TEAM: Run Track Minds (June)



  • Krysless2
    Krysless2 Posts: 1,978 Member
    edited June 2021
    Woke up feeling amazing for no reason at all! Does that ever happen to you!?
    Dance with me!🕺🏻👯‍♂️
    Mon, June 28th
    Week 5 - Day 2
    MUAC: Yes/Yes/Yes
    NetCalories: 1599
    5279 Steps
    I’ve been touring NY, USA with IFit. First Brooklyn, then the Financial district, and then Soho-Chinatown. Loving this series so far!
    Sunday - Saturday

    Sun, June 27th
    Week 5 - Day 1
    MUAC: Yes/No/Yes
    NetCalories: 1975
    12480 Steps
    Sunday - Saturday
  • alpdexplorer
    alpdexplorer Posts: 251 Member
    Krysless2 wrote: »
    Mon, June 28th
    Week 5 - Day 2
    MUAC: Yes/Yes/Yes
    NetCalories: 1599
    5279 Steps
    I’ve been touring NY, USA with IFit. First Brooklyn, then the Financial district, and then Soho-Chinatown. Loving this series so far!
    Sunday - Saturday

    Sun, June 27th
    Week 5 - Day 1
    MUAC: Yes/No/Yes
    NetCalories: 1975
    12480 Steps
    Sunday - Saturday

    I've been meaning to ask, what is MUAC?

    Great job!
  • Krysless2
    Krysless2 Posts: 1,978 Member
    Krysless2 wrote: »
    Mon, June 28th
    Week 5 - Day 2
    MUAC: Yes/Yes/Yes
    NetCalories: 1599
    5279 Steps
    I’ve been touring NY, USA with IFit. First Brooklyn, then the Financial district, and then Soho-Chinatown. Loving this series so far!
    Sunday - Saturday

    Sun, June 27th
    Week 5 - Day 1
    MUAC: Yes/No/Yes
    NetCalories: 1975
    12480 Steps
    Sunday - Saturday

    I've been meaning to ask, what is MUAC?

    Great job!

    With The Biggest Loser Challenge all you have to do is Weigh in every week. But as a team captain you can choose to monitor and give kudos for little side challenges like the MUAC aka

    You are currently participating in it (and doing well I might add)🥰
    It looks like this:
    Tracking: Y/N?
    Under Calories: Y/N?
    20mins exercise: Y/N?
  • NRTyreman
    NRTyreman Posts: 84 Member
    Week 5 Day 4
    Tuesday 29th June

    Tracked - Yes
    Under cals - Yes
    Exercise - Yes
    Steps - 16,849

    I went through my average steps for June to date (its split between two apps as I got my fancy fitbit this month), I'm now averaging 15k steps, bit of a jump from 10.5 last month. I won't be moving my 12k daily goal though, anything above isn't always possible when you have a full time desk job and plenty of deadlines. Not sure I will even hit 12k when I have to start commuting to the office again.

    Sundays ridiculous walk has finally hit me too, fell asleep at 8pm and only woke up at 6. Probably would of slept longer had my son not already stayed in bed an hour longer than normal. A half arsed walk to nursery and back then I made it half way through my glutes exercise when I decided today is a rest day. Can't win them all :lol:

    Do you guys plan your rest days or do you wait until your body needs them? Still trying to build this into habit, as I want my kid to see me exercising (he loves burpees?!) so any advice to help maintain the motivation is very welcome!
  • alpdexplorer
    alpdexplorer Posts: 251 Member
    edited June 2021
    NRTyreman wrote: »
    Week 5 Day 4
    Tuesday 29th June

    Tracked - Yes
    Under cals - Yes
    Exercise - Yes
    Steps - 16,849

    I went through my average steps for June to date (its split between two apps as I got my fancy fitbit this month), I'm now averaging 15k steps, bit of a jump from 10.5 last month. I won't be moving my 12k daily goal though, anything above isn't always possible when you have a full time desk job and plenty of deadlines. Not sure I will even hit 12k when I have to start commuting to the office again.

    Sundays ridiculous walk has finally hit me too, fell asleep at 8pm and only woke up at 6. Probably would of slept longer had my son not already stayed in bed an hour longer than normal. A half arsed walk to nursery and back then I made it half way through my glutes exercise when I decided today is a rest day. Can't win them all :lol:

    Do you guys plan your rest days or do you wait until your body needs them? Still trying to build this into habit, as I want my kid to see me exercising (he loves burpees?!) so any advice to help maintain the motivation is very welcome!

    Awesome! That is a LOT of steps. I'm lucky if I hit my 6k goal (I'm getting better though!) :D

    I usually wait til my body needs them. Last time I planned rest days, I had energy and motivation those days and the days I needed to exercise I was exhausted. So planning them definitely doesn't work out for me.
  • alpdexplorer
    alpdexplorer Posts: 251 Member
    edited June 2021
    DAILY POST ● W5-D3
    Tuesday, June 29th.

    Tracked→ Yes.
    Calories→ Under.
    Exercise→ I went on a walk with Dais; 65 minutes—2.3 miles.
    Steps→ 8552 / 6000

    Fairly decent day. I only napped for an hour and half (usually it's like 3 hours, lol). The walk was good. It was so humid though. I was sweating like a hog. Dais started slowing down a lot toward the end so we went home. I could have probably kept going but I figured walking 2 miles is good and it was close to bedtime and still had to prep my lunch for work.

  • naomi9271
    naomi9271 Posts: 127 Member
    Week 5 Day 4
    Tuesday 29th June

    Tracked - Yes
    Under cals - Yes
    Exercise - Yes

    Exercise was the hotel pool, plus some wandering around town. Another scorcher of a day. Only kept under calories this time because the restaurant meal was awful. Should have guessed…a Mexican place named Montezuma…should be named Montezuma’s Revenge, LOL.

    I take my rest days when my body needs them or the weather dictates too. But this challenge helps ensure I don’t take too many of them. Hmmm….
  • Krysless2
    Krysless2 Posts: 1,978 Member
    Tues, June 29th
    Week 5 - Day 3
    MUAC: Yes/Yes/Yes
    Calories In / NetCalories: 1422 / 1225
    Carbs<30: Yes
    10961 Steps
    Sunday - Saturday

    I have been in a workout funk for the last few weeks, I was doing juuuust enough so that I can say “Yes I did a 20 min exercise” Check box? ✅Yes. But I know I was half-assing it and I'm doing better with that now. My love for city tours and history was fired up in St Augustine and I’ve been turning up the volume and actually listening to the trainers talking on my Treadmill’s IFit programs and this has helped me stay on longer ...and if I didn’t hear a section of the tour (hubby/daughter coming in to talk) I do it over!

  • Krysless2
    Krysless2 Posts: 1,978 Member
    Weigh in Day: Monday
    June SW: 143.2lbs
    Week1: 143.2
    Week2: 143.2
    Week3: 145.2
    Week4: 147
    Week 5
    Mon-Sun Total Cals:12286Cals
    Wk5 Result: 145lbs = 2lbs loss⬇️/1.36%
    June Overall:1.8lbs gain = 1.26%⬆️

    Aaaand finally it went DOWN this week! This wasn’t a great “weight loss journey” month for me, but I did some real LIVING, seeing people I love, site seeing, trying different foods, going OUTSIDE and getting some much needed vitamin D😃
    so no regrets, well except one..
    I can never really get a handle on the act of balancing food and life. When life gets active, I have always put my good eating skills in the back seat, matter of fact, Overeater(that’s my alter ego) he always comes out when I’m not doing my same routine. I wish I knew how to stop that from happening because he’s the reason why I can never just maintain my weight when I leave MFP. Maybe I’ll figure this out one day..

    New goals for this week
    • Lowered my NetCals Goal to 1500
    • Still shooting for 30 NetCarbs or less
    • Taking better care to eat within an 8 hr/IF schedule
    • Starting today: 30second Daily plank challenge
    Signed by Me: “A work in progress”
    Reminder: To Lose 1lbs = 10500NetCals/Wkly OR 1500/Daily
    NetCarb Goal: 30g
    To Maintain Weight =15400/Week OR
    💦Goal: 64oz/Daily; 448oz/Wkly
    👟Goal: 9000/Daily; 63000/Wkly
    👙Goal: 125lbs
    🥊Goal: 2 x Sessions/per Week
  • NRTyreman
    NRTyreman Posts: 84 Member
    Week 5 Day 5
    Wednesday 1st July

    Tracked - Yes
    Under cals - Yes
    Exercise - Yes (Just barely)
    Steps - 13,842

    Into the second half of the year and it only took half an hour to get completely frazzled. Not sure if my new medication has just decided to stop working or I am just having muddled couple of days! I still can't find the socks I took off yesterday morning, should I be glad I still remember they exist? Also snapped my headphones putting them on this morning, luckily some tape helped tide them over for my walk. Managed to step out in front of multiple cars on my journey. I fully intended to take a rest day if my body needed but I seemed to have plenty of energy yet mentally I really, really struggled today :disappointed: I did it all but it feels like I'm teetering on that edge, I know its the ADHD now but I really don't want to undo months of work. I am going to take tomorrow as a self care day, I am going to let the dopamine decide what to do and see how I get on.

    Sorry to be such a debbie downer!
  • naomi9271
    naomi9271 Posts: 127 Member

    Week 5 Day 5
    Wednesday 1st July

    Tracked - Yes
    Under cals - No
    Exercise - Yes

    Last night here, so fancy dinner to celebrate. Over calories; right around maintenance.

    We all have our days where we’re not perfect. Probably because we are all human and shouldn’t expect perfection. The battle isn’t for perfection. It’s to make the right choices most of the time. And when we lose a skirmish, to get back up on our feet and fight again.

    And gentlemen in England now a-bed
    Shall think themselves accursed they were not here,
    And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
    That fought with us upon Saint Crispin’s day.

    Ooops did I get carried away???? 🤣
  • Krysless2
    Krysless2 Posts: 1,978 Member
    Just a Reminder that the week starts with Sunday, Day1; Mon-Day2; Tues-Day3, Wed-Day4 and so on. I’m not one who likes to correct people but wanted to help prevent confusion later.
    Happy Thursday everyone!
  • germaine_yee
    germaine_yee Posts: 299 Member
    Username: germaine_yee
    Week: Friday (Week 5 of June)
    PW = 143.52 lb
    CW = 144.85 lb
  • NRTyreman
    NRTyreman Posts: 84 Member
    @krysless2 I got a bit confused with how the weigh in worked and just moved mine to sunday, did you want me to post it on here to end it in June for week 5 or should I just post it in the July room?

    Week 5 Day 6
    Thursday 1st July

    Tracked - Yes
    Under cals - Yes
    Exercise - Yes
    Steps - 19,673

    I spoke to a my nurse and in a very nice way he basically told me I was being dramatic and just having a bad day :lol:
    He was right :lol:
  • Krysless2
    Krysless2 Posts: 1,978 Member
    NRTyreman wrote: »
    @krysless2 I got a bit confused with how the weigh in worked and just moved mine to sunday, did you want me to post it on here to end it in June for week 5 or should I just post it in the July room?

    Week 5 Day 6
    Thursday 1st July

    Tracked - Yes
    Under cals - Yes
    Exercise - Yes
    Steps - 19,673

    I spoke to a my nurse and in a very nice way he basically told me I was being dramatic and just having a bad day :lol:
    He was right :lol:
    Good morning! I hope you have a better day today💗!! I have you down as missing your weight for Tuesday. If you’ll let me know what that was I’ll be sure to log it as your week 5 results.
    Are you needing us to change your weighin days to Sunday starting in July? Now is definitely a good time to request a change. Just let me or Ashley know!

    Everybody will start migrating over to the July chatroom on Sunday, but you’re welcome to start posting over there now if you’d like. People sometimes will say hi and introduce themselves to newcomers.

    I’m following both rooms right now so that I can be especially helpful while we move everyone over to the new month🥸!

    Alsoooo, just a heads up, in your post Thursday should be listed as day 5 not 6🤗

    Happy Friday everybody!
  • NRTyreman
    NRTyreman Posts: 84 Member
    edited July 2021
    @krysless2 I've been Just doing Sundays this month but actually Tuesdays work much better for me and I log it each week already! I logged PW as the last one I posted on 26th June

    Yesterday got lots better when the nurse and my husband said I was being dramatic, snapped me back to reality hahaha!

    Username: NRTyreman
    CW: 175.8lb

    Does this now put me in Week 1 day 3 of july or week 5 day 3 june?
  • naomi9271
    naomi9271 Posts: 127 Member
    Username: naomi9271
    Week: Friday (Week 5 of June)
    PW = 143.4
    CW = 147

    Sorry, guys. I am afraid this number will undo all the good work the rest of you did this week. But that’s what the scale says.
  • Krysless2
    Krysless2 Posts: 1,978 Member
    edited July 2021
    NRTyreman wrote: »
    @krysless2 I've been Just doing Sundays this month but actually Tuesdays work much better for me and I log it each week already! I logged PW as the last one I posted on 26th June

    Yesterday got lots better when the nurse and my husband said I was being dramatic, snapped me back to reality hahaha!

    Username: NRTyreman
    CW: 175.8lb

    Does this now put me in Week 1 day 3 of july or week 5 day 3 june?

    This is how I placed your weight to finish up for June! (Side note: Look at you go!!)


    I’m not sure why, but the spreadsheet toggles Weigh in days sometimes. I really appreciate you going with the flow!

  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    Team Run Track Minds, anyone interested in stepping up to be Captain for July?
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    **June Week 5**

    This Week's Runners Up (posted 5 times):


    Click to view>> Week 5 Results have also been posted!!

    Congrats to our top 3:
    1st - @NRTyreman. - 1.44%
    2nd - @dracocapricorn. - 1.25%
    3rd - @Waifer003. - 0.68%

    Click to view>> Week 5 Results have also been posted!!

    Congrats to our top 3:
    1st - @NRTyreman. - 6.08%
    2nd - @Waifer003. - 4.45%
    3rd - @gwenmatos3. - 2.94%

This discussion has been closed.