March 2022 Monthly Running Challenge



  • martaindale
    martaindale Posts: 2,102 Member
    edited March 2022
    @shanaber That article was interesting. I'm going to have to see how my training plans stack up proportion wise. I usually just pick a plan and go, so I'm not sure how the workouts vs easy runs break down. It would be interesting to see since so many of these plans are written by people who also train elite runners. I do my easy runs around the projected pace the 80/20 calculator said for zone 2 so that's good I guess. Well, usually. I need to get back to that.
  • eleanorhawkins
    eleanorhawkins Posts: 1,657 Member
    @polskagirl01 what you are doing is so much more important than sticking to a training plan!
    Faceboom reminded me this morning that it's two years ago today that we ran our simultaneous Ran It Anyway HMs. Not sure if it feels like yesterday, or a million years ago...

    I agree on Garmins being pretty bad at reporting on time asleep, mine often says I was sleeping while I was working just because I was sitting still at a desk. My Fitbit was really spot on where sleep was concerned, but pretty bad at everything else, lol.

    Less than a month now until my next race, so the nerves are starting to appear. It's another mountain HM with plenty of elevation, including the lowest part being around km 17 and then it's pretty much uphill until the end. There will be muttering and swearing, I'm sure.
    Then I have another HM on May 1st, trail but flat, followed by a 17k mountain race at the end of the month. There's a road 10k that I was signed up for in 2020 that will now be in the middle of May, no idea whether I'll go or not. Road races just bore me now, and it would make for a very tough month.

    I'm trying to decide what to plan for after the summer. I'll probably go back to both the mountain races I did last year. We're waiting to see if a very popular local mountain race starts again this autumn. It's on the range right behind us, the race I ran in January was on some of the same trails. There is a short route of around 17km with a lot of elevation, and there's what they call a marathon though it's a bit longer, with a LOT of elevation. Cutoff time for it is 8 and a half hours.The website is all in Spanish but here it is in case anyone wants to come on an adventure with me 😂 maratonjarapalos
    I've been saying that I'll do the short one this year, look for races in the 30k field for 2023, and aim for that not quite marathon for 2024. That's my sensible brain talking.
    But my heart is impatient and those mountains call to me like mermaids every time I look that way...
  • Scott6255
    Scott6255 Posts: 2,445 Member
    Excellent job on your HM @katharmonic!

    I did 12 miles this afternoon. It was a Hot 75F and 18mph wind, which made it a tough go. But good to get outside.

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,036 Member
    @eleanorhawkins It sounds like you have some great races coming up. I bet you will enjoy everyone, even though the nerves are getting to you already. Like you description of how the mountains are calling to you.

    Great job on your HM @katharmonic ! It would be hard to see the finish line and then have to run on by. I think that would be really hard for a first time HM runner, if they didn't realize they weren't done yet.

    Nice long run @Scott6255 !
  • Scott6255
    Scott6255 Posts: 2,445 Member
    Great job on your Quarter Marathon race @marisap2010! Those looking hills are killers.
  • martaindale
    martaindale Posts: 2,102 Member
    @katharmonic Hills and a cruel finish! Sounds like a tough HM, especially when you haven’t done a lot of long running recently. Awesome work!!

    @eleanorhawkins I don’t know that I agree with your definition there. It’s definitely badass to do something hard even if you’re not dominating at the front of the pack! Y’all are just different kinds of badass!

    @marisap2010 Congrats on your race! I would love to hear how the 80/20 plan works out for you.

    @quilteryoyo Good job keeping up the consistency through your motivation dry spell!
  • martaindale
    martaindale Posts: 2,102 Member
    @Scott6255 Wow that’s windy. We had some pretty strong winds also on Saturday. At one point, I turned a corner into a headwind and it was still strong enough that it pushed my posture up and I kind of did a step almost in place before adjusting to it. Resistance training!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,036 Member
    Great job on your QM @marisap2010 ! I hope you like the 80/20 5K training plan.

    Nice running @shanaber . Today and tomorrow are supposed to be nice here, but then have rain and cooler temps toward the end of the week. Hope you get answers from the ortho.

    Nice that you are getting exercise in while traveling @Aine8046 ! Beautiful picture.

  • Teresa502
    Teresa502 Posts: 1,739 Member
    3/1 – 6.51 miles
    3/3 – 6.01 miles
    3/4 – 4.08 miles
    3/7 – 5.06 miles
    3/9 – 4.68 miles
    3/12 – 15.59 miles
    3/14 – 5.02 miles
    3/16 – 5.14 miles
    3/17 – 5.20 miles
    3/20 – 4.64 miles
    Total – 61.94/100 miles

    I ran at lunch today when it was sunny and 60F. Beautiful day.

    Congratulations on your half marathon @katharmonic! Even though you were on the struggle bus, you didn’t let it run over you!

    Love your new Garmin @quilteryoyo! Glad for the report on @polskagirl01 and good to see her check in.

    @kgirlhart you are doing great on your streak!

    Great job on your quarter marathon @marisap2010! I love that medal and ribbon!
  • martaindale
    martaindale Posts: 2,102 Member
    March total: 48.4/75 Miles

    3/2: 2.1 miles
    3/4: 4.2 miles
    3/6: 3.1 miles
    3/7: 2 miles
    3/9: 5 miles
    3/11: 3.1 miles
    3/12: 4 miles, 2.2 miles
    3/14: 3.1 miles
    3/16: 3.1 miles
    3/17: 4.2 miles
    3/18: 3.1 miles
    3/19: 5.2 miles
    3/21: 4 miles

    Ran after work but made sure to get out before the inevitable tornado watches this evening. It's warm and we already have winds about 20mph and some rain. I managed to avoid the rain and even got a couple minutes of nice tailwind! And concentrated on slowing down. It's easier to slow down when I run in the afternoon because my legs just feel more tired after work. In the morning I am fresh and ready to go!