Mission Slimpossible - March 2021 Team Chat



  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,757 Member
    @Jactop Great point about asking for help being independent, it's frustrating not to be able to do things myself but you're right that asking for help is part of it.

    @Jypsy1 @fierce1alicia Welcome to Slimpossibles!

    @TwistedSassette You're doing amazing, you're getting a lot of activity! It makes me particularly happy to hear of people who are around children doing this as they're (you) such a good role model for kids. Your son is learning great habits from you.

    @trooworld I didn't do exercise videos until COVID but listened to music, once people started using YouTube more with COVID my warm up song that's 10 minutes has a commercial in the middle of it. It depends on the video, my workout videos are short but the longer ones have commercials now. I think they upped advertising this last year. The commercials are longer too, sometimes I put music on while I'm reading in bed and end up listening to 5 minute commercials!

    @GabiV125 I love that you're doing it with your daughter, that's so cool! I did some dance parties with my nephew when he was younger, it's fun just to dance around and have fun together.

    I'm sitting in my recliner watching two little birds peck in my seed trays on the deck. Little buggers, I looked up how to use up straw in the garden and it suggested as mulch and turns out the birds are LOVING it for their nests! I finally got my paws on 20lb dumbbells, the stupid things are heavy. My only goal today is some cleaning, I'll work out in a little bit. Have a great day everyone!

  • fierce1alicia
    fierce1alicia Posts: 9 Member
    @Katmary71 Hi. I read your last post about all the commercials now on youtube. Quick trick. If you have powerpoint, you can download a video link to your presentation and save it on your laptop. This will eliminate commercials when working out.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,173 Member
    You have another member heading your way...Please welcome @kellyisonamission :)
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    WELCOME to the team @frankfindhomes, & @kellyisonamission! Please just jump right in and make yourself at home. :)

    @dignow96 I really like Thomas DeLauer too and watch a lot of his stuff. He has good advice for working out that I’m sure you appreciate. ;)

    @TwistedSassette Yikes, that is a serious mouse issue you all are dealing with! :o Sounds like you had a very good yesterday. How long does it take you to go 10 miles on your bike? That cheese and bacon bread sounds incredible!

    @trooworld sorry about your headache. <3 If you can’t work out then maybe just cut your points and drink more water.

    @Jactop Wow, you made me tear up!! Thank you so very much for saying such a sweet thing to me. I love this group and as I wrote this morning on the challenge thread, I get my motivation from helping to motivate you all. <3

    @leonadixon I’m pleased with you!! Keep it up. B)

    @GabiV125 You are doing great!! Just keep up doing what you know works. :)

    @fierce1alicia Hi and welcome to the team!! I’m also living the Keto lifestyle and eating bacon all the time is definitely one of my favorite perks!! :D You will find tons of support and encouragement for us there on the Slimpossibles. Also, check out the challenges that we do each week on the main home page.

    Hi Team! So, you ever have one of those days where you were just going to do a little light dusting and ended up spending two hours rearranging most of your accessories in your house? Well, I just did that! I’ve had to come to the decision that just because I like something doesn’t mean it needs to live in my house. Hubby and I have a big box started for Good Will. Let the purging begin!! :p This morning for my workout I tried a sample workout called 100 Morning Meltdown. I think I will do that one when I finish 80 Day Obsession. I also did a treadmill walk and got my speed up to 3.7. I want to work towards being able to jog on it but I also don’t want to damage my knees. So, I better research that a bit first.

  • RYcare
    RYcare Posts: 78 Member
    @TeresaW1020 @Katmary71 @trooworld Yes, I did go in person to Mall of America 😊. It was not planned as I knew it will be packed because it was spring break week, but the weather was so cold we had to change plans last minute. I made everyone wear 2 face masks, of course my dad refused. I forgot how excited one can be to go to the mall until I read your comments, then I remembered 8 years ago when we moved here and the first visit and ohh the look on the girls faces seeing the indoor Nickelodeon Universe theme park was just priceless. We did fly over Hawaii this time only because everything else was booked. It is a must go to if you are in MN. Lots of stores closed though because of COVID, American girl famous 3 stories store is gone. Tim Hortons the Canadian coffee is also gone…. It is a huge mall that I never finished a whole floor, and not sure if I need to, I mean yes I love the idea that you find any store and brand you wish for, but it is the same stores there at 2 or 3 different locations within. And no, I don’t mean like big department stores where is it the same section and you go into different stories like Nordstrom or Macy’s. I mean like Victoria’s secret for example there is one on the north side on the first floor, then again on the West side on the second floor….but, I would love to go there and shop any time I get that opportunity, it is enough it is tax free YOHOOO.
  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,744 Member
    @frankfindshomes and @kellyisonamission Welcome!

    @trooworld Yes, I have noticed the ads in the middle of some exercise videos. Very annoying! I hope your migraine goes away quickly, rest up until then.

    @leonadixon Yay!!

    @GabiV125 Slow & steady wins the race! One day soon, you'll probably get a whoosh on the scale that you have no idea where it came from, lol. Bodies are weird. I love that you're involving your daughter (and that she's letting you!).

    @fierce1alicia Sounds like you've made some great progress already! I love that phrase: "I put my bag of excuses in the back of the closet" - how great! My one piece of advice to you, is to make sure that what you're doing with exercise and diet is what you intend to do for the rest of your life - if not, you're likely to burn out and nobody wants that!! Welcome to the team, we have a wonderful group here!
    Also, thanks for the PowerPoint trick!

    @Katmary71 Thank you for the kind words!

    @TeresaW1020 It takes me about 40 mins to do 10 miles. I'm slow lol. But it's also an attack bike with a fan so the harder I pedal, the more resistance there is and the quicker I fatigue. I have worked up my "normal" speed over the last few months so I hope to keep working on that as my muscles develop.
    Good on you for working towards jogging! I am in the same boat re wanting to jog but not wanting to damage my knees. That's been a "thing" in my family lately - my mother in law tore her tendons and will be going for her second knee replacement soon (the first was the result of an accident), my dad recently tore his meniscus and is scheduled for surgery next week, my mum has arthritis which often flares up in her knees, and my brother (who isn't 30 yet) has damaged his knee somehow as well (a couple of months ago but he's refusing to see a doctor :frowning: ). So I want to take care of my knees!!

    @RYcare I find the same thing with a lot of malls here in Australia too - I'm sure that none are anywhere near the size of the mall you're describing but they have some of the same stores just on different levels. Makes no sense to me!
    I had a good day yesterday. Ate a bit too much but within a deficit still, and I walked and did yoga, and meditated as well.

    Our new bed is scheduled to be delivered tomorrow, so I'm so excited about that! We had planned to take the old bed out, have the carpet replaced, and then have the new bed put straight into the room on the new carpet. But we live in a small town where there are no carpet layers. There is one guy who works in the mines here but used to work in carpet laying so he does it on his days off. We'd been trying to contact him for a while to set it up with him, but he wasn't replying to messages. Eventually got an answer from him yesterday, but he can't come until Tuesday. So now we need to work out what to do with the new bed over the weekend - normally we'd just shove it in the guest room but my mum is staying with us so that room is occupied! I thought about delaying the bed delivery but they only deliver to my town on Fridays, and next Friday being Good Friday, they won't be running, so it would be another two weeks' wait (we ordered the bed in November so it's been quite a wait already!). A minor dilemma, I'm certain we will figure something out.

    I am going for my covid vaccine in just a couple of hours. I'm a little nervous, though I'm not really sure why! I have heard some people have a lot of side effects like fatigue and body aches, but I'm hoping it's not too bad. I don't have work tomorrow so at least I can rest for a nice long weekend if that happens to me.
    Goals for March
    My social media goal is not looking great! Nor the calorie deficit goal, but it is at least a deficit...
  • dignow96
    dignow96 Posts: 66 Member
    Just wanted to pop in and say hi to all the newcomers - we've got a GREAT team here and are looking forward to even more success with all the new folks! Amazing work last week - coming out on top two weeks in a row was awesome! If you've not checked out this week's challenge - telling your weight loss story - you might pop over there. Each day has a different question/topic and it's been a really fun discussion so far.

    Anyways, keep up all the great work SPers!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,150 Member
    @fierce1alicia Welcome! I think you will find the support you want here, it's a very supportive environment. <3 I also eat bacon pretty much whenever I like in moderation (I wouldn't be on a plan that I couldn't! I love it! LOL), but I'm on WW. Thank you for the tip about PowerPoint.

    @Katmary71 Yeah, it's super annoying! :( I bet your cat loves to look out at the birds?

    @TeresaW1020 Thanks. I need to drink more water, I did cut my points though. @Jactop is right: you and all the other motivators do a fabulous job on this board and thank you!!! I've got 3 boxes to go to Goodwill, I just need to make it happen lol.

    @RYcare Wow, that sounds like so much fun! I love to shop. And...it's so big that you get exercise walking around! :) Thanks for sharing your experience.

    @TwistedSassette Thanks! It does sound like you had a good day, even a great day, yesterday. Well done! I hope you figure out the bed thing. A new bed is exciting!

    Hi all and welcome to the newbies. My migraine yesterday went away at about 1:00 p.m. so that was good. I was under my WW points for the day, chipping away at that negative number from Saturday. My weight is down, too, so hopefully it will be down for tomorrow's weigh-in.

    My phrase for the year: CHANGE HAPPENS
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,757 Member
    @fierce1alicia I have to look into that, it would be great for music, thank you!

    @frankfindhome @kellyisonamission Welcome to Slimpossibles!

    @TwistedSassette Good luck with your vaccine!

    @trooworld I'm glad your migraine calmed down, I hate those! There's an oak tree on the side of the house with a huge squirrel nest, they like to sit on the fence and eat acorns and stare in at the cats, it drives them crazy! There's a lot of lizards this year too so they're watching for those as well, I always know when they've spotted one as their bodies quiver with excitement and their tails swish everywhere.

    I don't have anything big planned today, I want to go by the Take a Plant stand as she put out Evening Primrose, I used to take it for endometriosis and think it would be fun to grow but there's pots all over the place with everything I have going on. I'm trying to be extra careful as my body is worsening again and I want to put off steroids as long as I can. A friend from MFP is about to call so I'm keeping this short, have a great day gang!
  • Jypsy1
    Jypsy1 Posts: 19 Member
    Hello all thank you for the add I'm excited about this challenge! I'm Katie but my friends call me Jypsy, which is also the name if my small in home business. I have an awesome little boy in second grade that I get to homeschool so things can be very hectic!
    My husband is one of those lucky people that can eat whatever he wants and not Gain an ounce! He tries to be supportive but he just doesn't understand sometimes lol.
    We have two spoiled rotten inside cats (they get totravel with us when we go anywhere) and a Husky he's the reason I walk most every days and my knee is why I don't run even though I love it.
    We live in a beautiful small town in Nebraska
    I started on MFP ages ago, three years back I was 5lbs away from my goal weight, then I developed Sjogren's syndrome that went undiagnosed for two years. Not long after I finally got diagnosed
    We had a miscarriage and it was possible because of my Sjogren's I took it really hard and many other things just keep adding up not all bad but I got derailed big time.
    My starting weight was 150(my heaviest
    ever) I started back on MFP January 1st and I've been working out regularly almost that long and I've only lost 6lbs so it's been kinda disappointing.
    I'm pretty good at eating healthy meals my problem is snack time I always seem to munch on a little of everything and not log most of it because either 1. I forgot to weigh it or 2 it was just a bite it wasn't even enough to bother logging. At least that what I convince myself. So my goal is to log EVERYTHING before I eat it and not eat to many exercise calories.
    NSVs my clothes are fitting again and I feel stronger and more energetic.
    I can't wait to see how far we all can get. Let's lose it all!
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @Jypsy1 Hi Katie! Welcome to the Slimpossibles! I am so sorry for your miscarriage and for your illness. :'( Glad that you finally got a diagnosis. How close are you to your goal weight? I’m sure you know that it can be harder to lose weight the closer you get. Yeah, snacking gets the best of many of us. I’m currently working on no sugar/no snacking and it’s hard when that snacky feeling hits. Clothes fitting better is always an awesome NSV!! :grin:

    @Katmary71 I imagine you need to be even more careful with yourself during this busy time when you are gardening so much. :/

    @trooworld Thank you! Doesn’t it feel so good when you get stuff out of your house that you no longer need? I’m glad your migraine went away. Keep up with your plan and let’s have a good weigh-in! B)

    @TwistedSassette I did some Google reading about jogging and knee injury. From what I read, I probably shouldn’t do it. Walking at a 4.0 speed will be good enough. I’m up to 3.7 so maybe I will push that instead of taking a risk on my poor, old knees. :grin: I hope you love your new bed and that you figure out what to do with it until you get the carpet put in. That is good that you are going to get your shot. I need to find time to do that too.

    @RYcare Yeah, I would love to go to that mall! It’s sad that so many stores have had to close. Our small mall here is all but dried up and is just depressing so I never go there anymore. Maybe someday things will get back to normal. :/

    Hi Team! I was busy working at the church today and then came home and did a couple of hours of work on the computer. I fasted for 23.5 hours today and only had my Keto dinner and a couple of cups of coffee. I got really hungry at the church and saw the tub of candy that is kept there, and I admit to being tempted, but I actually took a moment to look at the carb count and realized that if I ate that, it would totally derail all the hard work I’ve done this week to get into ketosis. Tomorrow is weigh-in and I’m hoping for a number that will make me happy. But if not, I know that I did all I could this week and that was including saying no to sugar!!

  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,028 Member
    Welcome all new members- jump right in, love to hear from you! Intros will be coming at you when the new month starts.

    @TwistedSassette - I'm glad you don't have reptiles and arachnids, but mice are no fun either! I hope you get your bedroom sorted out- will be really nice when it's complete. I hope your Covid vaccine went well. I got mine yesterday and I'm good.

    @TeresaW1020 -- Yes, you are an awesome moderator and I appreciate you so much! @AustinRuadhain @raleighgirl09 @Katmary71 too! <3<3<3

    @leonadixon - you are shaving it off bit by bit. :)

    @GabiV125 - keep on dancing!

    @fierce1alicia - you've got great goals and determination. Can't wait to see you tackle this!

    @RYcare - how many steps can you walk in the Mall of America?

    @dignow96 - thanks for the update on the weekly challenge. I'm interested! I always hesitate clicking over because I lose my spot here.... didn't do any running bursts yet, but still is on the horizon.

    @Katmary71 - did you get your evening primrose?

    @jypsy1- it can be very hard to track all the little bits and they do add up. It sounds like you have a very full life and a lot of good habits and non scale victories since Jan. Keep up the good work and keep working on the tweaks!

    @TeresaW1020 - you are cranking out the fasting before weigh in. Fingers crossed for you in the am.

    This week has been a bit weird. Hubs had some issues after first covid vaccine. Made me worried about getting mine, but so far, so good. I feel a bit off today and decided to just walk and not do the more intense exercise. TOM showed up for first time since Dec. Not sure how that will affect things. Been down a tiny bit all week, but who knows how it will turn out tomorrow.


  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,173 Member
    Another new member joining your amazing team ...Please welcome @laurelfit57 :)
  • davidji82
    davidji82 Posts: 165 Member
    Hi all, and welcome to the new members.

    Weigh In Day :Friday
  • davors19
    davors19 Posts: 295 Member
    Weigh in day: Friday

    PW: 269
    CW: 269
    LTD: 31
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,150 Member
    Weigh in week: Week 4
    Weigh in day: Friday
    PW: 220.2
    CW: 218.4
    LTD: 29.6
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,150 Member
    @Katmary71 Thanks, I hate them too! I get them far too often. :( Hahaha that is cute about the cats. My dog (a pug) gets in fights with a crow that walks around on the grass outside our condo: the crow squawks and my dog barks at him. It's really funny.

    @Jypsy1 Welcome to the group! I'm so very sorry about the health problems. I wish you luck on your journey and I know you will find good support here, this group is awesome!

    @TeresaW1020 Yes it does. I wish you ((( SKINNY VIBES ))) for today's weigh-in! Oops...I just saw you've reported your weigh-in so you don't need those vibes lol. CONGRATULATIONS!!! You hit your 80 lbs down officially, well done!

    @Cornanda ((( SKINNY VIBES ))) for your weigh-in, too! :)

    Hi all. I had a decent weigh-in so I'm happy and ready to get through this Friday so I can relax. But first, I must pre-track my meals for the day and get some exercise in. Have a good day, everyone!

    My phrase for the year: CHANGE HAPPENS
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,028 Member
    Friday weigh in
    PW: 179
    CW: 177.4


    LTD: 13.7
This discussion has been closed.