Buzz Around the Airport Lounge - Chat



  • bookieNJ
    bookieNJ Posts: 3,904 Member
    @Dianedoessmiles1 -oh that’s awesome. Yeah I don’t use one on the bed. I would just use it on the couch. Still haven’t used it lol. Leg is feeling better than yesterday. So I might walk a little bit.
  • wallahalla
    wallahalla Posts: 1,781 Member
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today was a great day! Asked Hubby this morning if he was ready for music. He said sure as long as it was CDs and not the radio. So I got out my muchdance ones and ended up doing some dancing to my favorite songs. Of course it wasn't tracked but that's ok. Felt so much better. Went with my Son to the doctor's and he is no longer prediabetic! His only issue is his vitamin D is a little to low. I told him that losing weight is what helped him. He was so happy. I hopr this helps his motivation to keep losing weight.
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,477 Member
    edited February 2022
    @Patti241,,, Looks like SPRING WANTS to be SPRUNG!!
    @Bookienj,, LOL THANKS!! It works!!! So glad your leg is starting to get better!!! It's good you are making sure it's good to go before going crazy!! GOOD JOB taking care of yourself!
    @Wallahalla ,, LOLOL SO TRUE!!
    Take a LQQK at the names of the streets in Portland (Maine) by the proposed new building (the red square)

    Where SPRING and WINTER DO MEET!! LOL We've gotten so many laughs from this!
    @Cseguin2 ,,, SUPER DAY INDEED!! Awesome you got to dance to the music. Music is just one of those things that can change us instantly into a great mood (or in a sad mood allow us to cry) and EVERYTHING in between!! PLUS WOOHOO on your S no longer being prediabetic!!

    I had such a busy day, and well I didn't get ALL DONE, just have 2 more things on today's list. I am the President of the Council here where I live. I have to say the other 3 council members are also VERY VERY GOOD!!! PLUS when we hold events most who attend LOVE to stay to help with the clean up!! A PLUS PLUS!! Of course we make it as much fun as we can!! I don't attend hardly any of the events, but it's nice to know those who do the work to have it all organized (we have them set up mini committees so again it does not fall on the Council) has all the help they need. We are slowly starting things up again. SLOWLY and I've been very upfront that I'll not be hardly any. I can't risk it for so many reasons, the one they all understand is my health.

  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,497 Member
    It's 32 feels like 20 with a high of 33 for today. Axe Sharpening will be posted later when a new one is up in the My TransPHROMation app. Action for Happiness: Appreciate the good qualities of someone in your life. Fitness quote for today: Whether you think you can or whether you think you can't, you're right~~Nike Motivational quote for today: Today is an excellent day to refresh your mind and renew your spirit for a whole new mindset.~~unknown Closed all rings on my Active 4 and had 12,083 steps yesterday. Today's training plan is: truck unload this morning.
  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,255 Member
    Good morning.
    TEXASTITCHER Posts: 6,683 Member

    I thought I would share my temperature sampler. This started the first Saturday in June last year and will end the end of May this year. The one of the left is the low temperatures, the one on the right is the high temperatures.
  • bookieNJ
    bookieNJ Posts: 3,904 Member
    edited February 2022
    @Dianedoessmiles1 -thx! Walked with a friend for 45 minutes last night. Felt great! Then walked with hubby this morning. When kids are at school, I am trying to just chill. Getting a little more reading done than usual and found a Netflix series to watch (didn’t make it through one episode yet so who knows). Glad stuff is starting up again slowly. Hopefully at some point you can’t attend if you want
  • wallahalla
    wallahalla Posts: 1,781 Member
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today was another great day! I did 1 set of my usual workout that I haven't done in weeks. Felt so great to complete even just 1 set. Today's weather has be rain, sleet, and now snow. Got to love winter storms. Also was productive with studying and chores.
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,477 Member
    @Texastitcher,,, WOW that's GORGEOUS!!! So nice!! Indeed you are very well talented.
    @Bookienj,,, OH HOW COOL!!!
    @wallahalla ,, only 2 states over, and goes for here also
  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,497 Member
    It's 11 feels like 11 with a high of 41 for today. Axe Sharpening: Everyday we have a choice. Be the change or don't. Move forward or don't. Progress or regress.~~Cavan Valane 1st Phorm Elite Athlete I AM for today: I welcome positive and healthy energy. Action for Happiness: Respond kindly to everyone you talk to today, including yourself. Fitness quote for today: This day is yours to Motivational quote for today: Strive to be the best version of yourself every day.~~unknown Closed all rings on my Active 4 and had 12,956 steps yesterday.
  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,255 Member
    Good morning
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been a very active day! Started by shoveling snow 1/2 ft - 1 ft (3 properties), then I did all my workouts including 2 sets of my core and lower body workout (no bands), after lunch I walked to work and cleaned for my client for about 1 1/2 hrs and then walked home. Also got some studying, laundry and dishes done. Now it's time to relax. Also my family had there third death this year. My grandfather's sister passed away the other day. I have many found memories from when I was young and we would visit them. As she lives so far away we most likely won't be able to attend the service. Tomorrow will be a fun day and am looking forward to sharing it with you tomorrow.
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,477 Member
    @Patti241 ,,, HI Patti!! Hope you had an amazing day? The sun was so nice today, though we started off ato 49 and now,,,, it's 30 and feels like 18. LOL!
    @Cseguin2 ,,, WOW!! SUPER BUSY DAY!! Which team are you on? Cause I KNOW they LOVE your exercise!! Hopefully though you are okay and didn't strain anything? I'm sitting here with my foot on ice. I had broken my left baby toe a little awhile ago, and in just walking around somehow it managed to develop a chip which is really hurting since yeah it's a chip!! YO!! The foot Dr will do surgery (very minor surgery in my mind) to fix it, but because of Covid, and our local hospital he has privilege's at,,,, is the largest one in Maine, so of COURSE from ALL the state people get flown in,,, so barely any surgeries being done unless they are life threatening. SURE DOES HURT!! But, it's far from life threatening!! So not until April or May, I'll count on July or August.

    So sorry about the deaths, the older we get, the more of them there are. SADLY SO!!

    Hope tomorrow is a JOY AND MORE SO!!! Ohhhh tomorrow I am thinking MAJOR SPOIL ME DAY!!!
  • dkhudson56
    dkhudson56 Posts: 670 Member
    Mom doesn't feel well but when does she. Blames it on the increase in BP med this past Weds. She is refusing to take the med. She won't even take the original dosage. Called the dr and the nurse couldn't even change her mind so of course my appetite it shot to where I've only had 3 cups coffee and four servings fruit/veg and that's it today plus lots of water. My uncle passed away at 1230 this morn. Not going to funeral since she feels bad and for a seven hr trip with her it's take us 2 days to get there cos we'd have to get motel for 1 night. Got my income tax done today at H&R block. My brother told me to check about any credits I could get for being her caregiver. WOW! Turns out I could have claimed head of household for all these years that I've paid her rent and utilities that we didn't live together. I could file amended returns but I am just to worn out to bother with it so it's just filed head of household for last year.
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,477 Member
    @dkhudson56 ,,, Oh when the med goes up, indeed it can make you feel so lousy for a bit until you adjust. So sorry about your Uncle, but it makes sense to not go to the funeral. To much traveling indeed.

    WOOHOO on the filing as Head of Household, have you checked to see if you can go back 3 or 4 years?

    I did my taxes 2 weeks ago, WOOHOO!! Easy to tell the ones who do them right off, and the ones who owe money.
  • wallahalla
    wallahalla Posts: 1,781 Member
  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,255 Member
    Diane: I had a good day.
    Today I will be going grocery shopping.