Downsizers - January 2021 Team Chat



  • Bluetail6
    Bluetail6 Posts: 2,881 Member
    Hey ya all.... I'm going to step away from the group for a bit. The state of our country has been weighing on my mind alot lately and today was just not a good day, mentally or for my weightloss. I'm trying to stay off of social media altogether, although I will still log onto this program in the evening and record my food and exercise, but that will be about it.

    Please take care. <3
  • Bluetail6
    Bluetail6 Posts: 2,881 Member
    ^^ I meant for the face to be at the end of my sentence, lol. Not for it to be at the end of my current weight. For some reason, I am unable to edit.
  • Z10Rtza
    Z10Rtza Posts: 450 Member
    Hi everyone!!!
    What a weeeeeeek!!!!!!
    I lost my phone, it ended in a police station, and now my phone works only half of the times (or less)
    I have been busy with plenty of Doctors and disgusting appointments drinking barium and pooping white after XD
    In two weeks I will have my last appointment with my fisio, and even if I find him really nice and he has been almost my only social life in a year, I´m willing to be free from those appointments.
    I finished the Nederlands course and I need to get the info of how i did in the exams and everything.
    I am going crazy going up and down with the course of Administration but I´m really happy because it makes me feel that I´m in the right path to be in the Belgium system.
    With the corona rules we need to walk in a certain specific way in the building and that is helping a lot for my steps.
    The days that I am following the course from home I´m so stressed that I crave all the bad things.
    My weight is an absolute disaster but I hope it will go better.
    And I miss you big times but lately I don´t have time even to go to pee.
    My weight this monday was
  • 363days
    363days Posts: 548 Member
    @ihustle4muscle That gave me a laugh but I hope the family member didn't make you feel bad! I really enjoy Marie Kondo and will never be organized to that extent...
  • Tazaria87
    Tazaria87 Posts: 604 Member
    Tazaria87 wrote: »
    Bluetail6 wrote: »
    WOW @Tazaria87 that pantry is in tip top shape. Can you come to my house an organize me too?!! :D

    I'm next!! :D

    Yes to both of you haha! I'm getting super into organizing lately! I got one of those rolling multi drawer carts for christmas and organized all my kids craft stuff too. Makes me so happy to not see it everywhere.

    I need your skills! A family member of mine came over to visit, and then bought me the book, "The Life-changing Magic of Tidying Up" by Marie Kondo. 😬😂 I guess they were trying to tell me I need major tidying up around here. LOL

    Haha, I've watched that show on Netflix and my husband and I followed most of her suggestions when we were getting ready to buy a new house. We got rid of so much stuff! I now fold all my kids' clothes the way she does too and I love it. All my clothes are hanging up.
  • Tazaria87
    Tazaria87 Posts: 604 Member
    Tazaria87 wrote: »
    Tazaria87 wrote: »
    Bluetail6 wrote: »
    WOW @Tazaria87 that pantry is in tip top shape. Can you come to my house an organize me too?!! :D

    I'm next!! :D

    Yes to both of you haha! I'm getting super into organizing lately! I got one of those rolling multi drawer carts for christmas and organized all my kids craft stuff too. Makes me so happy to not see it everywhere.

    I need your skills! A family member of mine came over to visit, and then bought me the book, "The Life-changing Magic of Tidying Up" by Marie Kondo. 😬😂 I guess they were trying to tell me I need major tidying up around here. LOL

    Haha, I've watched that show on Netflix and my husband and I followed most of her suggestions when we were getting ready to buy a new house. We got rid of so much stuff! I now fold all my kids' clothes the way she does too and I love it. All my clothes are hanging up.

  • 363days
    363days Posts: 548 Member
    @jimboden3 I enjoyed reading your post and think it has some very good ideas in it. Last week I "took a break" from a friend on facebook by whom I felt bullied with a post I had shared. I didn't even think it was controversial but sometimes I feel like anything we say can turn in to that - after her 3rd remark I deleted the post and unfriended her. I was not there to cause drama. Since that time I've only been on FB briefly and I feel so much better for it!
    I have been planning a trip to the Nordic countries, whether I ever go or not it is an exercise that is so fun! I had my first Norwegian lesson this morning and the tutor gave me so many sites where I could explore the culture, watch Norwegian TV and more. I feel like it has given me a spark during this tough time.
    @scorpiogirl70 Take care!!! I will be thinking of you.
    @lindamtuck2018 Thank you for your comment! I didn't even think about the fact that by planning for the rest of the day I was showing control and looking at it from that positive light makes me realize I am starting to make some changes. The good news is that even though I went 50 calories over, that is nothing compared to "Grandson day".
    @Z10Rtza Dang, girl - what a day/week/month you have had. You seem to have such good vibes, though and I hope that energy continues to carry you through. Question - the Nederlands course? Is this for citizenship?
    @lelbarou I'm glad you are feeling better. We are having difficulty here getting the vaccine and I will feel so much better when I'm able to secure it.
  • 888Angie888
    888Angie888 Posts: 884 Member
    Steps 1/15: 18,510
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,527 Member
    Hey ya all.... I'm going to step away from the group for a bit. The state of our country has been weighing on my mind alot lately and today was just not a good day, mentally or for my weightloss. I'm trying to stay off of social media altogether, although I will still log onto this program in the evening and record my food and exercise, but that will be about it.

    I am going to move you to the cheer squad. Whenever you want to come back you can post in the thread or send me a message. Hugs!

    Bluetail6 wrote: »

    Completely forgot to update my stats when I posted earlier.

    PW: 164.8
    CW: 164.2 ;)

    Going to enter them in a bit. Nice loss!

    Piqueaboo wrote: »
    username: Piqueaboo
    Weigh In Day: Friday
    PW (Previous Weight): 214
    CW (Current Weight): 212.2
    LTD (Loss to Date): 36.3 lost to date

    Right, it's been a wonderful 10 days since I returned to my own place - I've been eating within my calories (1200),
    have had less appetite which is great, and been busy, not working out, but moving house. The bulk of it is done now, but I look forward to settling in to create a proper routine. I'm close to the park and the river to do sports, I have space in my living room to work out at home (Kayla Itsines or Jillian Michaels maybe) but I'm still taking it easy and not putting pressure on myself. Baby steps!

    Awesome loss! I think moving burns a ton of calories. I know for myself if we hadn’t got takeout for 4 days that we were moving my weight loss for the week would be more. I had large Fitbit calorie adjustments while we moved.

    lelbarou wrote: »
    Jan. 15, 2021 Check in
    Logging -yes
    exercise - no (no steps)

    Hi all,
    So, I have calmed down a lot. Thank you also to @lindamtuck2018 and @iHUSTLE4MUSCLE
    for your understanding of me.

    I think I just have to take one day at a time. Thinking ahead is not useful right now.

    As far as weight, I have not lost much. One thing is that I think I do not react well to grains. I wanted to try to be more vegetarian, but grains and beans do not keep me as full and promote weight loss for me the same way that meat, eggs and fish do.

    Anyway, teaching and working is good for taking my mind off things. I love my students because they appreciate me and the work I do! YAY!

    I appreciate you all and your support. Please take good care and be safe.

    You are right that thinking ahead is something that is better not done in the environment we are facing right now. No one can tell you what to do as becoming a vegetarian is a very personal decision. My 8 year old granddaughter just decided on becoming one. My daughter has strict guidelines for her to follow as she is only 8 years old. I do know there is lots of plant based meat replacements. She limits them for my granddaughter but I don’t know if this would be an option for you. I think most of them are made with soy but I haven’t researched that. When I am talking to my daughter later I will get more info.

    jimboden3 wrote: »
    Hey ya all.... I'm going to step away from the group for a bit. The state of our country has been weighing on my mind alot lately and today was just not a good day, mentally or for my weightloss. I'm trying to stay off of social media altogether, although I will still log onto this program in the evening and record my food and exercise, but that will be about it.

    These are indeed stressful times. There are some great coping mechanisms or suggestions on how to deal with current events which you can google. My wife and I have both been feeling the "socio-political stress" for some time now and decided we need to tune out some of the negativity in our lives.
    • We finally unfriended some people from our past (even a few relatives). Staying away from toxic people can be difficult as well - especially if they're family, neighbors or former close friends. Some people are like clouds. When they disappear, it's a beautiful day. In our case, both of our parents share very different political views from my wife and I but we still love them and know they won't be around forever so we had a heart-to heart conversation about 4-5 months ago and we all mutually agreed to not bring up politics anymore in our conversations. We decided that it wasn't worth destroying a relationship over in the long run.
    • Turning off the news is hard when you feel like the world is crumbling but know that over time, this should eventually pass (even if it takes longer than we would like). The National NBC news (we DVR to watch later at night) always ends their 30 minute segment with a feel good story. Sometimes we fast forward past the 'breaking news' portion (which typically does less to inform and more to raise our blood temperatures) and go to the end to watch these 'People Making a Difference' clips which are very reassuring (and often emotional) that there are still a lot of really good people out there doing the right thing and inspiring others.
    • We recently started planning our 25th anniversary vacation (even though we're not sure when we'll be able to go, once the smoke clears we'll have our game plan together) and that's taken our mind off the 'calamity of the day' type news. It's really great to have something to look forward to.

    Anyway, I know we all have our own unique situations and challenges so I hope you're able to find some peace or ways to deal with your current stressors. Best of luck to you.

    This is very informative. I totally agree with getting rid with toxic people. I think getting to travel again is going to be so nice. We travel to Newfoundland every year for a month to see our elderly parents and the rest of the family. It has been over 1.5 years since we have been there, June 2019. I couldn’t go for my granddaughters 1st birthday in October so I am focusing on her 2nd. They live in Scotland. So much to look forward to once this crazy world slows down.

    Z10Rtza wrote: »
    135.7 kg = 299.1 lbs A friking looooooooot! I was 295,6 lbs the week before so...
    And my steps
    9 January 2021-> 7.497 steps
    10 January 2021->6.841 steps
    11 January 2021-> 20.473 steps
    12 January 2021->12.000 steps
    13 January 2021->14.662 steps
    14 January 2021-> 10.864 steps
    @lindamtuck2018 @Megan_smartiepants1970

    Sounds like you have been busy the last week. Hopefully things will slow down and you can get into a routine.

    Tazaria87 wrote: »
    Tazaria87 wrote: »
    Bluetail6 wrote: »
    WOW @Tazaria87 that pantry is in tip top shape. Can you come to my house an organize me too?!! :D

    I'm next!! :D

    Yes to both of you haha! I'm getting super into organizing lately! I got one of those rolling multi drawer carts for christmas and organized all my kids craft stuff too. Makes me so happy to not see it everywhere.

    I need your skills! A family member of mine came over to visit, and then bought me the book, "The Life-changing Magic of Tidying Up" by Marie Kondo. 😬😂 I guess they were trying to tell me I need major tidying up around here. LOL

    Haha, I've watched that show on Netflix and my husband and I followed most of her suggestions when we were getting ready to buy a new house. We got rid of so much stuff! I now fold all my kids' clothes the way she does too and I love it. All my clothes are hanging up.

    Now I am going to check out a cart for the spare room. It is mostly the grandkids that sleep in there. So I need something for all the stuff they leave here. Unless my daughter needs me to babysit if she goes into placement p, they are not going to be over anytime soon due to lockdown so that room is my lowest priority. I am writing all these ideas down. Keep these organized tips coming.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,527 Member
    Weigh in -Fridays
    PW: 229.1
    CW 225.4 (loss 3.7 lbs)
    LTD: 43.6 :)

    Good Morning Downsizers ....I hope everyone is good .... I have PT in an hour ....I am not exactly liking this and I do not want to go this morning but if I cancel on the day of I get charged 25.00 so of course I am going ...

    Awesome loss! Every time you mention pt I keep thinking to reschedule mine. My shoulder and hip is going to be in a world of hurt if I don’t get it done. I will do it today.

    WEIGH IN: FRIDAY, Jan 15:
    PW: 177.6
    CW: 176

    You are killing it. Nice loss again this week.

This discussion has been closed.