WaistAways Team Chat - MAY 2022



  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,139 Member
    5/9 exercise:
    9888 steps + 10 minutes strength

    Today was a bit of an off day. Brad is still sick, so he's been going for some tests and has been working from home. I was back in office, and for some reason when I pulled into the parking garage downtown I just kept driving forward until I scratched the front of my hood on the cement pillar in front of me. Mostly cosmetic, but it set the tone for the day and I'm not sure I really recovered.

    After taking the dog for a walk I was over my 10K steps and was debating whether or not I wanted to ride the bike. But, I took yesterday off as a rest day and I really didn't want to miss it today. So, I compromised with a shorter ride than I usually do, and that was good enough!

    I had one other success of note today. I was at a 7-11 getting gas as I was almost out of that on the way home (another mishap of the day, lol) and as I stood at the pump my mind starting going to the "you need to go inside and get a _____" place. Now, I don't have a problem with getting a treat from a convenience store, in fact I build that stuff in all the time, but it was more the headspace that was driving the thought that was bothering me. It was coming from my old psyche of "you know food will fix this", and I just didn't want that to win. So, in the car I went, and that was that. I still had a treat tonight as I always do, but it was on my terms, and not eating just to feel feelings!

    Anyway, tomorrow will be better! Setting that intention now.

    @jugar Safe travels tomorrow and have a great reunion with your daughter. You must be SO excited.

    @conleywoods Another food diary day complete and the food is on point! Avocado and Mary's Gone Crackers.. divine! Sounds like you're having fun with the new workouts!

    @DD265 I also had banana on a sandwich today.. with peanut butter too! It had been so long and it was ultra satisfying.

    @Gidgitgoescrazy I second and third what the others said.. sounds rough / scary / anxiety producing. Hope you felt much better by this evening.

    @Kali225 Bringing food basics - good idea! Nice to have some things close by that you've pre-chosen. Good luck with the interview tomorrow and yes - share pics of the outfit if you think of it!

    @micki48 So nice that everyone is settling with jobs and such.. not so nice about the sickness. Hopefully you dodge it. I can still add pics but often I can't view them on my computer, yet I can on my phone. It's too bad there are so many glitches!

    Sorry for the novel! Time for bed. See you all tomorrow :)

  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,060 Member
    @conleywoods I'm finding your nutrition information so fascinating - particularly what you have learned about the body only being able to absorb 40g of protein at a time. Thank you for sharing these interesting facts with us.

    Ashley @ashleycarole86 do send our very best wishes to Brad. It really starts to mess with my head when I feel ill for longer than I thought I would!

    @micki48 I'm also starting a new job next month - I've been taken on as a Training Associate for quite a big firm. The hours are very flexible and very well paid. There is quite a lot to learn and the onboarding process has been thorough and extensive - as you would expect from a big company - but I'm very excited.

    I had planned to go for a forest walk this morning, but it was pouring with rain earlier so I chose a YouTube aerobics session instead.

    Happy Hump Day, Friends!
  • MoonlitMuse
    MoonlitMuse Posts: 88 Member
    @conleywoods The info you're learning about is absolutely fascinating! Does your program have any reference materials? I'd loooooove to scratch my research itch on those topics like protein pacing! If you can, link me to the research your coach uses to back everything up because Sports Nutrition is my side-interest (Diabetes/Weight is my main focus at work) and I've been eating up everything I can on the topic!
  • Gidgitgoescrazy
    Gidgitgoescrazy Posts: 638 Member
    Feeling much better today. Although I am not able to exercise at the moment, I am having some pain in my lower back, and I was instructed to not exercise at all if there was any pain. So I am trying to concentrate on eating well...
  • AshenMoon
    AshenMoon Posts: 157 Member
    Cw: 228
    Hopefully i'll have positive progress soon 😅
  • EvMakesChanges
    EvMakesChanges Posts: 546 Member
    micki48 wrote: »
    So far, so good today. Determination. Big salad for lunch. Tired of chewing. Do you know that feeling?

    I know we are getting tomato pie….

    Oh, indeed! I get tired of hewing salad unless there are a variety of textures to select and not only greens. You know, beans, legumes, olives, tomatoes…all the textures.
    As for tomato pie…like pizza? I figure it might be a Philly thing!

    I’m just starting to feel like myself tonight…after several days of this butt-kicking virus. Even though it’s officially not Covid, it’s some type of butt kicker, for sure!
    I promise to catch up tomorrow and Friday.
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 501 Member
    I had a great accomplishment happen today. I was planning on going to the grocery store today to buy some dinners that are on sale this week and some lunch meat. I had a hankering for a sweet, and I knew that if I went to the store, I would've gotten a candy bar or piece of cake. So I took my shoes off and didn't go to the store so I couldn't be tempted. I made dinner from some things we had in the freezer and I stayed within my calories!! Now, I will go to the store after the gym tomorrow night which will help me not cave into sweets 😊
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,261 Member
    Hello all! Yes, tomato pie is like pizza flipped. Cheese on bottom tomato sauce on top. Very yummy.

    @conleywoods I agree with others that I appreciate what you are sharing. The protein absorption fact was fascinating. Please do keep sharing.

    @Gidgitgoescrazy Sending good vibes your way. Hope you are feeling better soon. You are smart to listen to your body.

    @ashleycarole86 Sorry your day was off, but way to handle those urges to fall back to old habits. You rule. Please tell Brad I hope he is feeling better soon.

    @jugar glad you made it safely to your daughter’s. Have fun!!

    @YinxFed Congratulations on your new position. That’s fantastic!! Do you start after your trip to see your son?

    Logged all my food and was under calories. Well over my 8k today trying to organize all the boxes in the garage. I finally found a couple dishes I had been looking for and my kitchen aid mixer. While doing all this box moving, I started with what I thought was bad allergies, but I fear I may have what my daughter and family had. Nose running like crazy! Sneezing! Ugh. Luckily, it seems to move out quickly.

    Did 16 minutes of Pilates this morning. I’ve been using it to try and work out a kink in my hip. Moving boxes did not help it. It may be the nerve. Took so one NSAIDS hopefully that does the trick.

    Hope you all have a good night/day!!
  • conleywoods
    conleywoods Posts: 984 Member
    @ashleycarole86 Such a bummer about the car, Brad and the very bad rotten no good day! I hope you guys get some relief soon and start to get back to your normal routine.

    @MoonlitMuse I know that some of the lessons have a book that she references but a lot of it is more like an anatomy and physiology lecture. She is a former professor so I would guess a lot of the info is text book stuff. We learned about how your cells mitochondria processes lactic and for goodness sake! 😆 LOL! I will definitely pass on what I can.

    @jugar Hope you have an absolutely wonderful time with your daughter. Please love on a horse for me🥰

    @Gidgitgoescrazy That sounds scary 😳 Hope you figure out what is going on.

    @micki48 Oh no not a cold!

    @YinxFed Will this job replace a current job or are you adding it to the other 2 jobs?
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,139 Member
    Evening all!
    Happy to report I turned my yesterday frown upside down! Thanks for the well wishes for @bowens1973 as well.. he definitely appreciates it. After a night of poor sleep he seems to feel today was his best day yet.. it's been a bit of a rollercoaster up and down so he's not 100% sure, but he's thinking he's turning a corner!
    So that's good, because I miss my buddy!

    I did a good Peloton ride tonight , and my steps are over 13,000 already... good day of movement.

    @micki48 and @EvMakesChanges
    Hoping whatever you've each got passes quickly

    What great planning! Way to know your temptations and to work around them.

    So glad you made it! You are gonna have a blast I'm sure!

    That sounds like a super great opportunity. Glad to hear you're so excited for it!

    5/10 exercise
    13665 steps + 31 minutes Peloton
  • DD265
    DD265 Posts: 651 Member
    @Gidgitgoescrazy that sounds frightening. I'm glad you're feeling a bit better.

    @MoonlitMuse I don't actually like tea, or coffee! Neither does my mum or sister, I think we're considered a bit weird lol. I did try fruit teas for a while but dislike the bitter taste. I use 'tea' and 'dinner' interchangeably to mean the evening meal, then can end up in an argument over whether 'dinner' is actually 'lunch'. :D

    @Kali225 fingers crossed for your interview result

    @micki48 I hope everyone is feeling better soon, and that you dodge the worst of it yourself.

    @conleywoods this journey sounds fascinating. Are you finding the theory helpful?

    @ashleycarole86 sorry about your car, that would put me in a bum mood too. Glad you turned it around and that Brad is on the mend.

    @YinxFed congratulations on the new job!

    @EvMakesChanges I hope you're over your virus too - there seem to be so many bugs going round at the minute, and not just the usual 24hr-stomach-bug variety either.

    @jugar I'm glad you're having a great trip so far

    @lauren_989 that is some great will power! Avoiding the situation is far easier than trying to exercise will power in the store. I've got some low-calorie sweet treats at home, but still get tempted by the larger chocolate portions, ice cream etc.

    I fell asleep in my lunch break yesterday. Not good! Went for a trail run after work (kill or cure...) and it was a 6k run/walk with my friend. I felt brighter for it, and was reminded that I have better running technique on trail. Told OH I was craving fresh vegetables, not the planned chilli, so we got some stir fry stuff for dinner and some fruit salad. I'm taking tomorrow off work; even though there's a risk of being needed, I've told my boss she can message if she has to - I know she'll try to avoid it. That way I won't feel like I should be working and can focus on other things.

    My body is telling me that I need to eat better and rest move more, but my mind is so full of 'should/need/must' and last night it was out of control. After some rummaging around in there, I think the problem is knowing the plasterers are coming some time in the next two weeks but not exactly when. We have a lot to do to prepare the room, and I can't rely on OH being available on short notice to get it done due to his shifts, nor can I do it all alone as some stuff is too bulky. If we clear the bedroom (or at least, everything but the bed) this weekend, nothing else on my lists is time sensitive so I'm hoping that'll provide some much needed headspace.

    Priorities for the next few days:
    Clear the bedroom
    5 portions fruit/veg a day
    2l water a day
    30 minutes outdoors exercise a day
  • PlaneMonkey
    PlaneMonkey Posts: 568 Member
    Sorry for the late weigh-in! hopped out of bed on the run yesterday and forgot to weigh-in before breakfast!

    CW 192.4. No change from last week, but the scale was much higher earlier in the week as a reaction to the salty food on Mother's day and my muscles screaming over the abuse they suffered last weekend.

    We were told the secret to trapping groundhogs on Monday when we called a company to come in a help. They don't service our area but were willing to share the secret... freshly cut carrots. Apparently the smell is like crack to groundhogs. Sure enough, Tuesday morning Groundhog #1 is in the cage and has been transported 8 miles away to the nature park and Wednesday afternoon groundhog #2 followed! When we got home from transporting #2 we discovered a third one had dug back out the hole we had filled in so trap is set and waiting to catch #3. They can all be a happy family together again, far far away!
  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,060 Member
    Evening Friends!

    Gosh, there's so much going on here today! Healing vibes to @micki48 and @Gidgitgoescrazy - I hope the lurgy soon passes, and I am definitely feeling the love @jugar as you spend time with your daughter in Alberta.

    Glad to hear that Brad had a good day yesterday @ashleycarole86.

    I find the groundhog problem completely baffling!

    This morning, I did 20 minutes of yoga before going to work at the café. Now back at home and Ben's cooking supper. Incidentally @DD265 I have lunch at lunchtime, and dinner in the evening. Ben always cooks late, hence it will be supper by the time we eat! And tea (apart from high tea) is always a beverage. Aren't these mealtime idiosyncrasies funny?

    Thank you all for your best wishes about my new job. In answer to your question @micki48 I will be starting in early June, although I start more thorough TTT (Train The Trainer) onboarding next week. I'm hoping to keep my café job going @conleywoods, although it seems likely that I will just keep my Saturday shifts (I work with such a great team! ). Fortunately, the vast majority of my work with my new role is virtual.

    I don't have any new business English coaching students at the moment, so I shall probably take a short break from this work at the moment.

    Have a great evening, Friends.

  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,261 Member
    Thanks for the well wishes everyone. Today is worse but I’m hopeful tomorrow will be better. I took a COVID test and it’s negative. It sure seems like a really bad case of allergies. I’m even wheezing a bit after just telling my new doctor I’ve had no trouble with my asthma in a decade. Figures 🤪
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