Buzz Around the Airport Lounge - Chat



  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,496 Member
    @Cseguin2,,, UGH SO SORRY!! Hope your Mom will be okay. Probably more sore in 2 days, but phew doesn't sound any broken any bones which is good. Scary when someone falls!! So sorry you had to go through that. Knowing the heavier I was, and if I fell they'd have to call for the guys to come and get me up, or if I went into the hospital I KNEW that discussion of "She's really nice, but I can't move her at all, she's to heavy." conversation would happen. These among other reasons is why I am down 100 lbs. Scary that those who pick up Covid patients do want the shot, it's a choice of course, but that's freaky scary.
    @Cseguin2, @Lindiemaep, @Retired_Sue,,, LOL It's a SMALL WORDL GIRLS!! Its a SMALL WORLD. How funny the 3 of you come or have been in the same area. COOL!
  • wallahalla
    wallahalla Posts: 1,781 Member

  • jadepearl
    jadepearl Posts: 3,113 Member
    Apologies for being MIA. Oh my...I have lots of reading to do. Going to catch up now :)
    I had a vertigo attack and landed in the hospital. My vertigo also appears when the weather is too hot. Was walking with my family...on the way for lunch and had to climb some stairs to get to the 2nd floor where we were meeting our relatives for lunch. Well, vertigo came, head spinning, tried to grab the stairs handrail but missed...fell backwards and tumble down the steps. Even with that horrible bump on my head, my vertigo still stayed and I was spinning for days. Even my physical therapist couldn't fix it this time. It was so bad that it caused nausea and vomiting for 3 days. I am back now, my vertigo comes now and then but that's how my life is. For my weight, I think I am back to square 1...sigh! Oh well, up onto the wagon I go and try try again.
  • jadepearl
    jadepearl Posts: 3,113 Member
    @CSEGUIN2 - Glad to hear that you Mom is A-OK. Sorry to hear that the ambulance came so late. That's also the reason why I am trying to lose weight badly. I have so many health problems (thyroid & vertigo and hopefully nothing else please!) and I want to be as light as possible so that my hubby or my kids can carry me if need be.

    @Cseguin2, @Lindiemaep & @Retired_Sue - Wow...what a small world :)
  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,507 Member
    It's 57 feels like 54 with a high of 65 for today. Axe Sharpening: Your goals are yours whether you have someone to push you or not. Fight for them even when you have to push solo.~~Bellah Upadhyay 1st Phorm Elite Athlete Happy National Wreaths Across America Day!!!! Fitness quote for today: I'm on my way to success, don't try to come between me and my goals.~~~gymaholic Motivational quote for today: Keep your thoughts away from things that don't make you happy. Think positive thoughts.~~~unknown Closed all rings on my Active 4 and had 13,242 steps yesterday. Today's training plan is Gymnastic Track followed by 14 min AMRAP to finish in the gym after breakfast and before work.
  • bookieNJ
    bookieNJ Posts: 3,910 Member
    Good morning everyone! Leaving in just a few minutes to help move things from the dance studio to the theater. I am nervous but it will be fine. Getting there early really just so I know I am not late. More soon…
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,496 Member
    @wallahalla MANY EONS Of moons ago my brothers sang this to my Grandmother, a large bunch of us where together. SO FUNNY watching my Grandmothers face!! We laughed so much harder at her reactions though the song is very funny. Memories!! Grammy has been gone since 1983 or something like that.
    @Jadepearl,,, People have No clue really how horrendous vertigo is!! I saw your blog and wrote what helped me. I was also seeing a chiro, but at that time the only thing that helped at all and then not totally was a med. I've forgotten the name of it. PHEW that I've not needed it! I'm SO SORRY you feel but happy to read you didn't break any bones etc!! WOW You are fortunate while at the same time going through a torture!! A contrast for sure.
    @Bookienj,, Sure hope things go well!! WOOHOO on the exercise though. We look forward to seeing how it went.
  • LindieMaeP
    LindieMaeP Posts: 4,595 Member
    Good morning everyone, hope you are having a good day, its cool or cold here depending on your view of the weather - and I am enjoying not having to have a fan on.
    @jadepearl your at the right place to help you from step 1 - I am sorry you wound up in the hospital and had fallen down those stairs. I often fear doing that but I remember a phsyiotherapist state, if you think you are going to fall, you will fall, so I try not to "think I am going to fall" .. I've fallen down stairs because of my runners slidding and boy it took a year to heal the knee from that, it was quite tramatic and it was only one flight ! A small one - I do hope you will be better and the vertigo gone. Many of us fall off that wagon and have the scrapped knees to prove it so to speak, so climb on up and join us for a great ride !
    @bookieNJ I am sure everything will be fine, I so know how you feel about 'being on time' I hate hate hate being late, even 50 years later I can not not be late. Often I am the first to show up for meetings and wait for others to show up - same at work - never ever ever could I handle being late unless it was something out of my control. I always arrived for work an hour early, but I would sit and enjoy my breakfast and no one could say anything because I was not on the clock. Do let us know how everything went !
    @wallahalla dats so funny - I remember that song - GOOD thing I go by NANA !! there ain't no NANA got run over by a reindeer or Johndeer bwahahahahaha...
    Have a good morning everyone !
  • cormierannie
    cormierannie Posts: 4,690 Member
    happy tuesday everyone! my daughter says hi to all! both budgie birds are doing well and say cheep, cheep! this morning i helped a friend of mine to get some much needed groceries. i enjoy helping others. i have been for a walk and i feel great! i will definitely be doing some dancing later on after supper today. have a great day,everyone! take care and stay safe.
  • wallahalla
    wallahalla Posts: 1,781 Member
  • Retired_Sue
    Retired_Sue Posts: 11,591 Member
    Very tired today after being up early to get hubby to the hospital to have his colonoscopy. He's feeling better but not 100% yet. I came home and watched a Hallmark movie - can't do that when he's here. Not long after it was over he was ready to come home. Later in the morning I baked up the gingerbread dough that I mixed the other day which took a while. After I had some lunch I mixed up my shortbread. In between one of my choir members came by the drop off the hand drum that she was playing for one of our songs and we chatted for a few minutes. I had started the shortbread and finished it after she left. Of course there was cleaning up the kitchen to be done as well but that was all I felt like doing today. I was going to get the stocking stuff that we purchased yesterday organized but ran out of energy. I might be able to do that tomorrow before I go out to sing. I really don't plan to do much tonight. Have a good evening everyone!
  • Golfma4
    Golfma4 Posts: 964 Member
    Stopping by to say Hi to everyone. Working and trying to get ready for Christmas is sure taking my time these days. Finally got all the baking items purchased today except a few things I need to wait until the week of Christmas to have them fresh. Have to work 5 hrs. on Christmas eve when our family will get together , but, my DD and DIL are pitching in to do the most of it. They sent a message today telling me and giving me the menu and it is great!
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Need to make this quick as it is extremely late and still have plenty to do. So it is so awesome to have friends that know my area. My mom grew up in Harrow and my Dad just outside of Essex. I was born in Leamington and lived one year in Harrow while my parents built our house just outside of Essex. I also lived in Cottam, Amherstburg and am now in Windsor and have been here for about 15 years or more.

    Anyways today was rest, weigh and TOPS Day. Also had our TOPS Christmas party tonight. Down 5.5 lbs 😄! Mom made it to the party. She has some bruising, pain and stiffness but otherwise is doing good.
  • marg750me
    marg750me Posts: 2,906 Member
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,496 Member
    HI All! Extremely busy ,, super busy week as was last week and next week. Not with the holidays. Most of you know I'll be having cataract surgery on Jan 3rd and the 10th. The first one no biggie on driving I can drive with one eye okay, but after that I'll need to wait a few weeks before getting a new prescription for glasses. WOOHOO should be a much easier one!! YEAH YEAH YEAH!! So my friend and I are getting in all Dr appointments we can so that in Jan we are as free of them as we can be. We'll see how that goes!! So that's been taking up my time she's had 3 this week and I have 2 this week, next week she has 2 and I have 3. LOL it's crazy.

    FUN FUN reading your posts!! WTG YOU ALL!!

    Have you all picked your team? If not, NOW IS THE TIME there are quite a few who haven't yet.

    GOOOOOOOOO ALL TEAMS!! LOVE how much we all help one another. We DO have new SPARK members here with us for the Winter Challenge. WELCOME ALL! ITs going to be an AMAZING WINTER CHALLENGE!! ❄❄☃☃🎈🥽🧣🧦👢🎣⛸
  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,507 Member
    It's 68 with a high of 72 for today. Axe Sharpening: You are going to get knocked down. You can't control when things happen, but you can control how you react to them.~~Hanah Jones 1st Phorm Elite Athlete Happy National Wear Pearls Day!!! Fitness quote for today: If you ever feel like giving up…Just remember, there is a little girl watching…who wants to be just like YOU!~~~unknown Motivational quote for today: Stop worrying about the future. Allow yourself to relax and enjoy each moment as it comes.~~unknown Closed all rings on my Active 4 and had 13,842 steps yesterday. Today's training plan is Strength followed by 20 min EMOM (4 sets) to finish.
  • cormierannie
    cormierannie Posts: 4,690 Member
    happy wednesday everyone! it is a beautiful day here today. it has been raining on and off lightly. i got a few errands done a while ago. i got in a walk this morning and i feel great! my daughter says hello to everyone. both budgie birds are doing well and say cheep, cheep! i will be doing some dancing later on after supper. have a great day, everyone!
  • bookieNJ
    bookieNJ Posts: 3,910 Member
    @Dianedoessmiles1 and @LindieMaeP -I got there 15minutes early-which is good because I started 10 minutes early-but it was less than an hour of work which was disappointing because I needed 2.5 hours of “volunteer” hours for the ballet company. Luckily more to do tomorrow. I got to load all the cases of water and snacks into my car and drive it 1/2 mile. No snacking here. I misplaced my purse when I hid it in my car so unfortunately a log of people saw me totally get really scared/upset. Next time I will keep it attached to me like I originally started with.
  • bookieNJ
    bookieNJ Posts: 3,910 Member
    @Dianedoessmiles1 -Aw I hope you are able to get all your appointments in. I have to reschedule my gyn appointment because it just happens to be the same day I have to take hubby’s car in-