literally adds so much time to the process....its hard to keep up with all of this. I'll probably have to do the same until I get back into it.

    @rheddmobile I will look into Ancestry as well....decide if I will really use it.

    @swenson19d Love the catification funny! Bear is a lucky kitty!

    So my weekend in a picture: I hit my goal, even with 3 inches of Snow in Austin, which lead to a power outage that lasted 5 hours. I though I was dead in the water but a friend suggested that I get on the bike and just cycle at good pace and use the app on my phone to register my cycling time and classes so I could finish my 200 miles. I rode in the dark but got it done! Power came back on and did another hour with some other friends. It was challenging and fun and its always good to see what I am capable of. Hip felt good. Butt was angry. Thank god for cycling shorts and chamois butter!
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    Class. Oh the chatter. It is so hard being out of the house. I cried like 4 times on the way up. Oh well. Onward
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    I was looking to adopt this guy. @shanaber they require references, so I put you down and shared your email He looks so stupid.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    swenson19d wrote: »
    I was looking to adopt this guy. @shanaber they require references, so I put you down and shared your email He looks so stupid.

    Awwww he looks gorgeous!
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @Avidkeo He looks so dumb and the more I think about him the more I want him. I can't believe there is an application process and references for a pet. That's awesome though that they try to give them better homes. Locally I can just walk in and pick one, no vetting.

    I ate a salad for lunch. Better choices. I took a low dose antidepressant in the middle of class because I wanted to cry more.

    Dd isn't taking classes. Idk what's going on with her. I was supportive but know I'm probably enabling. Just trying to get her to tell me how I can help her get where she wants to be in her life. She brought in a bag of alcoholic drinks the other day, she scored high on the alcohol risk screening back when she went to the mental health facility, just after Alex died. So I am afraid she is following Alex's path.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @swenson19 I see why you want him. Fingers crossed. And hugs on DD.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Well day off after my really rough night last night. Kids started swimming lessons today so we were all out the door at 830 for 9am classes. I went for a short swim while they were in class. Came home and got on the stationery bike for 20 mins followed by a strength session. I set up my strength plan on my watch and it was really handy. Too for ever to set up.

    Food, haven't really planned out anything yet. Homemade burgers for dinner. Probably have porridge for lunch. Kids love it! Going for a walk around the local lake after lunch. I'll sleep well tonight!