March 2022 Monthly Running Challenge



  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,018 Member
    I've been stalking the last couple of days with likes and hugs as needed. I just didn't have time to comment on everyone.

    I'm so glad that all of our Texas friends are okay after the tornados blew through! I, too, can't imagine hiding in a bathtub with a Labradoodle.

    Love all the great running that is going on. I had a run on Wednesday morning...only one mile, but a run it was. Walked at least one mile the other days. Today is tennis, then work, then another walk, probably. I'll try to report in and update tonight.

    Oh, I did get my sage grass field burned off on Tuesday night. I'll try to post a few pictures too. It was pretty windy, so was surprised that they went ahead and did it, but it was blowing in the best direction ever and just made the burn go faster. So glad to have that done.
  • martaindale
    martaindale Posts: 2,093 Member
    March total: 60.7/75 Miles

    3/2: 2.1 miles
    3/4: 4.2 miles
    3/6: 3.1 miles
    3/7: 2 miles
    3/9: 5 miles
    3/11: 3.1 miles
    3/12: 4 miles, 2.2 miles
    3/14: 3.1 miles
    3/16: 3.1 miles
    3/17: 4.2 miles
    3/18: 3.1 miles
    3/19: 5.2 miles
    3/21: 4 miles
    3/22: 5.2 miles - PT!
    3/24: 4.1 miles
    3/25: 3 miles

    Logging 2 uneventful but nice enough runs. It's been really nice in the predawn hours in the mid 40's. This weekend we are getting a pretty good warm up. Early next week I am meeting up with my parents at Guadalupe River State Park for a few days of camping so will be running the trails there and am really looking forward to that.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,018 Member
    Nice pace @kgirlhart .

    @SummerSkier I feel like I am right there with you. I just can't seem to get focused on getting things done I need to do and running is one of them. It's just been a hard month. I think the rollercoaster weather has something to do with it.

    @martaindale I hope you have great weather for your camping trip and enjoy the runs. Have fun.
  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    @quilteryoyo that's so interesting about the burn. Do they do that for practice/training and you offer up your field? Good job on keeping up your streak.

    Date :::: Miles :::: Cumulative
    03/01/22 :::: 3.0 :::: 3.0
    03/02/22 :::: 4.0 :::: 7.0
    03/03/22 :::: 1.5 :::: 8.5
    03/04/22 :::: 0.0 :::: 8.5
    03/05/22 :::: 3.1 :::: 11.7
    03/06/22 :::: 3.1 :::: 14.8
    03/07/22 :::: 2.8 :::: 17.6
    03/08/22 :::: 3.1 :::: 20.7
    03/09/22 :::: 3.1 :::: 23.8
    03/10/22 :::: 2.0 :::: 25.8
    03/11/22 :::: 0.0 :::: 25.8
    03/12/22 :::: 3.1 :::: 29.0
    03/13/22 :::: 5.0 :::: 34.0
    03/14/22 :::: 0.0 :::: 34.0
    03/15/22 :::: 0.0 :::: 34.0
    03/16/22 :::: 3.2 :::: 37.1
    03/17/22 :::: 2.0 :::: 39.1
    03/18/22 :::: 3.1 :::: 42.2
    03/19/22 :::: 4.2 :::: 46.4
    03/20/22 :::: 13.5 :::: 59.9
    03/21/22 :::: 3.2 :::: 63.1
    03/22/22 :::: 0.0 :::: 63.1
    03/23/22 :::: 0.0 :::: 63.1
    03/24/22 :::: 3.2 :::: 66.3
    03/25/22 :::: 0.0 :::: 66.3
    03/26/22 :::: 6.0 :::: 72.3

    This week work was crazy, the weather was not nice, and I was still feeling the effects of the half. So not a whole lot of running got done. I definitely didn't feel like getting up early today for a run and the forecast was calling for rain, but I dragged myself out of bed and was pleased to see it was not in fact raining. It turned out to be decent weather for running in the low 40s and the sun even peeked out a bit. Felt kind of humid actually. The recovery from this half is slow and falling out of condition over the last month or two has definitely caught up with me. Still learning this lesson that I need to build up again slowly.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,018 Member
    Sorry about that random photo in my last post. I thought I had them all under the spoiler. Apparently, I had my curser somewhere else when I uploaded it and didn't notice. LOL

    @katharmonic Regarding the burn. I'm sure it is good practice for them, but I'm not sure that is why they do it. If you ask, and give a donation (no minimum required) they will burn it off for you. It will help to kill the sage grass, which is no good for hay, and help the other grass to thrive. When I was little, we (my mom, dad, brother, and I) used to burn that field off every couple of years. I wouldn't dare do it now by myself or just a couple of people since there are so many new houses around, including mine. I think I I gave them a sizable enough donation that if I need them to do something again they will be eager to do so.

    Great job in getting yourself out of bed and out for a 6 mile run this morning. I hope you recover from the HM soon and can start slowly building back up again.

  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,856 Member
    It’s interesting how different parts of the country care for the hay fields. We are under fire watch weather right now in Tx so no controlled burns. We had one a few months ago which turned into a wildfire unfortunately and I am sure someone got fired for that mistake,
  • Scott6255
    Scott6255 Posts: 2,445 Member
    Yes that is interesting @quilteryoyo about the field burn off. Rural world problems 😉

    Just did 11 miles this (late) morning. I went out too late, and suffered for it. But it was worth it because I spent the morning visiting with my son and girlfriend. They drove up from Houston last night and are going to a Stars hockey game tonight. They left around noon, so it was a short visit, but was good to see them.

    Hit monthly goal today.

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,018 Member
    3-1 - 1.0 mile walk on the driveway
    3-2 - 1.0 mile walk - 2.50 mile run out the road
    3-3 - 2.0 mile walk in the neighbor's field looking for cows
    3-4 - 1.0 mile walk - 1.8 mile run on the driveway3-5 - 1.0 mile walk - 2.75 mile run out the road
    3-6 - 1.0 mile walk in the neighbor's field
    3-7 - 1.0 mile walk - 2.0 mile run out the road
    3-8 - 1.0 mile walk on the driveway
    3-9 - 1.0 mile walk on the treadmill
    3-10 - 1.0 mile walk on the driveway
    3-11 - 2.0 mile Wun on the driveway
    3-12 - 1.0 mile walk on the treadmill
    3-13 - 1.20 mile walk - 3.30 mile run on the treadmill
    3-14 - 1.00 mile walk on the driveway
    3-15 - 2.00 mile wun on the driveway
    3-16 - 1.00 mile walk on the treadmill
    3-17 - 1.00 mile walk - 2.00 mile run - driveway laps
    3-18 - 1.00 mile walk after playing doubles tennis in the morning
    3-19 - 2.00 mile wun on the driveway
    3-20 - 2.25 mile wun on the driveway
    3-21 - 2.50 mile wun on the driveway
    3-22 - 1.00 mile walk on the treadmill
    3-23 - 1.00 mile walk - 1.00 mile run on the treadmill
    3-24 - 1.00 mile walk on the treadmill
    3-25 - 1.00 mile walk on the treadmill
    3-26 - 1.00 mile walk - 4.00 mile run on the treadmill

    52.30 miles/60 mile goal

    It is really windy out today which is making it feel really cool. I wish it was as warm as it looks like it is...nice sunny blue sky. Anyway, I opted for a treadmill session. This was my "long run" for the week - the longest so far this year. I guess I'm getting there. Anyway, I walked one mile total for warm up and cool down. I did a run/walk for 4/1 minutes. The walks were at 3.8 mph. The runs were a ladder from 4.5 - 5.0 - 4.5 mph. It wasn't too bad and I felt I could have gone longer, but decided that probably wasn't a great idea. I was pleased that my breathing was okay today. I ran a total of 4.0 miles. The average pace wound up being 4.5 mph. Those ten minutes of walking at 3.8 mph sure slowed the run down, but made it doable for me at this point.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,018 Member
    @SummerSkier We are in the season of fire watches too, that is why they require you get a burn permit before having an open burn. They had issued the permit the day before, when they weren't calling for winds. I heard that they didn't issue any on the day of the burn, so I was surprised they didn't call and cancel it. But all is good and it is done. I would not have burned it with those winds without the fire department there for sure.

    It is a rural world problem @Scott6255 . So funny. Glad you had a good visit with your son and his girlfriend and got out for a nice run afterwards. Congrats on making your goal already.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,018 Member
    Beautiful running today @polskagirl01 . It looks like a good place to rejuvenate and release some stress.
  • Teresa502
    Teresa502 Posts: 1,733 Member
    edited March 2022
    3/1 – 6.51 miles
    3/3 – 6.01 miles
    3/4 – 4.08 miles
    3/7 – 5.06 miles
    3/9 – 4.68 miles
    3/12 – 15.59 miles
    3/14 – 5.02 miles
    3/16 – 5.14 miles
    3/17 – 5.20 miles
    3/21 – 4.64 miles
    3/22 – 4.02 miles
    3/24 – 5.48 miles
    3/26 – 3.17 miles
    Total – 74.61/100 miles

    Today I ran the Joggin’ for the Noggin 5K race in Limestone, Tennessee. The race is held annually to benefit the Crumley House, a brain injury rehabilitation center. The course is beautiful, rolling hills on a country road. There were 376 people registered. The first year I did this race was in 2015 and I think I’ve missed one time since then. I woke this morning to snow/sleet and a strong wind but the race wasn’t until 10:00 am. By that time the snow/sleet had stopped and the sun was out but it was still cold with the wind gusting. This was an out and back course and going out the wind was at our backs, but once we turned around, it was right in our faces. Not sure what my official time was since it isn’t posted on the website yet, but my Garmin gives me 33:02 and I didn’t remember to press stop until I had crossed the finish line and started walking around behind it so I’m hopeful it will be 32:something. Edited - My official finish time was 32:32, 8th our of 31 in my age group, and 114 of 298 finishers.

    Tomorrow I’m volunteering at the Virginia Creeper Trail Marathon which is put on by our track club. One of my friends is running it and wants me to pace her the last five miles. It is supposed to be 26F at the start – where did you go Spring?

    That was really nice of the fire department to come burn your field @quilteryoyo. Fires scare me. My parents barn burned about 6 years ago. I got a call about 3:00 am, looked out my window and it was totally engulfed in flames. I never will forget watching the destruction it caused as it burned up the hay crop, a new tractor, hay baler, and other equipment. Thankfully no animals or people were near it.

    Beautiful pictures @polskagirl01!

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,018 Member
    Great race this morning @Teresa502 . That wind was really cold today. That's going to be a cold marathon tomorrow too. I hope you can figure out how to dress so you stay warm enough while volunteering and not too warm to run the last 5 miles. Good luck to your friend. Yes. Fires are scary. They burn like crazy and for a long time when hay in a barn catches on fire. I'm so sorry that happened to your mom and dad, but glad no animal or human was hurt. I wouldn't have done it without the fire department. I'm glad that is a service they will provide.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,002 Member
    March Goal: 100 Miles

    3/1: 5.15 miles
    3/2: 5.16 miles
    3/3: 5.16 miles
    3/4: 2.02 miles
    3/5: 1.61 miles
    3/6: 8.10 miles
    3/7: 2.02 miles
    3/8: 5.60 miles
    3/9: 5.15 miles
    3/10: 5.15 miles
    3/11: 1.51 miles
    3/12: 2.03 miles
    3/13: 10.10 miles
    3/14: 2.02 miles
    3/15: 5.05 miles
    3/16: 6.02 miles
    3/17: 5.30 miles
    3/18: 5.03 miles
    3/19: 1.51 miles
    3/20: 1.01 miles
    3/21: 1.26 miles
    3/22: 5.41 miles
    3/23: 5.21 miles
    3/24: 5.05 miles
    3/25: 2.02 miles
    3/26: 1.54 miles

    105.19/100 miles completed for March

    I ran 1.5 miles this morning for my streak. It was nice and even a bit warm. I'm going to move my usual long run to Monday. Tomorrow I am going to Ft. Worth with my Mom and four sisters to see the Ft. Worth Symphony. I took Monday as a vacation day, so I will just run a short run for the streak tomorrow and then do my long run on Monday.


  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,018 Member
    Enjoy the symphony @kgirlhart !