WaistAways - May 2021 Team Chat



  • Terytha
    Terytha Posts: 2,097 Member
    Thank you for the kind words of support. I know I'll be OK but it sometimes gets hard to see how. In the meantime, my check in here keeps me a bit grounded.

    Small bright moment: the route we take on our walks goes alongside a dog run. Today we were watching the pups play when this giant, pure white, unbelievably fluffy dog wandered by.

    So I said, "That's not a dog, its a cloud!"

    And I guess the nearby people were the cloud's owners because they cracked up. They were still laughing as we left the park area.
  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,080 Member
    Steps and Exercise stats for the past week

    9th May - 10750
    10th May - 4196 / 43 mins Full Body Burpee workout (Epic 1 Day 10)
    11th May - 2847 / 27 mins Aerobics
    12th May - 7064
    13th May - 3505 / 52 mins Dumbell Quads & Abs (Epic 1 Day 11)
    14th May - 2519
    15th May - 2495

    And thank you @EvMakesChanges for setting up the Zoom call - it was great to put real animated faces to names. Yx
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,285 Member
    @jugar Good memory. I did mention it and I guess my brain said you reported. Not. Pickleball is similar to tennis but on a shrunken court. Not as much running. But scoring, the racquet and the balls are different. The racquet is more like the love child of a racquetball racquet and a ping pong paddle. The ball is basically a whiffle ball with holes. It’s a whole lot of fun!!

    Today I worked in the garden two hours. I love that time. It’s looking good.

    Here are my steps. Also did 3 Pilates workouts. They were 11, 20, 11 minutes. anh7djm9aov6.jpeg
  • renewal_2021
    renewal_2021 Posts: 17 Member
    Pw:141 lbs
    CW: 141 lbs

    Still continue to walk. My logging in was weak. Wish I had persistence like @KellyBgetsfit! Amazing work. Jealous
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,213 Member
    Thanks for all the numbers! Hopefully the step report will be done early this week :smiley:

    Monday? Monday is coming - our two Monday people, are you ready?

  • Terytha
    Terytha Posts: 2,097 Member
    @Terytha the description of the "cloud-canine" reminds me of "The Neverending Story" with the "luck dragon". I'm sure you've heard of it, at least as being one of the "ancient videos of yore". :smiley:

    Falkor! Ha! Not only do I still have my old tape of that movie, it's one of my favorite books.

    When I was in fifth grade, I had a very young teacher who liked to show us fantasy movies. Labyrinth, Dark Crystal, Legend, Willow, Neverending Story. I love them all, and I can quote most of them.

    And sing the soundtracks. >>

    Husband is extremely tired of being told he reminds me of the babe.
  • Steph1498
    Steph1498 Posts: 307 Member
    @Terytha I'm happy to see you commenting again! Stay with us we need your interesting messages and awesomeness. I LOVED all those fantasy movies too they were always so weird and inspiring - exactly what I needed as a kid and now when I feel too grown up! :smiley:
  • Steph1498
    Steph1498 Posts: 307 Member
    @jugar - Here are my steps for the rest of last week
    14: 11892
    15: 9606
    16: 9480

    Interesting that my steps average has decreased with an apple watch. I walked and moved more with the Fitbit because of the regular reminders and goals. I'm going to look for an app that can help with this....
  • DD265
    DD265 Posts: 651 Member
    PW: 81.2
    CW 81.1

    I've been here or just above for a little while now - hoping to drop below 81 this week!
  • conleywoods
    conleywoods Posts: 986 Member
    Hi everyone!

    @Terytha Ha! Loved all those movies too! I hope you are able to start feeling better soon. Great news on the stomach issues getting close to being solved! Hopefully the job stuff will get better. Keep walking! Have you ever seen the cat strollers? You zip your kitty inside a mesh compartment and stroll them around! My sister in law use to take her cat out it one.

    @PlaneMonkey That is a ton of work! It looks great and your house is beautiful 😍

    @KellyBgetsfit Nice work on more lost inches!

    I had a good exercise weekend but not the best food weekend. I think I finally relaxed about work and really let the sweets pile on! Back on track today. I'm up early today thanks to my doggie. Made the most of it and did a pilates reformer workout for 45 minutes.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,213 Member
    The usual wild Monday!
    I have my riding coaching sessions on Mondays, so that is always a lot of nervous anticipation, intense work, and (usually) some pretty big revelations and wow moments. Today was tough on the balance issues I am still struggling with since my buttock injury, surgery, and recovery - my lower back is still uneven, and I hold my weight off that side whenever things get tricky. It's getting a lot better, though, and today we had some good jumping (low!) series, better control of stride, and giving up on trying to control everything. This is a horse who knows what he is doing, so I did better when I left more of the details to him and just concentrated on the big picture. I was exhausted and hungry by the end, and had not had enough water, so good reminder on that too - snack first and drink lots more H2O!

    Food went much better yesterday and today. Last week I went a bit loosy-goosy with the flourfatsugar and had a lot of trouble stopping after starting to eat. Reasonable portions went out the window. MUCH better today - gotta rein that stuff in! It is amazing how quickly my resting pulse increases, and stamina falls when I eat too much of that evil (yummy) stuff. Hmmph.

    Steps are all in - report on the way shortly!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,213 Member
    Step/Exercise Team Report for May 2021, Week 2!

    All this talk about boats has me seeing beaches. The team trekked 484,620 steps this week. If we had walked along the beach... we would have covered 207.7 miles or 346.2 km as a team of 7 people. That would have given us a fantastic round-trip walk along Cox's Bazar Beach in Bangladesh - the longest natural sea beach in the world. Check it out -
    So who are the top 3?

    @jugar - 101,932 steps
    @KellyBgetsfit - 89,784 steps
    @micki48 - 68,729 steps

    Well done!! Anyone who wants to join the fun and get us over 500,000 steps for this week is welcome!
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,183 Member
    There are certain things I'm just going to HAVE to try based on this group's interests.. Pilates for one and horseback riding for a real stretch goal someday. Oh, and pickleball @micki48 .. I love racquet sports :)

    @jugar well, speaking of boats.. Brad and I just got back from ours. As it's a new boat for us there is a lots to learn - how to best put on the cover, keeping it clean, opening and closing the Bimini top, all things that actually require a lot of squatting, bending, and maneuvering. I was commenting tonight that had he and I not started to work on ourselves earlier this year that this boat work would feel like way too big of a chore.

    My favorite thing about the weight I've lost so far continues to be all the increased energy I have just just live life!! Man oh man it's great to not be tired all the time.
  • conleywoods
    conleywoods Posts: 986 Member
    @jugar Glad to hear you are keeping after it and with a good horse who knows what to do! Hopefully you'll even out sooner rather than later. I have only done jumping once and it was a lot of fun. It is one of my favorite memories growing up. My sister and I got to go to an overnight horse camp with all kinds of classes including jumping. After a long day of riding we got to go to the neighbors house and swim. The neighbors house was owned by Bruce Willis so we got to swim in a famous person's pool! Hehe

    Today I was good for exercise and calories. Getting on track after the weekend! Just going to let it go and move forward.

    Great job step team! That is a lot of walking. I think I would walk more if most of my walking was done on a sandy beach.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,213 Member
    Happy Tuesday!

    Another beautiful day, and some inspiring posts from you wonderful people. I gotta say, though, that swimming in a pool owned by Bruce Willis after riding horses all day sounds amazing!!! Thanks @conleywoods for that. Lucky you! Just about the only time I like to swim (or mess about in the water, really I can't swim worth beans) is after a really sweaty, dusty ride.

    @ashleycarole86 - hats off! Looking back a year or more when you have made progress but kind of forget how far you have come is worthy of a light bulb glowing over your head. Enjoy those little moments - squatting more easily, lifting stuff, bounding up the stairs - all that stuff that used to be harder. If you're just starting out, look forward to these! I'll never forget the first time I was carrying one 15 pound dumbbell in each hand, walking over to a free area in the gym. It struck me that I had weighed that much a few months before. I thanked my knees and feet for the hard work they had been doing! Then when I got to 40 pounds down, I did it on purpose, just to remind myself of how far I came. For some of you amazing losers, you could carry a whole me around! Looking at you @happimess01 and @terytha . For now, though, I think I'll stick to letting a big ol' horse do the heavy lifting, ok? :wink:

    OK - sun's out. My first salad to include some baby greens from my garden is happening for lunch, and I'm already looking forward to it. :smiley:

    What's up?
  • DD265
    DD265 Posts: 651 Member
    edited May 2021
    Hey all

    Tuesday afternoon here - we just got invited for our first Covid jabs, so booked in for next Wednesday. I'll be a nervous wreck when the time comes but by all accounts the injection isn't that bad. As long as we don't get any side effects which derail my running or our plans that weekend I'll be fine.

    I finally dropped under 81kg this morning so happy with that but I'm struggling with wants at the moment. I've been this way a few days and I'm eating back exercise calories daily, craving salt and/or sugar. My 1-a-day rule has gone out of the window. I think it could be stress related as the change in restrictions might be positive change but it's still change, could also be PMS I suppose but it's not normally this bad. I'm trying to up my water intake, but I'm not sure whether to:

    - eat exercise calories daily (current approach... walking after work to earn some!)
    - track 'weekly' so that overall for the week I'm in a deficit
    - have a day at maintenance
    - have a day where I go over maintenance calories
    - something else I haven't thought of

    I've not gone over my calorie goal once this year (since I started on 1st Jan), but I'm not sure that eating all the sugar/salt is going to "cure" me. What works for you guys when you feel this way out?

    Also I need to find an alternative to the word 'but'. I apologise for the amount of 'but' in my post!
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