Downsizers - Team Chat SEPTEMBER 2021



  • Bluetail6
    Bluetail6 Posts: 2,908 Member
    edited September 2021
    "Unfortunately when someone adds a comment to a friend request, it will not be delivered. The admins turned that off to keep the creeps from sending us creepy comments."

    Above is part of a quote I read on another thread. I wasn't aware of this fact, whether it is true or not, and how long it has been in effect.

    The most important thing, to me, is for you to know if you get a FR from me, I never take a declined FR personally. I'm more active on my wall. I am getting more active here as well. It is the "interwebs" after all😁!!
  • Bluetail6
    Bluetail6 Posts: 2,908 Member
    Daily Check-in (9/12 stats):

    Steps: 6,191
    Floors: 15
    Calories Burned: 206
    Daily Intensity Minutes: 20
    Total Intensity Minutes: 974/150
    Early W/O: Rest day
  • Poobah1972
    Poobah1972 Posts: 943 Member
    Monday's... Erg!

    Got my phone, left it right here by the home computer. 😋

    So right to business. For the last month or 2 I noticed some discomfort in my outer left elbow. I believe this is referred to as Golfers Elbow. (tennis elbow would be the inside part of the elbow closer to the body). It makes it painful to pick things up and raise my arm laterally. Even light things. It usually went back to normal in a day or 2 and always in time for my next bicep workout. UNTIL TODAY!

    I know what the culprit is, or at least the major culprit. It's Hammer curls. I probably should have skipped them today, but I didn't and boy did it hurt (it even made a noise and something moved around in there.. DOH!). Thankfully though, Preacher curls and Ez bar curls don't hurt and in fact I moved up and still got every single darn rep. SO both will move up again. (seems nutty almost). 💪

    Anyway, no more hammer curls for the foreseeable future... instead, I'll have to sub in Concentration curls. There may be some other movement that aggravate it, like heavy DB rows and anything that I have to GRIP really hard. But for now, we will just monitor and stay away from Hammer Curls. 😜

    And in the meantime, I'll start interesting to see if there is anything I can wear on my arm or elbow to help alleviate "Golfers Elbow". I have a feeling tomorrow isn't going to be pretty where my elbow is concerned. 😆

    So other than painful hammer curls, it was a great workout...

    On the topic of food today.... I was a sore MOFO today, yesterday... And I can still feel my quads from Saturday's workout and my knees aren't feeling too peachy (Definitely got old man syndrome. lol). So, I thought it was important that I stuff as much food into me, and particularly Protein in an effort to help my body get over it and rebuild. 2400 calories of food sure seems like a lot. But a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do? 😎😁

    Okay... I'm done. Whew!

    Good night everyone... We got just enough time to catch an episode of Ted Lasso! PEACE! 🥰🤗😁

  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    azkunk wrote: »
    mszoueb wrote: »
    Weighing pasta/rice/potatoes can be anxiety inducing with the whole dry vs cooked aspect. I'm not sure why it's a thing because water doesn't have calories, but the cooked weight is increased by the water so how do we know what weight the cooked food actually is in that case.. it's like ahhh! I'm interested to know what you guys do in regards to that.

    Have a great week everyone!

    I weigh mine dry but I am usually cooking for myself. My family does not eat what I eat. One thought, weigh one serving dry, cook it, drain it and then wait to see what it weighs after cooking one serving. Let’s us know the difference because now, I am curious.

    I’m jealous of your tomatoes. I used to make my own tomato sauce and salsa from my garden all the time but I no longer have a garden 😞

    @mszoueb - my 2.5oz fried pasta tonight weighed 6.7 oz after cooking
  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    edited September 2021
    Under calories and hit my minimum protein level. I have a bit of a migraine and it’s 106*F (41.1*C) at 6pm, so, I will not be hitting my steps today. Water is close and I will be sure to get my 80oz.

    Plan for tomorrow:
    B: leftover half of egg white omelette
    L: grilled chicken or other protein in cafeteria & veggie
    D : shrimp fra diavolo
    Water: 80oz
    Steps: 5K
  • amymartin555
    amymartin555 Posts: 90 Member
    Username. Amymartin555

    Weigh in day. Monday

    SW. 184.0
    PW. 139.8
    CW. 137.8

    Steps for the week

    9/6. 17,670
    9/7. 14,593
    9/8. 21,082
    9/9. 25,404
    9/10 14,016
    9/11 10,693
    9/12 17,241

    I had a pretty good week. I am down 2 lbs so I am happy. I only have 9 lbs until I am at what the charts say is the top of my healthy weight. I still want to go more toward the middle of the chart so I would say I still have about 20 until I am where I want to be. I am getting there.

    I made pumpkin pie protein ice cream today for the first time and it was really good. I am going to try to make peanut butter protein ice cream next as my husband want to try it.

    I ordered a new treadmill but it wont be here until next week. I have been just walking through my house but with with the treadmill I can adjust the incline to make a harder walk. Winter is coming so I want the option to do hills because the closer I get to my goal weight the harder it will get to lose it . I will need to do something and I cant reduce my calories. So upping my workout it will be.

    Take care everyone!
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,655 Member
    azkunk wrote: »
    Under calories and hit my minimum protein level. I have a bit of a migraine and it’s 106*F (41.1*C) at 6pm, so, I will not be hitting my steps today. Water is close and I will be sure to get my 80oz.

    Plan for tomorrow:
    B: leftover half of egg white omelette
    L: grilled chicken or other protein in cafeteria & veggie
    D : shrimp fra diavolo
    Water: 80oz
    Steps: 5K

    I have you excused from the step challenge ... Are you still wanting to be excused ?
  • Bluetail6
    Bluetail6 Posts: 2,908 Member
    azkunk wrote: »
    Under calories and hit my minimum protein level. I have a bit of a migraine and it’s 106*F (41.1*C) at 6pm, so, I will not be hitting my steps today. Water is close and I will be sure to get my 80oz.

    Plan for tomorrow:
    B: leftover half of egg white omelette
    L: grilled chicken or other protein in cafeteria & veggie
    D : shrimp fra diavolo
    Water: 80oz
    Steps: 5K

    Sorry it is still so hot for you!! We had a cool, crisp 56 degree partly sunny day.
  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    Bluetail6 wrote: »
    azkunk wrote: »
    Under calories and hit my minimum protein level. I have a bit of a migraine and it’s 106*F (41.1*C) at 6pm, so, I will not be hitting my steps today. Water is close and I will be sure to get my 80oz.

    Plan for tomorrow:
    B: leftover half of egg white omelette
    L: grilled chicken or other protein in cafeteria & veggie
    D : shrimp fra diavolo
    Water: 80oz
    Steps: 5K

    Sorry it is still so hot for you!! We had a cool, crisp 56 degree partly sunny day.

    I’m so jealous 😫
  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    @Megan_smartiepants1970 - keep me out of the challenge. I need to get tracking/ calories under control before I commit to that
  • jayenguk
    jayenguk Posts: 355 Member
    morning from sunny UK had a major flunk in mood and diet but back on track now. Lucky did no damage and just kept on pumping through it ..I am toying with the gym tonight but not sure. I went walking on Sunday and realised that my fitness for walking isn't as good as biking lol so toying with walking when i am not at the gym. see how I feel later. Have a great day all!
  • mszoueb
    mszoueb Posts: 155 Member
    azkunk wrote: »
    I weigh mine dry but I am usually cooking for myself. My family does not eat what I eat. One thought, weigh one serving dry, cook it, drain it and then wait to see what it weighs after cooking one serving. Let’s us know the difference because now, I am curious.

    I’m jealous of your tomatoes. I used to make my own tomato sauce and salsa from my garden all the time but I no longer have a garden 😞

    I read this and then realised I forgot to weigh it cooked before I put it in the sauce and ate it, oops! I'll try remember next time I have pasta like that.

    Do you have any outside space? If you do, you could get some determinate tomatoes, they seem not to grow massive. Could do some stuff indoors :) I had chilli plant in kitchen for months.. Granted I had to take it outside as wasn't getting as far as others, but still remained alive before doing so 🙈
  • Poobah1972
    Poobah1972 Posts: 943 Member
    Good Tuesday Morning Guys, 😀

    I'm taking an unscheduled rest day.. Or at least half of a rest day.

    My elbow / forearm is throbbing. It actually woke me up a few times, in fact. I put ice on it this morning and wrapped it (well Lynn wrapped it. 🙂) for a bit. But damn Son.

    The wrap was cool, I had veins sticking out all over the place. Probably a little too tight, but it's an NSV all the same. Don't remember the last time I saw so many veins on my body. 😄I

    Anyway, I'll be looking at brace / tennis elbow fixes today... And after work I'm doing squats and maybe a little cardio to make up for my lazy butt this morning. 👍🤓

    Have a good day Guys and Gals! 🤗🥰🤗
  • rlaskey2
    rlaskey2 Posts: 461 Member
    Steps 18,857

    Got a 3.25 mile walk in with a friend. Pretty quiet day and tracked all food. Feeling so gross lately and need to get it back under control
  • Bluetail6
    Bluetail6 Posts: 2,908 Member
    Daily Check-in (9/13 stats):

    Steps: 14,197
    Floors: 19
    Calories Burned: 831
    Daily Intensity Minutes: 185
    Total Intensity Minutes: 185/150
    Early W/O: Yes
  • mthomas0228
    mthomas0228 Posts: 594 Member
    Daily Check-in For Monday 9/13:

    Calories: Under
    Water: 90+ Oz
    IF 16/8: Fasted 16 hours
    Exercise: 2 Mile Run
    Sleep: 5.5 Hours (Sunday night)

    Overall good day yesterday, but the scale is up from last week's weigh-in. There is really no reason for a weight-gain. I had 2 days where my calories were "over" the range where I try to stay, but were still at a deficit for losing weight. A little frustrating, but all is good, the scale will drop when the scale will drop.

    9/13 Steps = 7,701
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,655 Member
    rlaskey2 wrote: »
    Steps 18,857

    Got a 3.25 mile walk in with a friend. Pretty quiet day and tracked all food. Feeling so gross lately and need to get it back under control

    Sorry if I missed it but I do not have your steps for the 12th
  • rwood566
    rwood566 Posts: 987 Member
    edited September 2021
    Good morning everyone. Happy tuesday.

    Check in for 9/13:
    Steps - 8064. Shopping for autumn, xmas. I bought my first pair of blue jeans since the 80s. Daughter wanted me to get some.
    48x32 and my legs have room. Woo.
    Calories - 1569. Got some frozen custard at target and will have to work my calories hard for it. 390 per serving.
    Exercise - gym last night. 9 machines but no bike or treadmill.

    I wanted to walk this morning but I have sock appt right after lunch and don't want tired/swollen leg for it. I will get out tonight.
    Today is leftover day. I have 5 meals to choose from. I think I will toss one or two.
  • Piqueaboo
    Piqueaboo Posts: 1,193 Member
    Steps last week:
    • Monday 17 144
    • Tuesday 15 462
    • Wednesday 12 391
    • Thursday 12 138
    • Friday 7 226
    • Saturday 16 367
    • Sunday 13 124
This discussion has been closed.