Mission Slimpossible - February 2021 Team Chat



  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,011 Member
    Hello Slims-

    Put me on the list for winter/covid doldrums. I am also going to say that the Beck book depressed me. I learned that I have many of the qualities that make it hard to lose weight. I learned that I use most of the sabotaging phrases on myself.

    I guess that wasn't a surprise, but I had been feeling that I have come so far on this journey and had finally developed skills that would help me move DOWN on the scale. Seeing this in print in front of my eyes has made it clear that there are several things that still need to be practiced and learned.

    When my attitude starts to slip, I can get a bit vindictive with myself. Like, I could just decide to throw the book out the window and eat a bunch of stuff kind of vindictive.

    So, my plan is to spend the next couple days digging out the tools that are in the book for me to use. I'm going to make some index cards for weak moments. I'm going to celebrate the weight I have lost and the things I have already learned and not use this as an excuse to give up.

    Don't get me wrong- I think the book has the exact tools I need right now and I'm glad I'm reading it. However sometimes brutal honesty can be painful!

    @AustinRuadhain and anyone else who lives where there is ice and no power- I'm thinking of you!

    @TwistedSassette - my sympathy to you.....
  • GabiV125
    GabiV125 Posts: 3,116 Member
    @Cornanda - You’ve come a long way and learned so much , and as someone very smart said “we only learn from mistakes, not so much from successes” .

    I saw a funny but so true, note the other day about weird and potentially derailing thoughts:

  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @raleighgirl09 I’ve been getting onto my husband for his lack of exercise. He used to be really into it and as he has aged, he has stopped. So, last night we were talking about what I’m doing for Lent and I suggested he could walk on the treadmill for the next 40 days. He agreed that he could do that. We aren’t a very traditional couple either and I think doing what works best for you is a very good practice to embrace. :) Ohhh and I LOVE those tortillas!! <3 They are what I used when I made my enchiladas. The problem with having them in my house is that I will eat them all gone! But I agree that the fiber content makes them a good choice for when nothing but a tortilla will do. :) My ex-husband always got up in the middle of the night to eat and always thought it was so odd. I have no idea why you do it but it’s good you don’t think you are sleepwalking. :/

    @trooworld Yeah, I know I need to take advantage of my bathtub. I even have a bottle of Dr. Teal’s lavender bubble bath. :grin: I need to do some spring cleaning in my house soon too. I have a list of honey-do stuff my husband.

    @Cornanda I am in the same boat with you about the book hitting a little too close to home. Part of me would love to toss it aside and just do my own thing the way I want to do it, but then I think that this woman has helped a whole lot of people so she might have some insights that I actually need to read and implement. I have my index cards too and I plan to finish the book and learn from it. You need to practice kindness with yourself. You would never be vindictive to a friend who was struggling. Would you? We got this!! <3

    Hi everyone! This morning my mom and I saw a terrible accident. It happened at an intersection that I had just turned left on. It was just seconds later that we heard the crash involving a small white pick-up that had made the same turn behind me. I looked in my rearview mirror and saw a man flying through the air and landing on the pavement like a rag doll. It was horrific! I believe that a car hit him at high speed. My mom and I immediately started praying as we also realized that it could have been us in that accident. It’s such a jolt when we are confronted with how quickly life can be so dramatically changed. :'( I came home and hugged my husband and lectured him on being a more careful driver. He did the same with me. Tomorrow, I’m starting my one meal a day approach to fasting and I’m hoping that it will get my weight moving a little quicker in the right direction. We will see! ;)

    Beck Diet Solution Question of the Day
    Day 18-Redefine Full—The book talks about how many chronic dieters need to change their concept of fullness because they continue to eat even after the sensation of fullness sets in. She says we should be able to take a brisk walk after we have eaten and if we can’t then we have eaten too much. I think the book is fairly simplistic in its explanation of why we tend to overeat. I have done some reading on this subject and the different hormones that control our hunger and satiety and how people who have dieted for years have often really messed their hormones up. One of the reasons I don’t count calories is because I want to relearn how to listen to my body hunger clues. I do have my index card reminders on my table telling me to eat slowly and leave food on my plate, which today I did. :)

    Here is a good article on hormones and ways you can fix them. Healthline 9-fixes-for-weight-hormones
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,474 Member
    Weekly Weigh-In

    Username - bethanie0825
    Day - Tuesday
    PW - ?
    CW - 228

    I'm over the weather.
  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 686 Member
    edited February 2021

    I'm over the weather.

    @bethanie0825 - me too. @SlimPossiblesTeam I and Bethanie are so over the weather. Who's with us?
  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 686 Member
    Tuesday check in

    Soooooo - Fat Tuesday. I decided I was curious this morning and weighed. Mhm - Fat Tuesday.

    Crazy day starting this morning. The study site I was helping as a part-time gig is in the process of database lock and so the emails and frantic feelings started early - but remember how I now have a full time gig.....? Turns out that this morning is also the morning I scheduled my 2 hour Outlook update and so, I just so happened to have some time to be able to help out and get the data squared away while my computer did its thing. And then went on about my day and helped the investigator sign off this evening and....we're done. =>

    Had a decent day but over my 1250-1400 calorie range - 160 calories over which is not huge but it's a little over 10%. If I am 30 over, for example, I'm not thrilled but I don't really worry about it. 160 over is significant because if that happened everyday, at what point would it be a gain? Just trying to think long term. Of course, chips for lunch is not exactly on the plan so I'm not sure exactly what I thought would magically happen if I decided to have chips for lunch and not adjust anything around it. Hm - Fat Tuesday.

    Had the chocolate which was tasty and nice. Water is down to finishing just before bed which is not preferable. Had 2 really good walks and over 15,000 steps so I am catching up to a monthly average, even if the week average suffered!

    Pretty tired - going to amble off to bed and see about poking my head in, in the morning!
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,011 Member
    @GabiV125 --- I like that. Don't believe everything you think! I think some baaaad stuff! And I need to stop it. Thanks.

    @TeresaW1020 - yes, why do I treat myself that way? Wow, the accident sounds like a terrible thing to see and I'm glad you hugged your fam tight. I do believe that even if Beck does not have everything right, there are skills she can teach us.

    @raleighgirl09 @bethanie0825 Yes, I am so over the weather!

    I think part of my struggle is a sleep issue. It's been bad the past two weeks. Which in turn affects food choices and exercise choices and attitude. I slept like *kitten* last night and here it is midnight and I'm still up........

  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,588 Member
    Hey gang! Those of you that added me as a friend already know this but I realized my antidepressant dosage for nerve pain was making me depressed, people on 20mgs say they feel like a zombie, no one in my groups with nerve issues are over 60mgs, and my neurologist put me on 120mgs even though I had serotonin syndrome last time I took it and landed in the hospital then hasn't responded to my calls since Dec. So I halved the dosage and I feel almost normal, lot more pain, but I'm not comatose on the bed and I feel stronger. Sorry for not posting much lately, I think it's a combo of feeling like I'm letting people down not responding more plus I'm pretty open in group here and that takes more energy and I've barely had energy to go to the bathroom!

    @trooworld My boyfriend and I are still together, we got in a bad fight last week and I was still kind of mad at him even though I accepted his apology. Valentine's was nice, I was just really exhausted.

    @TwistedSassette I had to laugh at you saying you aren't making your husband nervous walking in place watching TV. The actual standing while he's sitting can actually be non verbally challenging (I took a whole course on nonverbal communication), when my boyfriend stands watching TV to the side of me it drove me crazy at first because I'm on a recliner but I'm getting better about it. At first it made me super antsy, like when someone won't take their coat off!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,920 Member
    @Cornanda You are right: brutal honesty can be painful. I'm glad you are able to find some tools in the book to help you and that you aren't giving up. <3

    @TeresaW1020 I love that stuff! Yeah, I need to do more of a spring cleaning but at least some of it is done. That crash must have been so scary, I haven't seen anything like that before and hope I never do because I couldn't "unsee" it.

    @Katmary71 Oh dear, I'm glad you realized this and halved the amount. I hope you can get some rest. Sorry about the fight with your boyfriend.

    Like @raleighgirl09 I also had a "Fat Tuesday"...we ordered food delivery and although it was delicious, it surely is going to push me towards more fat. I was already over my WW points for the week, I just pushed myself further down in the dirt by ordering the food. We just didn't feel like cooking and that particular restaurant sounded really good last night.

    My phrase for the year: CHANGE HAPPENS
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,011 Member
    @Katmary71 glad you are feeling better! Good to see you on here- no pressure though. Drop a post when you can.

    @trooworld- Fat Tuesday is now over. You can leave it behind you now. Gosh, why is that so hard to do?! Just jump in and get going again.

    Hello Slims. My bad attitude seems to be improving. Discovered some seeds of hope that I plan to water and nurture. Slept almost 7 hours in a row which is quite an accomplishment for me this week!

    Happy Wed! B)<3
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member

    @Katmary71 Well, that sucks that you had to take matters into your hands with your medication dosage, but I’m glad that you are feeling better. Don’t worry about us here. We are just happy when you are able to pop on and let us know how you are doing. <3

    @trooworld, so you indulged on Fat Tuesday and it’s over and done. Are you back on track today? Whatever gain you had will come off by Friday. At least that is what I’m trying to tell myself. ;)

    @Cornanda glad that your mood is improving. Keep watering those good seeds!! <3

    Hi Team! First off let me raise my hand to announce that I am tired of the weather!! Today, it’s gorgeous and sunny but tomorrow we are back to rain. Sooooo much rain!! :s Today, is my first day of practicing Lent and so far so good. I didn’t eat lunch and did my Bible study during that time. I did have a Keto coffee (grass-fed butter and MCT oil) after I had been fasting for 20 hours. I had to take my mom to a doctor’s appointment where they were going to try to get some bone marrow to test why she is so anemic, but they failed and now she has to go into the hospital and be put under. I told her she better find out if I can even go into the hospital with her. These days it’s not always clear. :/ OK, I’m off to make dinner and then get ready for church tonight.

    Beck Diet Solution Question of the Day
    Day 19-Stop Fooling Yourself-- Beck says, "Dieters have an amazing ability to delude themselves about food...After all, a calorie is a calorie, no matter when, where, or why you eat it." I know better than to think that statement is true, yet I still fall for it repeatedly. I give myself excuses to eat all the time. Last night I ate four pieces of chocolate at Bible study because starting today I’m giving up sugar for Lent. So, of course, I had to eat that candy! Beck also says, “Every single time I eat something I’m not supposed to, I strengthen my giving-in muscle and weaken my resistance muscle.” She is right that eating something I am not supposed to might feel good at the moment but afterward, I feel bad that I ate it. Like the candy from last night! I’m glad that I am doing Lent this year and hoping that the discipline will be something I can use going forward. If, I don’t learn to stop fooling myself then sustaining my weight loss is NOT going to happen. :/
  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 686 Member
    Wednesday (Ash, as it were) coffee talk

    The sun is actually around today and yesterday - beaming like nobody's business!! It was up to 58 yesterday, quite unexpected, but today will be a lot colder. No bother - we'll bundle our happy tooshes up and get out for the walks. We looked at the future weather and it's supposed to rain tomorrow. We started bemoaning and wailing and then decided we should probably go ahead and enjoy today and beat breast and gnash teeth tomorrow when it's cold and rainy. Seems like a good plan.

    @katmary71 I'm so glad you felt like coming in and visiting - so predetermined length of post required!! <3 As your own best advocate, it seems you've had to figure a lot of things out for yourself! I had double vision for a while, sudden onset. It took a whole round of nuerologist types docs, many tests and a few thousand dollars with no answers for me to start Googling my symptoms and what led to them - turns out, chronic dry eye. My eyelids were sticking to my eyeballs in the night and that was causing the double vision (not to mention, it was painful). Some daily fish oil and vitamine E fixed the issue - isn't that something? We have to be our own best advocates. Hang in there with that BF - this is a hard winter for a lot of people which strains relationships. The cold, the rain, the COVID. We're snappish over here and it can be hard to remain civil - and even harder to remain civil when it's the other side snapping. But when it's both - Katie bar the door, it's on.

    @Cornanda I think it's forward progress just to have so many feelings and thoughts about the Beck book - and keep reading it and decide to take the good from it with the introspective look inward. It's ok to come away thinking that there are things in it not for you and hey, sounds like you have quite enough of it that is to keep you busy! @TeresaW1020 @trooworld and @AustinRuadhain are all having great conversations around the material which probably helps the book to stay on the right side of the window..... B)B)B)
  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 686 Member
    Wednesday evening

    Believe it or not (and who would make this up), the above was a post from this morning. That I forgot to push send on. And now it is some 16 hours later.......oy.

    I am off to bed soon - I have no idea what my weight will be tomorrow. Looking at the habit tracker, I'm up on cals everyday, some days by a little but mostly by 150 or 200 or more. So - that's a problem. I truthfully didn't plan well this week by shopping and cooking in bulk. It's so beneficial when I do but then it also sucks up a whole day or most of one and part of another. I spent the time last weekend driving back to Raleigh and so.....poor planning and poor or quick choices (sometimes that's the same). Found myself suddenly alone for dinner and left to my own devices, pimento cheese and triscuits fit the bill. Then some eggs because I was hungry. :D
  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 686 Member
    Week 3 weigh in Thursday (18Feb2021)
    Previous weight:177.8
    Current weight: 177.6
    LTD MFP #2 57.4 lbs
    LTD overall 122.4

    Well, it's a win/win/win! Down a little, in the green and easy math to adjust the LTD numbers! @leonadixon is really good at reminding us that slow and steady wins the race, so I am celebrating winning this leg of it!! :*
    leonadixon wrote: »
    Slow and steady!

    It's raining and icing right now and the forecast is for more of the same all day and into tomorrow - I'm reminding myself that it was beautiful for us, 2 days in a row. If there is only so much sunshine to go around, I'm willing to share and ride the coattails of 2 sunny days with wonderful walks and a lot of steps. I know it's possible it's crazy winter weather everywhere, because it is winter after all, but I'm looking to remain positive!

    Have a wonderful day, all - whether it is sunny or rainy - ice, snow or just buckets of cold water - I hope you have a great day. I'm going to make chili for dinner and stay bundled up and inside as long as it is wet out there.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,920 Member
    @Cornanda Yes! And I did leave it behind: I had a nice healthy salad for dinner. ;) It is hard to do. I'm glad you are in better spirits and yay for 7 hours of sleep, I know how much that can feel like a victory!

    @TeresaW1020 I am. I had a chicken kale salad for dinner. Yeah, I'm hoping that gain is gone. So far, the scale is trending down but I'm afraid it's going to bump up today. I hope the rain goes away soon. Oh geez, your poor mother! :( Stay strong re: Lent!

    @raleighgirl09 Congrats on the loss! We had chili earlier in the week when it was colder, it was delicious. Enjoy!

    Hi all. I felt snacky yesterday but I was able to distract myself with work and did not eat snacks. I also had a healthy kale salad for dinner so yay me!

    My phrase for the year: CHANGE HAPPENS
  • GabiV125
    GabiV125 Posts: 3,116 Member
    Yesterday was supposed to be the day I post but it was a FULL day so here it is:
    Username: GabiV125
    Check in day: Wednesday
    PW 130 lb
    CW 131.4 lb

    My work computer broke some weeks ago and I lost my extensive spreadsheet I kept for myself. I mourned it for about a week but after that I started to look for what I need to change, because I got to a point where either I was more lack, or what I was doing stopped working . I gained at New Year and stayed there for 6 weeks after.

    I did some changes suggested in the book:
    1- (day 3) I was convinced I don’t do drive-by-fridge eating, but when I started to pay attention, apparently I do enough to cause damage. So now for a week I’m eating at the table with no tv or phone. Game changer!
    2- (day 5) I used to be a slow eater, and then I married a TRex type eater and forced myself to catch up with him so I don’t sit by myself 30 minutes in front of the plate. It worked for 10 years, but after the last pregnancy it started to catch up with me. Now I’m trying to slow down, and I look out the window, after the animals, breath in, drink water, count, whatever to just slow down. Food tastes better.
    3- (day 8 and 9) make myself walk the extra loop to meet my steps, regardless if I feel it, or if the weather is tolerable. I go out with the dog anyway and if it’s that miserable for him, I let him in and go once more, by myself.
    4- (day 2 and 15) I found a good food scale at Goodwill for almost $4 and started playing with it. Turns out I estimate bread to the oz and I’m way off with cheese and nuts. Some foods went back in the fridge. I will never be the person that remembers to measure everything, but I don’t have to. 50% is a fantastic rate.
    5- (day 4) I started to list one good thing I did for weight battle every day, so I end my day with a smile not a frown.

    I did make another spreadsheet 😁, because that’s how my brain works. Yes, this is a lot about emotions, feelings, head being in the right place, sleeping etc, and it’s all valid and super important. But there’s another side to this coin, the actual count. I mess up when I ignore the numbers (the calories, the steps, the exercise minutes). I lost my drive for a while, and now I’m back looking at the numbers from a different angle and with a brand new toolbox!

    I had a gain on the scale this week and it was part of my learning and I’m good with that.
    Sorry for the long ramble.

    Happy Thursday, everyone!
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,011 Member
    Not much to say today, but it's kinda quiet here so.....

    @raleighgirl09 - hope you enjoy being bundled up and chili. It can be nice as long as it doesn't last too long. B)

    @GabiV125 - love your rambly post! You did good detective work in sleuthing out some things you can adjust and make better.

    Happy Friday Eve to all!
  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,655 Member
    Weigh in day: Friday
    SW: 138.5kg
    PW: 131.8kg
    CW: 131.2kg
    LTD: 7.3kg
    LTW: 0.6kg
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,588 Member
    Hey gang, more health junk, I'm hanging in there but had to start antibiotics. It's annoying, all this preventative stuff is a waste of time with me, I keep coming up with stuff I need medical care for and I only get help through urgent care or the ER. I have another urgent care appointment tomorrow. When I was depressed I called my therapist's office as she quit a few months ago and I'm scheduled with a new one. There's 3 for chronic pain and of course it's the one I didn't really want but she was the only one available in the next month. I'm able to transfer if I don't like her, not that I'm going in not liking her, I just don't really want a new therapist but figure talking to someone every couple months will be good for me. My last therapist was awesome, she told me I didn't need to see her anymore but then I came out of remission and every 6 weeks or so I'm doubting myself so the check-in was good, plus we read similar books and have similar taste in music. Oh well, I'm keeping her in my prayers!

    @raleighgirl09 Be safe, weather sounds awful!

    I'm still working out, I'm more in control about the amount I'm eating but am eating a little junk. I'll have to clean up the sugar with this infection, they think I'm having problems with the steroids I keep needing for pain affecting my immune system.
  • davors19
    davors19 Posts: 287 Member
    Weigh in day: Friday

    PW: 269
    CW: 269
    LTD: 31
This discussion has been closed.