Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?



  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 811 Member
    I am not a "gifted" gift wrapper. I love the bags and use them as much as possible. And I too have had some Christmas treats- everyday a bit. I do feel like I am being smart and eating one controlled portion. I love the thick pretzel rods that are then dipped in caramel and then chocolate. Yum! We can't buy pretzel rods here in Canada, so I will not be making them this year. But I am going to try and Christmas pudding. I have never made it, and have only eaten twice before. I quite enjoyed it. Making it has been on my bucket list for years. I picked up the ingredients yesterday. I am pretty excited. I will serve it on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day.

    We still haven't returned to church either. I know that our congregation has anti-vaxers, so I am not all comfortable attending in person. But one day.... I think having carollers would be so festive. I wouldn't be ready to be a caroller yet though. Singing near others would make me nervous, even outdoors. We will watch church later today.

    No much progress with my weight loss, but I have given myself new goals/dates. I am on track, but it was easy to get back to just below my highest weight. The real work starts now. The next pound will be one I will be really proud of.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 941 Member
    Shari, Your pretzel rods sound delicious!! I haven't ever made them, but I suspect they are a lot of work. I am not familiar with Christmas pudding. You'll have to fill me in on that!

    I had a very good day today for making wise eating choices. It just amazes me how some days are so much easier than others. I made enough salmon to have it for the next 2 days, which is good and should help keep me on track. Tomorrow I am getting my hair cut, and Tuesday I have a considerable amount of work to do around the house.

    Still many Covid concerns all around us. I learned that some churches are suspending coffee hours until at least some time in January. However, as far as I know, my church is continuing with no real changes. I viewed the live stream today this morning and saw that the church was very full with few masks and no social distancing.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 302 Member
    Hi Everybody! I changed my mind about going to church in person this week. Each week, usually on Sunday evening, I decide that I want to attend church in person the following week. After listening to the news during the week, I change my mind and decide it isn't safe yet, especially this Sunday and Christmas Eve when attendance is typically high. Maybe the Sunday after Christmas-that is often lower in attendance than the Sundays leading up to Christmas. The covid rates remain high around here.
    My eating was pretty good throughout the day and I had yoga this afternoon. Tomorrow is my weigh in day for WW. I'm not expecting progress -just hoping that I'm not up more...
    I have a busy week coming up including an appointment for my annual mammogram on Tuesday. On Thursday I will meet my sister halfway to exchange gifts and have lunch and then my daughter and her husband are coming over that evening to exchange gifts even though they will be here on Christmas for a meal. Shari, I also look forwards to hearing about the pudding! Paula, congrats on the great eating choices! Diane, I hope you are doing well!
    I have to confess that I am not much of a gift wrapper either. I get paper on the package as best I can and then put on a self-sticking gift tag and a self sticking bow. For the gifts going to Alaska, I don't even put clothing in gift boxes because it takes up more space and adds weight to the container.
    My grandsons are already out of school for the holidays and had a zoom visit with Santa this afternoon-what a great idea!!
    Everyone have a great week!!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 811 Member
    Christmas Pudding reminds me of Christmas cake. It's made with fat, raisins, currants, mixed peel, almonds and then a bit of flour and lots of eggs. It gets steamed for six hours. There is a caramel sauce that will go with it. Very rich, and not a treat kids would enjoy! I wouldn't have.

    Yesterday I filled my day doing things that I like. I baked a bit, I decorated a gingerbread house, we finished watching a movie and church online. And I read some too.

    Jim's brother, who lives in Phoenix, cancelled plans to come see parents over Christmas. Due to Covid and partly due to the travel rules that seem to change by the minute. It's another year where plans need to be held loosely.
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    I don’t remember if I mentioned we have no internet at our house since we came back to MN?? So I have not be on here as often until we are back home in AZ. Our next door neighbor has allowed us to sign into his internet account while we are home. Long distance, through walls of two homes….it is spotty at best and only available in my DHs office area…when it does connect. Short story is we are allowed by our cable provider ONE vacation suspension per 12 months. So if we turn it back on now we cannot suspend it again for 12 months. So while gone to AZ 8 months of the year we would pay $80 each of those months we are not using it. Decided we could be spotty internet for 3 weeks we are here. Our only internet companies are limited to one DSL phone line from off brand (which we tried and is terrible) or this one cable company….a monopoly for each for sure!

    🎄Glad everyone is busy and seeing family friends over holidays. Hope everyone stays healthy!!🤞 My IF is going well but my choices in my eating window time could be better…too many treats around everywhere we go! SIL arrived with ginger cookies, peanut clusters and peanut brittle…all homemade, sigh! 😋. They are staying at our home until 12/27 same day of our memorial service for grandkids dad. The next morning we fly to AZ. The schedule this week is overwhelming so I am doing one day or half day, or event at a time!

    We are invited for Christmas church service for tomorrow night, 22nd….this mega church does 10 services over Christmas spread over days and evenings. With Covid surge here in MN, I am leery about attending. My gut says don’t go. Our daughter and granddaughter want us to go with them??? Emotional tug of war for me.😳

    Just in case…I don’t get back on the internet connection…I will wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy New Year!❤️
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 941 Member
    Good to hear from you Diane. I know what you mean about internet/cable monopolies. It is the same here. We have a choice of two companies, and the prices just keep climbing. Some areas around here have a choice of only one provider, so I guess I shouldn't complain too much. Will look forward to your posts when you are back in AZ. Merry Christmas and safe travels!

    DW, Hope you had good news at your weigh in! I am overdue to weigh in, but I don't follow the WW weigh in schedule and just weigh in when the mood hits me. I do plan to weigh in before Christmas however. I am enjoying the WW program and the greater variety of foods it allows. I have also purchased online some of the WW treats and enjoy the selection and the portion control they provide.

    Shari, I am eager to see how your Christmas pudding turns out. Is this a traditional Canadian food? You are so right about travel plans needing to be loose. I am still amazed at how many folks are traveling however.

    Today was a good day for me, while yesterday was marginal at best. Today I was well within my WW pt range today and feel quite satisfied. I completed all the tasks on my "to do" list and even a few unwritten extra tasks. Tomorrow I will pick up my ShopRite from home order and run a few more little errands. I feel pretty much in control for the coming Christmas holiday.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 811 Member
    Diane, it looks like you are having a bit of an internet fast. That's not all bad! Miss connecting, but it's just for a short time. Merry Christmas!

    Today is DH's birthday so we are out for dinner. I am looking forward to it, but not what it will do to my weigh in. I have been more strict, but the results are slow to show up on the scale. I will track my supper and see what will be left for the day. I am guessing not many calories!

    Our Covid numbers are getting crazy again. Not good and not easy when people seem to care very little about being more cautious. I am cautious and feel a bit on my own with the level of risk that I am willing to take.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 302 Member
    Hello! Diane, it was so good to hear from you! Merry Christmas! Shari, my eating out will be tomorrow for lunch. I will try to make good choices-at least that is the plan until I get there and see the menu. My sister and I are meeting at a new place for the first time in at least 25 years. She became very ill after our last two visits to our original meeting spot so we need to find a new place for our annual tradition. Paula, I was down .2 lbs at the weigh in and have been up and back down since.....today I followed a 17DD C1 eating pattern but did log it on WW. Until Christmas is over, I'm going to do 17 DD C1 eating on the days that I have no plans, and relax and enjoy the days I do have plans. I do plan to log my food each day. I have my new motivation to get back on track- yesterday we learned that we will be going to FL in mid January for a four day dog show. Our good friends from SC (formerly from PA) will be there so I am very excited. Have a good evening!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 941 Member
    Happy Birthday to Jim! Hope both of you enjoyed the dinner out Shari. Nowadays, a day off from cooking means a lot to me.

    DW, Ah, a trip to Florida in January....what a delight! Where in PA did your friends live? Sounds like you have a good plan for following C1 on days without special plans and then being able to enjoy special days a little more.

    Today was another good day for me, so that's 2 days in a row. I expect tomorrow will be easy for me to stay strong, but then comes Christmas eve with our traditional Eastern European "Holy Supper" followed by Christmas dinner. I am going to enjoy the weekend while trying to not go overboard and while still tracking the food on WW. I will be surprised if I practice IF on those days, but maybe I will. I had another successful and productive day. Tomorrow I get my nails done, definitely wearing my N95 mask, even though there usually is just one other client in the salon when I am there. I just ordered another pack of N95 masks and have given them to some friends who now prefer wearing them in place of standard cloth masks.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 811 Member
    We had a good dinner out. Our son Tyler sat next to Jim's mom. She kept hold his hand or arm. I felt so bad for him, but was glad I didn't sit next to her. I would have said something. It's Covid, plus I find it controlling. I would have stuck to telling her I am not comfortable with her touch due to Covid. My meal was wonderful. Cod, rice and a salad. High in calories, but not salt.

    I have a massage booked today so I am splitting my work shift. I will put in an hour this morning, go for the massage, come home and work a bit more before heading to the church. I work tonight for the Christmas Eve Services. I chose to help park cars. I would rather dress up and risk being cold than be inside where there will be lots of people. I will be doing that tonight and tomorrow too.

    We got lots of snow yesterday. Driving is a nightmare! I will need to travel carefully.

    I should look into getting N95 masks. Covid is going crazy here. We went from 300 new cases to 500 to 750 and yesterday 1300. I am not getting less convinced that I will make it through this pandemic without catching it. We have a couple on staff that have it. More were getting tested. I haven't been around any of them, so that's good. It's good to have been working from home.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 302 Member
    Hello Everyone! Just jumping on to wish you all a Very Merry Christmas!! We have a quiet holiday planned with just my daughter and SIL coming for Christmas lunch and then he works at 2:00pm. I plan to do facebook church tonight and hope to Skype with our Alaska family tomorrow. Again, Merry Christmas!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 941 Member
    Merry Christmas dear friends! Your friendship and support here is a true gift. God bless you all!

  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 811 Member
    I guess I have been off this group chat for a few days and missed wishing everyone a Merry Christmas!

    Hope all is well. Looking forward to getting Christmas meals and snacks behind me! I have this week off and I am so happy to be at home in our terribly cold weather!
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 302 Member
    Hello! I hope you are all doing well! I have gained an amazing amount of weight in the past week and have been working the past two days to try to reverse this trend. Our new washing machine is finally being delivered tomorrow. I've been piling up the dirty laundry trying to avoid imposing on my daughter a third time-I even went as far as to purchase new dish clothes and wash clothes.....
    The tree is down and decorations are away but there are still partial Kringles in the fridge. They need to be packaged and frozen before I get into them again! After tomorrow, I hope to be caught up on laundry and able to focus on some other projects that I hope to complete before year's end. Have a great evening!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 941 Member
    DW, I hear you on the weight gain! Hope things work out with your washing machine. Such a pain to be without something so necessary! I will keep our tree up for sometime yet. I usually keep it up till at least January 7. It is an artificial tree and certainly brightens up the living room with its white lights.

    Shari, Enjoy your week off! Heaven knows you deserve it.

    Diane, I hope you are managing ok in the cold winter weather. We are expecting relatively warm temps over the weekend and then old man winter will return here next week. Brrrrr!

    I hope everyone has had a safe and blessed holiday! John and enjoyed the daily church services online Dec 24 through the 28th as well as a fabulous church virtual Christmas concert on the 26th with about 17 church choirs participating. So glad it is on YouTube and we can go back and watch it again anytime we want to. I made a turkey breast for Christmas and an amazing prime rib roast on Monday. We so seldom eat red meat that this was quite change for us. It was good, but I am now ok if we skip red meat for a while again.

    I haven't stepped on a scale in the past few days. I am expecting to drop a few pounds of holiday gain by my next weigh in. I have had more than my fill of sweets, with many treats remaining, but the good news is I have little interest in eating any sweet treats, other than a small taste of a small portion the past few days. I have frozen quite a bit of baked goods and am not tempted to stray with them at all.

    My head is spinning with all of the Covid information in the news. Our county has the 3rd highest rate of cases in our state (of 67 counties). I feel like we are worse than when the pandemic initially emerged. We are hearing of deaths of healthy folks who were fully vaccinated, including a teacher age 47 with no other medical issues. I remain resolved to stay home with as little contact with outsiders as possible. Craig was here yesterday. He is doing ok and has been tested for Covid 3 times, with all 3 results negative. Even so, we don't get too close to him!

    Thinking of all of you and looking forward to reading how you all are doing.

  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 811 Member
    I have been stepping on my scale, and my weight is very steady at my highest weight. I am right where I was at this time last year. I am very determined to not give up. I have made some good changes to my lifestyle. I will make some more this year. I am glad I am not heavier, but I want to drop some pounds.

    Covid hit our family over Christmas. Kyle, my son who lives in Vancouver got it. He was vaccinated, but most likely got it from work. He then gave it to his girlfriend. Neither of them were able to come home for Christmas. Kyle is fully recovered, his girlfriend is a week behind him, so she still needs time to get better. Kyle could have flown today as planned, but he was too nervous in case he could still pass it on. I feel better that he can look after Claire and not leave her on her own.

    I am going to take our tree down today. I like to do that before I head back to work. Now that Kyle isn't coming, I don't need to leave it up. I am also not sure what to do about cooking Christmas dinner. The turkey I bought is too big for just Jim and I. One son would most likely come, but it's still too big. I may ask DH to buy a small one and then have a smaller dinner. We would like to enjoy a turkey dinner. Maybe one on Saturday and another one when Kyle is able to come see us.
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    Hello to all! I had started this and somehow “lost” it, lol. We are back in AZ and I am happy to not be surrounded by snow and to have working internet. An extremely busy and stressful 3 weeks in MN.

    I was quite off IF schedule (some days) but tried my best to keep on track whenever possible. I ate too many sweet treats over the whole holiday but guess it could have had worse results. I am recommitting to being on track again now that we are home. One day at a time.

    Reading the posts, it sounds like everyone had a nice Christmas and getting their homes back to normal…decorations down etc. Shari, so sorry Covid put a damper on your son coming home! Hope he and his girlfriend are better now! I am sure any weight gains will be short lived (I was up 4 lbs from not taking my diuretic for two days and flying etc). Now two days home…eating on track and taking my meds, I am losing that so I am only 1 lb up as of this morning. Take care and Happy New Year to all. 🎊 ❤️🎉
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 302 Member
    Hello Everyone! Here we are a year later....Thank you so much for your support, understanding, prayers and friendship!! I wish us all a very Happy, Healthy New Year!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 941 Member

    Happy New Year All! This is our year to do it!!

    Shari, Good news that Kyle is fully recovered, and how nice and considerate of him to be cautious about potentially passing Covid on to others. But I am sure it was disappointing that you didn’t get to see him for Christmas.

    DW, So cool that you are able to Skype with your family in Alaska. I often think how amazed my parents would have been if such technology existed when they were alive. Despite all the problems we face daily, there are so many blessings around us too.

    Diane, I continue to track my food now on WW. Some recent days my points were just plain outrageous, but it is good reality therapy for me to see how chock full of points some foods are. When I reached my fill of sweets and I reverted to some healthier habits, my points improved quite a bit, but still much room for improvement.

    I have had another few good days in terms of relaxing and enjoying the holiday. I had quite a few phone calls from loved ones who live out of the area. A dear cousin on mine in FL called yesterday. It was the highlight of my day to hear from him. My eating has been better but still not where I want it to be. Today I made our traditional pork and sauerkraut (and potatoes) for New Year’s Day. This is a well-established tradition in our area. There is no Pennsylvania Dutch in my heritage, but I grew up knowing that the PA Dutch believe eating pork on New Year’s Day brings good luck. Our local newspaper explained that this is because pigs root around with their snouts in a forward motion and we always want to move forward, not backward in life. Our local newspaper also pointed out today that sauerkraut is made with cabbage, which is considered lucky because it’s green just like money. Just thought I’d share this bit of trivia!!
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 302 Member
    Good Morning! I'm with you Paula! Ready for a fresh start and reboot! This is our year!! I made pork and sauerkraut yesterday and appreciated your trivia lesson. I've always made it for New Year for "good luck" (because my Mother did) but didn't know where the tradition came from. My SIL worked yesterday but my daughter came over for an early supper and took a plate home for him for after work. Today he started 1st shift after several years on 2nd. I'm hopeful that it will promote a healthier lifestyle for them! Shari, I'm sorry your son couldn't make it for Christmas but am glad that he recovered well from Covid! Diane, I'm glad that you made it back to the warm weather and internet!! Somehow, in the midst of this travel chaos, my sister and her husband flew to and from CA for a week's visit with her son and his family and had smooth travels. From what I've seen on the news, she was very fortunate!
    I noticed that MFP is starting some type of challenge tomorrow. I'm going to check it out! Have a wonderful Sunday!