What's On Your Mind Today?



  • Lessennan
    Lessennan Posts: 2,961 Member
    Sorry folks, lots of passes this week. Couple of sticky days so food was all over the place
  • Caroline_slowandsteady
    Caroline_slowandsteady Posts: 842 Member
    edited March 2022
    @snowshoe072 earlier this week I noticed that the food log on the app on my iphone is just a little different in an annoying way - is that what you mean? It's subtle but I think there are a few more clicks needed for every entry and that's annoying.

    I also noticed a few months or so ago that the food log on the computer and the one on my phone do not sync accurately, so I only use the one on my phone, even though I use the community more on my computer...

    Yeah MFP is not headache free!
  • snowshoe072
    snowshoe072 Posts: 4,669 Member
    @Caroline_slowandsteady exactly what I meant my iPad does not sync with my phone anymore either or at least they play catch up I usually use my phone. The old saying goes if it’s not broke don’t fix it I wonder if they at mfp have heard that before?
    Enjoy your day
  • KCJen
    KCJen Posts: 1,089 Member
    Mrs_Hoffer wrote: »
    Lessennan wrote: »
    I joined in January before life overwhelmed me so left. I’m going to try harder this time round. The obstacles are here to stay so I have to find ways round them.

    Very, very true. I like your spirit @Lessennan !!

    @Lessennan I don't know what your obstacles are, but I have something similar about "obstacles that are here to stay". What you said " The obstacles are here to stay so I have to find ways round them" spoke to me. Thank you. :)
  • ideas2
    ideas2 Posts: 1,247 Member

    I am gardening now that I have retired. My husband used to do it mostly by himself but yesterday we planted seeds together and he said ¨this is 100 times more fun.¨

    I very recently signed up for a free beta tester account for an application called Seedtime-- that is to help you plan your garden. I really think it is cool, you enter in the program your weather zone. Then each year you enter your crops and varieties of the plants. It show you a calendar, filterable, of when to start seeds, prepare the beds, when to plant, when to cultivate, etc, including for successive crops. I have only started trying it but already it really helped us. If any of you are interested in trying it, message me and I will give you my link to invite friends (I think it is against MFP policy to post the link as it would probably be considered promotion. I was able to get the program free, they say the basic version is free for life, and they don´t ask for credit cards, but they did try to sell me a lifetime upgrade, so beware the sales pitch.)

    This winter we did purchase two little indoor Aerogardens and also a seed starter for one, so we just transplanted some Pak Choy (and then it snowed-- hope they survive.)
  • jamcnewman
    jamcnewman Posts: 4,160 Member
    edited March 2022
    ideas2 wrote: »

    I very recently signed up for a free beta tester account for an application called Seedtime-- that is to help you plan your garden. I really think it is cool, you enter in the program your weather zone. Then each year you enter your crops and varieties of the plants. It show you a calendar, filterable, of when to start seeds, prepare the beds, when to plant, when to cultivate, etc, including for successive crops. I have only started trying it but already it really helped us. If any of you are interested in trying it, message me and I will give you my link to invite friends (I think it is against MFP policy to post the link as it would probably be considered promotion. I was able to get the program free, they say the basic version is free for life, and they don´t ask for credit cards, but they did try to sell me a lifetime upgrade, so beware the sales pitch.)

    This winter we did purchase two little indoor Aerogardens and also a seed starter for one, so we just transplanted some Pak Choy (and then it snowed-- hope they survive.)
    I am intrigued to know more — have sent you a friend invite to DM you on this. Thanks for sharing! 💛
  • LazyBlondeChef
    LazyBlondeChef Posts: 2,809 Member
    Stress is on my mind. I have made a point of having a stress free life since I retired about 1.5 years ago. While my prior job was somewhat stressful I handled it well most of the time. But now I'm in a period of high stress and I can't relax. My stomach is constantly in knots ... which is something I haven't experienced since I was in my 20s.

    Outside of alcohol (which is a short term solution) what advice do you have for relieving stress?
  • KCJen
    KCJen Posts: 1,089 Member
    Over the weekend I bought myself an indoor smokeless grill. After the divorce, I bought a grill pan for the stovetop but it was not the same. I have been slowly replacing the kitchen appliances and I decided it was time to buy the indoor grill. My son and I currently are in an apartment, so the outdoor grill is not an option at the moment. I am hoping that the indoor grill will be a step closer to the outdoor grilling I have missed. I am starting to gather indoor grilling recipes so I wanted to ask if anyone wanted to share their favorite grill recipes? Thanks! :)
  • jamcnewman
    jamcnewman Posts: 4,160 Member
    Stress is on my mind.

    @LazyBlondeChef I am sorry for the challenges you are finding overwhelming at this time. I should be an expert in managing stress by now as I seem to be a magnet for the life issues that can lead to the abundance of stress. But I am no expert and only a dedicated lifelong learner and practitioner of stress reduction and management. I do so with real intention as it is what has killed a number of family members and close friends. The thing with stress is that when you can sense it, it is already doing harm. Sometimes the techniques that work for others aren’t a match or “enough”. Seek help and reach out for support from any allied medical professional who will help you.

    Some things that help me:

    I keep away from alcohol: for me, it isn’t a stress reliever because of how it disrupts my sleep, and for me (and most people) it is a depressive.

    Be sure you’re getting enough magnesium and B6. Talk to your pharmacist as they are a super resource for advice, will take a call from you, and can review in light of any medications you take. I can’t overemphasize the issue that magnesium deficit is for so many of us and the impact it has on our ability to manage stress and to get to sleep (and stay asleep).

    Have a sleep time ritual: the banning of technology is a big one for me; herbal tea or warm milk; listening to a mindfulness podcast; my girlfriend listens to a storytelling podcast (I just found it annoying); whatever gives you a sense of separation from the day and easier entry to sleep and rest.

    Walking. Just one foot in front of the other without purposeful intention to get XX number of steps, activity minutes, or any other measure. Preferably outside as that has additional benefits.

    Get outside. Every day. Even for 5 minutes. Even to just stand in the fresh air and daylight.
    Do 4x4x4 breathing standing outside (4 seconds inhale; hold for 4 seconds; exhale for 4). Repeat that cycle four times.

    Like @Caroline_slowandsteady I find writing things down (I use the notes function on my phone) in lists to help “get it out”. Everyone has their own classification of the categories that could most help them. Mine changes over

    My propensity for procrastination creates stress for me so I use my list approach to set two intentions each morning and then check in later in the day. Most of this practice is about giving myself the sense that I have some control over some of the things that can feel overwhelming.

    This also helps me identify anything I can say “no” to at this time? Sometimes the very act of having a bit more autonomy in the use of my time is empowering; sometimes saying no just creates more stress (family…); sometimes it isn’t possible because of what is needed of me at that time. But there is usually something I can exert some control over, and that helps me.

    Stay off social media; stop watching the news. For me, both can trigger stress and have never yet relieved any. When layered on top of what can already feel unmanageable in my life, allowing myself into these spaces are really an issue for me.

    Finally, I learned as a child how to do progressive muscle relaxation. It helps. Many free sources online to help learn how or to use for guided practice.

    Take good care of yourself through all of this.

  • Lessennan
    Lessennan Posts: 2,961 Member
    Stress is on my mind. I have made a point of having a stress free life since I retired about 1.5 years ago. While my prior job was somewhat stressful I handled it well most of the time. But now I'm in a period of high stress and I can't relax. My stomach is constantly in knots ... which is something I haven't experienced since I was in my 20s.

    Outside of alcohol (which is a short term solution) what advice do you have for relieving stress?

    Stress is a problem for lots of us.
    some you can work on and know you can make changes to fix, some are obstacle that won't ever go away.

    I've the stress of trying to fit mum, (91) and sharing our home together and thankfully able to stay home alone if I'm away, but with needs that require my assistance, with my best friend, living 80 miles away with no family to step into the breech just now while she is undergoing chemo treatment, which means she needs transport for hospital visits every other week and metime.
    The stress of illness in anyone close is immovable so we just have to keep trusting.
    The stress of fitting all the needs together and still getting sleep has proved difficult and shows in my binge/comfort eating.
    Since the start of my friend's treatment I sat down and made myself a plan they have to learn to live with.

    I rise early, breakfast, dress and take myself for a long walk before the day kicks in.
    My walk in the countryside or along the shore before the world gets going with just nature for company doubles as my exercise and my metime.
    Then after 2 hours slipping slowly I'm ready to face the world and all its demands.

    split your stress factors into moveable and fixed and male a plan for them and seek help from agency or friends if you need to talk them from your system

  • LazyBlondeChef
    LazyBlondeChef Posts: 2,809 Member
    Thanks for the responses @Caroline_slowandsteady & @jamcnewman

    I share your propensity for procrastination @jamcnewman which is not helping. I don't usually have this type of stress. I think part of the problem is I'm still a little ambivalent about the changes we're making (new job for my partner, cross country move, selling my house) but contracts have been signed so we're pretty much committed at this point though we're only committing ourselves to three years. Who knows. Either we'll move on to our final retirement destination or we'll end up loving the place and stay longer.

    I've moved states and houses multiple times in the past and never felt stressed by it. Probably because I was excited about where I was going. I'm sure it will be fine for a few years ... it's all those unknowns. And wondering if I really want to do this but since he already started the job three weeks ago there's no going back.

    I make lists of all the stuff I have to do but never thought to make a list of what's on my mind. I'll give that a try. Maybe getting them on paper will help to keep them out of my head. Thankfully, sleeping hasn't been a problem. I've only had one night of insomnia in these past few weeks.
  • LazyBlondeChef
    LazyBlondeChef Posts: 2,809 Member
    @ashleycarole86 thanks for that additional insight. I think that's a good idea to think about the worst case scenario.
  • snowshoe072
    snowshoe072 Posts: 4,669 Member
    Any idea where March 22 went? It’s not on my phone for today mfp again?
  • enlightenme3
    enlightenme3 Posts: 2,601 Member
    @snowshoe072 - I just bumped it for you. It was pretty far down the pages.
  • Mrs_Hoffer
    Mrs_Hoffer Posts: 5,194 Member
    @snowshoe072 - I just bumped it for you. It was pretty far down the pages.

    Thanks for doing that @enlightenme3 ;)
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,171 Member
    Sending healing thoughts your way for a speedy recovery @jmu1965