WaistAways - March 2021 Team Chat



  • Pearl4686
    Pearl4686 Posts: 918 Member
    @micki48 steps
    17 march 6444

  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,311 Member


    TOTAL TEAM STEPS - 515,936



    1ST - @Kali225 124,586!!!!!!!! GO GIRL!!!
    2ND - @KellyBgetsfit 98,857 Amazing with 4 kids and working full time!
    3RD - @sunny9847 89,354 CONSISTENCY HERE!!!


    @Kali225 7/7
    @KellyBgetsfit 7/7
    @sunny9847 7/7
    @Micki48 5/7
    @MandiSaysHey 5/7


  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,311 Member
    @jugar So glad to hear that the drain is out! What a journey you've been on the last year. Glad the end (ha ha ha) is in sight. You have been amazingly patient with your recovery. I wish you well. Also, what a wonderful day to share with your son. A nice long drive and some needed conversation. Yay to him for being so responsible and saving up, rather than spending. Hope he has fun with it.

    @conleywoods Great to hear your update. You made me laugh at loud with the bus comment. Oh how I remember those days. I want to thank you for sharing all your insights about your weight loss and how you are playing around with your numbers. It certainly has given me some things to think about.

    @happimess01 You with your 1,800 calories to lose. ;) and we "taller" people. LOL. Come on just say it~men lose weight faster! Kidding aside, your losses and dedication is amazing and we are so happy to have you hear with us sharing your journey. Keep it up!!

    @PlaneMonkey Ohhhhhhh you are so close!!! You've totally got this. I know that feeling. We are all going to do a big happy dance for you.

    @Terytha I love that photo. Cats are so weird. <says lovingly as a cat owner> I saw this thing the other day that said Dogs prepare you for babies. Cats prepare you for teenagers!! So true. Just take out the "prepare you for" and add "are".

    @Gidgitgoescrazy and @eggfreak I have the utmost faith that both of you will get yourselves back on track. Hang in there.

    Ok, I think I have caught up with all those posts. So great to read everyone's updates. I have still been doing my pilates. This morning is was 15 minutes of Pilates with weights. I little more intense than some of them. Glad to get it done. I feel so better when I do it. I have not really been logging my food very well. Still a member of the Breakfast Club. We have had a couple salty meals this week, so hopefully I can wash it out with water before weigh in.

    Severe storms here in the US South. Need to go and secure some stuff outside. Good thoughts for no hail or tornadoes today.

    Make it a great day. :smile:
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,250 Member
    Happy Thursday team! I'm a little late to the party, but it looks like things are rolling along well. I hope those storms are not too terrible for those of you in the US Southeast. Tornadoes must be seriously scary.

    I'm working on my "one perfect day" today. I need to get back on track after the enforced low-exercise weeks and trying to keep my blood from flowing into the wrong place :grimace: It has been easy to get used to more sitting around and boredom always wakes up my inner "Now what do I eat?" monster. So let's do this @Gidgitgoescrazy and @eggfreak and anyone else feeling a bit off the path. I have pre-logged the day, will do an adapted pilates and take a walk even though I cannot do much more than that for another week. I hate having to eat less! More exercise will start back up soon. I am seriously jealous of you 1800 calorie tall people :wink: @sunny9847 and the rest of us sub-compact models do not want to know...

    The step team is amazing! I am impressed :smiley:
  • Pearl4686
    Pearl4686 Posts: 918 Member
    @micki48 steps
    18 march 13272 with a 5 K run and 10 minutes of skipping rope.
  • sunny9847
    sunny9847 Posts: 137 Member
    Met all goals today. Steps 12206
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,250 Member
    Friday crew all ready to go? You are all the last weigh-in of winter!

    I am going to check out that gardening program. I have never watched it, and it sounds like a really good idea. Thanks for mentioning it!
  • PlaneMonkey
    PlaneMonkey Posts: 568 Member
    @Gidgitgoescrazy every little bit helps!!!! You gotta start somewhere and it's the little choices that add up to the big results. You've got so much going on in your balancing act right now that I'm so inspired you get 10 minutes in each morning to exercise. I'm going to do my workout at lunch so I can colour that square on my habit tracker and my week will be complete!
  • happimess01
    happimess01 Posts: 9,074 Member
    PW - 238.5 lbs
    CW - 237 lbs
  • eggfreak
    eggfreak Posts: 681 Member
    Happy spring! energizing time of year to get moving! I haven't been logging, haven't been habit tracking but feel okay about it - trying to take a page from @jugar and bulk up on veggies as much as I can (trying some easy sheet pan recipes & must get the grill going too) and I think of you @Gidgitgoescrazy whenever I sprinkle a little salt on my fruit - mainly bananas - I never knew what I was missing.
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