WaistAways - May 2021 Team Chat



  • deniners2
    deniners2 Posts: 875 Member
    PW 154.5
    CW 154.5

    Ugh! I spent most of the week at 155.
  • sunny9847
    sunny9847 Posts: 137 Member
    Met all goals today. Steps 12650
  • conleywoods
    conleywoods Posts: 986 Member
    @jugar Can you answer a question for me please? Does The Balanced Life membership have reformer videos in their video library? I got my reformer out today 🤗 It's been parked in the closet for a while. I'm trying to add more variety to my work outs and get rid of my cranky hip.

    Thanks for all your hard work on our spreadsheets and other tracking forms. I'm sure it is time consuming. You are so appreciated 💛
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    Hi everyone. My name is JOANNE. I am 46 years old. I live in Châteauguay, Québec. Super excited to be in this group. In the few short days that I joined, I have been more mindful of my habits. Part of my reason to lose weight is my T2 diabetes diagnosis in Dec 2019. Since then, I have made progress in my weight. My heaviest weight has been 153 lbs. I struggle with late night eating. These past couple of nights, I have noticed that stretching, rebounding or walking distracts me from these cravings.
    This is a huge lifestyle adjustment for me. I had a very high metabolism until I turned 40. This has laid a foundation of bad habits that are further compounded by personal stresses. On the other hand, I want to be self accepting. As such, you will find my profile pic to reveal where I am at in this challenge
    My goal are to:
    1) Exercise regularly and mindfully, minimum 30 minutes
    2) Eat a hearty, healthy salad prior to any carbs or meats
    3) Aim for 9000 steps/day. Today, I got in 6000

    Username: renewal_2021
    Weigh in day Sundays
    SW: 143
    GW: 125
    PW: 153

    Looking forward to connecting with everyone in this challenge. Let's inspire each other!

    A third member from Québec! Maybe we'll all have to meet up someday when things get safe again. We have 3 Albertans as well, although one may have left us due to family health difficulties. I'm always game to meet up for hiking, so let me know if that is something you enjoy! We started out at around the same top weight and similar struggles, so it's a good bet we'd have a lot to complain about together :wink: In any case, you're getting to it younger than I did - good for you!
    In your weight posting, I don't see CW (current) for yesterday - which was your weigh-in day. I know it is weird to have your week 1 weigh-in on the first day of your arrival on the team, but once you are here for more time, the final week of the month before becomes your starting weight and it all works out fine. So if you want to revise your SW to whatever it was (even a guess) on Sunday April 25, then confirm for me what your weight was yesterday, that would be great. Your highest weight ever (original starting weight) was 153, I assume.
    @jugar Can you answer a question for me please? Does The Balanced Life membership have reformer videos in their video library? I got my reformer out today 🤗 It's been parked in the closet for a while. I'm trying to add more variety to my work outs and get rid of my cranky hip.

    Thanks for all your hard work on our spreadsheets and other tracking forms. I'm sure it is time consuming. You are so appreciated 💛

    Oh, the cranky hip. I have found what i hope will help mine on gmb.io (my fave site for articles on solving aches, pains, limitations, etc.) and I am actually doing it every day. Ouch, but yay? Balanced Life does not have any reformer videos, but if you go on their facebook group and ask, Robin Long will certainly know where you can get some good ones, or maybe she has some of her own somewhere (youtube?).

    Thanks for the thanks - at least retirement is good for having time for stuff like this! I enjoy it and it keeps me maintaining. It also keeps me discovering new stuff. I just started a new experiment for the month of May. Instead of trying to do one Pilates workout and then whatever cardio I feel like (walking or biking, usually), I decided it was time to up my game a bit. I have made no progress in a while, and even though keeping what I have is great, I want to improve mobility in certain areas, straighten out said wonky hip, get stronger, etc. My comfy little routine was not going to do that. So for this month, I have added in a very short pre-breakfast routine, keep the Pilates, and do a GMB program called Elements. Then also whatever enjoyable cardio happens. I like having 4 physical events throughout the day. So far it is a great honeymoon! Three days!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    edited May 2021

    Who's due?

    @ob1msu - I know you are new, but same as for Joanne, please confirm what was yesterday and approx. what was the 25th if possible.
    @renewal_2021 - just confirm so that I have it right - CW from yesterday, PW from LAST Sunday the 25th


    Nobody! Let's talk. Great day for some ideas and questions. Bring it on!
  • PlaneMonkey
    PlaneMonkey Posts: 568 Member
    I was able to workout today for the first time since injuring my hand! The hip was only a minor discomfort as well so that's really exciting for me. It's amazing just how quickly you can lose core strength and balance though! I was tipping all over the place.
    I think I have found my motivator though. We have a stand-up paddleboard and I'm a total beginner. Last summer I was out in the middle of our bay in the lake, lost my balance and fell off. #1, I didn't have the core stability to recover my balance quickly enough to prevent making a splash, and #2, I didn't have the strength to pull myself back up onto the board. I had to tow it back to shore in order to climb back on. My goal is to find targeted core, stability, and upper body workouts so that by the time the water warms up enough to swim, I'll be ready to tackle that paddleboard and win! I tried a Caroline Girvan ab workout today and I'll try to find some more to mix in.

    Excited!! (for exercise - this is so new for me!)
  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,087 Member
    Is anyone else having trouble completing their diaries on MFP? On my tablet and my mobile, I keep getting "Alert: There was a problem sending your request to the server. Please visit the main website or try again later". And when I try to complete my diary on the website version of MFP, I get "Processing..." for the longest time. And nothing happens!

    Is anyone else getting this?
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    YinxFed wrote: »
    Is anyone else having trouble completing their diaries on MFP? On my tablet and my mobile, I keep getting "Alert: There was a problem sending your request to the server. Please visit the main website or try again later". And when I try to complete my diary on the website version of MFP, I get "Processing..." for the longest time. And nothing happens!

    Is anyone else getting this?

    I have not seen that, but I know they have problems from time to time. I did get one weird message a couple of days ago, but it went away and did not come back. You have to speak sternly, point your finger, scrunch your eyebrows together and say NO. BAD MFP. Then maybe it will behave!
  • eggfreak
    eggfreak Posts: 681 Member
    edited May 2021
    Hello all and welcome to the new members - here's the accountability you've been looking for. That's what I signed on for Jan 2020 and I'm still here - great support team and teammates. Top weight was about 195 and did great for the first 8 months or so, then tried to 'maintain' and experienced a lot of yo yo-ing with the same 10 pounds - I think I've broke that yo yo now and looking to have a great stretch to get me to my goal of 140. My name is Sylvia,52, and live just south of Boston, living with and caring for my elderly parents. One source of recent stress was losing our 2 only caregiving help for my dad - a meeting set up for this Wednesday with the local visiting nurses group should help get us in the right direction. I'm quite active, despite my office job, but I don't count on the exercise for the weight loss, it's watching the intake that has worked best for me.
    Working from home is not helpful and I'm not proud of my intake today...tomorrow will be much better - will prelog before I turn out my light!
  • sunny9847
    sunny9847 Posts: 137 Member
    Met all goals today. Steps 12344
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    Thanks for the continued (re)introductions. Even for those who have been around for a long time, things change and it is good to catch up.

    @ob1msu go go go! Great beginning. Now just see if you can keep up with Gary and Sam @gak71 and @happimess01 We're going to enjoy watching this.

    My daughter in Alberta just found out that someone on a course with her last week tested positive, so she has been ordered (she's in the Army, so it is really orders!) to stay home and see no people for the moment. I think we'll be on the phone a lot while she is bored! At least she has her horse to play with, and plenty of wide open spaces with no people to walk around in, but she will be missing work and her buddies there. Hopefully it won't last long.

    Hope everyone has had a great Monday and has thought up fun stuff to talk about tomorrow. It's talking Tuesday, so let's go!
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