WaistAways - May 2021 Team Chat



  • Terytha
    Terytha Posts: 2,097 Member
    CW: 161.8

    Hovering near the 150s. So typical lol.
  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,089 Member
    Here are my step and exercise stats:

    02/05 - 25819
    03/05 - 1235
    04/05 - 3024 / 49 mins Dumbell Upper Body workout (EPIC 1 Day 8)
    05/05 - 2466
    06/05 - 3229 / 57 mins Dumbell Full Body workout (EPIC 1 Day 9)
    07/05 - 1765
    08/05 - 2863 / 22 mins Cardio Beach workout & Arms and Abs workout (Lucy Wyndham Read)
  • DD265
    DD265 Posts: 651 Member
    Tried this today and thoroughly recommend: https://pinchofnom.com/recipes/nandos-peri-peri-chicken/ We used chicken breasts and had it with a mixed pepper rice, but I think it'd be equally nice with salad and/or chips. I don't think it would reheat well as the chicken would dry out, but could be eaten cold, so I might chuck an extra chicken breast in next time to try it for lunch. We aim to try a new recipe each week, and then a few of them make it into our meal plans regularly.

    We went for a shorter walk than originally anticipated today because one of our cats has a bladder/urine infection. We took him to the vet on Friday after he started peeing outside of the litter tray, and so we didn't want to be out too long. We're having to shut the doors to our upstairs rooms (when do carpets stop being new?!) but there's still plenty of other places he could go. He's on antibiotics and we'll take another urine sample to the vet at the end of the week to be re-tested. We walked to the local designer outlet and it was heaving with small queues for most stores and big queues for the most popular. Got lunch at Subway, found a bench to sit on so we could eat, then walked home.

    Have been cleaning and tidying, still got a reasonable amount to do as I want to bottom the rooms we can, because then we won't need to do such a deep clean again before the end of the month. Will carry on with that tonight/tomorrow evening! I'm not sure how many calories my Garmin thinks I'm burning (there has been a fair bit of scrubbing!), but will steer clear of the exercise calories today anyway.
  • renewal_2021
    renewal_2021 Posts: 17 Member
    Happy mothers day!

    PW: 142

    Good start to the week. Results could have been better if I stayed consistent. Progress in being less sedentary. Let's keep going!
  • renewal_2021
    renewal_2021 Posts: 17 Member
    edited May 2021
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,229 Member
    Happy mothers day!

    PW: 142

    Good start to the week. Results could have been better if I stayed consistent. Progress in being less sedentary. Let's keep going!

    Hi Joanne! I hope you don't weight 14 pounds... Gonna need that last digit!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,229 Member
    Thanks for all the numbers, everyone! They are so satisfying, and never leave me feeling bloated :wink:

    There are still a few gaps in the step/exercise data, so I'll wait a bit longer and announce the results late tomorrow -
    @micki48 , @steph1498, and @sunny9847 - those last few days will be lovely to have. Thanks!

    And MONDAY is coming up. Seriously. Only two weigh-ins due:

  • renewal_2021
    renewal_2021 Posts: 17 Member
    Happy mothers day!

    PW: 142

    Good start to the week. Results could have been better if I stayed consistent. Progress in being less sedentary. Let's keep going!

  • renewal_2021
    renewal_2021 Posts: 17 Member
    jugar wrote: »
    Happy mothers day!

    PW: 142

    Good start to the week. Results could have been better if I stayed consistent. Progress in being less sedentary. Let's keep going!

    Hi Joanne! I hope you don't weight 14 pounds... Gonna need that last digit!

    I fixed it below. Sorry! I re wrote this post 3 times!
  • DD265
    DD265 Posts: 651 Member
    edited May 2021
    PW: 81.7
    CW: 81.2

    @conleywoods those are beautiful! We mostly see bluebells (and dandylions!) around here.

    Pleased with that loss, though I think I probably just sweat off another 0.3kg 😉 with a 7am run none the less! The sun is shining (unexpectedly, was due to rain all week) and it's very warm when you're in it.

    I want to maintain my focus this month as I really want to get under 80kg. That's my next milestone and I'm so close. Not eating exercise calories really works for me, as @jugar suggested it might, so thats the key to my master plan. It's nice to have the option sometimes if I'm particularly hungry or having cravings, but it needs to be the exception rather than the rule.
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member



    1st @goonies73 2.34 %
    1st @apple852hk 2.34%
    2nd @vegan4lyfe2012 2.30%
    3rd @trooworld 2.28 %

    1st @goonies73 5.8 Lbs
    2nd @rwood566 5.6 Lbs
    3rd @trooworld 5.0 Lbs
    3rd @roz0810 5.0 Lbs



  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
    Week 2 challenge is up!

    This is the MAGIC NUMBER CHALLENGE - a consistency challenge.

  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,294 Member
    Moving Monday! It took me til almost 10am to get moving, but I got out my mat and did 12 minutes of Pilates. I also signed up for a free 30 minute class at a local studio. I'm excited to try out an actual Reformer.

    @conleywoods Those wildflowers are amazing! How lucky to have them growing in your woods and seeing them on your walks. <3

    @jugar I added my steps from last week. I will get in touch with you about taking back the steps. You have enough to do I'm sure. Unless someone else wants a turn recording steps! :wink:

    Have a great day everyone!
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,197 Member
    Morning everyone! The sun is back out in Alberta today - woo hoo! We are working from our trailer today so we will get out for a walk at lunch around the park since we drive home tonight. Don't like to leave exercise for transition times just in case, but I may try to fit in some additional movement tonight if possible.
  • gak71
    gak71 Posts: 192 Member
    micki48 wrote: »
    Moving Monday! It took me til almost 10am to get moving, but I got out my mat and did 12 minutes of Pilates. I also signed up for a free 30 minute class at a local studio. I'm excited to try out an actual Reformer.

    Have a great day everyone!

    @micki48 Are you taking the free class at a Club Pilates? That’s where my wife and I take our classes and we love it! There are hundreds of Club Pilates across the US and they’ve started opening in Canada too.
This discussion has been closed.