WaistAways - Team Chat AUGUST 2021



  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,098 Member
    Thanks for all the numbers - it is looking decidedly green in there! For those who are new, on the spreadsheet weight losses are displayed in green, gains in red, and staying the same in black. Aim for the green, however small the amount may be! I am impressed by this week - but let's be vigilant. The first week of every month tends to be strong, and then there can be a drop-off effect and the energy, logging, exercise, and weight loss is not so good. So do not celebrate the week 1 losses by doing things differently! Keep at it if you had a great week 1 :heart:

    I have certainly triumphed over the groundhogs, @eggfreak - you should see the piles of veggies coming in every day now! Green beans, tomatoes, Asian eggplants, spinach, chard, salad greens, zucchini, golden beets - we are swimming in vegetables. And herbs. And blueberries. The only think missing is kale - and the new crop that I planted after the groundhogs ate every last plant will soon be ready to eat. I'm going to turn back into kale. My son says that we are what we eat, so I must be kale. I think I'm a kale and eggplant love child, personally :wink:
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,098 Member
  • once_mas
    once_mas Posts: 160 Member
    @once_mas It definitely takes some problem solving when only one of you needs to drop pounds. My husband and I have made a lot of progress in this area. We use to spend a lot of time trying to accommodate the other person in an attempt to help. This lead to frustration for both of us. We have totally different calorie needs and it really didn't work. Once we got to the point where we acknowledge that he need 3 times as many calories as I do and I have fewer calories to work with things got easier. He eats more snacks throughout the day and higher calorie foods. I get lots of practice saying no or eating treats in moderation. I have other snacks that work for me too. We like to have evening snacks after the kids go to bed. This works best if we plan ahead. I save calories for snacks or I give him a heads up if a meal we have planned will take all of my calories. The more you communicate the better. He knows what my goals are and totally supports me. Bottom line the man must have a tapeworm because he is always hungry!

    @conleywoods it is a nice suggestion, I will use it :)
  • Steph1498
    Steph1498 Posts: 307 Member
    @conleywoods - Thanks for your comment and sharing the info about the cookbook! I will see if I can find it here or something similar. I also checked out their website https://www.americastestkitchen.com/guides/the-complete-mediterranean-cookbook/recipes-to-make-now and wow the meals looks beautiful and nutritious! I cant wait to try some of these recipes! :)

    @journeyalone - I love me some salmon too! Funny though I only make it about once a month and it always feel like a healthy splurge. I think I will add it in more. I've been wanting to try other fish as well so that should be good.
  • Steph1498
    Steph1498 Posts: 307 Member
    PW: 165.8
    CW: 165.2

    Getting back into my habits is helping me feel healthier and more pulled together!
    It awesome to read everyone's posts again and to be part of this community.
    Looking forward to seeing all our results by the end of this long month.

    @eggfreak - Good for you for setting goals about alcohol and sugar. They just lead to other bad choices and I feel the same way about alcohol. When I don't have it at all I feel better.
    I'm more on the side that if I have some wine or a cocktail or two then I have a snack...
    Really its easier if I just say that okay I am not drinking tonight (or snacking) its better for me all around. I've found that a glass of cold tonic water is just as satisfying as the cocktail and bonus that I feel better about it in the morning.
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,141 Member
    @happimess01 nice little cushion into the 100's now there... way to go!

    Nice green weeks @Steph1498 and @conleywoods ... awesome work!

    @eggfreak the fluctuations can drive a person crazy for sure... haha. What did you decide about looking at avg vs actual? curious where you landed on that

    SUPER slow start over here today.. just popped my head outside quickly and it's very smoky.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,098 Member
    Holy Exploding Bike Seat, Brad-Man! I'm not even sure how that happens, but it sounds scary!

    I had my finger on the 9 for 9-1-1 if needed when my taller half took down our old front entryway today. He took it all apart yesterday, but today had to remove the final posts that hold up its small roof. First he put in a serious-looking prop to hold up the roof, but he was worried it would not work and when he knocked out the posts the whole thing would fall down on his head. Luckily the prop is holding beautifully! Now he just has to rebuild the porch/entryway under the little roof... The old one had always been a bit temporary (for 27 years!) and was finally way overdue for replacement. No ambulances required so far! This guy does not need a gym or to make any exercise plans. He is always out there working on some kind of project from cutting and splitting wood to demolition and rebuilding. His blue vocabulary gets a serious workout every day too!

    I had another huge garden haul today, and pulled up a section of salad greens for replanting. My son came up for dinner and was sent home with more bags of veggies. I bring him some every day - I think he might start locking the door!

    Keep up the fantastic work, folks - the losses are looking good, the planning is paying off. One more set of weigh-ins for this week and we're moving on to August Week 2!

    Due Saturday:

    Still due today:

    What's everyone up to this weekend?
  • conleywoods
    conleywoods Posts: 984 Member
    Hello and happy Friday!

    My very old doggie Bernie had surgery today. I was seriously worried since he is 15! So old for a large breed. He has had a growth on his gums and it was starting to bother him. Surgery couldn't wait any longer. He has been extra fragrant lately and not in a good way. Turns out he had a bad tooth under the mass and it was the source of the stink. They said otherwise he is very healthy for an old guy. They made a mistake with the billing quote and gave us the wrong amount when we dropped off. The bill was much bigger by the end of the day. I had to tease the vet tech after several extra payments. I told him I was putting my wallet away and he better get my dog out here right away! Ha

    @jugar Glad the project went well! We are definitely getting some good stuff out of our garden too. Our cucumbers are taking their time and I wish they would hurry up!

    Calories are over and no exercise. Oh well ! I made it to the grocery store and stocked up. I also got my new shoes for walking the trails near my house. I decided to try some trail running shoes this time. I also got some adorable baby blue espadrille flats from the j. Crew sale😍
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,141 Member
    08/06 exercise- 9933 steps and 27 minutes yoga

    My little mind shift on my stretching goal (not making it so big) seems to be working. I have done my 5 minutes minimum every day and felt inspired to do my yoga yesterday and today.

    I am noticing great improvements every time I do yoga - much more strength and flexibility and greater ease getting myself into postures. It's a fun non-scale thing to observe.

    No big plans for the weekend - have a friend from out of town coming for a visit so we'll see them and have to head out to the lake tomorrow to make a sale.

    Hope everyone enjoys their weekend.

    @conleywoods glad your dog's surgery went well! Vet bills are never fun and that sucks about the misquote but just happy to hear he got through it well.
  • eggfreak
    eggfreak Posts: 681 Member
    jugar wrote: »
    I have certainly triumphed over the groundhogs, @eggfreak - you should see the piles of veggies coming in every day now! Green beans, tomatoes, Asian eggplants, spinach, chard, salad greens, zucchini, golden beets - we are swimming in vegetables. And herbs. And blueberries. The only think missing is kale - and the new crop that I planted after the groundhogs ate every last plant will soon be ready to eat. I'm going to turn back into kale. My son says that we are what we eat, so I must be kale. I think I'm a kale and eggplant love child, personally :wink:

    Ha! I'm so glad that groundhog didn't set you back too much. Sounds like you have a LOT of vegetable choices for your menu. I bought my dad a t-shirt that says 'Eat more Kale' - I've got loads out there and I have to dedicate some time to harvesting and washing it today, first rinse outside. I brought some in, uninspected, the other evening and as I puttered around the following morning, found a little tree frog in the kitchen! Lucky for both of us he wasn't in too hidden a location. Mum found another type (spring peeper) the next day - all those curly leaves a good hiding place I guess. Photo of one spotted in the garden last week. cqavv935yao9.jpg
  • eggfreak
    eggfreak Posts: 681 Member
    @eggfreak the fluctuations can drive a person crazy for sure... haha. What did you decide about looking at avg vs actual? curious where you landed on that

    Well, I decided that I would doubtless forget one or two mornings a week to weigh in and so will just stick with the one day - I can remember ONE day, ha!
  • gak71
    gak71 Posts: 192 Member
    CW: 243.2
  • JourneyAlone
    JourneyAlone Posts: 30 Member
    Username: JourneyAlone
    Weigh In Day: Saturday

    PW: 299
    CW:. 292.8

    Happy Dance! 💃 💃 😍
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,098 Member
    Happy Saturday!

    I love the tiny frogs! We have zillions of them, and they are just adorable hopping about whenever I water anything. I walk slowly in the garden so that I don't step on any. Ours are mostly brown and very dark brown - I have no idea what kind they are, but I enjoy their company every day. I think they like being able to hide under the jungle of bush beans - I was rather lax about thinning them this year, so they are much too dense. At least the frogs like that! And the bumble bees - it sounds like the whole row of beans is buzzing sometimes.

    You are starting with a bang! Happy dance indeed :smiley: Don't worry if next week is more modest - often after a larger loss one week, the body says "yikes!" and bounces back some. Hang on and keep to those great habits, and this too shall pass. Well done!

    Same for you - no panic, no discouragement, just information. When there is a gain, sometimes the reason is super obvious, sometimes you have to think about it a bit to figure out what should be the small change that can push things back in the good direction. When in doubt, go for the one perfect day - it is always a mood booster if nothing else. It must be very hot where you are, and that makes it harder to exercise outdoors. Especially after Alaska. Hang in there!

    Well done on the stretching and improvement in yoga - I think stretching is the slowest thing to improve, but that's probably because it is hard to stick with doing it long enough and consistently enough to finally make a difference. Five minutes a day - good way to do it.

    Off to the outdoors before it becomes too hot and stuffy - we are definitely out of our cool week and back to more summery temps. Need a good walk today, too.
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,141 Member
    Brad and I just got back from a 6KM walk... I am confident my use of the habit tracker has helped ingrain in me certain behaviors that now feel second nature. It is so interesting how our priorities have shifted so that building exercise into our day is now a given and not a chore.

    While I know we could do this whole journey without exercise, we are certainly enjoying it.
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