WaistAways - May 2021 Team Chat



  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    What a great Monday!

    Some fabulous weigh-ins, exercise news, and gorgeous wildflowers. I had a wonderful riding session today and feel much more confident about coming back into this after my year-long injury ordeal. I jumped today! OK, it was a tiny jump, but my transitions and balance were better enough to even try. I still have a long way to go before my lower back is balanced again and I can get all the flexibility back in my left hip that I need, but it is coming along. My coach is starting to see where the weirdness is and she thought up a few great patterns and exercises that help a lot too. I also got a lot of gardening in this afternoon, so it has been a physical and fun day.

    As usual, Tuesday is our quiet day for weigh-ins. It's a great time to share ups, downs, and all arounds. I'll post the step/exercise team results tomorrow, so if you have any, get them in! Thanks!
  • conleywoods
    conleywoods Posts: 986 Member
    I'm interested in the zoom call too!
  • conleywoods
    conleywoods Posts: 986 Member
    Tomorrow is Tuesday!

    Here is a question for the group. How do you manage stress? What are your favorite tricks to help you cope. What do you still struggle with?
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,293 Member
    gak71 wrote: »
    micki48 wrote: »
    Moving Monday! It took me til almost 10am to get moving, but I got out my mat and did 12 minutes of Pilates. I also signed up for a free 30 minute class at a local studio. I'm excited to try out an actual Reformer.

    Have a great day everyone!

    @micki48 Are you taking the free class at a Club Pilates? That’s where my wife and I take our classes and we love it! There are hundreds of Club Pilates across the US and they’ve started opening in Canada too.

    Yes! It is called Club Pilates. I haven’t setup my class yet but will soon. Glad to hear you love it! I’m excited.
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,293 Member
    @PlaneMonkey Courtney, my kitty does the same thing every time I get my mat out. They are so funny.

    @jugar Yay for little jumps. I’m so impressed with your horse training.

    @conleywoods Hugs to you. I’m sure you can’t wait for the end of the school year. Good for you for having a plan to stave off the hunger.

    Met my step goal today. Logged and stayed under.my calories. Work in the yard pulling some major weeds then did some planting after a thunderstorm.

    Hubby and I also repaired our bedroom wall spackling some damage. Tomorrow we’ll paint. Falling asleep writing this. See you tomorrow.
  • Steph1498
    Steph1498 Posts: 307 Member
    @jugar here are my steps to date for May
    7: 5393
    8: 11041
    9: 10113
    10: 9949

    I'd love to participate on the zoom call as well!
  • Steph1498
    Steph1498 Posts: 307 Member
    @conleywoods - I am excited about the end of the school year coming soon for you!

    I manage stress usually by walking or running. If its sunny that's a huge bonus but I go regardless. There is something about getting outside that helps me to balance life even if its only 5-10 minutes.

    If I can't go somewhere and stress reduction needs to be discreet and immediate I have this little technique to touch my thumb and forefinger together and take a deep breath. This is to remind myself that stress can be productive and that when I manage my stress levels it is better for me (and my connection to those around me).

    Sometimes I also manage stress by zoning out with useless TV but then feel guilty about it later... funny how we are all so different!
  • PlaneMonkey
    PlaneMonkey Posts: 568 Member
    I manage stress by making lists and getting things out of my head by putting them on paper, then they stop floating around in there making me think I'm going to forget something. And I avoid stress eating by having a glass of water and getting out of the house, into the yard or for a walk.

    I wish I had summer vacation to look forward to. I have a month of 'in-class' virtual training all of June so there will be zero time off, likely before July. 🙄
  • eggfreak
    eggfreak Posts: 681 Member
    Hi. I'm tired. Stress tired, work tired, BUT also garden tired which is the best tired. Saturday and Sunday - 50,000+ steps in the garden - starting a revamp of the veg garden - lots of things I can't control and lots of areas in the garden where couch grass has taken over - but the veg garden seemed doable. Looking forward to a summer of vegetables.
    Zoom: If someone figures out the best time of day for all nations, and a date, I'm happy to host the zoom get together. Saturdays and Sundays are when I can do it.
    @Steph1498 I like your little stress technique.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    Stress? Even retired people get hit by this sometimes...

    Yesterday, I calmed my stress with a few cookies. That was not a great solution, and they weren't even a kind of cookie I really liked. When I have my act together better than that, the long cool glass of water, taken VERY slowly and with breathing usually does the trick. Doing some hip bridges also helps - just lying on the floor and concentrating on making the lift just right is wonderful. Thanks to those pilates sessions for implanting that one!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    edited May 2021
    Week ONE! How far did we go?

    Step and exercise trackers racked up some serious distance last week! From May 2-8, a total of 543,809 steps were logged. That's equivalent to 233 miles or 388 kilometres :sweat_smile: Added all together, we could have walked from Edmonton, Alberta to Berg Lake in British Columbia - a gorgeous lake next to Mt. Robson, the highest peak in the Canadian Rockies.

    The top three steppers:
    #1 - @KellyBgetsfit with a whopping 114,586 steps
    #2 - yours truly with 98,262 (this week I'm determined to break 100,000!)
    #3 - @gak71 with 75,376 steps

    Great going! Let's see if we can go even farther this week. Suggestions on where you want to take the imaginary walk are welcome!
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,196 Member
    Morning all! Speaking of stress, I'm having a little bit of it today.. my sweet little 14 month old Maltese is not herself and she seems to have something wrong with her mouth. We are going to take her in to the vet soon, but of course I have a busy day at work... I guess when I'm stressed I try to bit off a little piece at a time and focus on what I can do in the moment... I am also notorious for talking it out, this can actually be a bit of a bad thing as it causes rumination, but sometimes just getting things off my chest and getting advice/support helps.
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,196 Member
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    She is so cute! I'm not usually a fan of small dogs, but your little girl there looks like quite the sweetie. They're tough little critters, maybe she ate something to sharp or hard. You know how things in the mouth feel huge and terrible, I think it is the same for dogs. Hopefully it will be something minor! Hugs to both of you. And talking burns calories - a much better stress solution than cookies or ice cream!!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    Well, a nice quiet Tuesday is ending, and already has ended for many of you!

    Wednesday - you're up:
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,293 Member
    When stressed I try really hard not to eat. Exercise helps me relieve stress. Running in place, bouncing on a big ball, a walk. Also deep breathing helps to calm me. Being in my garden is also a great stress reducer.

    @Ashleycarole86 glad to hear your little Morgan is doing better.

    Great step report @jugar. I did log all my food and met my 9000 step goal today. My water was good.

    We worked on painting our bedroom today. More tomorrow to finish it up.

    Tomorrow we will watch my granddaughter. I’m sure she already has a plan for us. But planting flowers is my plan for her. 🌸🌺🌷🌼

    Pilates first thing tomorrow.
  • conleywoods
    conleywoods Posts: 986 Member
    I loved all the great ideas for stress! I agree that exercising, being outdoors and spending time with pets really do help! @ashleycarole86 So glad your dog is doing good! She is really cute. My aunt loved that breed of dog and had several over the years! They are nice little dogs. I snuggled up on the couch with my little dog right now 😌

    Today was a great day. I'm in my calories and I came home and worked out right after work. It really is helping with the snacking! Did an hour of ballet and then spent some time outside. The kids found a bush with 20 caterpillars on it and they have this big silk structure they built. Their all hanging out on or around the big silk thing. I have never seen anything like it!

    Besides working out to help with stress, I'm trying to just reduce the number of decisions I make. I'm picking the recipes for dinner ahead of time so I know what I will cook each night. I am also using an app that gives me outfit combinations from my own closet. I just flip through a few options and pick the one I want.
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