Daily Bible Reading and Thoughts Shared

316Judith Posts: 7,650 Member
edited August 2021 in Social Groups
Revelation 19:1-10

Key Verse: Verse 10

Commentary Thoughts Shared by Tony Evans

Many Christians consider biblical prophecy to be puzzling, complicated, mysterious, and hard to understand. But there is a master key that you are going to need if you want to unlock the door of God’s prophetic program.

Are you ready for the one thing that is necessary to make it all more clear? Here it is: Jesus.

As we learn from Revelation 19:10, “the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” Only Jesus can unlock the doors of prophetic understanding that will make everything clearer. You can, for example, have all the other needed elements for a football game—a playing field, uniforms, protective gear, etc. But you can’t play if you don’t have the football itself. It is the centerpiece of the whole game. And similarly, Jesus is the centerpiece of prophecy.

If you want to talk about prophecy, you have to talk about Jesus. All history—past, present, and future—revolves around Him. If you get lost in all the other details and charts and theories but don’t take Him into account, you’ll never really understand what the future is all about. So, keep that in mind as you think about the future because the future is all about what He will bring to pass.

How does it change the way you think about biblical prophecy when you understand that Jesus is the key to understanding it?


  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,650 Member
    Genesis 3:15
    Matthew 1:1-17

    Commentary Thoughts by Tony Evans

    The Old Testament tells the story of how humankind fell into sin and followed Satan’s path rather than God’s path. But from the very beginning, God had a plan to redeem His people.

    In Genesis 3:15 He prophesied that there would be a “seed” of Eve, a child who would stomp upon the head of the serpent (Satan). Through the rest of the Old Testament, we see Satan working to try to foil God’s plan—Cain kills Abel, there is a worldwide flood that destroys most of humanity, languages are confused at the Tower of Babel, etc.

    But God’s plan will not be foiled, and He calls forth a people through Abraham. And He rescues His people again and again.

    Then the New Testament begins with the birth that had been spoken of so long ago. That “seed” bears fruit, and Jesus Christ is born. Throughout history, God had no man He could depend upon because every man failed.

    So, He became a man in the person of Jesus. He fulfilled the prophecy and the promise. And after He was crucified and resurrected, He promised He would come again.

    We are awaiting the fulfillment of that prophecy—the very fulfillment of history itself.

    How does the big story of the Bible we’ve just discussed relate to your own personal story?
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,650 Member
    Luke 24:27
    John 5:39-40

    Commentary Thoughts: Tony Evans

    Jesus Christ is the focus of the Bible. It’s history. It’s His-story. After the resurrection, Jesus met two disciples on the road to Emmaus.

    They didn’t recognize Him at first, and they communicated their sadness and discouragement about the death of Jesus.

    So, Jesus explained that the whole story “beginning with Moses and with all the prophets” was centered on the events that had just transpired in Jerusalem.

    He gave them a Sunday school lesson right then and there about how they should understand the Old Testament.

    You see, the whole Old Testament is designed to point you to Jesus Christ. The reason they sacrificed lambs was that they were waiting for the Lamb of God who would take away the sins of the world.

    Old Testament and New Testament, Jesus is there on every page. And if you read the Bible with that understanding, your eyes will be opened.

    For the Bible is the menu, but Jesus is the meal. You won’t be satisfied by eating the menu. You need to partake of the meal.

    So, search the Scriptures with opened eyes, and see that He is the key to everything you read in its pages.

    How does this truth change the way you read the Old Testament?
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,650 Member
    John 17:20-23

    Commentary Thoughts: Tony Evans

    The Epitome

    The definition of epitome is a typical or ideal example. Basically, it means the perfect example, representation or manifestation of something. What do you think about when you hear the following question: “What is the epitome of unity?” What jumps into your mind?

    We can think of many examples of unity, but are they really perfect? Are they ideal? I’m pretty sure most will have flaws and shortcomings. However, we see the perfect example of unity within the Trinity.

    The Trinity refers to God eternally existing in three distinct persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. All three persons are equally God.

    However, each person has a distinct role or function within the Godhead, and the three exist in perfect fellowship and community.

    Yet, there are not three separate gods, but only One. That is, the Godhead is perfectly unified.

    You see, unity establishes oneness that will not negate individuality. Remember, each member of the Trinity has a separate role. God, in His infinite wisdom, replicated this reality in His creation. God’s design was to always have differences among people, seen by different races, colors, shapes and styles.

    Every race is unique and possesses an unique individuality. And yet, God’s desire is for His people to embrace their uniqueness while also maintaining Christian unity.

    He wants us to follow His perfect example.

    How can you model God’s example of unity in your life?
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,518 Member
    Genesis 4:25
    And Adam knew his wife again, and she bore a son and called his name Seth, for she said, 'God has appointed for me another offspring instead of Able, for Cain killed him

    My Study Bible says the following about this verse

    'Seth' - With Cain removed as the older brother and heir of the family blessing, and with Abel dead, God graciously gave Adam and Eve a godly son through whom the seed of redemption (Genesis 3:15) would be passed all the way to Jesus Christ (Luke 3:38)
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,650 Member
    Thank you for sharing you're Bible Reading and Thoughts for today Marilyn....

    Today I read several Scriptures, however, there was one that stood out: 2 Peter 1:1-11

    Commentary Thoughts by Charles Stanley

    Food for Thought: "Did you know a person can have 20/20 Vision and yet be nearsighted spiritually"?

    That's what happens when someone pursues short-term desires instead of the qualities of God values: Faith, virtue, self-control, steadfastness, godliness, brotherly affection, and love, see 2 Peter 1:5-7.

    Biblical stories about spiritually shortsighted people caution us against sacrificing future blessings for more immediate gratification.

    Examples: Saul, for instance he was Israel's first King, but when he decided his way was better than God's, the Lord took his kingdom away and gave it to David. See 1 Samuel 15:1-28.

    And sadly, David was another example: he had been faithful for many years but in a moment of weakness made a devastating choice: his desire for Bathsheba led him to commit both adultery and murder. Although he repented and was forgiven, the consequences of his sin impacted him the rest of his life see 2 Samuel 12:7-14.

    Final Thoughts:

    To avoid the same kind of mistakes these both men made, we need to prioritize God's long term goals for us.

    In other words, we must cherish the eternal over the temporal and strengthen our faith with godly virtues.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,650 Member
    John 17:13-24
    Ephesians 4:3-7

    Commentary Thoughts: Tony Evans

    The Power of Unity

    When you go to hear an orchestra, many times, the first notes you hear are chaotic as each individual player warms up on their instrument.

    The violin player plays her own tune. The oboe player plays his own tune. And the result is cacophony. But when the conductor walks onto the stage, all of the players submit to his direction, and beautiful music is the result.

    In other words, there is strength in unity. There is power in unity, and unity glorifies God like nothing else.

    The book of John records the longest prayer by Jesus recorded in the Bible. The main concern of that prayer is unity among God’s people, which signifies the power and importance of unity.

    Jesus prayed for all believers, in all times, to become unified. When the body of Christ comes together with one common purpose, we can change the world.

    We must work together across racial, cultural and socio-economical boundaries to spread the love and hope of Jesus Christ to a dying world.

    Since unity is so important to Jesus, it should be just as important to us. Take a few moments right now to pray for unity in these areas: your personal life, your family, your church and your community.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,650 Member
    1 Peter 1:16
    2 Timothy 1:9

    Commentary Thoughts: by Tony Evans

    Let us pray and acknowledge the holiness of God. If we are to become holy people, we must tap into His holiness, and that comes only through intimacy and obedience. It is God’s desire that we become holy, even as He is holy.

    Holy God, your desire for my own personal growth and holiness stems from Your great love for me. By growing in spiritual maturity and holiness, I will be able to tap into a deeper intimacy with You. That is something I desire.

    You are holy, and I know those who share a close fellowship with You will walk in Your holiness. I give praise that You want me to become the very best version of myself, according to Your will and perfect plan.

    I adore You for the power You make available to me so I might live a life of holiness. I know that I cannot do that alone.

    But You have placed within me all that I need to live a life of godliness (2 Peter 1:3).

    I worship You for Your provision of goodness and how that draws me closer to You in every way. Holy Lord, please make me holy. In Jesus’ name, amen.

    How can we learn what it means to be holy? What is our model for a life of holiness?
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,650 Member
    Romans 6:22
    Hebrews 12:10

    Commentary Thoughts: Tony Evans

    There are many roadblocks and diversions on the pathway to holiness. Let us pray that we might continue to walk in the way He has made ready for us. Let us be quick to admit when we have not lived up to the holiness He desires to find alive within us. Holiness is a gift that comes to us as we walk obediently in the light of His love and grace.

    Heavenly Father, I confess that I am not holy as You are holy. I desire to be. I want to be. I strive to be.

    But so often I fall short.

    I confess my selfishness and my self-absorption. I know these keep me from living a holy life and from being a living demonstration of Your kingdom rule of love.

    I confess that I pay far more attention to my own wants and needs than the needs of others. I do not adequately seek what You want me to do with my time, talents, and treasures.

    I confess that I seek to feed my pleasures and stroke my own ego rather than pursuing Your way. Sometimes I get lost in my lust for the things I think I need rather than letting You provide for me.

    Loving God, I am sorry, and I do want to do better. Forgive me for falling short. Forgive me for my laziness, greed, jealousy, envy, hate, bitterness, pride, and the other things I give in to instead of giving in to You. Forgive me for the things that keep holiness from truly manifesting itself through my life as Your kingdom disciple. Let my light shine as a beacon of holiness. In Jesus’ name, amen.

    What are the things you can do to show forth more holiness in your life?
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,650 Member
    edited September 2021
    Ephesians 4:24
    1 Corinthians 1:30

    Daily Commentary Thoughts

    Let us pray that we might become more holy. We can only become holy as we walk in the light of His Word, which shows us what the path of holiness looks like when it is lived out.

    To be holy is to be set aside for God’s use and to be transformed in a way that all those around us can see.

    Father, You have called me to a life of holiness. Thank You that you care enough to lift me higher than I ever knew possible.

    Thank You that You do not toss me aside due to the sins I continue to struggle with—sins of pride, selfishness, and a lack of love for others.

    Lord, holiness is the goal for my life, and I want to embody all of who You are so I can share Your love and holiness with others.

    Holy God, make me holy. Make me pure. Help me take every thought captive and cast those away which are contrary to Your holiness and truth.

    Please convict me at the very first thought of sin. May my thoughts and actions reflect Your holiness to such a degree that I more fully reflect You. Make me holy as You are holy. In Jesus’ name, amen.

    What is the relationship between holiness and purity?
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,518 Member
    1 Corinthians 1:10
    I appeal to you, brothers, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree, and that there is no divisions among you, but that you be united in the same mind and the same judgment

    My Study Bible says this about the phrase 'all of you agree'
    Paul is emphasizing the unity of doctrine in the local assembly of believers, not the spiritual unity of his universal church. Doctrinal unity, clearly and completely based on Scripture, must be the foundation of all church life (John 17:11/ John 17:21-23 / Acts 2:4-47) Both weak commitment to doctrine and commitment to disunity of doctrine will severely weaken a church and destroy the unity. In its place, thre can be only shallow sentimentalism or superficial harmony.

    'be united'
    The basic idea is that of putting back together something that was broken or separated so it is no longer divided. The term is used in both the NT and in classical Greek to speak of mending such things as nets, broken bones or utensiles, torn garments, and dislocated joints. (Romans 16.17 / Phil. 1:27)

    'same mind....same judgement'
    Phil. 3:15-16 The demand is for unity internally in their individual minds and externally in decisions made among themselves = unified in principles of living (Acts 4:32/ Eph. 4:3) The only source of such unity is God's word, which establishes the standard of truth on which true unity rests.

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,872 Member
    Excellent explaination Marilyn.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,650 Member
    Thank you Marilyn

    Matthew 24:22-24

    Commentary Thoughts by Tony Evans

    Sometimes following Jesus can take you directly into the heart of a storm – into the heart of hopelessness. That’s what happened to Jesus’ disciples on the Sea of Galilee.

    They were simply doing what they had been told to do and wound up in one of the worst nights of their lives. We read, “Immediately He made the disciples get into the boat and go ahead of Him to the other side … ” (Matthew 14:22).

    Did you catch that? Jesus made them get into the boat. The disciples were being obedient. They were reading their Bible, listening to the Word, and doing what it said. But then it happened: Winds pounded their boat threatening to destroy them.

    The Scripture says, “But the boat was already a long distance from the land, battered by the waves…” (Matthew 14:24).

    Have you ever felt blown about or battered in the middle of doing exactly what you believe God told you to do? I know I have. I wish I could tell you that following Jesus means you will never have to face any storms. I wish I could tell you that it means the waters of this life will always be calm.

    But I can’t because the Bible says otherwise. The Bible is full of stories about people who faced hard times while doing exactly what God wanted them to do.

    The disciples are one example. The Israelites are another example. When the Israelites reached the Red Sea, Pharoah and his army were behind them.

    Water stretched for miles in front of them. There was nowhere to go even though they had gone exactly where God had sent them.

    They discovered, as many of us have discovered, that you can be both in the center of God’s will, and still stuck in what appears to be a hopeless situation. That being so, I never want you to confuse trials or hopelessness with an absence of God, or His plans.

    He has a purpose for the storms He allows in our lives.

    There is a lot of preaching today as well as many Christian books that tell you that if you follow Jesus, you will never have to face any challenges in life. But that wasn’t true for Jesus, or anyone else who followed Him.

    This is because God sometimes allows trials into our lives in order to reveal Himself to us in a way that we would not have known Him otherwise.

    But whether or not we benefit from these trials or they defeat us depends largely on how we view them and how we respond to God in the middle of them.

    Being in a trial is never fun. But you don’t have to go through it alone. The downfall in the economy may have put pressure on your financial life.

    Maybe you’ve lost your job due to no fault of your own. Or maybe these pressures have increased the strain at home in your family and you are facing a storm in your marriage or with your kids.

    Wherever your storm may be, you are not alone.

    Jesus is with you and He will see you through.

    Listen for His voice. Look for Him. Remember, if life ever makes you feel like you are drowning, your lifeguard walks on water.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,872 Member
    I need to hear this often. I can get overwhelmed easily by the circumstances and the "waves" on my sea of life. Looking to the source instead of the wind, is the best solution. My lifeguard is always looking after me.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,518 Member
    Ezekiel 33:10-11
    And you, son of man, say to the house of Israel, Thus have you said: Surely our transgressions and our sins are upon us, and we rot away because of them. How then can we live?
    Say to them, 'As I live, declares the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live; turn back, turn back from your evil ways, for why will you die, O house of Israel?

    My Study Bible notes say the following re these verses
    The Israelites reasoned that if they were liable to death in judgment that was inevitable, they were in a hopeless condition and had no future. God replied that he had no pleasure in seeing the wicked go into death for their sin, but desired them to repent and live (2 Peter 3:9). The divine answer to the human question is 'repent and be saved!' (Ezekiel 18:23, 30-32). Here was a blending of compassion with the demands of God's holiness. Repentance and forgiveness were offered to all.

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,872 Member
    Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anythig is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things. Philippians 4:8
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,650 Member
    Lamentations 3:18-25
    Isaiah 49:23
    Romans 4:18

    Commentary Thoughts by Tony Evans

    Hope can take you a long way. Whenever I counsel someone who is struggling with emotional strongholds, I always want to check their hope-meter. Because when you have lost your hope, you have lost everything. Simply defined, hope is the belief that my tomorrow will be better than my today.

    David knew about the power of hope when life looked hopeless.

    Psalm 42:1 says, “As the deer pants for the water brooks, so my soul pants for You, O God.” Without reading further into the psalm, it sounds as if everything is okay with David. But it’s not.

    Verse three says, “My tears have been my food day and night.” Friend, when your tears are your food day and night, that means you are really suffering from hopelessness and despair. As David pens this psalm, he is depressed, and his soul is discouraged. And yet, he says he is going to remember the Lord.

    “The Lord will command His lovingkindness,” David writes (v. 8).

    Though God has not done it yet, David has confidence that He will. So he talks to himself. He writes to himself – he journals about his faith in God.

    There are times when life crumbles around you, your friends may not be nearby, or they may be telling you the wrong things, when you need to take it upon yourself to speak to yourself.

    Look at yourself in the mirror and speak God’s truth. Write notes to yourself and leave them in places you will see them. Encourage yourself. This is what David did on several occasions.

    He asks himself, “Why are you in despair, O my soul? And why have you become disturbed within me?” He doesn’t deny his pain or avoid it, rather he addresses it and tells himself what to do.

    “Hope in God, for I shall yet praise Him, the help of my countenance and my God” (v. 11).

    What changed David’s feelings of hopelessness and discouragement? He looked in a different direction. He looked at what God was going to do, even though he couldn’t see it at the time. In other words, he looked by faith.

    The way to overcome the emotional stronghold of despair, depression, or hopelessness is to fast-forward through the tough times – the battle scenes, the drought – to the end. Look toward the place where you surrender your thoughts to the love, grace, and faithfulness of God.

    When you do that, then the thing that is causing you to feel the way you do will no longer own you.

    Whatever is going wrong in your life will not have the last word. Remember – Satan may have “a” word, the doctor may have “a” word, your job, friends or spouse may have “a” word, but God always has “the” final word.

    In Lamentations 3, Jeremiah was nothing short of depressed. But instead of wallowing in it, he remembered God. When he began to turn his thoughts toward the goodness of God – in spite of the fact that he couldn’t see God’s goodness at the moment – he started to feel differently about the mess he was in.

    In fact, in verse 18 of Lamentation 3, Jeremiah lets us know that he has lost all hope. And yet we see his hope return when he returns his thoughts toward God. We read:

    “Remember my affliction and my wandering, the wormwood and bitterness. Surely my soul remembers and is bowed down within me. This I recall to my mind, therefore I have hope.

    The Lord’s lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness. ‘The Lord is my portion,’ says my soul, ‘Therefore I have hope in Him.’” (Lamentations 3:19-25)

    Friend, God can take a mess and make a miracle if you put your hope in Him. He promises that,

    “those who hope in me will not be disappointed.” (Isaiah 49:23)

    In fact, God is able to turn things around so completely and satisfy you so fully that He will do more than merely bring you out of your emotional bondage. He can even cause you to forget how deep it ever was.

    I know your hopelessness may seem overwhelming, and you may even wonder how you could ever overcome it. But, if you will do as Abraham did – who hoped when he had none at all

    … “In hope against all hope he believed,” (Romans 4:18) God will honor your trust. He can turn your emotional pain into victorious gain.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,650 Member
    1 Corinthians 3:10-15
    2 Corinthians 5:1

    Commentary Thoughts by Tony Evans

    Let’s talk a little bit about heaven. The first thing I want you to know about heaven is that it is a promised place.

    Before He spoke about heaven in John 14, Jesus said, “Believe in God, believe also in me.”

    We can trust His promise, because Jesus is not a liar, and God is not a liar. We can take their promises to the bank.

    To make that promise real, Jesus is going to give us a new heavenly body. He’s going to recraft your body—remake it so it will fit in the new environment of heaven (2 Corinthians 5:1).

    Your present body cannot live forever. The body you have now is never free from the possibility of pain and decay. You don’t have a body that is able to take in all the data that will be given to you in heaven.

    Jesus will break through every limitation and give you a brand-new body—one without pain and deterioration, without the earthy restraints you experience now.

    You’ve got a reservation and a confirmation number for eternity. And it is based on His promise. He’s got a place for you and your new heavenly form.

    What bodily limitations are you experiencing that you’d like to leave behind?
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,518 Member
    Therefore let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, and thus let us offer to God acceptable worshiip, with reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,650 Member
    Revelation 7:9
    Hebrews 12:22-23

    Commentary Thoughts by Tony Evans

    Heaven is home. It’s home because it's where your heavenly Father is. It’s a place to experience love and rest and purpose. It’s a family location. All your brothers and sisters in Christ will be there.

    Heaven will be populated by those who love God.

    The Old Testament saints will be there—we can have lunch with Abraham, grab a cup of coffee with Jacob, and walk the malls of heaven with Esther and Ruth. David and Moses will be there, and we can ask Adam and Eve why they ate that fruit.

    All the New Testament saints will be there as well—Paul, and Peter, and all the apostles. And we can have a glorious reunion with those we loved on earth and missed so much when they passed away. Best of all, God will be there with open arms to receive us into our eternal home.

    When He left this earth, Jesus said, “I go to prepare a place for you” (John 14:3). The reservations have been made in your name and He’s ready when your time comes to check in.

    Who are you looking forward to being reunited with in heaven?
  • twigbiskit5
    twigbiskit5 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm looking forward to be reunited with my family of course, but also my beloved pets. I am looking forward to meeting all the apostles, especially Paul, who stuck his neck out for us gentiles, teaching us the teachings of Jesus.