Mission Slimpossible - February 2021 Team Chat



  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,955 Member
    @Jactop Wow, that is a fantastic weigh-in, congrats!

    @TeresaW1020 It was really nice on Sunday. There were a lot of people in the park but it is so big that everyone was spaced out nicely. No, I don't think anyone got fat by eating broccoli...unless they slathered it with butter and cheese lol!

    @TwistedSassette It was really enjoyable. It sounds like you had a nice day yesterday, starting off the day right. I'm sorry you were feeling bad last night. I hate that feeling of being "off" from being late.

    @Katmary71 It is, what you don't see though is that it is right by the freeway lol. It is also right by the San Diego Zoo and, a few years ago, there were 3 peacocks loose from the zoo near the trail. It was a bizarre sight to see! I've heard good things about tapping but have never done it myself. Learning to live with someone is challenging, I lived by myself most of my adult life so I had to do the adjustment when my husband moved in. I'm glad the medication seems to be helping.

    @buniphuphu I hope you are feeling better.

    @Cornanda Thanks, it is a really peaceful trail (besides being right beside the freeway lol). I hope your weigh-in goes well.

    Hi all. We caught someone in the act of breaking into my car on Monday morning and it threw me off. I ate off-plan on Monday, emotionally eating, but I'm back on plan as of yesterday. It's amazing how violated I felt even though it was only my car. She didn't get anything since we caught her but it was still upsetting.

    My phrase for the year: CHANGE HAPPENS
  • leonadixon
    leonadixon Posts: 479 Member
    Cornanda wrote: »
    @Jactop - wow! go you! So impressive.

    @trooworld - love the walking trail pic!

    To all- I see slims on the board and in the Honorable mentions this week. Way to go!

    @TeresaW1020 - it's true that no one ever got fat from eating broccoli. :)

    @TwistedSassette - what are fritters? I think that getting off to a peaceful morning is an excellent way to start the day. But sometimes it doesn't happen. Kudos to you for making it a goal. Hope you are not sick.

    @RYcare - Hi! Glad to see you!

    @Katmary71 - you enjoy all that cauliflower in your box. I think it's a delicious veggie..... too bad others do not agree. And oooh. Hope the new med works!

    @leonadixon - down is the right direction, if it's slower than you would like, that's OK. You are doing great!

    @buniphuphu - Hi, glad to see you too! We're here for you if you have time to talk while you are getting your train back on the track.

    I think I have a tapeworm, lol. I have been SO hungry today. It's very weird, and I've tried to allow some extra eating while still keeping a handle on it. Looks like I'm going to come in under budget calorie-wise. I do not have a loss on file for the month and I think I may see one coming, so I'm trying to end the month on a win.

    Re: Tapeworm and hungry all the time....same! It's been an odd week for sure for me with food!
  • GabiV125
    GabiV125 Posts: 3,116 Member
    Username: GabiV125
    Check in day: Wednesday
    2/10: 130lb
    2/17: 131.4lb
    2/24: 130.4lb

    Since weight will swing up and down, actual success is when we just keep showing up, regardless where the dot is on the map.
    I have to remind myself about this over and over. How is it possible to remember 20 things for work and 40 things for family every day, and forget the one for me?

    Schools are opening next week for 2 days in person classes and I’m equally excited and terrified for my daughter to finally start HS.
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,017 Member
    @GabiV125 - Oh my gosh- your daughter is a HS freshman? What a year to start! Best wishes to her! And to you!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,614 Member
    @TwistedSassette I hadn't even thought of people thinking I was talking about tap dancing, I posted about it on my feed on got funny responses of people thinking that too! I'm glad you felt better after eating, steaks sound good!

    @Buniphuphu There's my crazy swimmer, I've missed you!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,614 Member
    @trooworld I'm sorry to hear about your car, I'm glad you caught her! It is very violating to have someone in your space like that.

    @GabiV125 I definitely agree about showing up, it's easy to throw in the towel when the going gets rough. Good luck with your daughter going to school, it would be extra weird after being home for a year to start high school!

    Hey gang, not doing as good today because I didn't get much sleep but my hopes are still up this medication is going to help. I talk to a doctor tomorrow to hopefully get into UC Davis Pain Clinic. I'm a little worried because doctors aren't that receptive when you TELL them what you want so I'll have to word it correctly. I talked to an old friend for a couple hours on messenger last night, it was funny to talk about how much fun we had as young adults, brought back some good memories!
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,017 Member
    @trooworld --- what an awful thing to have happen to you. So glad you caught her.

    @Katmary71- I wish you the best in telling the doctor what you want. Some doctors are better about it than others. The way you approach it helps- I think they really hate fighting Dr Google.... Some are just not good listeners, they feel they always know best. It's fun to talk about old times with good friends. <3
  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,683 Member
    @Cornanda Fritters are basically a batter made with eggs, self raising flour & milk, and you add in whatever leftovers etc. you like. We had leftover roast pork so I diced that up along with the roast veggies that were left, and added some other frozen veggies and a little cheese to the mix. Then just shallow fry or dry fry them. They're quite nice!
    I'm feeling a lot better now, thank you, not sure what was happening with me a few days ago! I sure hope that you don't really have a tapeworm!!!

    @trooworld Oh my gosh, I would not know what to do if I saw someone breaking into my car!! Not surprising that you were feeling emotional. But I'm glad you're back on track now.

    @GabiV125 Great loss! Agree totally on the "actual success" - keep going and keep trying and never give up. Maybe you can write this on a sticky note for yourself and stick it in places where you need reminding - the bathroom mirror, your computer monitor, your fridge - or make it a background on your phone!

    @Katmary71 I love reminiscing about old times with friends! Glad you got to catch up with your friend. Best of luck with the doctor tomorrow, I hope you get the referral you need. Maybe you can read up on some negotiation tactics before you go, so you can walk out with what you need even if they didn't want it!

    Not much to report here, I had a good day for calories & exercise yesterday. I looked into calorie cycling and decided to give it a try, so I set up my MFP diary goals for that and also removed the setting where it lets me eat back my exercise calories since I'm trying not to do that so much.
    You all know I weigh daily for data collection. This morning, I saw a number that I have not seen in at least 2 years! I have snuck in below 130kg - I hope it stays that way for my "official" weigh in tomorrow! I'm so happy to see that what I am doing is working. I can do this.

    Goals for February:
    Sleep: 167.1/193 hours (average 7.0 hours) - ON TRACK
    Days below 1,960 calories: 9/21 - GETTING BETTER
    Exercise: 708/660 minutes (average 29 mins) - COMPLETE
    Meditation: 9/12 sessions - ON TRACK
    Updated to 24/02/2021
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @TwistedSassette I make zucchini fritters all the time. They are my hubby’s favorite side dish. Congrats on getting a nice surprise on the scale! B) I had one this morning too and it’s a great thrill. We just need to stay focused. I think calorie cycling can be a great idea! I am a total believer that it’s important to keep the body guessing. I do that with my fasting hours and with how I eat.

    @Katmary71 That is so much fun when you get to chat with an old friend. I haven’t done that in years. Fingers crossed that your doctor will hear you and do what is best for your health. :)

    @GabiV125 Yes, weight on a scale is data and it is NOT representative of all we do for our health and it doesn’t take into account the fluctuations that can happen with our weight. It is something we all need to remember more often. ;) That is big news for your daughter. I wish you all the very best in navigating the ups and downs of high school in midst of this crazy epidemic.

    Hi Team! It’s actually sunny and warm today! When I went shopping yesterday, I saw daffodils blooming. Spring is coming!! :grin: I was super happy to see my weight down to another all-time low this morning. I have also decided to go back to tracking for a while and bought the premium membership at Carb Manager. It offers so many great features plus thousands of Keto recipes. My only real goal in tracking is to keep my carbs low, and my protein higher than my fat grams. Mostly I’m using it for data and to be more disciplined. My trainer on 80 Day Obsession says that you have to become obsessed if you want something badly enough. So, that is what I’m doing. I’m getting obsessed in reach my goal weight and staying there!

    Beck Diet Solution Question of the Day
    DAY 23 Overcome Feelings of Unfairness
    This has been a real struggle over the years. That feeling of unfairness and of being deprived of eating something I want because I’m on a diet.
    The book says that we have these two choices:
    1) Feel sorry for yourself, stray from your diet, never end up losing weight, and continue to be unhappy.
    2) Sympathize with those feelings, accept what you have to do to lose weight, go ahead and do it, lose the weight, enjoy all of the benefits of that weight loss, feel strong and in control, and be proud of yourself.

    This really resonated with me. I am choosing #2 and all that comes with it. I’ve done #1 for way too many years and it’s given me nothing but a bigger wardrobe, sore feet, and self-loathing. No more!!

    2021 Focus Word: TRANSFORMATION
  • GabiV125
    GabiV125 Posts: 3,116 Member
    @TeresaW1020 - i can’t seem to find Day 20 and Day 21. It’s a lot of typing for you, so can you only put the titles for those days?
    Sorry for the trouble.
  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,141 Member
    PW: 199.0
    CW: 199.0

    Hangin' in there. And, no. The scale is not broken. It's just a brat.
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    GabiV125 wrote: »
    @TeresaW1020 - i can’t seem to find Day 20 and Day 21. It’s a lot of typing for you, so can you only put the titles for those days?
    Sorry for the trouble.

    I think I forgot to post my thoughts on Day 20 and will do that here for you. Day 21 in the book was just doing a weigh-in because in the book I was supposed to officially start my diet on Day 14. So I skipped that day. :)

    DAY 20 – Get back on track—This chapter is about what to do when I eat something that is not part of my eating plan. The dieter mindset will often throw in the towel and declare, “My diet has now been blown so why not eat all the things!” But the reality is that eating off plan doesn’t have to derail the entire day. Her tips in the book are to acknowledge the slip-up, recommit to the diet, and draw the symbolic “line in the sand” and begin again. I have gotten much better at doing this over the years and I think that is why I’ve been able to consistently lose weight and not regaining it all back.
  • GabiV125
    GabiV125 Posts: 3,116 Member
    @TeresaW1020 - THIS is my Achiles heel!
    Thank you for sharing.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,955 Member
    @GabiV125 Congrats on the loss! Yes, the scale is unreliable as a measure. We must keep at our goals and never give up! I hope everything goes well with your daughter starting high school. That must be exciting for her.

    @Katmary71 Thanks, yes, it is! I hope everything goes well for you with the doctor and the pain clinic request. I know what you mean, doctors do hate to be told what you want. I don't know why, they are there to serve us. That's good you had a good chat with your friend.

    @Cornanda Thanks, yes, it was awful. I hope I don't see her around here again.

    @TwistedSassette Yeah, luckily my husband was with me because I tend to freeze in those situations and I don't think I would have handled it well lol. Good luck with calorie cycling. I know someone that does carb cycling and really likes it. That's awesome that you saw a good number on the scale. ((( SKINNY VIBES ))) for tomorrow! :D

    @TeresaW1020 When I was doing Keto, I got a premium subscription to Carb Manager and loved it. It's very helpful. What you wrote about day 23 really resonates with me as well. I grew up in a very unfair household: my younger brother was the golden boy and got everything and all the praise, all the love. It was terrible. It created in me a sensitivity to unfairness. How that translates is that I tend to give myself anything I want now, which is not good. I have no ability to delay gratification in any area of my life.

    @vegan4lyfe2012 That's a nice NSV! Well done!

    Hi all. Yesterday was another beautiful day, I'm loving the weather. I sat outside and did some work for part of the day yesterday. I'll do the same today.

    My phrase for the year: CHANGE HAPPENS
  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,141 Member
    What the !#U@#I$@Q is wrong with me?!?!?! I was doing so good yesterday - mostly whole foods, cooked at home, delicious and made me happy. Things like BBQ tofu, roasted asparagus, red potatoes (that was lunch), marinated portobello burger (early dinner before church), then BLT (after church)...and a couple little apples thrown in there. Closed out my food log just 30 calories over. And then **BAM** 11pm hit and I had no self control - ate 2 servings of sour dough bread with butter, and an entire BAG of Harvest Snaps. Ended 733 calories over. WTH?!?!? I don't think I was even actually hungry!

    Does anyone have any good tips or tricks for me? My problem is late night eating. Like I can’t just relax and watch tv and enjoy it without food. And what makes it worse is that I’m stuffing my face while watching My 600-lb Life! I try to use the show as a motivator to never get like that….that I WILL be like that if I don’t stop and do something.

    Why is making good choices so dang hard?!? Sorry, guys. I’m just really struggling right now and I’m so ready to throw in the towel and say screw it.
  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,683 Member
    @TeresaW1020 I haven't made zucchini fritters before, but I do love zucchini! I made chocolate zucchini muffins on the weekend and they're delicious! I like sneaking veggies in to "fun" foods - definitely helps get some veggies into the toddler.
    Glad that spring is arriving for you! Daffodils are beautiful, one of my favourite flowers.
    I like the note about having to become obsessed if you want something bad enough - I agree with this! As long as it's a healthy obsession of course.

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Great NSV! Sometimes avoiding the temptation altogether is what we need to do.
    Sorry to hear of your late night struggles. I must admit, when I used to watch shows like that, somehow I would end up eating as well. I really don't know why! I know there are a ton of tricks out there for this kind of stuff, like making yourself wait just 15 minutes and if you still want to snack, serve one portion and then head back to the TV with it. Then it's harder/more mental work to decide to get up and have another serve, versus just eating right from the packet where you can mindlessly keep grazing. Some people will brush their teeth, it's like a mental indicator that we're finished eating for the night - I don't think this works for everyone but maybe worth a try. I know some people leave themselves a little leeway in their diary for a late snack too - if you don't have it, it's a bonus, but if you do then you know you have x amount of calories available so it may be easier to stop at that. Basically planning for it can take the guilt out of it.
    Don't throw in the towel!! You can do this!

    Not much to report here again! Yesterday was a good day, calorie-wise. I didn't do any exercise as I got busy in the evening, but did manage to meditate so that was good.
    My weight dropped a further 100g this morning so I have a good, happy weigh in to report for this week! As excited as I am about the actual number on the scale dropping, I'm actually happier because I know that what I am doing is right for my body. We try so many things over time to lose weight, some work and some don't, some are harder to stick to than others, but this time I think my patience and commitment is paying off.
    Goals for February:
    Sleep: 174.1/193 hours (average 7.0 hours) - ON TRACK
    Days below 1,960 calories: 10/21 - GETTING BETTER
    Exercise: 708/660 minutes (average 28 mins) - COMPLETE
    Meditation: 10/12 sessions - ON TRACK
    Updated to 25/02/2021
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @trooworld That is interesting about what you wrote about your home life and the brother who got everything. I grew up with a younger sister that my dad always called the “smart one” and who would go far in life and I was the ditsy one that would probably need a man to take care of me. He was wrong about us both by the way. ;) But those kinds of negative influences that are done to us when we are young can really mess up our behaviors as adults. I think it causes issues that we don’t even consciously realize and when we do have to figure out ways to reprogram what has been engrained. Ya know? :/

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Well, first of all, you can’t throw in the towel. That won’t help you and will only make you even more upset with yourself. I ended up eating things completely off my plan today too and yes, I’m mad and frustrated. But it is what it is and I just need to draw that line in the sand and begin again. You need to do the same. <3 See my Beck post below.

    @TwistedSassette Yes, I agree with it needing to be a healthy obsession. :) You should totally make some zucchini fritters! I make them as a side dish for scrambled eggs and bacon. Hubby’s favorite meal. Congrats on the scale moving down!

    Hi Team! Today was a busy day. I had my weekly staff meeting and then did my church cleaning job. I found out that we are having three baptisms this Sunday, which will give me some extra work for tomorrow. But it’s all good! My associate pastor and his sweet wife had their baby boy at 6 am this morning and we are all super happy about that wonderful news! <3 My eating wasn’t very good today. I got super hungry while cleaning and didn’t bring anything with me, so I ended up with peanut butter crackers and Cheetos that were in the youth room. AND to top it off I had a regular Coke too. I never drink regular Coke!! :# I’m going to have to set myself up better going forward and pack a lunch. The rest of my day will be drinking water and praying the scale doesn’t punish me tomorrow.

    Beck Diet Solution Question of the Day
    DAY 24 Discouragement—This was a good chapter to read in light of my recent dicouragement over my actions today. I need to remember that discouragement is a very normal feeling when dieting. When I’m feeling discouraged it’s important to read and think about all the reasons, I want to lose weight and to focus on how far I’ve come! I really like the tip that I don’t need to think too much about the future. Dieting “forever” sounds extremely hard. Dieting “just for today” is doable. If I slip up, remind myself that mistakes happen. Get back on plan ASAP!
    2021 Focus Word: TRANSFORMATION
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