WaistAways Team Chat - JULY 2022



  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,160 Member
    6/26 exercise: 11717 steps
  • DD265
    DD265 Posts: 651 Member
    edited June 2022
    My goal this week is simply to record everything I eat, good bad, or ugly.

    This is exactly what I want to do. Even if I'm going to eat The Thing, I want it to be a conscious decision.
    I've been doing a lot of landscape work around our property and that will continue for July but I'm having a lot of lower back and hip pain that's interrupting my sleep so I'm going to commit this month to core workouts and stretches to fix this because relying on robaxacet is not a long term solution.

    I'm getting similar aches with the bending/squatting/reaching at the allotment. Resistance band exercises are great, plus there are some body weight ones - I often look on YouTube for videos created by physiotherapists for inspiration. If the person is a physio, you know they're qualified etc. A major thing is treating [the work] like an actual workout and doing a proper warmup before hand. *Ahem* Do as I say and not as I do. :D

    @graceojo99 I hope your dad is on the mend soon.

    I binge-shopped again last night. :s Realistically there are probably 2-3 waking hours in a week where I wouldn't be able to go to a shop and buy something if I wanted it, so I could go for single portions and make extra trips. The problem is I go shopping in a binge-mindset (i.e. I'm stressed/anxious/insert-emotion-here) and buy loads of rubbish. I don't eat it all in the same day, but then it's in the house and I don't want to just throw it out because that's wasteful. That's the position I was in yesterday morning, and again today, so I end up eating the rubbish. Liquorice All Sort anybody?

    Personal training was interesting this morning. I did a warm up, then we did some intervals on the rower; 1 minute, where you did a set distance (started at 25m, increased by 25m each time) then whatever time you had left was rest. I got up to 200m in something like 47 seconds, probably could've done 225m but had lost control of my breathing. Then we did back squats; 12.5kg bar to warm up, 20kg bar, 30kg bar, and unbalanced squats where I had a kettlebell in one hand - not a fan of those! Then we did a bit on the massage table; mobility is great, but strength is lacking on the left side, and I'm still not convinced about the right side either! So a few things to look at.

    Plan for today is work (booo) and to carry on at the allotment. Today I'll plant up the tomatoes, I planted a courgette yesterday, and I'll start digging over bed 6, which I skimmed the top off yesterday so I can see what I'm doing! I'm also spending 15ish minutes each visit weeding in the beds that are already planted. I will pick one task to do at home as well (there are many to choose from!) but otherwise I intend to chill out this evening; I'm partway through watching the Great British Sewing Bee, and enjoying seeing what people are making.
  • eggfreak
    eggfreak Posts: 681 Member
    I love mornings - a perfect time to hit reset. I've prelogged my day up to supper, now to pack it up for work. A half day today as we have my aunt coming to stay for 10 days. Must go clean. And just put on my Fitbit to catch all the steps today.
    @PlaneMonkey and @DD265 aches and pains from gardening - think your core goals are great. I did it for a business for years and definitely a good core will help -garden yoga - switch positions and tasks often, and bend your knees and even better, get on your knees - save your back :smile:
    @graceojo999 best wishes for your father and a quick recovery
  • JEB03253
    JEB03253 Posts: 242 Member
    edited June 2022
    Weigh In Day: TUESDAY
    PW (Previous Weight): 238.4
    CW (Current Weight): 238.2
  • MoonlitMuse
    MoonlitMuse Posts: 88 Member
    Morning all! I think things are getting back to normal a little bit around here. June has been such a cluster....I'm really happy that it's about over.

    PW: 140.8
    CW: 140.2

    Last week started off shakey like I may have mentioned, valve body repair, leaky house, all that good stuff. But on Tuesday, I got a ride over the mountains with a friend/former intern and we had some fabulous Pad Thai (which I haven't had in YEARS) and some local ice cream...I have no regrets lol. The rest of the week was trying to get my momentum going again to work out and failing miserably, until Saturday, that is. I was originally going to to attempt the Glacier Half Marathon but with all the recent expenses, figured that I couldn't do that. Instead, I went with two friends and summited a GD mountain (Wynn Mountain to be exact). It was only 5 miles each way, but around 3500ft of elevation gain (I think we were around 8400 at the top). There was a crap ton of bushwhacking and scrambling, but the views were pretty cool. Coming down, however, was not super fun. With my joint instability (thanks EDS), every step became excruciating, so my opinions on this whole mountain climbing thing are mixed. My quads are still not super happy with me, but yesterday I still managed to bike my 12.5 miles, lift for ~25 mins (normally Mondays are my heavy leg day, but since they were like "nope", I switched it to my upper body), and then do Onnit (a kettlebell workout) with my SO in the evening. I think that hike/climb helped to kickstart me back into my routine.

    My downfall has been general lack of preparation that's been spurred by a chaotic schedule, lack of energy, and (tbh) traditional gender roles. "How so" I hear you asking? Well, my SO is a disabled veteran who is home all day just still refuses to help make dinner despite the fact that I'm at work all day. So then by the time I get home, make dinner, and do all that, I'm so beat and don't feel like meal prepping for the next day. I used to be up at 5am and had no problem doing all that (when I wasn't living with my guys when I first came to MT), but now I'm barely dragging myself out of bed in time to get ready and off to work when I'm supposed to. I LOVE to prep snacks, breakfast, etc. but it just hasn't been happening, so it results in me stopping and grabbing something to eat on my way to work.

    Goals for this week:
    1. Stop being lazy at the end of the workday and actually use my wellness time to take my walk
    2. Drink the freaking water! (I'm really bad about not being thirsty during the day)
    3. Keep on doing my weight lifting for the muscle gains contest
    4. Suck it up and make breakfast/snacks ahead of time

    @DD265 It sounds like you are going to have a killer garden this year!! And yay for a good PT workout! Also, the great British sewing bee sounds pretty cool, I'll have to see if it's on anything I have....my 15 yo son LOVES the Great British Baking show (I mean, he can tell you alllll about all the contestants...it's kind of amusing if not unusual), so he may be interested too.

    @CarolAnnM2 Dang! That's an awesome loss!!

    @bowens1973 Hey Brad! That bike race sounds awesome! Can you link me to the site for it? I want to check it out and maybe see about doing it next year since I'm just south of you guys (essentially....I'm in MT about 1/2 hr from the border)

    @ashleycarole86 I love how to get so many little walks in throughout the day! I swear, half my Garmin feed is you walking lol

    @Kali225 Woot! You and Carol are giving our team some awesome losses for the week!
  • Gidgitgoescrazy
    Gidgitgoescrazy Posts: 636 Member
    Yesterday was TERRIBLE !!! I mean TERRIBLE... But I tracked it... I will do better today !
  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,071 Member
    Greetings Friends!

    So I think that I am adjusting to the Virginia heat - I think! I take a short walk in the morning and, if I can, I do a workout each morning too. That wasn't possible today because I had a quick meeting (yes, friends, I am THAT person who takes her laptop with her on holiday - just in case!)

    But yesterday I used the hotel fitness room to do my workout! I am so grateful that everywhere has air conditioning!

    We've been having the best time with our son and daughter-in-law, here in Virginia. And I'm delighted to say that they will be coming to stay with us on holiday in the UK next year. Yay!!

    Tonight we're eating at a local Japanese restaurant - I should definitely be able to keep an eye on my intake there.

    No, @once_mas, I don't live in the Netherlands, but I have been there many times because my sister moved there 25 years ago, married a Dutchman and I have a Dutch niece and two Dutch nephews. I live in the UK, but I also love the Netherlands!

    @graceojo999 Glad to hear that your father is recovering.

    @micki48 Thank you!

  • CarolAnnM2
    CarolAnnM2 Posts: 1,073 Member
    Thank you for your kind comments!

    I need to rely on staying within my calorie range to lose weight because I just can't physically exercise enough to make a difference in weight loss. My hips just won't let me. But being here is definitely encouraging me to do as much exercise as I am able and makes it so much easier to stay within my calorie range. I look forward to a day when I have new hips and can exercise much more and possibly experience a pain free day once in awhile (which I haven't had in probably 4 or 5 years).
  • Kali225
    Kali225 Posts: 609 Member
    @Gidgitgoescrazy let us know what changes you made to improve today!

    @YinxFed so glad you are having fun in VA! I adore it down there (but never had much patience for the summer climate!) Japanese sounds good.

    @CarolAnnM2 whatever you are doing, it's working. I've also always heard that it is better (in whatever way that means) to get into a pattern of losing weight without exercising first before adding in physical activity. just gets your body in the mode I guess.

    @MoonlitMuse sounds like your home life does leave a lot of responsibility on your shoulders - meal prepping for me on Sundays can turn into an all-day activity, pretty easily. get done what you can, but don't tell yourself you are being lazy when you are rightfully exhausted!

    just chiming in to say I had a truly phenomenal tuesday. I told myself I would Cava takeout tonight since it was weigh-in this morning, but Cava is also a lot healthier option than the pizza, thai, or indian I usually choose for takeout (for those unfamiliar, it is a build-your-bowl type place with Mediterranean options). I was worried that I would be over my goal since it is still a bigger dinner than normal but with my walk, workout, and a walk to and from the pool, I am totally in the clear. yes! keeping this effort in mind for the coming weekend.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,164 Member
    Everyone is bubbling over with news - these exchanges are what make this team so wonderful. There is some beautiful green blooming over there in the spreadsheet - and the enthusiasm that kicks in when the losses start after a period of "blah" sure helps keep things going. Well done!

    Also well done is the sharing of the tough parts. The binge buying, the licorice allsorts (I am very glad those are expensive and hard to find :grimace: ), those extra bowls of cereal, and the general just eat everything days. Those are difficult moments, and sharing the burden helps get past them, I hope. Thank you for getting here to talk about them. Be sure to come back and share exactly how you get past them, too - that is the exciting part.

    @graceojo999 I'll keep you on the support list until the beginning of August, but if you get back to a scale and want to come back sooner, just let me know. I'm glad your father is doing better - hugs to you both!

    @MoonlitMuse I second the opinion that you are NOT lazy!! It sounds like you are racing to cram in all the things you need to do, and then there is not much room left for some rest and relaxation. I hope you can find some ways to make the meal prep and other chores easier so that you can really enjoy getting out for a walk or fitting in some "me time". That hike sounds pretty amazing, though - even though it made you so sore! Good move to switch leg day...

    I had a very packed day today and will be getting to bed early tonight! We left at 5 to get my husband to the airport in Montreal by 7, then I had a breakfast meeting (a lot more than I usually eat for breakfast, but still reasonable). Then another 90 minutes of driving to a flute builder - I got there a bit early and took a walk around the village before knocking on the door. It was by then a perfect day - not too hot, sunny, gentle breezes. The walk felt good. We spent a couple of hours fixing up my flutes (him) and trying out every flute in the place (me!) then went out for lunch (salade niçoise - fabulous), played duets in an old church for a while (great acoustics), and then I finally headed home. I did a good pilates session to get the driving kinks out, went out and checked on all the gardens, did some watering, and then I had dessert for dinner. Back to more veg tomorrow! I'm looking forward to my few days of being alone in the house.

    SO! Wednesday weigh-ins are up!


    And still hoping to hear from our new member @S1ncerelyj3ss !

  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,164 Member
    We have a new member - welcome to @Shawtytel who will be joining us shortly, I hope!
  • Shawtytel
    Shawtytel Posts: 103 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm so glad to finally have made it on time to get into this group. My name is Shawn and in 42 from the Big Apple and now reside in NJ. I am fighting against myself to reach that goal of where I felt my best when I lost 30 lbs in 2006. It was so easy to get there way back when but my life was different it was about me.

    I now have 2 boys and for the past 11yrs I have been trying to recreate that me, that body that I miss and want back and it's been a real struggle. I lost count how many times I'm started over and said it would be my last. 2 yrs ago after a Christmas party in 2019, January 2020 was for sure my last time. I was doing great, although it took me longer than 3 months I lost a lot and a potential health scare made me stop to figure out what made the difference. After I stopped I couldn't jump back in.

    I need this to be the end of the beginning a thousand times over. I'm getting tired of saying, "I have to start over." The late night snacking is really what ends up killing all my progress for the day. I workout, drink my water, eat fairly decent and as life settles down for the day my sugar and salt cravings fire up for the night. I will never get where I want to be like this. All my hardwork is essentially cancelled out by the end of the day.

    My goals this month are to stop late night snacking.

    I need this and am willing to work hard and finally start to see some progress. Thanks for giving me a spot in the group and allowing me to be apart of this challenge.
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,160 Member
    I had a family emergency ( my dad was very ill) and had to travel very quickly, so I would probably not be able to record until I get to a scale. Luckily my dad is recovering well and has been transferred from the ICU to a normal bed. So I can think again. I should be able to get back by the first week of next month

    Sounds stressful but I'm so glad to hear your dad is being transferred out of ICU. Wishing him a speedy recovery!
  • bowens1973
    bowens1973 Posts: 179 Member
    @MoonlitMuse the link to the Grand Fondo I'm doing in July is here: https://www.transrockies.com/granfondohighwoodpass if you do decide to take it on next year, hit us up as it'd be fun to meet you - hoping to talk @ashleycarole86 in to doing it next year too. She kicks butt on her gravel bike!
This discussion has been closed.