Goals Challenge



  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,697 Member
    Bren...learning to cook with the very low sodium has been a journey for me! We have made the decision that my hubby will cheat one day a week. I use pickup at Wal-Mart for groceries and they have all of the nutrients listed on the website. That has been eye opening. I don't eat breakfast and my husband doesn't eat lunch, so it is only cooking one meal a day. He usually eats oatmeal or cold cereal for breakfast (or a few mini donuts).
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,697 Member
    Saturday tracking: k0l27yd1e4wl.png
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 759 Member
    I'm normally a breakfast skipper but I recently started making egg beater omelets I really like, and switched to regular eggs a week or so ago as they are cheaper to use. My cholesterol is low, tho my triglycerides are very high, due to the diabetes. I have many reasons to go lower sodium etc. Being consistent has been an issue.

    I had some leftover cooked pork that I added peppers, onions, baby taters to, with my half jar of gravy I had left...made some "burritos" with it and have 2.5 cups of it left for re-runs.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,697 Member
    Today I missed my 7pm limit on food by about 5 minutes, but since I didn't start eating until about 12:30, I kept within my 8 hour rule.

    I just made very low sodium tuna salad and ate on 1 slice of toast with pretzels on the side for lunch. For dinner, I did the same thing but added in a string cheese. Snacks through the day included a Greek yogurt, 1oz of almonds and 3 Hershey hugs.

    Calories: 882 - a bit low.
    Carbs: 96 - still having a hard time getting it lower without raising fats.
    Sat Fat: 10
    Cholesterol: 221 - and that is with some egg in the tuna salad.

    I weighed this morning and my scales moved down about 3 pounds. That didn't make sense. I checked again and it said the same thing. I brushed my hair and got back on the scales and they were 2 pounds heavier. Much more believable.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,287 Member
    I didn't stay on track over the weekend, but, so far, it didn't seem to do so much damage. Back on track with my modified THM diet. I even got a compliment from a friend saying I looked better and smaller! Woohoo! I can't see it, but I'm glad that it's there! I am at 238 today.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 759 Member
    I was up some this morning so am making a U-Turn and getting on the wagon today. I entered my iced tea for "hones-Tea"....on the potassium numbers. i did only have 2 cups of coffee today tho since I forgot it and left my pot on at home. Oops....didn't want to make more here since I knew I'd be doing my iced tea at lunch.

    Tue/Wed are my off days and I am SO glad I don't have appointments this week. I had 2 week before last and one last week and am ready for a break tho I do need to get lab work done soon and have an endo appt. August 17th.
    Other than this shoulder pain from my fall in February, I'm feeling better and am thankful.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,697 Member
    edited June 2021
    Lunch: 1 slice bread, one slice cheese, 1oz pretzels
    Dinner: hamburger patty, 1/2 hamburger bun, corn on the cob.
    snacks: almonds, greek yogurt, 3 hershey hugs

    Nice outdoor walk, but got home just in time for rain to start again.
  • colleensparlin
    colleensparlin Posts: 6 Member
    hello, I am new and from SparkPeople. I am a Christian and pastor's wife. It is good to find a smaller group, I am looking forward to the conversations. I have a lot to lose, so right now my goal is to figure MFP out and see if I can do the calorie range.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,697 Member
    Colleen - So great to see you here! Most of us are from SparkPeople as well. So far, I am liking the trackers here, and the groups are working out well, too.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,287 Member
    Welcome, Colleen! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. I'm from SP too and am so happy to find another site so similar to that one. I'm able to find things on the tracker that I had to put in at SP - like my MegaMucosa, a supplement I take for my stomach - it was in their food tracker - wow! I hope you will join in on the conversations!

    I didn't quite make my steps yesterday even though I did my house walking. I got around 1800, still higher than what my norm had been, so I'm okay with that. I will get there today since I need to get outside and water the plants and that takes up a few of those steps! Eating was on point yesterday, I didn't even go and grab a snack when my tummy was growing at 11:30! LOL! That bowl of banana pudding left over from Sunday's dinner is calling to me at times, but I just walk away!

    God bless y'all today!
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 759 Member
    Hello Colleen and welcome aboard!
    Connie, your diligence and discipline inspire me. You're doing great!
    I didn't track today but did eat 3 times, tho veggies were missing from my "meals". I'll do better tomorrow. I did enjoy my rest time today and lounging about.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,287 Member
    Staying on plan. Weight hasn't changed but after my no-no weekend it may take a few days for the scale to show anything. I'm ahead of schedule for my mid term goal, so hopefully things will start moving again soon.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,697 Member
    edited June 2021
    Well, since coming to MFP, I have lost about 4 pounds. I am officially under 150 now. I haven't had a cheat day in quite a while. We were trying to eat healthier due to Bill's blood work today. We may splurge this weekend.

    1/2 egg and 1 egg white, 1.3 oz home-made turkey sausage, 1 slice toast, 1/2 oz pretzels
    1/3 cup mashed potatoes, 2/3 cup egg noodles with 2 oz chicken and homemade cream of chicken soup, salad with homemade french dressing.
    chocolate almonds, 3 Hershey hugs, string cheese
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 759 Member
    I had another one of my omelets yesterday for breakfast. They are so good and so easy. I'll order some more egg beaters. I've been using regular eggs the past week...but don't want to get too happy with them. I could in a hurry!

    I still haven't done a real meal plan and need to take a little time to do that. I started on my cabinets yesterday, pulling things down/out so I could see what I have, what I need and what I can release. I can't climb up on my foot stool with the foot pain...so use my grabber. That works great.

    Yesterday, I dumped my ham hocks, some onion, green beans and baby gold taters in the slow cooker. I had some for dinner and brought a container for my lunch today. I do wish I had thought to bring a sweet onion with me.

    My right foot is acting up again so I will be cautious the next few days. I sure don't want another 2 weeks of agony like I just experienced last month.

    I'm going to go do my tracking for the day. Have a good one!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,287 Member
    You baby that foot, Bren!!!

    Connie, keeping the saturated fat under 13 or 14 is hard! I find it in things I think shouldn't have it, but if we are able to keep it very close to that I think it will still be beneficial. Congrats on the weight loss. I've been holding steady, no new losses. I'm pretty sure the eight pounds I did lose was mostly water since I was quite swollen. I've been doing my massages and compression (except for today) every day lately, so I'm sure that has had an effect. I bought a pair of compression leggings - aerobic exercise just getting them on, but I found they bunch behind my knees and are tight around my ankles, so I won't wear them often - unfortunately. That is the problem with the socks I've bought, they curl down and then cut off my circulation or bunch at my ankles and strangle me there! I have several pair of legging that aren't strong compression, but they do have some, so I will stick to those and if I swell up again I'll wear the tighter ones. Maybe I'll lose a little more weight and they'll fit a little bit better!

  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,697 Member
    Well, yesterday I did a little bit better than that tracker showed. I didn't eat the string cheese that I had tracked. That got my saturated fats back into range, but calories were a bit low.

    Today I am not even posting the numbers because they are terrible. We had Mexican tonight pick-up. It was really good, and I was much more realistic than usual (and didn't have any chips :( , but went way over in all of my numbers. I didn't over-do any other meals or snacks and stayed in my 8 hour eating range. Since it has been a couple of weeks since I really went over, I am not worrying about one day.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,287 Member
    Sometimes you just gotta have that day or that treat that is just calling you. We had pizza last weekend. I don't want my husband and my MIL to feel like they can't eat stuff because I "can't" and I know they won't enjoy it unless I enjoy it with them, so I do!

    Was two pounds down on the scale this morning - phew! I will try to do my walking this afternoon, but I haven't been feeling well today, just very tired and my allergies are through the roof, so we will see.

  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 759 Member
    My pain levels and instability are giving me a run for my money. I fumbled and stumbled a lot yesterday, just closing the maintenance door so I could go home. I need to work on these things. Since nobody will come in and do my therapy moves on me while I nap...I have work to do. Today is a good day to start.

    Last night I had broccoli salad, potato salad and 3 small frozen pancakes for dinner. Not balanced at all but it was tasty. My bed time sugar was only 97 so I skipped PM insulin, when I checked at 12:30 AM, it was just 121...yet FBS was 223 this morning. So I will just do a smaller PM dose as needed rather than totally skip it.

    I made my MW omelet this morning, had half of it on a low carb tortilla for breakfast. I have the rest of the broccoli salad/potato salad with some ham for lunch. I plan a grilled ham and Swiss grilled sandwich on Italian bread for dinner. I did add some broccoli to my container for lunch. I like more veggies than they used.

    You go Kim! My weight has inched back up so I'll work on that too...along with the pain thing and stability/balance.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,697 Member
    Lunch: taco salad with a half oz. pretzels.
    Dinner was left-over chicken and noodles with some pan-seared chicken breast and a salad with home-made french dressing.
    Snacks: almonds and 3 hershey hugs

    The numbers weren't bad, but the protein was a bit high with all of the chicken.

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,287 Member
    Do you have a cane that you can use, Bren, for those rickety days?

    Was on point yesterday even though I had a Key Lime Twizzler. I added it into my food list and stayed within on all my numbers. I'd rather have a heartier snack that has some value to it than the wasted calories of a Twizzler though. It wasn't as good as the orange cream on, now that one will give me some trouble! LOL!

    I'm going to try another Orange Cream Smoothie today since my organic natural orange extract come yesterday. Yummers.