Food inspiration, or what's for supper?



  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,717 Member
    Another day - another bunch of delicious food - nothing exciting, but two cottage cheese and berry snacks made the day kind of special (I felt some bad urges coming on and quelled them with an early dinner and an extra snack :) ) - and rewarded my quick thinking with a mojito tonight with white rum and club soda, and lime and lots and lots of mint.

    That, should make Laurie very sleepy very soon.

    I wonder what sriracha would be like in that?!
  • Goodgollygee
    Goodgollygee Posts: 102 Member
    edited August 2021
    lauriekallis "That is my kind of cooking," Glad you like. Today was bean stew of onion, green pepper, tomatoes, mixed beans, navy beans, celery, zucchini, turnip, carrot, garlic and molassas.... (tho I did add 1 smoked pork chop as hubby wants meeeeeeaaat!!! It was good. Threw in a couple of chipolte peppers to keep things smokin' on low in the slow cooker and so nice not to have to worry about supper. Twas really good.

    "and rewarded my quick thinking with a mojito tonight with white rum and club soda, and lime and lots and lots of mint." Now that's my kind of thinking!!!

  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,717 Member
    @Goodgollygee your stew sound delicious. I have never added molasses! That is a new and exciting idea I will try next time I make veggie/bean stew. It will be awhile, because I put ??? 8 or so dinners worth in the freezer last week.

    The modified mojito was pretty wonderful last night.
  • Bella_Figura
    Bella_Figura Posts: 4,099 Member
    Does gin count as one of your five a day since it contains so many botanicals? A sneaky G&T crept under the radar when we cycled in the rain to the next town for lunch. I had “pie of the day” (steak and ale) and it was yummy. I left 80% of the mashed potato but polished off everything else. I only have 150 calories left for the rest of the day but it was worth it! I may eat some of my exercise calories today 😈

  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    Bella that looks really good…..

    Paul Newman pizza here for dinner….800 calories but I saved all day for it!…..
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,717 Member
    Pretty sure Gin is a fruit and a vegetable combined. That means it counts as two.
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,717 Member
    First consideration for supper tonight was the 210 grams of yellow string beans still in the basket from the farmers market this week.

    So I had another chili dinner. I/2 a serving on the yellow beans. Very good actually!

    And still enough calories for yogurt later - which is going to be necessary. I can feel the hearburn rolling in already.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,872 Member
    Bella that lunch looked good. Not sure about the fruit and grain values of g+t 😹 maybe mix in some tea 😹😹😹

    if you're already applying a good enough sized deficit it doesn't always pay to increase it. Most of additional exercise activity probably *should* be compensated for. Fast enough loss is good. Even faster? not always better!

    Laurie the new food ideas sound intriguing!!! Connie you're a trouper.

    I fell one more time for the silly idea that just because a restaurant sells you that it's healthier or lower calorie it should be! Faro oatmeal with fruit. They claim 510 calories. General mouth feel, size, and after food feeling says I don't think so 🤬 let's try 1.5 to 2 times that 🤬🤬🤬

    Oh well.

    Note to self for the 50th time: do not buy Magnum ice creams on sale. (People who buy 36 coke zeros and a 660 Cal box of ice cream to wash them down with!🥺)

    I believe I'm almost out of calories for today 🤯🤷

    On the plus side and along the lines of the bella discussion.... I'm already over 10K steps without going out with Skylar yet, so on track for a >3,500 Cal day... which means that in spite of all the above there might exist a light dinner 🙂
  • Goodgollygee
    Goodgollygee Posts: 102 Member
    Bella: "Does gin count as one of your five a day since it contains so many botanicals? " I don't know about Gin but I tell ya... that red wine is fullllllll of nutritional value!!! Your lunch looks scrumptious!

    Laurie: I am careful with the molasses cuz I love the stuff but it is still sugar calories. Still, it's nice to throw a splash in and it's supposed to be a bit healthier for us than other sweeteners but honestly....that is likely just the flavour of the day advice. Next marketing season it will be something else. Hopefully red wine or gin. I like molasses just becuz.

    Pav.... it is frustrating how false or misleading info can be fed to us in bold bs and we are expected and often do -- digest it. I like your own measurement system and I bet it's waaaaaay more accurate!

    Tonight.... I swear I made the easiest, most darn delicious pasta I have ever created. I have an abundance of tomatoes coming ripe in my garden so I filled a big mixing bowl with them. Lightly oiled a 13X9 pan. Roughly chopped the tomatoers while the pasta was cooking, chopped up 4 cloves of garlic, a good chunk of zucchini, cuz we have the stuff coming out of our wazzoo here, and put about 2 tbsp of good quality balsamic vinegar and another tbsp of olive oil on it. Threw in a tbsp of dry onion, a good heaping tbsp dry basil and a 1/2 tsp of pepper. Mixed that up with the pasta, covered it and put it in the fridge. When it was time to grill chicken, I sprinkled some parm on and warmed it on low in the oven for about 1/2 an hour.

    I tell ya.... delish and easy.

    Hope I'm not boring ya'll with my descriptions. I tend to do that a lot.

  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,872 Member
    GoodGollyGee you're in danger of being lumped in the overachiever category with Alexandra! Just wait till you start pre-planning! Though you might give the dropping garfield a good run in the rainbow color category!

    You're on "our" team by virtue of sriracha though! We need to hire the frank's hot sauce actress to pitch this sriracha *kitten*!

    OK: off to take the puppy for a walksies!
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,717 Member
    Sounds amazing, GoodGollyGee, and everything else PAV said. He is much better with words so I'll just add a "ditto."
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,717 Member
    Farro?! Looks delicious. NumNum.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,872 Member
    edited August 2021
    White spot, oatmeal and apple braised farro with side of fruit. Tasty? Yes. 510 Cal? Not so sure.
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    Connie, my dad used to use large plastic glasses that would take about 3/4 of a liter of soft drink, and set it down on the ground while doing yard work. He stopped that when he caught one of the German Shepherds, snout buried up to the eyes in the glass, slurping.

    Today was chicken patty sandwiches for lunch, and lamb gyros for dinner. I don't make mine as hefty as the commercial ones, so it's possible for me to stay within budget.

    Tomorrow is walking burritos for lunch (walking, cause everything's in the wrap instead of on the plate, so you can pick it up and go) and piggy grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner, with homemade breaded onion rings. I spent an hour and a half three-stage breading two onions worth of rings, and they are currently on three baking racks in the freezer. That is, needless to say, more onion rings than we need for Sunday dinner, but the rest will go in bags in the freezer for next weekend and a couple weekends after.
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    Oh I love onion rings way too much with a ton of ketchup on them!

    Daughter is making lasagna tomorrow for my husbands birthday….I was going to bake a home made carrot cake with broiled creme cheese frosting on it but he told me not to if it would be too tempting for me!…so I might make some cupcakes but I dunno….and I might make my own lasagna with Zuchinni….I have got to get myself to stay in control…
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,717 Member
    edited August 2021
    All of a sudden onion rings sound amazing - but only Alexandra's! I don't think the commercially available ones have the same care built right into them. <3

    I hope whichever route you choose on the cake front works well for you, Connie. I honest to goodness don't have a clue anymore :D The zuchinni lasagna sounds like a perfect idea though. That one is clear in my mind. Happy birthday to your husband - I hope the pain demons give him some respite today.

    PAV that farro looks dangerous as all get out - and pretty darned far from low(er) calorie. Wouldn't it be wonderful if you could find a bowl of wholesome, rib-sticking, warmly satisfying cereal that was lowish calorie? (and didn't leave all of me begging for more every second of the day for the next week or so!)
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    Sigh….problem about cake solved….kids ordered a huge cake from Publix that none of us really need….and I dont have the Zuchinni in the refrigerator that I thought was there….I guess I will have a small square of real lasagna and a slice of cake….now I will have to starve all day to eat dinner…..some days are harder than others….

    The spinal injections gave John some relief….at least he can walk!
  • Goodgollygee
    Goodgollygee Posts: 102 Member
    Pav: "GoodGollyGee you're in danger of being lumped in the overachiever category with Alexandra!" Oh No!!!! Wait??? Is that good???? I can't tell. Nothing new there.

    Laurie: "He is much better with words so I'll just add a "ditto." Awww. I see. So you are the modest one!

    Connie: "some days are harder than others". You can say that again. But you look at you.....adapting....modifying...thinking ahead...planning. Good on ya!!

    Alexandra: "with homemade breaded onion rings" Now I can tell, I am definitely not on the same level of overachiever that Pav suggests I am with you. Those sound delicious! Enjoy!

    And just to prove it: today's meal plan: Leftovers!!! Haha!!!
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,269 Member
    Made chicken tacos last night. Mixed the ground chicken with bell pepper, onion, and zucchini plus seasoning. Used crunchy taco shells and stuffed with lettuce, the chicken mixture, cheese, and sour cream. Then had an ear of farm fresh sweet corn. Upside to living in Indiana... we get the best sweet corn!

    I kinda had been on a binge the last couple weeks but am feeling more in control this week. So hopefully I can now work on listening to my body and hunger. Been craving fruits and veggies again which is a good sign.

    Breakfast this week is oatmeal with either bananas or apples plus other toppings.
    Lunch this week is eggs, toast, mushrooms, roasted asparagus, and baked beans.

    The other dinners are:
    Chicken skewers, greek salad, tzatziki, and mini naan
    Tomato free crockpot chili over macaroni with cheese and sour cream

    Hoping to have extra chili that I can put into bags and freeze for fast meals.
  • dcshima
    dcshima Posts: 529 Member
    @lauriekallis @PAV8888
    Hold your hats my friends on hot breakfast front
    Can mix in shredded zucchini into oatmeal for zucchini bread-esc portage or carrots for carrot cake, can doctor it up accordingly with seasoning or toppings
    I have been putting collagen peptides in mine lately too with success.

    There is also Big Man's World (IDK why he picked this name, it's not smut I promise) cinnamon bun oatmeal that uses egg whites, protein powder for higher protein (more cal) version that I do a hybrid of...he has lots of variations. Egg whites change texture in creamy delicious way. Then mix in above shredded veg in parallel.

    There is always savory oatmeal too if that is your thing.