Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?



  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 918 Member
    DW, I am very interested in how the new 17DD plan is going for you now. So good that you are able to get to Wednesday Lenten services in person. This week we have services every evening (6 pm) since it is the 1st week of our Lent. After this week, most weeks we will have evening services on Wednesdays and Fridays during Great Lent. I am doing the services online and plan to continue to do so. I also joined an on line (Zoom) book study with the church in Ohio where I do most of my online attendance. Tonight will be the first night I am participating with this group. I have read the first few chapters of the book and am looking forward to this discussion group which will begin after tonight's service concludes.

    Shari, Yay for your compliant days and yay too for the easing of Covid restrictions. I had my check up today and masks are still required in medical facilities, but it seems that everywhere else has pretty much lightened up. Everything was good with my check up. My blood pressure was just about perfect 122/80, My weight was down 5 pounds from my last visit....so that was good but I had hoped for more. Now I have a number to work with and will aim for a more significant drop when I see the doctor next time.

    We had wind storms last night. At one point more than 30,000 people in our area lost power. Our electricity went off briefly but it came back on quickly. Yesterday we had temps in the low 70s and then the winds hit bringing much colder weather. Wintry precipitation is forecast for tomorrow and then again over the weekend. Sheesh, I am so ready for spring.

    The Buster adventure continues. We have been crating him when he is home alone, primarily for his own safety and also for our peace of mind. Well, when we got home today, he was out of his crate. He figured out how to open the latch and wait for us by the door as we arrived home. I am sure John and I can figure out a way to keep the crate latched when we aren't home. Buster sure is an interesting guy!

  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    So glad you had a good checkup Paula…congrats on the weight loss too! 5 lbs is awesome accomplishment!! That little Buster has some interesting genes….didn’t spot any Corgy but he still looks a bit like a tiny one! Whatever mix he is, he’s very cute. Seems he is smart too if he can figure how to open his kennel🐶😍

    Shari….if you decide to do coffee again you might try half decaf…I do a mix 2/3 decaf to 1/3 regular. I have to be careful because of heart issues and this mix works for me. When away from home, I do decaf with no headache which is good too.

    MJ and DW….You both are so busy and I admire your stating strong about eating well!
    I am back to “one day at a time” on food choices and staying on track with IF.💪

  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 790 Member
    YAY for the weight loss Paula! That's great. And your BP is perfect!!! Too funny Buster got out, smart little guy. Enjoy your study group tonight.

    I think I can manage decaf beverages. Good idea! I really miss drinking coffee and tea. I enjoy the flavours rather than needing the caffeine. I will most likely drink through what I have and move to decaf. The other thing I was considering was having coffee on Sundays and Tea on Thursdays. I can stick to water the rest of the week. I have options.

    I am booked to eat out three times this week. Sigh... I wish I didn't have to. I will really need to plan out what I order along with my at home meals. My weight went up, it is just starting to come back down and I really don't want to see it go right back up. It would be nice to lose some new weight soon. If I can maintain this week that will be success.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 297 Member
    Hi Everybody! Paula, the new 17DD Kickstart has been going Ok but I'm not sure how I'll be able to do while travelling. Sometimes I am thrown by the difference in food focus because I'm so used to the original 17DD, but I've managed to find enough to eat that fits with the plan. The first two phases are the most challenging but the first is only for three days and the second is for four days. The next ten days include a variety of meats as acceptable foods, so compliance is easier. I've lost 6 lbs since returning from FL, but those are not "new lbs"-still trying to get back to where I was before holiday activities started in November. I'm not getting the amount of exercise that he suggests but hope to increase it as the weather improves.. Congrats on your great Dr. appt and weight loss!!
    Shari, I can sympathize with the restaurant concerns! I'm not sure what I'll do while we're gone. I guess I'll do the best I can with the choices I have. I at least should be able to maintain my IF!
    Diane, I love your tradition with your sister! My sister and I go away for a few days every November for Christmas shopping but the time together is so much more than the shopping! She only lives a couple of hours away but we don't visit each other very often.
    MJ, I hope you are doing well!!
    I went to the Lenten study tonight. The topic for the six weeks is "forgiveness" and its very interesting so far. There is a study book that we follow. It was a combination of "in person" and zoom. Tomorrow we leave for the St. Louis area and will return Sunday. It's about an 8 hour drive for us...not too bad. Have a fun weekend!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 918 Member
    Diane, John and I agree that Buster must have some Corgi in his mix. Perhaps the unidentifiable "mix" mentioned in the results includes some Corgi. Today was my first day caving on the IF! Ugh! I was not just hungry but queasy in the stomach. So I ate some cereal about 2 hours too early. I will plan to be back on track with IF tomorrow.

    DW, Woo Hoo for dropping those 6 pounds! That is so motivating to keep up with your plan.

    Shari, it is such a challenge to stay on plan while eating out. A friend of mine who dropped a good bit of weight years ago and has kept it off feels that portion size is her issue. So whenever we went out to dinner (pre-covid of course), she ordered an appetizer and that was it. Now for me, that would just leave me hungry, but she managed to do that and appeared satisfied with the appetizer and a glass of wine. Sheesh, sometimes I was still hungry after eating a regular meal while she had only the appetizer, but this practice worked for her.

    I struggled all day today and didn't do well. I started with a queasy stomach and then just was unusually hungry all day long. I nibbled and grazed in ways I haven't done in quite some time. Not sure why this happened, but I cannot keep this up. I will have to be extra vigilant to make up for today's extra calories.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 790 Member
    Just a short check in today. I am going to be delivering some restraining orders to my friend that has been having an affair with a married man. She finally sees that he is not a good human being and that he does not intend to leave his wife. But he keeps calling her and showing up at her apartment. I am so excited that the judge granted her the order. It was hard for her to do this, so I feel like I can serve the papers. I will do that on my way home from work. I may need a stiffer drink than wine when I get home lol!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 918 Member
    Shari, I hope all went well with the serving of the papers. I pray that your friend stays strong and moves on. You deserve that drink!!

    We are under a winter storm warning starting early tomorrow morning. It will probably end up with only about 6 inches of snow at most, but sheesh, it is almost mid March! I am so ready for spring. Today was a much better day for me compared to yesterday. It wasn't as solid as it could have been, but I think by tomorrow I will be back to starting another streak of good days. I just wonder how much damage I did to myself yesterday with all that grazing! I plan to make a pot of veggie chili tomorrow which will keep me satisfied and on track, and it is a good meal to have on a cold snowy day.

  • mjjdzhere
    mjjdzhere Posts: 26 Member
    After a week or so bout of eating just about everything, I had to come to terms with wanting a lifestyle for eating more than a diet. I know the pounds will not come off as fast but working on a mindset of choosing healthy food choices rather than a specific diet. I had wanted to lose more weight before the switch, but this is where I am for now.
    Paula, chili sounds good, even here with our warm weather.
    Shari, your friend is fortunate to have you in her corner. Hope it went well.
    DW, hope your trip is staying fun.

  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 918 Member
    MJ, I understand your preference for healthy lifestyle food choices. I think that is why for me at the moment the WW plan is workable. Portion control is an issue for me and always has been. I have become much more conscious of portion size but on some diets found myself hungry no matter what. Currently with the WW personalized points plan there are some foods that are zero points so I have been trying to focus on those foods to satisfy my hunger. It is flexible enough for me to stay on plan or get back on plan pretty quickly if I do stray far.

    Today is day 2 of my current compliant streak. Having the veggie chili is an enormous help for sure. It is delicious and very low in WW points. I might make another pot when this one is done, if John doesn't mind eating more of the same. He is pretty good about things like this. I do keep other options available for him, but honestly sometimes it is too tempting for me to serve him something else and not have "just a taste" which could be enough to throw me off plan. His birthday is on Tuesday, and I know we will have cake. Our former neighbor Cora is bringing him a homemade cake in the afternoon. I will have to include that in my points plan. John likes to get a delivery meal on his birthday too. I should be ok with that if I stick with some healthy fish or something like that from the restaurant we usually order from. I will have to deal with the sodium, but my food choice will be up to me.

  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 790 Member
    I had a free for all eating weekend and now it's time to get back on track! I am ready for it. I don't feel as well as I have been and I think it's from eating junk. I was able to deliver the restraining order, I was so. nervous, but it was quick and non-eventful. I had to get a commission for oaths stamp the order and now I can take the paperwork to the courts. The next step is a court date, but those can be virtual now. I don't have to be there, but I told my friend I will be for her moral support. That is at the end of the month. The restraining order is in effect, the defendant has a chance to appeal but if all goes according to plan the order will be good for 3 months.

    My morning went by too fast, I will try and have a better check in tomorrow. I need to start work in 5 minutes!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 918 Member
    Shari, Nice that the court hearing can be virtual.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 918 Member
    Shari, Somehow my post got posted before I finished my comment to you. I want to add that you are a very kind to go through all you have done and continue to do for your friend.

    Today is day 3 of my compliance streak, and it was a fairly easy day. Every now and then my compliance switch goes to the "on" position and stays there. I think that is where I am now. I am very focused on not totally undoing my progress tomorrow when celebrating John's birthday. I think I can manage a very small piece of Cora's cake without any problem. So as long as I make a reasonable choice for our delivery, I should be ok for the most part. I hope!
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 297 Member
    Hi Everybody! We got home yesterday evening. My eating wasn't as good as I'd hoped-I always have the best of intentions when travelling.....Shari, how brave of you to deliver the papers and walk this challenging walk with your friend! Paula, I wish John a Very Happy Birthday!! It sounds like you have a good plan in place for eating! MJ, eating healthy food choices sounds like a great plan! Diane, I hope you are doing well!
    I weighed in this morning and only gained 2 pounds on my trip-hopefully mostly water weight. I started back on the original 17DD today. I think that switching things up is helpful for me at this point. My dog did pretty well at the shows. She was very happy in the ring all three days. On the first day she got a 5 point major but no love from the judges the next two days. That was Ok because we were just happy to see her so happy! The problem from a couple of prior shows when she was extremely fearful must have been that they were outdoors. That's an easy problem to solve-just don't go to outdoor shows! Have a good evening!!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 790 Member
    Happy Birthday to John! Enjoy your cake and special dinner Paula!

    DW- So fun to have the dog shows to be a part of. I think that is something I could enjoy, but not with Moe. He is a farm dog now lol.

    I had a really good day yesterday and I hope to have another one today. I am really watching my portion size and drinking lots of water. I wasn't hungry at all and I didn't cave into any temptations.

  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 918 Member
    DW, Your water weight will be gone as you return to your plan. I feel water weight from our delivery dinner yesterday. Your reports from your dog show experiences captivate me. I cannot remember your breed however. Please remind me. I love your comment about being happy when your girl is happy...wonderful attitude.

    Shari, Congrats on your good day and not caving to temptations. Sadly, I cannot say that after celebrating John's birthday, but it wasn't a total disaster.

    John thanks you for the birthday wishes. He had a terrific day, including a decadent but delicious homemade chocolate cake with peanut butter icing from our 84 year old former neighbor Cora. Our delivery dinner was also great but sure made me extremely thirsty for the rest of the night. Sodium, sodium, sodium! I will aim to get back on track today, but sometimes I allow myself a "transition" day to ease myself back into compliance. I know that is just an excuse, so I will focus on compliance and not on excuses.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 297 Member
    Hi Everybody! Shari, I second Paula's congrats on your good day!! Paula, so happy to hear that John had a happy birthday! The cake sounds amazing! I've been doing well on my plan since being back home. My 50th high school reunion will be this summer. I haven't been to it in at least 20 years if not more but might go this year. That should be all the motivation I'd need to really kick my weight loss into gear....but it isn't...MJ and Diane, I hope you are both doing well!! Happy St. Patrick's Day!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 918 Member
    DW, Exciting to be celebrating your 50th anniversary of high school graduation! I have been to only one class reunion in my life and that was the 5th year reunion. My class celebrated our 45th + 1 anniversary last year because the year of our 45th (2020) everything was mostly shut down. I didn't go to the 45 +1 reunion, but saw photos and it looked like a nice time. I continue to zoom with a small group of high school classmates which for me, I guess, has been enough.

    I had a couple so-so days. I stayed within my WW pts range without much problem but just didn't feel well in general. Today I am feeling much better and much more well rested. Today is like a total church day. I just finished "attending" an online service this morning and at noon will participate in a zoom retreat that lasts till 4 pm, and then another online church service (Vespers) at 5 pm. I am enjoying an egg white, feta, and tomato omelette now but haven't figured out supper yet....probably tuna because it is quick and easy.

    Hope the weekend is going well for all!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 790 Member
    Hey Everyone, I have had some busy days and not good eating habits. My weight stays stuck.

    My dad had his surgery on Thursday, after it being cancelled once he was already at the hospital on Wednesday. I visited hime on Friday and yesterday and each day he looks stronger. My mom has mobility issues, so my sister and I are the designated visitors. Each patient is only allowed 2 visitors. This is the toughest surgery he has had and I am guessing it's due to his age. He is much weaker. He won't eat much, so I plan my visits at dinner and I will do what I can to make him eat. The hospital is 45 minutes from our place and that's why I haven't had much time to do anything besides work and visiting him. I am glad my mom is having a break from looking after him, it looks like another 3-4 days until he is discharged.

    I miss coffee and tea a lot, but I am hanging in there!

  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 918 Member
    Shari, Prayers for your dad! And for you and your mom as you both deal with all of this.

    Today is a struggle for me to stay somewhat on plan..... As I am using the word "somewhat," you can tell I am not counting this as a compliant day. I need to get my compliant switch back to the "on" position! I am not over the top today, but I need to give myself a few more pep talks!
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 297 Member
    Hi Everybody! Shari, prayers for your Dad ! Paula, I know you will get your “compliant switch” back on! We had beautiful weather today and that makes it easier to stick with the plan. Also, I went back to in person church and that was nice! I’m down 8 lbs since 2/14, but It’s not “new” lbs. I have about 5 to go to get to new territory… Everyone have a good week- spring is here!!