Daily Check In



  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,210 Member
    Happy Friday everyone! It's rest day today. I will be busy around the house and stuff, but no running. I am not doing any strength or anything either. My race is tomorrow, my arms are still sore from yesterday and I want my legs to be well rested. I am sure that I will be doing mostly hiking rather than trail running tomorrow. We will see. Depends on how technical the trail is. I am trying to figure out what to wear because it will be very cool in the morning but will warm up. If I am hiking rather than running, I will be chilly early on. If I run, a t-shirt or singlet will be best. I don't do well when it is chilly, and my definition of chilly isn't the same as anyone else's lol. The race is a couple of hours away so it will be later tomorrow before I get back but I will post an update when I can. I hope everyone is having a lovely Friday!!!! Run Happy!
  • sunshineyourway
    sunshineyourway Posts: 1,026 Member
    Happy Saturday All.

    Got my 15.50 easy long slow distance run in this morning. Even though my October race got cancelled, I decided to keep up the training for it and will re-adjust my weeks for my November and December race. My 13.12 streak every Saturday is still going. I started this in May. It really feels easy now doing 13.12, mentally and physically. I need to improve on my pace though. My pace has declined these past few years. I need to pull out my running books and see what I have. I will check out what you are reading.

    Becky, I am glad you are feeling better now. Hope you were able to get out for your walk around the Lake.

    Gloria, yes, I was very thankful the weathermen got it wrong and I was able to get that run in and home before the sky opened up. It was thundering too. Glad you are keeping up your CPA license. I was a licensed Mortgage Broker and RE Salesman/Broker License, but let them go while still living in Florida. I could kick myself now, but I will be 67 years old next month and have no desire to go back to work. I would have to get relicensed anyway, having moved out of state.

    Jen, hope you are having a great weekend.

    Em, I freaked a bit going downhill this morning. Most of my run was uphill and it took a bit to get the foot strike right for downhill. Yikes!

    Something cute someone posted on FB Half Fanatic Group.

  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,210 Member
    Love the graphic Sharon, runners ARE awesome for sure!!!!

    I need to get my run in today, I am tired from yesterday, just getting up so early, traveling, etc. I guess I am procrastinating a little. I have a bit of a headache, a short run might help. But I just ate breakfast (my DH and I always have breakfast together on Sunday so I didn't want to make him wait on me) so I am waiting for a little while to give things time to settle.

    My trail race went about as I expected to. Since I have issues with falling I am not as nimble on the trails as I used to be and I end up walking a lot. This course wasn't too technical and there were some areas with asphalt so I just ran as I wanted but mostly stayed near a bunch of friends. One of the "highlights" was that many many runners were stung by yellowjackets at about 4.5 miles, and some people were stung multiple times. I was stung once. There were grilled burgers and hotdogs at the end, trail runs do all kinds of crazy food. It was in a state park, really pretty, and the weather was perfect! By the start it was warm enough for just a shirt so I didn't have to fool around with tying a jacket around my waist. There were a lot of bridges and we hiked back to one of them after the race was over since it was so pretty out there.

    Have a great day, and run happy!
  • jennypapage
    jennypapage Posts: 489 Member
    edited September 2021
    Good morning everyone,

    sharon nice run, keep it up

    gloria at least you did it. Next time it will go better for sure.

    I had my long run yesterday, 8km but it did not go too well. I don't know if it is because i changed a small part of my route, i was tired or something else, but even though i was slower than last week, the last 3km were very rough. By the time i was done, i was completely out of breath. Then, instead of doing part of my stretches outside like i normally do, i came straight home and sat on the couch for a good 5 minutes before i could even begin to stretch. My stretching was a bit shorter than normal because i just couldn't do it anymore. Then i laid in bed for another 5 minutes before i could master the willpower to get in the shower.
    Now self doubt has settled in. What if next week is just as bad? What if i can't even do my 5k tomorrow?

    Today was yoga day ,and that was no fun either. Way too many ab exercises,and i never do too well on those. My core is too weak i guess.So i took a couple more extra breaks and adjusted one of the exercises to semi-do it.

    Let's hope my legs feel a bit better tomorrow than they do today. :(

  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,210 Member
    Good Morning and Happy Happy Monday!!!

    Jenny, I am sorry your run was so tough. I think next week you will find things to be much better! Difficult runs happen to everyone. Could be any number of reasons, maybe you were just extra tired this week or maybe your nutrition was just a bit off, or maybe it was the weather. Sometimes going further is slower until you build up more endurance. Don't worry! Just go out and do your 5K tomorrow and just relax and enjoy it! And I hear you about the ab exercises - that is a weakness for me as well. I need to just work on that more so that eventually my abs will be stronger. You did well to modify - modification is key - you will get stronger and stronger! Keep up the good work, you are amazing!

    Today is a full rest day for me. As of right now I am doing two FULL rest days (as opposed to active rest days). I really don't like it! I was doing just one full rest day and was feeling a bit worn out at the end of each week, so I decided to try this for two weeks. But today I feel so restless. I will probably change it up next week, get back to walking on non-running days like I was before. It's so hard for me to balance this with my rheumatoid arthritis and Ehler's Danlos!

    Take care everyone, have a lovely Monday and Run Happy!!!

  • letsgoplay1
    letsgoplay1 Posts: 39 Member
    Gloria- thanks!!! I am going to jot down those book titles! And the downhills in the marathon I did is why I never signed up for another on!! Haha- but maybe some day..
    I love Dean and read that book
    -to everybody here Hello! and I need to get into the habit of checking in and reading up. I am reading!- not ignoring you lol
    just things have been kinda busy! I like coming here and getting inspired..and yes Sharon- weights and conditioning are great esp when Winter comes!
  • sunshineyourway
    sunshineyourway Posts: 1,026 Member
    Gloria, happy to hear you had a great race minus the yellow jackets. Sounds like you had perfect running temps and lots of yummy food afterwards.

    Jen, So sorry to hear your run felt so tough yesterday. I also have had runs like that.. So many factors can effect you, from the weather, sleep, diet and over training. And yes, sometimes a change in your course. I have a very easy Yoga routine that I love that you may want to look at. It is only 14:00 long and really gets those hips, legs and core. It is more like a stretch type Yoga. Here is the link. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-PYY_f1is4 I hope your legs feel better for your 5K tomorrow.

    Hi Em and Becky. Hope you both are doing great. I need to look for my running books. They may still be in a box somewhere.. Becky, I am sure you are counting down the days. Is surgery this week?

    Wishing all a Fabulous Day!
  • sunshineyourway
    sunshineyourway Posts: 1,026 Member
    Happy Tuesday All!

    Jen, I forgot to mention that sometimes I feel the way you did because of dehydration. Here is something I saw on taking electrolytes.

    Before and during your run, rehydration should be your main priority. When training in warm conditions, rehydration will allow you to maintain fluid balance and stay cool. Accordingly, your best choice before and during your run would be water, a heavily diluted sports beverage, or water with electrolyte tablets.

    I usually will take a sodium replacement that I add to my coffee every morning and I also add it to my water bottles. I usually have a mixture of my Organic Lemonade mixed with some OJ and Antioxidant Juice. I add a scoop of electrolytes and shake it up to blend. Then put in the freezer so it will be nice a cold when I go out for my run. I was also told it is good to weigh yourself before running and then after to see how much water weight you lost. It helps to replenish the fluids.

    Got my two 5K's done this morning early.

    Hope you all have a great day.
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,210 Member
    Greetings!!! Em, always so happy to see you here! I always enjoy your posts, especially with you being vegan and stuff. I am not doing vegan right now, but that is always how I lean.

    Becky, thinking of you!

    For hydration I used to be hypervigilant about that, but after reading Waterlogged, I am not so diligent. I should probably revisit that and work on hydrating more. I used to use a lot of coconut water and Pedialyte (Jen, don't know if you have Pedialyte there, but if not, it is an infant/child's electrolyte drink). For my dysautonomia the cardiologist has me salting my food liberally but as of late I haven't even been doing that. I have salt stick tablets as well - haven't been using those either. Some of the ultra races, they weigh the runners frequently and if they lose too much weight they are pulled from the course. But overhydrating is a thing too, it's a fine balance!

    Did my short run this morning, it is hot and humid again. Today's run was the warm up and cool down and then a 10 minute run and an optional additional 10 minutes which of course I did. I am wondering where the speedwork and tempo runs are in this plan, I am already on week 5 and there has been none of that. My pace isn't getting any faster and I don't think it will if I don't do some speedwork. At my current pace it will probably take way more than three hours to do this particular half as it is super hilly. I can't remember for sure but I think the elevation gain is over 1,000 feet.

    Well, I am going to head out to the pool. Everyone take care and Run Happy!!!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,210 Member
    Hello! Got my run in this morning. I really went late because of the weather. It was raining a bit and it was supposed to rain hard. I don't mind a gentle rain run but nothing crazy if possible! I picked a good time, and it didn't rain. I did my short run. I try to change up my route so this time when I went, I did a slight variation of my usual and it had me starting on a bit of a hill (after my five minute walk). And starting a week from today, I have "speedwork" on my training plan - it's just strides to start, and I do that anyway, but glad it will finally be on my training plan! Hope everyone is enjoying the day!
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 124 Member
    Good morning. Thought I’d give an update. Still
    In the hospital. Not really a bad thing. We had a water main leak which isn’t good. Hopefully DH will have some good news that the water is back on. Same place as before so not sure what’s going on. I’ve been getting caught up on my sleep. I’ll have periodic ups and downs with a fever. Mostly at night so I’m not that worried. Been there done that. I feel really bad for employees up here. Short of help big time time. It always seems like I have to pee or something at shift change. Still no load bearing on my hip. Looking at 4 weeks for that at least. I will follow dr orders for sure. Gotta go. Just thought I’d give an up date. Keep moving everyone!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,210 Member

    Becky, so very glad to hear from you. Glad you have been able to sleep. Hope that the water main leak gets fixed quickly so when you can come home it won't be an issue for you. Is your sister going to help your mom for the time being? Take care, and stay in touch if you are able! Sending you prayers, hugs and huge wishes for the best recovery!!!!

    Got my run in today, this is a back down week so it wasn't as long. I am feeling very good at this point in the week, I feel that probably I should continue with at least another week of having two full rest days. My run was good, I am practicing positive mantras, today it was "I am fast, this is easy." Okay, so I am not so fast as I was just a year ago but I am working on it! One step at a time. Last night I did my upper body workout and this morning I did my core workout. Like others have have mentioned, core is my weak area, but I see progress, I do!
  • sunshineyourway
    sunshineyourway Posts: 1,026 Member
    Hi All!

    Gloria, I also use the baby Pedialyte in my mix of things. I even gave it to my Mom because she always was dehydrated. So good and they do have it in Organic.

    Becky, so good to hear from you. I have been thinking of you. Sounds like surgery went well. Hopefully that fever will be totally controlled soon. Glad you are getting some good sleep too. Hopefully that main leak gets fixed soon and you no longer have problems with it.

    I ran my two 5k's this morning. Hopefully when cooler temps arrive one day, hopefully soon, it can pick it up some. Saturday I plan to run my 13.12 miles. My October Race would have been in a couple more weeks. Still so sad they cancelled it.
  • jennypapage
    jennypapage Posts: 489 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I'm glad you're all doing well!
    Regarding hydration, i have to say it never has been a problem for me.I'm used to running in the mornings (even in the heat of the summer) with just a sip of water before i walk out the door. Even when i used to run 15km (about 1h.50') i never had any water with me.I think my body is used to me not drinking in the mornings.
    Sharon i have weighed myself on and off after my longer runs, it is about 0.5 kg/0.5lt difference before and after.

    Tuesday was the last day of my vacation, Wednesday it was back to work for me :( I decided to take wed. and thursd. off and not do any yoga, because i wasn't feeling too well, but today i felt good again, so off for my run i went right after work. It went well, but it was very humid, so i decided to take it nice and slow.So it was a very slow 5k ,but i didn't feel like dying at the end, so yay!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,210 Member
    Happy Friday everyone! Jenny, I am so glad you are feeling better. Good job on your run! And even better that you didn't feel like dying - ha! Sure is hard going back to work after vacation! What kind of work do you do?

    It's my rest day again, and again, I am feeling really good. Maybe next week I will add yoga to my rest day. Today I took a trip to Nashville for a few things that I am not able to get here. I had a nice lunch and did some shopping (primarily groceries). Stopped at Fleet Feet. We do have a Fleet Feet here where I live but it is small. Anyway, the one that I went to today is much larger but even they had a very low amount of stock. I wasn't looking for anything in particular, just kind of checking it out. They had very little in the way of running gear, the store was just kind of...empty! Oh, and I ordered (online) some winter running tights - Becky told me about these, they are by Athleta and they are super cozy and warm and since I tend to be very cold in the winter (even if it isn't cold out) I fell in love with these. I had a coupon so I got one pair - so I will have two now and maybe later I will get a third because even though they are super pricey, they are my favorites! They were delivered today.

    Hope everyone is enjoying the day!!! Run Happy!!!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,210 Member
    Hello! Hope everyone who wanted to was able to get a nice run in today! My run was all changed because my DH wanted to go to breakfast early. I knew I wouldn't be home that early, even with my short run - so I planned to get up earlier and get that run in. However, I had a lot of trouble sleeping last night, very achy joints, like oh HELLO Rheumatoid Arthritis, you are telling me it is going to rain or something!!! LOL, so I honestly can't tell you if I slept through the alarm or if I turned it off and went back to sleep, I just don't know but I got up and went to breakfast and we have had heavy rain all morning. I ended up doing the treadmill since it is a short run anyway and it went fine. I did my little run and I feel good. I have used that treadmill more in the past couple of weeks than I have used it this whole year! But the good thing is, that it helps me do something that I rarely do, and that is steady state running for a period of time. That is not a bad thing.

    I am reading Relentless Forward Progress. It's a book about running ultramarathons. I likely won't get into distances like that - maybe, just maybe I will do another marathon some day - maybe a 50k (but probably not), but I don't see myself doing 50 milers or more. But it is interesting reading nonetheless!

    Hope everyone is enjoying a lovely Saturday.
  • jennypapage
    jennypapage Posts: 489 Member
    Good morning!

    Gloria ,well done for doing that run ,even if it is on the treadmill.It's always good to be more flexible and have more options. I haven't used the treadmill since April, but i definitely will during the winter.
    I work at the Dutch post, sorting the post and packages for the postmen/women before they go out for delivery.

    I had my long run today, and it went good!It was very cold in the morning so i wore a long sleeve, but after five minutes i was already hot, so i pulled the sleeves up. After that i was neither hot nor cold. The last 2.5 km were hard, but not nearly as hard as last week ,and i actually felt good after i was finished.Did a long stretch session, and hopefully i will be good to go on Tuesday.Tomorrow will be yoga again.
    Have a good rest of the weekend!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,210 Member
    Well done on your run Jenny! It sounds great! You and Sharon are inspiring me to work on my yoga practice again. I have done it so little since Covid started, before that I went to Hot Yoga but not anymore.

    We are expecting "cold" weather here, though most people would think it is perfect running weather, I think it cold!!! I will wear a long sleeve too I think, if the weather forecast actually happens! We've had a lot of rain and more is expected.

    I do not like to drive in the dark but I told my friend I would meet her early this morning for a run. I almost texted her to tell her NO because of it being dark but I am glad I went and by the time we started to run the sky was getting lighter. My run was very short again, just under 5k, and slow but I felt good and relaxed and enjoyed it. Fortunately the rain stopped long enough to run and then we had coffee outside at the coffee shop. It was very nice!!!

    Take care and Run Happy!!!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,210 Member
    Happy Monday! It is still RAINING here. Some flooding too and it is going to rain again tomorrow. I didn't plan to run today but I did want to do some cross training. I tried out a cardio workout that is geared toward runners....lots of stuff that I don't like, such as burpees, lol, but I did it and it was actually quite enjoyable. There were the burpees, jumps, skipping, bear crawls and a lot of other things that I know to be good for running (from when I had a personal trainer). It was a good workout and I was able to do most of it without modifying so that was a win! Hope everyone is having a great day! Run Happy!
  • sunshineyourway
    sunshineyourway Posts: 1,026 Member
    Happy Monday! Sounds like a great workout Gloria. I don't like burpees either. I will usually modify when it comes to them. I will usually do a standing workout raising alternate knees and legs out touching toe . Afraid of hurting my back. Enjoy your rest day. I bet that rain is bringing the cooler temps. Can't wait for that to come my way.

    Jenny, I usually don't have drinks before my run either. But I have to have my coffee, at least a couple of cups first thing in the morning, a couple of hours before I run. So, I add a scoop of unflavored electrolyte's to my coffee. Now when I am running after 7 am, I do fill up the water bottles with my citrus/ cheery juice/electrolytes- Amino Fuel mix. I have a nice water bottle running belt that I just got to replace an old one. Love it. It is needed for me here in NC.. So hot just starting out. Usually I may go through the one bottle during a 6.2 mile run but for 13.12 and over I usually need 4 bottles. Happy to hear you are feeling so much better now.

    Becky, thinking of you. I hope you are now home from hospital recuperating. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

    I ran my 13.12 miles on Saturday and Sunday and Monday I have done Cardio, Strength, Toning and Yoga following my Bodies in Motion Challenge with Gilad. Love his challenges. He has been doing these 21 day challenges with a great mixture of workouts.

    Got to go! Hope you all have a fabulous day!