Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - MAY 2022



  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,707 Member
    Hi everyone! Welcome to all the new members! Just wanted to drop in and say hi real quick. I made it to the concert, they never got back to me about disability seating so I took my walker. Luckily after the first band I moved because I would've been sitting on my walker in the mosh pit. It was Testament, Exodus, and Death Angel, pretty wild but the musicians were so excited to be playing and the crowd was so excited to finally be at a concert that the atmosphere was awesome. The walker's a pain for things like going to the bathroom where the one handicapped stall is taken and it doesn't fit in regular stalls so you're praying someone isn't evil enough to make off with your walker while you go potty as fast as you can! It was my first concert by myself so that and not having been there before and being in pain was stressful and having my phone act up and losing my charger made me a basket case in advance but I got to let off a lot of steam. I barely have a voice and my legs and neck hurt from dancing but it was worth it. Tomorrow's PT in the afternoon and grocery shopping, I ran to the farmer's market tonight for some fruit but need more staples around here. Happy Friday gang!

    Oh I did my earth energy meditation, drank my tea, and did my two rounds of PT stretches. I didn't do a big workout today as my legs hurt too much but did arm cardio and my stretches.
  • davors19
    davors19 Posts: 293 Member
    Weigh in day: Friday
    PW: 249
    CW: 250
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,218 Member
    @laurelfit57 I love the photos of Vannie on your back on the bicycle! She seems to be just loving it!
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,023 Member
    Happy Friday Slims!

    I tried on the pants- I have two new things that fit, the rest still snug. Was a bit disappointed as they are all my current size, but that's how pants are, I guess. At least I did not want to eat fries when I was done. I feel more determined to do a good job on my challenge. I added an ab workout every Friday. And I'm going to try on the pants again when the month is over.

    I met goals yesterday. But I only put up 3 out of 4 good days this week. Was surprised by a nice loss and reaching a new low weight. Hooray!

    Yesterday, I found out that my Mom has a bit of breast cancer. It's a very small spot, and likely the same non aggressive type she had 8 years ago. Last time she had a lumpectomy and that was all. Hoping for a similar path this time. As she is moving to the moderate stage of Alzheimers, and she and Dad are looking to move somewhere that she will have easy access to care, this is a bit much right now. I'd love any prayers or vibes or thoughts you can send her way.


    PS: @laurelfit57 - Google interview questions- most will have suggestions on how to answer. Write out your answers and then practice saying them naturally without the paper. Good luck!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,067 Member
    @GabiV125 That's great that you enjoyed life while you were on vacation, that's important! I hope it cools down soon.

    @rosemake Hi and welcome! My best friend lives in Lafayette near Boulder. That's a beautiful area. I'm 53. I am still working but recently started working out 3-4 days a week.

    @laurelfit57 Thank you, it did! I hope your hockey team won last night. Enjoy the time with the grand kiddos and time with family.

    @Katmary71 Oh I'm glad it worked out and you had a good time. Sounds like perfect timing for the PT session. Great job on your goals.

    @Cornanda Woo hoo on your loss! Yeah pants are funny. That's good that two pairs fit. Congrats on meeting your goals yesterday and the new lowest weight! I'm sorry about your mom's breast cancer. I send my very best vibes and good wishes to you and your family. Hugs.

    Hi all. Daisy's surgery went well and she's home resting. I had a good day yesterday. I was too busy at work to snack on ANYTHING and when I got home, my husband didn't feel like cooking so we ordered food delivery. I made a healthy choice (this is rare when we order food delivery): grilled chicken breast + roasted potatoes + salad. I'm quite happy. The only misstep I had was not drinking enough water.

    30-Days to Summer Challenge (May 21-June 21) commitments for yesterday:
    Work out at least once a week -
    Drink at least 60 oz of water each day -
    Log at least 2 meals each day - X

    My phrase for the year: "Something needs to change…so I will take no crap and eat no crap!"
  • gwamajtw91
    gwamajtw91 Posts: 137 Member
    PW: 165.6
    CW: 166.8
    Not my best week, including not eating dinner until 8:30 last night.
    Water Y
    Steps Y
    7:30pm ☹️
  • davidji82
    davidji82 Posts: 165 Member
    Hi all

    Weigh in day Friday
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,595 Member
    Another new member heading your way .... Please welcome @DanielleHeitzenrater :)
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,209 Member
    The June habit tracker is ready for you - get set up with your name and up to 5 habits you want to track for the next 4 weeks starting on Sunday. Gotta love those green check marks :smiley:

  • DanielleHeitzenrater
    DanielleHeitzenrater Posts: 36 Member
    edited May 2022
    I am so happy to be here and do this challenge can't wait to get started!!!

    Weigh in day Friday
    current weight 250 pounds
    highest weight 274

    I have just recently come back on here we had bought a new house and moved in so finally got that all settled and now it is time to get back on track I have not had a cig in 6 months going on 7 super proud!! I home school my kids so I am always with them and they drive me nuts but I love them and would like to be a good role model for them that is why I am here!!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,067 Member
    @davidji82 Nice loss, WTG!

    @DanielleHeitzenrater Hi and welcome to the team! :D Congrats on the new house, that's really exciting! And 6 months cig free, wow, that's great.

    Hi all. I have a very busy day tomorrow so I thought I would do a rare nighttime check-in. I read a great article about habit formation and wanted to share it: https://www.tonal.com/blog/habit-formation-strategies/ I also wanted to toot my own horn that I worked out this morning...woot woot! I'm really enjoying my workouts and how I feel afterward. I can't wait until working out is a habit for me.

    30-Days to Summer Challenge (May 21-June 21) commitments for yesterday:
    Work out at least once a week - X
    Drink at least 60 oz of water each day -
    Log at least 2 meals each day - X

    My phrase for the year: "Something needs to change…so I will take no crap and eat no crap!"
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,707 Member
    @Cornanda Prayers for your Mom and Dad. I'm glad some of the pants fit, I take forever to go down on jeans too, I hope you're able to soon.

    @trooworld So glad Daisy's surgery went well. Awesome job eating healthy on food delivery, it would have been a perfect time to eat whatever you wanted and slide. Way to go on the workout, does this mean you can do them without headaches again? I sure hope so!

    @DanielleHeitzenrater Welcome to Slimpossibles! Congratulations on not smoking, that's wonderful and hard work!

    Hi everyone, happy Friday! Did my workout this morning, worked, then went to PT and she started me on the seated elliptical and flared me up good. She added new exercises that are fun but I may have to skip my workout before the next session. Just got out of the tub and am going to go read or watch something on TV, have a great weekend everyone!
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,218 Member
    Username: micaroo4
    Weigh In Day: Saturday
    PW (Previous Weight): 130.4
    CW (Current Weight): 130.0
    Maintenance range of 127-133 (Center weight 130)
  • amioc
    amioc Posts: 175 Member
    Username amioc weigh in day: Friday Starting weight 147 (28/01/2022) All time heaviest 148 (24/01/2022) PW: 141.0 CW: 140.2
    MOUNTAINMERMAIDCO Posts: 652 Member
    Weigh In Day: SATURDAY
    PW (Previous Weight): 162.4
    CW (Current Weight): 162.4

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,067 Member
    @Katmary71 Thanks, me too! Yes, I have been headache-free lately. Let's hope it keeps up like that! I'm glad PT went well. Enjoy your weekend!

    @micaroo4 Great maintenance weigh-in!

    @amioc Congrats on the loss!

    30-Days to Summer Challenge (May 21-June 21) commitments for yesterday:
    Work out at least once a week - X
    Drink at least 60 oz of water each day -
    Log at least 2 meals each day - X

    My phrase for the year: "Something needs to change…so I will take no crap and eat no crap!"
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,067 Member
    Username: Trooworld
    Weigh-in day: Saturday
    PW: 230.2
    CW: 230.4
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member

    @Cornanda Yayyy on your loss this week!! I’m so sorry about your mom’s breast cancer diagnosis, but hopefully like you said it won’t be aggressive and can be managed easily. You have my prayers that she and your dad can find a place to move to where she will end up being safe and taken care of. I know this is a hard time for you and the stress is likely to keep piling on as her disease progresses. Just like I keep telling myself, we have to take care of ourselves. You have pants to get into!! ;)<3

    @Katmary71 I’m glad you enjoyed the concert. I have never heard of those groups. :D I think you are awesome for going by yourself and having a great time!

    @trooworld that is great that you are back to doing workouts and enjoying them! I’m glad that Daisy’s surgery went well and hope she heals quickly. :)

    Good morning! I’m not even sure how long it’s been since I checked in. :grin: Joe and I went to see the oncologist yesterday and the good news is that his CT scan didn’t show any signs of cancer. Yayyy!! We will have another scan in three months. The oncologist was concerned by Joe’s weight loss and anemia. He considered sending him to the hospital for a blood transfusion but decided to wait until his next round of blood work since he was just in the hospital for the UTI and that could be a factor. The CT scan did show that Joe has a bowel obstruction, which we already knew but didn't realize how severe it is. So, he gave him an Rx for a med that cost a ridiculous amount of money, but we got it anyway and hope it will take care of the issue. Otherwise, we are looking at finding a GI doctor or going back to the hospital. He hasn’t had a good morning and it took me over two hours to get him up and ready for the day. My eating hasn’t been the best, but I’m determined to do better today. :/
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,209 Member
    The June Team Chat is open! Go to introduce yourselves and get ready to set goals and commit to a new month:


    Please continue May Week 4 weigh-ins here :smiley:
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