TEAM: The Big Butt Theory (November)

AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
Welcome to the Challenge new and returning teammates!! This is the conversation/weigh in thread for your Team :) Keep on losing because our first weigh ins begin THIS Sunday! I am here for you should you need anything - simply message me or tag me by putting an '@' just before my username (NO SPACES) and I will get to you asap! ~ Ashley @AB0215.


  • gsheppy
    gsheppy Posts: 283 Member
    Love the team name.

    Name. Genn.

    Just turned 49. Just found out I’m doing to be a Gigi. Still in shock.

    I have 3 kids girls 22 and 20 boy 15

    Work full time in insurance.

    Looking to get healthy and lose weight. I made a promise to myself I will not turn 50 in this body.

    I have a lot of stress and lots on my plate. Mom passed in feb 21. Worried about dad. Had covid on oxygen, oldest and only female. . Husband have a major surgery in may could not use left leg. In rehab came home and broke the right ankle. Back to rehab the. Asst living. Came home in sept. He can’t drive right now. Our son plays hockey. Money disability is slow if there. Trying to balance my brain and house and taxi did son. I tend to want to sit and eat candy. I spend a lot of time at the rink sitting waiting for practices to end. Lol. I do read but I come home and see the husband sitting in the chair not moving. I get very mad. In the mean time. I have surgery on my wrist and elbow can’t lift anything and just has knee done. Can’t walk which keeps me sane. lol.

    Wow. That’s it. 😂😂😅🤣
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    gsheppy wrote: »
    Love the team name.

    Name. Genn.

    Just turned 49. Just found out I’m doing to be a Gigi. Still in shock.

    I have 3 kids girls 22 and 20 boy 15

    Work full time in insurance.

    Looking to get healthy and lose weight. I made a promise to myself I will not turn 50 in this body.

    I have a lot of stress and lots on my plate. Mom passed in feb 21. Worried about dad. Had covid on oxygen, oldest and only female. . Husband have a major surgery in may could not use left leg. In rehab came home and broke the right ankle. Back to rehab the. Asst living. Came home in sept. He can’t drive right now. Our son plays hockey. Money disability is slow if there. Trying to balance my brain and house and taxi did son. I tend to want to sit and eat candy. I spend a lot of time at the rink sitting waiting for practices to end. Lol. I do read but I come home and see the husband sitting in the chair not moving. I get very mad. In the mean time. I have surgery on my wrist and elbow can’t lift anything and just has knee done. Can’t walk which keeps me sane. lol.

    Wow. That’s it. 😂😂😅🤣

    @gsheppy Welcome, Genn. definitely have a lot going on! My only advice would be to keep your focus on the things that you do have control over right now; and let the rest just sort itself out. And I am sorry about your mom (hugs).
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Hello team TBBT and a warm welcome to our newcomers!!

    Within the main weight loss challenge we have another optional, but highly recommended, challenge. It is called the Mini Ultimate Accountability Challenge, (Mini Challenge), or the MUAC. It is based on another MFP challenge group by the same name, the Ultimate Accountability Challenge or the UAC.

    The way it works is simple:

    1. Log everything you eat that has calories in MFP.
    2. Stay inside your allotted daily calorie budget.
    3. Do at least 20 minutes of activity daily. This could be anything that gets you off the couch and being active: run, walk, cycle, swim, gardening, housework, yoga, gym, etc.
    4. Report each day on this thread (something to the effect of logged food: yes, under calories: yes, exercise: yes, and a brief description is nice)

    ****When you post your accountability, please put the date, or the day of the week to which you are referring. We are all in different time zones, and some people post in the evening for that day, and others post the next morning, so it gets confusing trying to decipher without a day or date. Thanks!!!*****

    You get one free pass day a week (went over calories, could not log food, rest day, etc). At the end of the week, if you have managed to be "accountable" (three yes's) for at least 6 of 7 days, you will be recognized on this thread as being in the Winner's Circle!

    This strategy works for weight loss because it is based on calories in and calories out.

    What's great about this challenge is that it works for everyone, as long as you are honest with yourself. There are no dietary restrictions, so you can eat whatever you like, and follow whatever plan you like. Your own daily calorie budget is set by you and MFP and you choose your own exercise and intensity of exercise! Plus it is a practice that can be carried beyond weight loss into maintenance! If you are having a bad week, a new week and a fresh start is just around the corner!

    Consistency and new habits have been shown to be the keys to long term successful weight loss. Why not make the Mini Ultimate Accountability Challenge your new habit, that you do consistently?!

    The November Challenge and the Mini Ultimate Accountability Challenge start on Sunday October 31st.
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,679 Member
    @gsheppy Welcome to TBBT! Wow...sounds like you need to sit down and take a deep breath. We're here if you need to vent (instead of picking up the bag of candy). With all that you have going on I recommend taking it slow, making small sustainable changes that you can stick with, rather than revamping your entire diet in one shot.

    I also enjoy reading so if you ever want to discuss books just let me know! :-)
  • gsheppy
    gsheppy Posts: 283 Member

    Thank you for advice. I am going to take it slow. I have been taking it slow since my birthday. It’s not easy. I just smile move forward no looking back. I am going to do my best not to dwell.
  • everydaywechoose
    everydaywechoose Posts: 270 Member
    edited October 2021
    Hi all. This is Dee, or my user name is "everydaywechoose". The name of the group is perfect fit for me, as I've always had a supple 'rump'...which I've always been rather fond of:) I'm 52years young. I broke a few rules in my normal life back in 2016. I chose to leave a reasonably decent career to prematurely retire at 46. During the planning stage I spent 6 months selling everything. We, boyfriend (soon to by hubby),and I, and everything we owned(all that was left after the sell off); all of 3 suitcases each...moved to Central America (Nicaragua). My life spun away from everything that I knew, what a ride this was going to be. So, new life, new language, new hubby, and undoubtedly new challenges. Oooh the things I did not know!! there was a STEEP learning curve! But never, never do I have regrets. Love my love, and who I share it with.

    We sold our place in Nica this spring and headed north to Mexico. Now we're working on a whole new life here too. Building a house, continuing to navigate the language. Learning the language is a'd think possibly I'd be sort of decent by now, but nope. So, I practice daily with my spanish, and I amuse the native speakers when I ummm ever so politely ask them to speak slowly and talk to me as if I were a child.

    I want to thank those who have the drive and energy and creativity to create, organize, and motivate us with these groups and challenges. Thanks so much!
  • everydaywechoose
    everydaywechoose Posts: 270 Member
    You are strong and very brave! You are not just 'trying', you are doing what you need to do under extremely trying curcumstances. One day, one hour, one choice at a time. Sending you huggz
  • kizzytia8879
    kizzytia8879 Posts: 5 Member
    Am excited to be here ,hopefully make new friends and loose some pounds.
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,679 Member
    @everydaywechoose WOW! You are a braver woman than I am, but good for you!! You are out there living your life to the fullest and it sounds very exciting. I hope you don't mind if we live vicariously through you? ;) Welcome to the group!
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,679 Member
    Am excited to be here ,hopefully make new friends and loose some pounds.

    @kizzytia8879 Welcome! We're excited to have you with us! :)
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,679 Member
    Hello all!

    My name is Sue, and I am 61 years old. I live in southern Maryland, am married, have two grown kids (1 in Seattle, 1 in VA), 1 grandbaby (VA) and 1 fur baby. I work full time, currently teleworking which appears may go on forever. :/
    I love to read, ride my bike, quilt, and make greeting cards. I love challenges and am usually involved in multiple reading, fitness and Fitbit challenges at any given time.

    I have been on MFP for almost 10 years now and part of TBBT for a little over 1 year. I joined TBBT after COVID/teleworking caused my weight to climb. I am still down from when I joined TBBT but I went to an out of town wedding in September and apparently haven't stopped eating since because I am up almost 5 lbs since then. I need to refocus and get back on track before the upcoming holidays compound the problem.

    Here's to a successful November!!! Go TBBT!!!
  • IvanaKirilova
    IvanaKirilova Posts: 54 Member
    Hi guys. Seems like I'm the youngest here. Only 16 y/o but a little overweight. Want to loose fat and build muscle. Wish yall luck🍀
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    @everydaywechoose Wow! I will second what @DaffyGirl88 are a braver woman than I!!

    @kizzytia8879 I'm excited that you're excited!!

    Welcome to you both!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Hi guys. Seems like I'm the youngest here. Only 16 y/o but a little overweight. Want to loose fat and build muscle. Wish yall luck🍀

    @IvanaKirilova Yes, you are young! Technically you are supposed to be 18 to be on MFP, so if it's all right with you, I will we be taking extra care to make sure you are being safe and smart about weight loss. Although this Biggest Loser Challenge is advertised as a team weight loss competition, it really is more of a support group. Please keep that in mind. That being said, we are happy to have you!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    I guess I haven't actually posted an introduction of my own....

    Hi, I'm Lisa, 55, and I live in a small town in southwestern Ontario Canada with my husband of 30 years. I work VERY part time in the office of the family farm supply business. We have two grown sons; the oldest is single and lives in town, the youngest has a serious girlfriend and lives in Prague, Czech Republic for the past year. My husband and I just got back from a 10 day trip to see them. I didn't gain any weight while away, but I didn't lose any either. It is way past time to restart that downward trend!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Tomorrow is Halloween and also the first day of the November Challenge. Be sure to budget for any treats in your daily calorie allowance....we don't want to start the new month with an "over"!!
  • murdog3t
    murdog3t Posts: 2,033 Member
    CW 158.8
  • brandi_84
    brandi_84 Posts: 1,963 Member
    Just pre-logged Monday- Friday's meals. Must. Stick to it. See you all in November!
  • e_kk
    e_kk Posts: 5 Member
    Nice to meet everyone! I’m excited to start this weight loss/accountability journey with everyone.
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,679 Member
    e_kk wrote: »
    Nice to meet everyone! I’m excited to start this weight loss/accountability journey with everyone.

    @e_kk Welcome! 🙋‍♀️