Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?



  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 942 Member
    DW, Wow! Very impressive weight loss! Your success inspires me! It must be great to be back to in-person church. I truly miss that so very much. I am not staying home because of Covid but because of my increasing mobility issues. I am considering going to a weeknight evening service where the attendance is less than on a Sunday morning. I fear getting knocked over by some of the kids who tend to run wild in the church. I also am fearful of being exceedingly uncomfortable sitting in the pew and maneuvering my walker and/or cane in that setting. I keep hoping and expecting that my physical situation will improve to the extent that my fears will lessen.

    I am off to a good day today, after yesterday being a good day also. I am seriously considering trying a subscription meal kit service such as HelloFresh. Friends of mine have used this service and are pleased with it. HelloFresh offers a healthy option which appeals to me. I might just try it to see how we like it. John is interested in giving it a try too.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 302 Member
    Hi Everybody! I hope you are all doing well! I’ve been struggling in the evenings for the past couple of nights but hope to make it to bed without a snack tonight and get back on my routine. The damp chilly weather hasn’t helped but it will be around for a few more days. Have a good evening!!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 812 Member
    Hey Everyone! I have been missing in action and I am ready to back to some routine. Work and dealing with my parents/sister was stressful. I didn't track food, missed so much exercise and lost my water habit. It won't be hard to get back to all of those things as I had been pretty steady.

    We got snow last night. So it does not feel like spring at all here.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 942 Member
    We are having unseasonably cold weather, similar to yours DW. No snow here Shari, but the very high winds are predicted for tomorrow and Monday.

    I had 2 marginal (at best) days, but today turned out to be a solidly compliant day....day 1 of my latest streak. Hard for me to discern why some days are so much better than others, especially since my daily routine doesn't change that much from day to day. I feel more motivated today than I have felt over the past few days so I guess that is an important part of how well I do. My energy level has been up and down. When I have more energy I seem to stay on plan better.

    A blessed Sunday to all!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 812 Member
    I have one good day completed and I hope to make today a second one in a row. Our bathroom is so close to being completed. Just a few touch up details and once those are completed, I will send before and after photos. I was able to have a bath last night, and that was the first one in about a year.

    Last night I dreamt that I was in line for a coffee at a conference and then remembered it was lent. I am practicing lent in my dreams and in real life lol.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 942 Member
    Shari, Looking forward to your before and after photos! Such a great sense of accomplishment you must have. Congrats on having such a good day yesterday. Wishing you the same today! Don't you love how things pop up in our dreams. I recently dreamed that we got a 2nd dog, a companion for Buster. No way that can happen here, but it was an interesting dream!

    I am off to a good start today. Yesterday wasn't horrible but certainly could have been better. I am still dealing with an RA flare which annoys me at times because I have so much I want to do and then the darn fatigue sets in. The pain in my shoulder joints is relatively new and from what I have read, not a common spot for RA pain. But since the pain there feels the same as the pain in my wrists, fingers, and knees, I am fairly certain the shoulder pain is also related to RA, especially since it is in both shoulders, and bilateral pain is typical with RA. The pain usually hits the joints on both sides of the body at the same time.

    We are under a warning for locally heavy snow showers and squalls which could make for a mess on our roadways. It probably will be here soon as I just read that there was a multi-vehicle pileup (over 20 vehicles) about 60 miles west of us. Yikes! Where is spring?? Glad I am home all day today!

    Have a successful day friends!
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 302 Member
    Hi Everybody! Shari, I’m looking forward to the photos! Paula, I hope you will feel better soon! I heard about that accident on the national news- prayers for all involved!! Our weather has been so cold and blustery! I think we have the same tomorrow, then a really warm day, then lower temps again. Today my van went into the shop so I am sharing my husband’s vehicle, which needs some work. My van will be done in a little over a week unless they find another problem. Eating has been ok but I woke up with a scratchy throat this morning so I had some salty chicken broth. I did an at home Covid test which was negative so it must be allergies. I also had a weird and disturbing dream about work that woke me up at 4:00am. I’ve been retired for 2.5 years. Everyone have a good evening!!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 812 Member
    We got more snow yesterday! Spring is very delayed. It is so hard for me to wait to get into the greenhouse we built. It will be a week or two yet. I had a terrible day of eating yesterday and I am up 2 pounds this morning. I am thinking it is water, so I hope it goes back down in a day or two. I was good on Saturday and Sunday, so it has to be my meal out last night. We celebrated the judge granting a restraining order for my friend. She gave her a whole year. We really hope that puts an end to the relationship. He just wouldn't quit calling her and showing up with his pleas that he couldn't be without her.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 942 Member
    DW, The 50+ vehicle pile up that I mentioned was/is quite a tragedy. It resulted in 6 fatalities to date and many many injuries as well. My area did get snow squalls too on Monday but nothing like what happened on Interstate 81 west of my area. I hope you are feeling better DW. I have heard of several people recently with scratchy throats.

    Shari, We are still waiting for spring here too. We are expecting a warm up tomorrow but along with it comes heavy rain. Happy to see that your friend is moving in the right direction (away from that guy!).

    My RA is still flaring but not as bad as on Monday. I cancelled my nail appointment for tomorrow however because I just don't think I am up to venturing out yet. Not sure why, but I tend to have particularly bad flares in the spring. I have had 2 fairly good eating days...well within my WW points and attained my points with healthy choices. I gave myself a bit of a pep talk last night and today....perhaps that helped. Despite my flare I was able to accomplish some to-do items yesterday and today, so I am feeling quite proud and satisfied. I have another list for tomorrow and feel confident I will do ok.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 812 Member
    Well, it might be my turn to get Covid although I hope not! Two people at work tested positive on Wednesday morning and I spent all day with them on Tuesday. I haven't been wearing my mask at work, I guess I got a bit brave. I also thought I was okay with just two people in my work area. I am isolating at home although I don't have to. I don't want to pass this along to others and HR at work said I was clear to work from home the rest of the week. I should feel fine today, it's likely going to be on Saturday that I will feel sick if I caught the virus. I am a bit mad that they came to work not feeling well. One said it was just her allergies making her sniffle. But a covid test proved otherwise yesterday.

    I will let you know if I get sick. We don't do covid tests anymore, just the home kits. So I don't know if I will test or not. If I get sick, I am sure it will be Covid.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 942 Member
    Shari, Extra prayers for you! I would be annoyed too that those folks came to work in close quarters and placing others at risk. Isolating is wise in my opinion. If there is any silver lining to this cloud, it is that you can work from home for the rest of the week. I hope you are able to rest and put yourself first! You do so much for others...time to take care of Shari.

    I am off to another good start today, but it is still early. Just having coffee now and will have breakfast/lunch, really brunch I guess, in order to keep with IF. The IF has been going well on most days. I have enough on my to do list to keep me busy and away from food till later.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 812 Member
    Thanks Paula! I do have a sore throat this morning and the start of a headache. I took a Tylenol to see if I can ward it off. I hope to get through at least a half day of work. I would be okay to take the afternoon off if I get worse. I will be home for the next while. I would be healthy today if my co-worker had let us know she wasn't feeling well and stayed home. One person is all it takes to put yourself at risk. I made it two years but was hoping that I would never get it. I had been so careful.

    I like breakfast too much so I decided for my IF, I won't eat past 6:30pm. I eat breakfast at 8am. I may be able to push breakfast off until later, but I don't think I am ready yet.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 942 Member
    Thinking of you today Shari and wondering how you are feeling.

    My accountant dropped by today (finally) to pick up the info for him to do my income tax return. I always worry that he will wait too long to take care of it, but he hasn't let me down in 23 years, so I guess I really shouldn't worry. So now, one less thing for me to be concerned about! Today was a little better for me compared to yesterday regarding my RA flare, but I am still in a considerable amount of pain, more pain than I ever had really since my original RA diagnosis in 2009. I will keep tabs on it and contact my doctor if need be. My eating wasn't good today. I really have no excuse since there are plenty of healthy options here that don't require a lot of preparation. :/
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 302 Member
    Hi Everybody! Shari and Paula, I hope and pray that you will both be feeling better soon !! I got my 2nd Covid booster on 3/30 and didn’t have any reaction other than a tender arm at the shot site. My eating has been terrible the past few days. I think that the cold weather has been wearing on me but today has been good and I hope to string a few good days together and convince the scale to move downward! I will be keeping you both in my prayers!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 812 Member
    Sorry to hear about your RA flare up Paula. Praying that you will have relief and that it doesn't get this bad again.

    DW- So good that you were able to get a booster shot. I think if I had got one, I may have avoided getting Covid. I tested myself yesterday and it was positive. I have had a sore throat, chills, runny nose and fatigue. I think I am feeling a bit better today, but I did take a Tylenol which I think is super helpful. Otherwise I am sad that I am wasting a weekend. I wish I had got sick on a weekday! I have so many sick days available and they start over on July 1. I am considering taking one even if I could work from home while isolating. I rarely use them.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 942 Member
    Shari, Thanks for your update. I was hoping you didn't catch the nasty virus! You aren't wasting a weekend! You are taking care of yourself. There is nothing more important than that for you now and till you recover. I sure hope you did take a sick day for yourself. You are worth it.

    DW, thanks for your prayers! My flare seems to be calming down a bit. Now if only I could calm down my not-so-good eating! I agree with you about the cold weather wearing on us. I am surprised at how chilly it has been here lately.

    I had a so-so day yesterday. But already today I am struggling again. Ugh! I have already been visited by the hunger monster. I am fighting it off, but have caved slightly and it is not even 1 pm yet. I have plenty to do to keep myself busy and away from food so that is what I will focus on now.
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    Hello to all…Sorry, I have been so “off radar” lately and likely will be for some time going forward. A lot of personal issues again that have kept me quite busy/worried…(and some new medical) so my energy level is low. I see you are having an RA flare Paula and I can relate. Hope you are better soon. I am writing now, not wanting to just disappear without saying goodbye. Wishing everyone well and sending my wishes for blessings in your lives….and farewell for now, Diane
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 942 Member
    Diane, Thank you for posting. You and your family are in my daily prayers and will remain so. I have been concerned that you weren't posting and thought that perhaps you were just busy with visitors again. Please know that you will remain in my prayers. You will be missed, and we hope you are able to "visit" here with us again as you are able. Love, hugs, and prayers! <3 God bless!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 812 Member

    I will be praying for Diane too!

    I haven't been posting, but I will be back to my routines soon. I have been sick all week, but had to keep working. I took a half sick day, but it would have been nice to take off more time. We had a senior high retreat to prepare for, and I was able to do what I needed to do to see them off to camp. I worked from home apart from yesterday afternoon. I had to pick up and drop off snacks, as well as all of the paperwork. I am allowed to be out and about as long as I wear a mask- which I did. The only people I saw at the office were people that had Covid already and the person that gave it to me. I am back to being at home until my symptoms are all gone. I am still stuffed up still, that's my main complaint.

    I have company at home. DH ended up getting Covid, and a friend. She is staying with us since we have it. She lives alone and it is much better to be around others when you feel this bad. I didn't give it to her, and she isn't sure where she picked it up. We have had lots of laughs in spite of being sick.

    Still have a full appetite....
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 302 Member
    Hi Everybody! Sorry it has been so long since I’ve checked in! Diane, keeping you in my prayers! I hope you will be able to check in now and then! Shari, I hope you are feeling better!! Paula, I hope you are doing well!
    I’ve been at a Scentwork Trial all weekend, both entered and working. As part of the work, I racked up 7.5 miles on my Fitbit today but also ate enough junk to counteract any positive impact. Tomorrow is a new start once again… back to the original 17 DD and carb/sugar detox. I’m hoping to get more exercise by supporting my daughter in her efforts! Have a great week!