Shrinking Assets Team Chat - NOVEMBER 2021



  • TheMrWobbly
    TheMrWobbly Posts: 2,541 Member
    Another beautiful day for it here. A few administrative things to sort out and then we can get the ball rolling!
  • Be_theBest_Me
    Be_theBest_Me Posts: 768 Member
    Alright y'all cw 189!! Soooo this last month was nuts!! I closed the cleaning business and now we are trying to get the ranch making enough money to pay the bills!! We've been hitting farmers markets and selling like crazy!! I am finally in a place where I believe I can focus on myself a lil now!! I know I haven't been the best team member the last couple months!! I had to make the decision to drop Barefoot Clean and it was not an easy decision!! I am over aunt Flo and I have a goal and a plan!! Gonna do my best y'all!! If I don't weigh in every single week someone yell at me please!!! I need it!!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,212 Member
    edited November 2021
    Alright y'all cw 189!! Soooo this last month was nuts!! I closed the cleaning business and now we are trying to get the ranch making enough money to pay the bills!! We've been hitting farmers markets and selling like crazy!! I am finally in a place where I believe I can focus on myself a lil now!! I know I haven't been the best team member the last couple months!! I had to make the decision to drop Barefoot Clean and it was not an easy decision!! I am over aunt Flo and I have a goal and a plan!! Gonna do my best y'all!! If I don't weigh in every single week someone yell at me please!!! I need it!!

    Welcome back! You might not know that Beka has stepped down as co-captain and I have been helping out with weigh-ins and such. At the moment you are not on the team roster, but I'll put you right back in! Is your weigh-in day Monday? Do you have some weights for the last couple of weeks, or are you just diving straight back in on week 4? Either way works, and don't worry - I'm excellent at pestering people for their weigh-ins. Bwahahaha!

    Gosh - speaking of which -
    Last week quite a few people did not post their weights. Here's a chance to get caught up, and get going on week 4:


    DUE THIS WEEK SO FAR (Sunday - Monday):

  • Chublet24
    Chublet24 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, I've been banned, with no explanation. honest, i have not been swearing or posting porn! I was chublet25 and as you can see I have reappeared as chublet24 but they may ban me again. Just didn't want to leave without explaining that this must be some glitch. I can still log in under chublet25 but cannot access the challenges or groups. I really don't know what's going on, and MFP are less than forthcoming. So if I vanish, it's not because I've given up! It's because they've kicked me out!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,212 Member
    Chublet24 wrote: »
    Hi, I've been banned, with no explanation. honest, i have not been swearing or posting porn! I was chublet25 and as you can see I have reappeared as chublet24 but they may ban me again. Just didn't want to leave without explaining that this must be some glitch. I can still log in under chublet25 but cannot access the challenges or groups. I really don't know what's going on, and MFP are less than forthcoming. So if I vanish, it's not because I've given up! It's because they've kicked me out!

    This is terrible! If you're still having problems getting any good answers from MFP, let me know. Use email if you need to I am in a leaders forum where the MFP person who helps us with problems seems to be on the ball and gets stuff done. I could get in touch with her if you need me to. Hang in there!
  • Chublet24
    Chublet24 Posts: 7 Member
    jugar wrote: »
    Chublet24 wrote: »
    Hi, I've been banned, with no explanation. honest, i have not been swearing or posting porn! I was chublet25 and as you can see I have reappeared as chublet24 but they may ban me again. Just didn't want to leave without explaining that this must be some glitch. I can still log in under chublet25 but cannot access the challenges or groups. I really don't know what's going on, and MFP are less than forthcoming. So if I vanish, it's not because I've given up! It's because they've kicked me out!

    This is terrible! If you're still having problems getting any good answers from MFP, let me know. Use email if you need to I am in a leaders forum where the MFP person who helps us with problems seems to be on the ball and gets stuff done. I could get in touch with her if you need me to. Hang in there!

    Thank you so much! I've made a note of your email. I'll give them until the weekend maybe. But it is really upsetting. I know it's probably just a glitch but part of me wonders, did people complain about me, enough to get me banned? Why would they at least not tell me why I was banned? Surely I deserve to know what I've been accused of.

    I've found some of my challenges and reposted under my new name.

    But it does appear to be messed up. When I rejoined I told them I wanted to lose 12.2 pounds at 2 pounds per week, and they came back and said that I would lose 20 pounds by the end of January. What? I don't want to lose 20 pounds!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,212 Member
    Greetings Teams Trimstones and Shrinking Assets!

    The past couple of years have been quite a wild ride, and this has had some impact on our Fat2Fit group and teams, as you can well imagine. To help make things better, we have decided to scale down slightly (it is what we do, after all!) from six teams to five. Both of your teams have recently lost a co-captain and it has been difficult to find anyone who can step up to the team leadership, so we Moderators think it is a great time for the two teams to join forces. Your two current captains, @jessicakrall8 and @TheMrWobbly will continue, and hopefully a couple of you will be able to help out as Motivators.

    For a while, the team will be larger than the usual 25-30 that we aim for. We will not recruit any new members to the combined team for a while, so you'll have a chance to get to know one another and build a strong community. As always, if anyone wants to try a different team, that is possible as well - just ask. But I think the new combined team will be active, fun, and give the rest of the teams a run for their money!

    Since you are the Shrinking Assets (cheeky, cheeky!) and the Trimstones (a wonderfully British concoction), coming up with a new name for the team is a challenge - so, we're asking for your help!

    Here are a couple of suggestions:
    The Trim Assets
    Unrepentant Thinners

    I'm sure you can come up with more, or just let us know which one(s) you like best! We want the new name in place by December 1st, so please let your opinion be known by November 30th at the latest.

    For right now, your chat threads will remain as they are. Please feel free to visit one another. Here are the two links:

    The first couple of pages of the thread usually include introductions, so you can start to get to know all your new friends. Next month (beginning December 4th), you will have a combined chat thread as the new team. Please feel free to share any ideas, requests, rants, or willingness to help out - this week and next will be your chance to help shape the way things will go with the new team. Thanks in advance!
  • justanotherloser007
    So I had some time before lunch, and yes I know this is ridiculous:

    Fat Assassins
    Fat Attack

    I guess I am in the mood for an action movie or something, so for the more peaceful sorts:

    Lost Cause Crew
    Bulldozing Buddies
    Weight Mates
    Fat Forfeiters
    Depreciation Conglomerate
  • hipari
    hipari Posts: 1,367 Member
    Chublet24 wrote: »

    But it does appear to be messed up. When I rejoined I told them I wanted to lose 12.2 pounds at 2 pounds per week, and they came back and said that I would lose 20 pounds by the end of January. What? I don't want to lose 20 pounds!

    End of January is 10 weeks away, which at 2lbs/week makes… 20 pounds. They’re just calculating your preferred pace until that time, despite you not wanting to go that far.

    A word of warning, though: you probably won’t reach that 2lb/week rate if you only have 12.2lbs to lose, so don’t get discouraged. Slow and steady wins the race and keeps the weight off!
  • justanotherloser007
    Fat Slayers, Thinpossible, Food Fighters!
  • hipari
    hipari Posts: 1,367 Member
    Hmm, a new team name, so many possibilities!

    The Trim Shrinkers
    Asset Trimmers

    Dunno, this is hard.
  • justanotherloser007
    Trim Assets is probably the best of the crash it together names. Although, if it wasn't considered a cuss *kitten* Tones would be a really good one lols
  • justanotherloser007
    Fine! Keister Tones
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,212 Member
    You guys are fabulous! I am sitting here laughing my head off. When we first started talking about this merger we also thought of Shrinking Stones instead of Trim Assets but figured that would put the guys off! Definitely a no go.

    I'm keeping a list. I'll re-post them all together every day or two and then towards the end we can have a poll or something. Keep 'em coming!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,212 Member
    It's time for today's NAG FEST!

    Sunday and Monday weigh-ins still among the missing (ahem):

    Tuesday - Wednesday:

  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,179 Member
    Hi All:
    You guys have awesome imaginations and creativity!!! I'm loving all the suggestions...can't wait to get to know ya'll better. Looking forward to working with @TheMrWobbly as well! Keep those ideas popping!

    Hope you have a fabulous Wednesday!
    Jessica :smile:
  • coblujay
    coblujay Posts: 688 Member
    Isn't today Tuesday? @jugar :)
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