Downsizers - February 2021 Team Chat



  • cabman
    cabman Posts: 81 Member
    Hi was not happy today

    Cw 95.1kg
  • Bluetail6
    Bluetail6 Posts: 2,881 Member
    Congratulations to everyone who lost in January!! I'm going to take this in bits to get caught up.... Sorry in advance for the two lengthy posts :p:).

    "Just curious, do you use a weight trending app."? You asked me this question. I started using Happy Scale 3/4 of the way into January. I entered all of my weekly weights, from when I started on 9/1/2020. I weigh myself no more that 2X a weeks. Generally, I have another challenge going on, on that particular day. Usually Sundays or Mondays. I am able to check how I'm doing for F2F weigh in coming up, as I consider Thursdays my "real" w/i day, if you will.

    "Awesome loss! You have been in the green every week of the January challenge. Can you tell the team some tips on how you have been so successful with your weight loss."? This answer is in my next post, so this bad boy isn't so long. :D

    Thank you for the well wishes on continued success in balancing life with calorie goals, in your January post to me.

    Thank you for your continued support!! You made a positive comment about my continuing to mess around with my calorie goals, in January.

    Thank you for your comment about my positive attitude. It is a blessing to always see the "glass half full."

    I know you mentioned me in a post around 1/23? Can't find it for the life of me, sorry.

    Thank you for your shoutout for losing weight the month of January.
  • lelbarou
    lelbarou Posts: 312 Member
    February 1 - weight check - in

    Date - Feb. 1/2021
    PW 309
    CW 306
    This week - 3 pound loss
    LTD - 59 pounds ( 49 pounds in MFP and 10 pounds before I joined)

    Yesterday's check in - Jan 31
    Logging - yes

    Steps - Jan. 31 - 9798

    Well, I'm pleased I am dropping weight!. I have limited my sugar intake a little I was overshooting it everyday and thouht that is not good. I still eat fruit, but not 5 pieces! LOL
    I seem to have hurt my foot. I really have to get back to my knee exercises because they are not just for my knee! They strengthen and balance my whole body.

    Just saw your post and loved it.

    I can totally understand what you are saying.
    When you put aside doubt and just move forward confidently and with purpose things fall inot line. And being positive is part of the equation too. No matter how long it takes, It will happen!
    Loved your post!

    We can support and help each other get that confidence! Yep! Let's do this thing!
  • Bluetail6
    Bluetail6 Posts: 2,881 Member
    edited February 2021
    Yes, my friend, we will, and actually are doing it. I soooo appreciate your support. I'm here to support you as well :)<3

    ETA: Sorry about your foot!! Also congrats on your weight loss this week. And, I so get the love of fruit. I have been thoroughly enjoying the latest batch of grapefruits from Costco. Yummy, lol
  • lelbarou
    lelbarou Posts: 312 Member
    YAY! Thank you buddy!!!

    I just wanted to say AWESOME WORK to our Downsizers who have been in the green and losing for four weeks in a row and who continually hit the leaderboard in the top weight loss positions!!!!
    Congratulations on your success! And being in the green 4 weeks!


  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,328 Member
    lelbarou wrote: »
    YAY! Thank you buddy!!!

    I just wanted to say AWESOME WORK to our Downsizers who have been in the green and losing for four weeks in a row and who continually hit the leaderboard in the top weight loss positions!!!!
    Congratulations on your success! And being in the green 4 weeks!


    Thank you so much Laura :)
  • Tazaria87
    Tazaria87 Posts: 604 Member
    Daily Post January 31
    Tracked Yes
    Under Calorie Yes
    Water 100oz
    Steps 5029
    Exercise 12min hitting a punching bag

    Normally Sundays are my rest day for the week. Apparently though, my brother has been inspired to start working out again and get in shape, so he wanted to do a workout together while we were at our parents house. He did Taekwondo for years when he was younger and my parents still have a standing bag in their basement from him. It was a pretty good workout even though it was shorter. If we do it again though I need to wear gloves, my knuckles are a bit ripped up.

    To answer the previous question of why I started my weight loss: This was honestly attempt number upmteen to get healthy. 6 months before this attempt I was going strong on dieting and losing weight and then Thanksgiving came and that was the end of it until April. This time, before I started I knew I had to figure out how I could make this my final attempt, final start. I'm going to make it this time. I have no doubts about that now.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,530 Member
    edited February 2021
    Never be ashamed of your weight gain. It is really important to have compassion for ourselves. We are here to celebrate losses but also help with struggles. Ask the group if you need any help overcoming a struggle with weight loss as there is a wealth of knowledge.

    Welcome back!

    Congrats on the loss! I love your spirit and strength.

    Nice loss and congrats on reaching 30 pounds lost. You have a clear picture of what you want to achieve so that is very positive.

    You got this week to turn things around. You got this!

    Another stellar loss, congrats! I love your statement about taking it one pound by one pound. Sometimes it gets overwhelming if we look at what we still have to lose.

    You offer some great insight. Being focused, optimistic and having confidence is something we all need to strive for. I really like that you don’t let messing up a meal or day shake you up. When we let that mess with our head it can lead to days off plan. I need to be more optimistic and it is something I want to strive for. Great post!

    Great loss this week. Take care of that knee and foot. I know how much you love your walks so I don’t want to see you sidelined for too long.

    You do deserve a reward for all your hard work. I think having a reward helps keep our eye on the prize.

    It must be so nice to workout with family. We all need to learn to have confidence. I think it makes a difference in how our weight loss goes.

    I tried to comment on everyone’s post so I apologize it I missed someone.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,530 Member
    We had a great January Downsizers! Let’s crush February!

    Congrats to our top 3 for week 4!

    Congrats to our top 3 for January!
    @Megan_smartiepants1970 @Sripalbhansali
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,328 Member
    edited February 2021

    Lets learn about each other’s weight loss journey!

    What pushed you to start your weight loss?

    I have done this so many times and given up to many times ...This time it was going to the hospital with the flu ...being admitted for 9 days with not just the flu but having pneumonia too ( I found that out after I left the hospital) and them telling me I was type 2 diabetic ...being on insulin... and all different other meds ....I said enough already and turned it around ... I am now considered pre diabetic ...I am off all meds except for high blood pressure(which I am hoping to be off that soon ) Will ask when I see my Dr. on the 10th...I am proud of myself for not giving up this time (700+ days logging in) and I am proud that I have lost 50lbs....Back in 09/2010 I lost 78lbs of course gained it all back and then some my goal is to pass that number and finally get to my goal weight .... This group has helped me in more ways than one and I appreciate every single one of you so thank you :)
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,328 Member
    We had a great January Downsizers! Let’s crush February!

    Congrats to our top 3 for week 4!

    Congrats to our top 3 for January!
    @Megan_smartiepants1970 @Sripalbhansali

    Thank you so much :)
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,530 Member
    Dont forget to help us learn about your journey!


    Lets learn about each other’s weight loss journey!

    What pushed you to start your weight loss?

  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,530 Member
    edited February 2021
    Sunday’s check in
    Steps 3,467 ❌
    Sleep ✅
    Water ✅
    Track ✅

    Not sure why but I have been so hungry yesterday and again today. I went over calories yesterday as I had to eat something or I wouldn’t have slept from my stomach growling. I am not exercising so that wouldn’t be a reason why. My snack last night had both a protein and a carb which my dietitian recommended. Also, last week I dropped my calories so I am wondering if I should put them back to where the were. Anyone have any suggestions? I have no problem setting my calories to lose a half a pound a week.

    Today is the day! I go for my emg at 2 pm. After reading everyone’s post I know I should be optimistic but I am scared. Cross your fingers that I will get some answers and can start going for walks again. 🤞
  • 888Angie888
    888Angie888 Posts: 884 Member
    Steps 1/31: 11,192
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,530 Member
    Dont forget to help us learn about your journey!


    Lets learn about each other’s weight loss journey!

    What pushed you to start your weight loss?

    Basically, my push was fear. I started to realize that something awful would happen if I didn’t start to lose weight. I already had diabetes and high cholesterol but I knew I was heading for a heart attack as my weight continued to increase every year. I wanted to be around to see my grandkids grow up and maybe meet some great grandchildren. I think it was a healthy fear because it gave me the push I needed.
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member

    *if you reached a milestone and did not receive a celebration, reach out to your team captain or a moderator and make sure your starting weight has been entered.

    If it has been and I missed it, please let me know and I will make sure you get your shout out!!
This discussion has been closed.