WaistAways - May 2021 Team Chat



  • Pearl4686
    Pearl4686 Posts: 918 Member
    Wednesday weigh-in
    PW 84.2
    CW 83.7
    I take no credit, my food has been terrible and I have not excersized :# . Was going to be happy with not gaining so this is a plus.
    I'm trying to let it inspire me to get back on the wagon but life is still pretty stressful.
    Good to read how other handle stress, something I'm not particularly good at (chocolate usually ;) )
    Have a great day everyone <3
  • PlaneMonkey
    PlaneMonkey Posts: 568 Member
    PW 194.8
    CW 193.0
    LTD 51 LBS
    The pendulum has swung back the other way. I'm committing to continue my exercise plan and stay as close to my calorie goal as possible.
  • PlaneMonkey
    PlaneMonkey Posts: 568 Member
    @conleywoods I made this magnetic board for my kitchen with a jar of all of our go-to recipes so I can plan the week, make sure I have the ingredients for eat meal and helps take the stress out of it. Last night we got too involved in DIY so I didn't have time to make the soup I wanted, so we fell back on a saved backup meal from the freezer.
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    PW 147.8
    CW 146

    I don't usually have big drops like this but I saw the same number on Sat so...maybe? I think lowering my workout intensity has helped keep my calories in check.

    Working out is my number one stress reducer. Getting outside, whether for a walk, to garden, or just to sit in the sun helps. I also find clutter stresses me out. With 4 kids, this is a struggle, but I try to keep the counters clean, pick up toys..and clothes. Between after-school sports and little kids that get dressed in whatever room, and laundry that does get folded, there are clothes everywhere!

    @conleywoods what app do you use??? I pick my clothes and the little kids clothes for the week on Sunday when I do laundry. I also meal plan, but that is because of a time cruch.
  • DD265
    DD265 Posts: 651 Member
    @ashleycarole86 I'm glad your dog is OK.

    Stress... depends what it is. If there's something I'm putting off, I need to get it done; a good example would be a difficult phone call. If I'm nervous, for example in the dentist waiting room, there's a 'breathwork' workout on my Garmin which takes you through a breathing routine; effectively a guided meditation but it's really discreet as it's just a vibration on my wrist. If it's just been a crappy/hectic day, I like to go for a run or walk. I'll avoid certain things if I can as well, for example when I was worried about the cat on Friday (urine infection, on antibiotics), I had OH drive to the vet and I was still a terrible backseat driver. I try very hard not to comfort eat (a little sneaks in sometimes but generally I'm alright) and I'm aware that I can get snippy, but thankfully I'm also good at apologising!

    I'd say that the architect session last night was interesting, but it wasn't, really. I'd pre-empted it by preparing a "brief" (software consultant...) though really I thought it was a list of things we'd discuss. Apparently I was very thorough and other than a tour of the house, there wasn't a lot to discuss there and then. I'm looking forward to seeing what he comes up with. We're all on the same page about this just being about our options, and there not being a full project off the back of it at this stage - I suspect part of him is glad as I'm not sure type A clients are always the easiest! Although I have been told that I am very easy to work with, I'm not sure my husband would agree. :#

    I'm also craving some time off work. We've got a long weekend coming up at the end of the month with a bank holiday (and I tagged an extra day on), plus a week off in early June so I'm trying to hang fire on booking anything else but I might give in!
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,311 Member
    gak71 wrote: »
    micki48 wrote: »
    Moving Monday! It took me til almost 10am to get moving, but I got out my mat and did 12 minutes of Pilates. I also signed up for a free 30 minute class at a local studio. I'm excited to try out an actual Reformer.

    Have a great day everyone!

    @micki48 Are you taking the free class at a Club Pilates? That’s where my wife and I take our classes and we love it! There are hundreds of Club Pilates across the US and they’ve started opening in Canada too.

    Yes! I have signed up but haven't scheduled my class yet. I am excited to try the exercises that I have been doing on an actual reformer. Glad to hear that you and your wife enjoy it. I'll let you know how it goes. Maybe I'll go call to schedule it right now.

    Good morning! Just finished 20 minutes on my mat doing pilates. I added more to the short routine today and before I knew it was at 20 minutes. Yay! It's a gray day here in North Carolina. I have my little ray of sunshine coming over shortly while her parents go take care of some business.

    Will check back later. Hope everyone makes it a great day!
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,258 Member
    Hey guys! Thanks again to everyone for all the kind comments about my dog. We are feeling much better knowing she's back to her happy usual self.

    However, we are having a bit of a misfire type week so far... just lots of little issues. For one, I forgot my charging cord for my Surface Pro at home when we returned to our trailer resort last night, and our devices don't hold enough of a charge to manage without it... so my husband is back in the car to go get it as we both need it to work from home. 2.5 hour drive round trip that was totally unnecessary... oops.

    It's just little things like that, but it's causing inefficiencies and adding to unnecessary stress. I'll have to use everyone's good tips to keep myself calm and obviously we need to take a step back and do some better planning to avoid these problems in the future.
  • PlaneMonkey
    PlaneMonkey Posts: 568 Member
    @ashleycarole86 that sucks about the charger! Those surface tablets have such a unique charging connection, you can't just use any usb plug. Makes it so annoying but definitely a necessary trip to get it. Poor you guys.

    @KellyBgetsfit I hear you on the stress that comes from CLUTTER! I hate things on counters and coffee tables. There are bowls and trays strategically placed in certain rooms of my home to catch and contain this clutter until I can deal with it. At least if the mess is in a designated mess pile, I don't stress about it!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,273 Member
    I hope you all had or are having a great day today - I got a lot of things done and also had plenty of time just lolling about - it felt good after a few extremely busy days that left me feeling a bit stiff and sore. The big garden work at the beginning of the season will do that...

    Thanks for the zoom call set-up! I hope a good gang can make it - but if not, I'm sure there will be more chances. I'm looking forward to hearing your real voices - not just the versions in my head!

    The spring peepers are still making a heck of a racket out there tonight - it is one of my favourite sounds. But the other inevitable sign of spring has also hit, just in time to be spending lots of time out digging and getting the big vegetable garden ready - black flies (aka May flies). They are vicious, persistent, and impossible to escape. I got a lot of bites (they itch for days) before finally digging out the insect repellent and slathering it on. Ugh.

    So here we are heading into Thursday!

    Who is up?

    Who is still due for today?

  • conleywoods
    conleywoods Posts: 986 Member
    @PlaneMonkey I love the meal planning board! I think half the battle is just deciding what to make!

    @KellyBgetsfit I also think clutter is stressful and difficult to control with kids around 😅 I am using the app Cladwell. I'm doing the free trial but I think I will continue until school is out. They have a website with lots of tips and they focus on capsule wardrobes.

    Looking forward to the zoom call!

    No workout today. Doing well with my calories today. Still having a pretty busy week at work but I just have one more meeting and one more report to write for the week. Tomorrow I'm taking a half day and then my weekend starts! I still have quite a few meetings that have to be done by the end of May but of course none are scheduled yet. All of these meetings are really cutting into my play with toys time at work 🙄 I have a week off the first week of June. Really looking forward to it 😀
  • DD265
    DD265 Posts: 651 Member
    @PlaneMonkey I love the meal planning board! I think half the battle is just deciding what to make! ​

    Definitely! Fajitas and chilli are a couple of our go-to meals but we can end up having them weekly when inspiration is lacking. I could have the same meal plan for each week (or fortnight or month) but OH likes more variety. He does the bulk of the cooking normally so I can't complain.

    My running buddy cancelled last night (her dog hurt it's paw) so I opted to go to IKEA on the off chance that the qty 1 of the wardrobe frame we needed was still physically on the shelf by the time I got there. It was, so I'm made up because it was proving difficult to find (at least within the 2 hours each way I was willing to drive) with no ETA on when their supply chain issues will be resolved. I need to go out to another store (same travel time, opposite direction!) to get the other door we need, annoyingly.

    I'm running tonight with OH instead and I'll be pushing him on distance a little if he's up to it. The medal challenge I chose for May is 50 miles, and ideally I'd like to run the lot, but have only done 16.45 miles running so far this month, and it was under 40 miles in April and March so I may need to count some walks (which brings me to 36 miles for May already).
  • kalaki6145
    kalaki6145 Posts: 12 Member
    Thursday weigh-in

    PW: 177
    CW: 176.4
  • AshenMoon
    AshenMoon Posts: 157 Member
    CW: 221.8

    Basically no change but that's okay, gotta build that motivation back up to consistently log. Sorry I'm a little late!
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,258 Member
    Username ashleycarole86

    PW 252.0
    CW 249.6
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,273 Member
    A beautiful run of weigh-ins! Nice losses or holding steady. Spiffy.

    You are UNDER 250! Great milestone!

    I have been far away from the online world today - but it feels good to have a completely sunny day for garden work. My back is feeling it! Got the garden almost all tilled now - just one section left to go, and most of it tilled twice now so it will be ready to plant. Some kale, chard, and beets already planted, but it is still too cool for other stuff so far. Soon! All the plants I started indoors are now getting really big and I'm beginning to hope they will be out of the house soon. They are taking up a LOT of room.

    @AshenMoon and @eggfreak - good steady week, in spite of roughness and getting back to logging. You've got this!

    Don't forget to put this zoom meeting in your calendar if you can make it! It is always a blast to hear the voices, see the faces moving, and see what we can be doing to make things better for everyone. :heart:
    Here's the invitation to our Zoom call this Saturday, May 15th 2:00 P.M. Eastern Time: Evelyn K (Vermont) is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

    Topic: Fat2Fit gathering
    Time: May 15, 2021 02:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

    Join Zoom Meeting

    Meeting ID: 766 1249 0136
    Passcode: 1212
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,273 Member
    Heads up Friday people!


    Heading into a weekend, getting ready to wrap up Week 2. It's looking good!
  • conleywoods
    conleywoods Posts: 986 Member
    I took a half day today from work. It was really nice out so my husband, daughter and I ended up on a 90 minute hike. We were looking for morel mushrooms and found about 6 decent sized ones. We also walked up on a baby bunny. It was so still. My daughter and I were able to walk up to it and crouch down with it at our feet. It looked so soft and tiny.

    Food was good today but started off a little off. I knew I was leaving work early so I didn't bring a lunch. I don't usually pack snacks but I did today. Unfortunately everything was higher calorie than I wanted. Made good choices for lunch even though I was tempted to pick other things. Happy how my food wrapped up for the day 😌
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,258 Member
    Sounds like a nice day for hiking and gardening.

    My husband and I got our new boat (eeeee!!!) in the water tonight. Big milestone for us.

    Got some rain but has gotten out for our walk early enough to avoid it.

    Can't believe the weekend is almost here.
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