WaistAways - May 2021 Team Chat



  • Terytha
    Terytha Posts: 2,097 Member
    My stress is so high for the silliest reason you guys.

    My 10th wedding anniversary is in just three weeks and I have no idea what gift to get him. And since I already know what he got me I'm feeling extra inadequate.

    It's silly but it's actually seriously stressing me out. Also I feel weird about year 10. I was only 17 when we met. I basically don't feel any different as a person either. I'm an adult in name only.

    Anyways. I finally found some non-gross protein powder so this upcoming weekend I'll be playing with those recipes again. Protein cupcakes are only like 80 calories each I hear.
  • Terytha
    Terytha Posts: 2,097 Member

    @Terytha Congrats on the upcoming milestone and sorry for the stress... is gifting something that normally stresses you or is it a new stressor related to how you've been feeling overall as of late? I also stress about gifting and feelings of inadequacies around "getting the right thing", so I can empathize. How did you find out what he got you already?

    Gifting is generally stressful for me since I'm bad at it. -_-

    I know because he told me, since there might be a slight delay. He paid my favorite singer to sing me a song, like omg. But said singer has a chest cold and can't sing right now so it'll have to wait until he's better.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    DD265 wrote: »
    Hey all

    Tuesday afternoon here - we just got invited for our first Covid jabs, so booked in for next Wednesday. I'll be a nervous wreck when the time comes but by all accounts the injection isn't that bad. As long as we don't get any side effects which derail my running or our plans that weekend I'll be fine.

    I finally dropped under 81kg this morning so happy with that but I'm struggling with wants at the moment. I've been this way a few days and I'm eating back exercise calories daily, craving salt and/or sugar. My 1-a-day rule has gone out of the window. I think it could be stress related as the change in restrictions might be positive change but it's still change, could also be PMS I suppose but it's not normally this bad. I'm trying to up my water intake, but I'm not sure whether to:

    - eat exercise calories daily (current approach... walking after work to earn some!)
    - track 'weekly' so that overall for the week I'm in a deficit
    - have a day at maintenance
    - have a day where I go over maintenance calories
    - something else I haven't thought of

    I've not gone over my calorie goal once this year (since I started on 1st Jan), but I'm not sure that eating all the sugar/salt is going to "cure" me. What works for you guys when you feel this way out?

    Also I need to find an alternative to the word 'but'. I apologise for the amount of 'but' in my post!

    Some great questions in here. First of all, don't worry too much about the vaccine - most people get a sore arm, and that's about it. Even the people I know who had a bit more than that found it did not last long and they were fine. I did lots of arm exercises on the day of the jab and continued even when it was sore the next day - cold compresses help a lot too. I figured if I kept it moving, the stuff would get circulated around quicker!

    Your musings about cravings, stress, and how to be flexible without losing it address issues that come up way more often. Sometimes when you're just hungry all the time you need a plateau to let all your systems adjust to the new reality before continuing to lose more weight. Salt and sugar cravings are the curse of being a human - we need those things, but we can get them much too easily! They feel like a solution to stress, and they are - the stress of survival and nourishing our complex bodies. We are way too good at hunting and gathering, it seems :lol:

    When I was in the active losing weight phase(s), I was saved by the "free day". Every week I stuck to my plan for 6 days, and then on Saturdays, anything was fair game. I was very careful never to let that day go any longer than ONE day per week. The food plan did have some small treats included in the calorie count, but I found it easiest to eliminate certain things altogether, except for the free day. No flour or added sugar, whole grains only if any grains at all, etc. I would never have been able to stick with that 7 days a week, but 6 days made the weight loss go well, and the 7th never did so much damage that I had to worry about it. Naturally, they became less crazy than at first in any case. If I got hungry all the time, I upped the calories enough to maintain for a week or two. Building muscle and keeping up on exercise was part of the plan. I'm not sure if that will help through the temptations of re-opening, but that's what worked for me.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    Gifts are always a crazy stress for me too! It sounds like your sweetheart has set the bar pretty danged high :grimace: Yikes indeed. You must know other people whose brains you could pick - or an artist friend who does gorgeous hand-blown glass or something unusual that will live with you both forever. I wish you the best with this! And congratulations, kiddo :heart:
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    All right, you #1 fabulous bunch - we have enjoyed our Tuesday with no weigh-ins, and it is time to wake up the Wednesday people! No slacking now - hop on those scales first thing Wednesday morning and be done with it :smiley:


    Congrats on being our top loser last week! Don't forget to update on this week B)
  • conleywoods
    conleywoods Posts: 986 Member
    @DD265 Those are some great questions and honestly I struggle with cravings often lately. When we start to see a drop on the scale it also changes the hormones in our body that regulate appetite and how appealing junk food looks. Do some research on the hormones ghrelin and leptin and how they impact cravings. Personally, I am trying to make little changes to this habit. I am having some luck with doing intense exercise right when I get home from work to suppress my appetite (low to moderate exercise increases appetite) I know I can binge at that time. I am also allowing myself the treats I crave and fit in my calories, but I try to leave one bit left of the treat to throw away. This makes me more aware and I am more mindful.
  • conleywoods
    conleywoods Posts: 986 Member
    @Terytha Have you ever heard of a company called Man Crates? They make gifts exclusively for men and they ship to Canada. They have saved my butt on more than one occasion 😉
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,188 Member
    @DD265 Nothing like walking to the spot you're craving to earn those calories... great strategy!

    I've started my last couple of mornings off with a short walk (10-20 minutes) just to sneak in a few extra steps before the day begins. I think my dog really appreciates it too :)
  • Terytha
    Terytha Posts: 2,097 Member
    edited May 2021
    Management bought donuts for breakfast and I pre-ordered pie for lunch last week.

    I want to go home. D:

    @conleywoods I appreciate the suggestion but my husband likes literally none of those things. He's so hard to shop for. XD

    I think I'm gonna buy a ring and "propose." Might be kinda sappy, but he loves sappy stuff. Besides his wedding ring is too big but it can't be resized.

    Edit: I found a better idea. Hopefully it gets here in time!
  • gak71
    gak71 Posts: 192 Member
    Especially as the temperatures have started reaching the 90s it sure has been nice to leave my mask in my pocket the last few days! I’m glad we are getting back to normal!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    You are so mean! The teaser without naming the final gift idea! Gimme a spoiler over a teaser any day :astonished:

    That is a beautiful photo - there are few things more gorgeous than willows in the spring, especially near flowing water. I can almost hear it too - the breeze, the water, your footsteps. Thanks for posting that one! And I am so happy for you to be able to spend some time with your mum. She must be over the moon to be able to spend time with you :heart:

    @happimess01 and @PlaneMonkey
    You are both rocking it! Keep on going indeed - crash right on past those old goals and feel fabulous. Yes!

    I have had a super busy day. I put tomato and basil plants into the big garden, planted some more seeds, and worked in all the compost and manure that I added to the beds yesterday. My back is feeling it! Then there was grocery shopping, a horse catching rescue (my spotted friend was not letting anyone near him, but I did manage to get him to behave), and some time helping my son with an insurance issue. 16,000 steps, and I will certainly sleep well tonight.

    Weigh-in update - who is due up through Thursday:

    Tally ho!
  • Terytha
    Terytha Posts: 2,097 Member
    @jugar But I'm shy!

    Sorry, sorry. Husband mentioned an interest in accessories so I found someone who crafts pendants and things out of meteorite. I thought I'd give it to him with a card saying it was a piece of the universe for my universe.

    I'm so lame. XD

    But he likes that stuff too.
  • Steph1498
    Steph1498 Posts: 307 Member
    The news here is so inspiring today! I am glad I came here to check this morning and thanks for starting my day with this energy!

    @Terytha - awe you are so thoughtful! That's a great gift!
    @YinxFed - I want to walk with you that picture is very inviting!
    @PlaneMonkey - Way to go in reaching your goal weight!!!

    As for me I'm headed to our local outdoor store to buy a map of all the hiking trails in our country. I heard about a great hike and cant find details online. That place is like a candy store for me. I will try to control myself!
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