October Opportunity - holiday prep



  • zenobia9777
    zenobia9777 Posts: 277 Member
    Felt really good yesterday after my yoga. I'm going to say if you don't get enough sleep you will not be strong.

    @SparkSpringtime69 I was sore for a couple of days after my 15 lb weight event. I hope yours doesn't last very long.

    Today I used the 10 lb weights and they didn't really feel like enough during the halo move. I probably should have gone to 12.5. They were plenty heavy for the other moves!!! I felt a lot stronger. I did get 7 hours of sleep last night. Then I took the dogs for an hour and a half walk. Very leisurely pace.

    @CeeBeeSlim yikes. How long did you keep that up with the strict 1000 calories?

    I did weigh this morning and I'm down almost a pound, so that's good.

    @edamamewebber sorry to hear about the migraine. Take good care of yourself. I'm sure the hydration will help.

    Heading into the weekend promising myself not to backslide. I have been pretty good on my calorie intake but I think my food choices have been questionable (!)

    Happy Friday!
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 2,030 Member
    Took the doggo on a "tabata" walk/jog/hobble run yesterday afternoon - I wore the weighted vest since my dog is still in worse shape than me LOL. Man, my cardio is so awful - I was huffing and puffing and sucking air on some of my run portions, but my heart rate didn't ever get "that" high, and barely into the cardio zone...ugh LOL, clearly something I have been very lax about here lately. Good thing even as little-high as it gets, it comes right back down after, so just a complete lack of conditioning on my part for that kind of exercise (I can hike for hours though).

    Tomorrow my sister is in the area so we'll be spending the day together, then Sunday if the bf is up for it we'll probably be riding up in the mountains again due to glorious weather while we have it to enjoy.
  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 1,083 Member
    @edamamewebber sorry to hear about the migraine, I hope they don't continue to plague you.
    @zenobia9777 the arm feels better today, still more sore than the left one, but I'll just use lighter weights for tomorrow's class to be safe; it should be fine.
    @CeeBeeSlim I second zenobia's "yikes" on the 1000 calories!
    @HoneyBadger302 sounds like you have a great weekend planned, have a wonderful time!
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,320 Member
    @zenobia9777 @SparkSpringtime69 Gosh. For about a year looking back. I started to backslide around June 2021 when family arrived for my dad’s birthday. That was the last saw the low teens!

    @HoneyBadger sounds like a fun weekend. You’ll get your cardio groove back I’m sure.

    Hope you’re feeling better @edamamewebber!

    Active recovery weekend. Maybe just some foam rolling and stretching.
  • zenobia9777
    zenobia9777 Posts: 277 Member
    Last night I resisted the desire for a heavy meal and went with a salad. Today I am down another quarter pound. Hurray! I can still try to lose another 2 lb before vacation.

  • k8richly
    k8richly Posts: 268 Member
    5'3" 49yrs

    Oct 2 - 130.5lbs
    Oct 8 - 130 lbs

    Welcome new joiners! This is a super supportive place!

    I've been so busy at work which means more sitting each day. Sigh. I even have a sit-stand desk but I get so busy that I forget to stand up. Still getting runs in (that's tomorrow's plan!) And some HIIT /boot amputation classes. But haven't moved my butt to get a real weight program in place yet. I'm all talk and little action on the strength training front. I have been careful what I eat (more than 1000 though - eek!) so I feel ok on that front. I agree, @zenobia9777 , it feels good when you choose wisely for a meal!

    Speaking of which.....it's Thanksgiving in Canada so we have a huge meal happening tomorrow. Turkey, gravy, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, pies and more. Going for a morning run is my definite prep plan..... have a great weekend all!
  • zenobia9777
    zenobia9777 Posts: 277 Member
    @k8richly you will make up your mind to get in the strength groove soon!

    Faced with a big meal like that, my only hope would be to tell myself I'm not going to use my calories on anything that's not amazingly delicious!!! Good luck and I hope you feel well after the experience!

    Well, I had forgotten my goal but mfp remembered it. Today I hit 115! I started at 132.6 February 22nd, so yes I've been working at this almost all year to lose 17.6 lb. And I confess I don't work at it very well (except the exercising part) but enough to lose over time.

    So I will set a new goal. Maybe if I head for 110 lb that would be a good place to consider it done. I've never considered myself to have a small frame, but then, most of my life I've been heavier than this.

    Last night I was able to walk the dogs in the evening. It was a very long, leisurely walk because I was trying to take pictures. Today I'm going to yoga.

    Happy Sunday, and happy cool weather everyone!

  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,320 Member
    @k8richly. Your mojo will come! In time. It always does. Nutrition is key when you’re focused on weight loss so you’re doing great there. Thanksgiving is once a year - if you can enjoy without going overboard and no regrets - then great!

    A huge congrats to you @zenobia9777! Doesn’t it feel great?! You’re an inspiration to the group. How do you feel? Do you look at yourself and feel you could lose that 5 more pounds or just tighten up in certain places.

    Ugh. Look up “backslide” in the dictionary and you’ll see “ceebeeslim”. I would usually feel worse - guilt, disappointment, shame - but I’m taking it in stride. My visiting niece had pms and bought out every store of their Halloween candy, salty chips, sugary carb pastry crap. One taste led to gluttony.

    Stuff I haven’t touched in decades - like Cheetos and Funyuns. Blech! And how many Reeses peanut butter cups do they make?! Some with potato chips, m and ms, peanuts, wafers, king sized
    ones, double layered…

    Back at it today! Not gonna sweat it! 🤣
  • zenobia9777
    zenobia9777 Posts: 277 Member
    @CeeBeeSlim absolutely don't sweat.

    Thanks for the congrats. Mostly I noticed that my muscles are much more toned. I've lost some of that arm flab from the weight training.

    I think I would enjoy it if I lost five more pounds, but it would be difficult to do because you can eat so little if you weigh 110. I have not been it that weight since middle school or something.

    I think I was pretty seriously dehydrated yesterday. I went to yoga but about 45 minutes in I did not feel well and I ended up leaving early. This is a consequence of eating and drinking badly the night before. It was probably the worst experience I've ever had in yoga.

    Back to yoga again today. It is not hot yoga, so that should make it easier

  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    October goals:

    * Get to 75 kg
    * 2 gym sessions/week
    * 2 dives per week
    * Have my net cals in check on a weekly basis

    So, I was AWOL for some time, as I was on staycation and I couldn't access the site with my phone (and the laptop was too much of a work reminder). Although I have been eating pretty okay-ish, I've been stuffing myself with 2 large spaghetti bolognese followed by a pint of chocolate chip icecream these last two days. Ow boy... I'm not surprised that the scales weren't ok this morning: 78kg. I know I didn't gain 1,5 kg in two days but I am feeling mega bloated. As from today, I'm back in my normal routine and normal food choices again, so all should go well in October.

  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 1,083 Member
    @k8richly, Hope you had a fun (and somewhat healthy) Thanksgiving.
    @zenobia9777, Huge Congrats on hitting your goal - WOOHOO!! Hope you get back to full hydration today.
    @CeeBeeSlim, sorry to hear about your backslide. That's an awful lot of junk food, but maybe you could decide that you had your Halloween early so at the end of the month you don't have to partake in too many goodies. Glad to hear you didn't sweat it. And seriously, Reese's with potato chips, what's wrong with these food manufacturers!
    @Antiopelle, glad to see you back. Sounds like you're planning for a successful October.
    I found out something new about the gym class schedule today - there are a number of classes that have a red "register" circle next to them and I thought that those were the only ones available for the month. One of the women I met in the step classes told me today that all of the other classes are also available but are just walk-in, you don't have to register ahead of time for them because they're in the big gym rooms. I learn something new every week!
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 2,030 Member
    Weekend was nice - sister and I went hiking at Amicalola Falls, then did dinner and a brewery. Was relaxed and pleasant - didn't do everything we talked about, but still had fun just hanging out.

    Yesterday got a little time on the bikes, not as much as I would have liked, but at least got out!

    Move stuff is in motion - first few boxes are off with the bf who's heading to his house to get some stuff done today, and I'll get a few more packed up today and ready to go. Furniture add on a local give-away group is getting a LOT of attention a lot faster than I thought it would, so hopefully will be able to get rid of that stuff pretty easily (most of it is pretty old and beat up).
  • zenobia9777
    zenobia9777 Posts: 277 Member
    Today I had a good experience at yoga for 95% of it. She worked us very hard.

    @Antiopelle welcome back!

    @SparkSpringtime69 thanks! Like your advice about considering the snacking early Halloween. Maybe it's a good day to go to a movie and use the money you would have spent on candy to have a night out.

    @HoneyBadger302. Today the message at yoga was all about new beginnings, which is what you're having. You will feel much better when you pare down your stuff.

    I am also lucky enough to spend time with my sisters. I'm glad you had a lovely weekend.

  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,320 Member
    Good start to a refresh day. You’re right, @SparkSpringtime69 and @zenobia9777 - I don’t want to see one Halloween candy. Im done. All the talk about step made me bring our my step platform and do my ol’ school step aerobics Reebok video (dating myself here!). It was so much fun.

    @HoneyBadger302 Glad you had a good time with your sister.

    Welcome back @Antiopelle.
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    I have a little more time to properly respond to you all this morning!

    @Zenobia9777: thanks for starting the thread and your good vibes here ! And absolutely big kudos on reaching your goal. You did it the good way, nice and slow, and maintainable. Very well done, congrats!

    @k8richly: "Just do it", it still springs into my mind as well :wink: I never had a major milestone birthday, but hubbie ran a marathon just a day shy of his 50th last year. Since then, he has managed to keep up the good work and in November he will run the 'real' marathon from the village Marathon to Athens. Which reminds me that I'll have to keep my food in check while we are a week in Athens, hmmm... :confused:

    @CeeBeeSlim: Bikram seems hellish, you must be a real tough cookie if you managed it! Hats off! but I loved your backslide comment, haha, that really made me laugh :lol:

    @honeybadger302: I'm so glad for you that the payment came through, what a relief it must be !

    Yesterday, hubbie ordered in some prepackaged sports food. Every container contains an optimal combo of carbs, loads of veggies and proteins. We got a serious discount so we were eager to try. Our freezer is now full of dinners which takes off a load of time doing groceries and prepping. I think this might also help me to keep my portions in check, as I normally eat reasonably healthy but always too much of the good stuff. I hope this is something that we can keep doing in the long run. Fingers crossed.

  • zenobia9777
    zenobia9777 Posts: 277 Member
    edited October 2022
    @Antiopelle you are welcome, and thanks for the encouragement!

    That is so interesting about the Athens Marathon. What a wonderful experience. I wonder how many people will compete.

    I would love to hear all about the prepackaged food. That does make life so much simpler. We do Blue Apron and we have really liked it. However, they do not have a lot of wellness options, and you do have to use your own judgment on some of the amount of butter and oil. Also, it is all white rice and I wish they would offer brown rice. There is a good selection of green leafy and other vegetables, and I like that you have small amounts of a variety of food like nuts, yogurt, and lemon juice.

    I did circuit training and she decided to run us a lot. That was pretty good, although I can't run very fast and my stamina is not great for that. We also did squats, lunges and push-ups. I can't decide which weights I should be using because there seems to be a different need every move.

    Then I walked the dogs for an hour. I did sleep pretty well last night, so I'm feeling fine.

    Yes, @CeeBeeSlim that is a good reminder to have fun!!!

    Happy Tuesday!
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,320 Member
    Not much sleep last night. But I shook it off to do a 1 hr kickboxing video I hadn’t done in months some stretching. Felt great afterwards. Then got annoyed as I woke up 3 hrs earlier than normal, did this workout and my Fitbit logged 0 steps. 😡. A reminder not to get so caught up in these gadgets.

    I’m gonna steal a page from you @zenobia9777 and post my daily fitness activities. Will keep me accountable. My goal is 3 days strength training. 2 days cardio. 10k steps daily.

    So yesterday - was my one hour ST. 10k plus steps.

    Today - 1 hr kickboxing and 15 min YouTube stretch video.
  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 1,083 Member
    @HoneyBadger302, glad you had a fun time with your sister. It seems there's never enough time do everything we want, LOL.
    @CeeBeeSlim, how did you feel after your step video? I can't get in to the fitness gadgets, I just log what I do here on MFP.
    @Antiopelle, I haven't heard of a company doing sports food, sounds interesting. And what a fun experience to be able to run in the 'real' marathon. How long will you be in Athens?
    @zenobia9777, circuit training sounds like fun. I've been having the same problem with the weights in my step class. It seems I always grab a pair that are too light or too heavy for the exercises she does.
    Tomorrow is going to be a "work on the backyard" day. We have a bunch of old wood we bought over a month ago to make a walkway and tomorrow we're going to lay it out and cut it to size. Also planning to do some brush clearing, but we'll see how we feel after the wood work :#
  • edamamewebber
    edamamewebber Posts: 24 Member
    Hi All. Thanks for the healthy wishes for the idiot migraine. :)

    In real life, I am a pharmacy technician at the University Hospital working with nurses on the floors. I have a great crew, so that always makes it more fun.

    In my off-time, for the last 6 years, I've been running a non-profit. There has been a lot of growth that I've specifically done. And, a lot that no one else does or ever even worked on. After chatting with my sister-friends and husband for months, I decided to put in my 1 year notice. There's only 5 of us (we all have families and real jobs), so hopefully they will find a couple of people to fill all the roles I do. Starting in April, I'll begin transferring information and documenting and passing contacts off... Did I mention we don't get paid?

    Point being*** I'm going to get back into running. My sister and I are planning on interval'ing a half marathon in September next year. A friend wants to Marathon walk with me in June. Another friend wants me to do a race near her (race'cation!!). I'm excited about putting my family and self first.

    Here's to healthy choices tmrw. 🥂
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    @edamamewebber; good vibes, girl ! Good for you that you have decided to take some time for yourself and planning race'cations :smiley: Haha, I like that word, I might steal it from you.

    As for the meals, they are only operating in Europe, as far as I know in Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium: www.fuelyourbody.be
    This is how the food looks like (also in reality): col0q5i2h0x3.png

    We have tested two so far and they were really good, providing adding salt& pepper.

    As for the "Marathon" marathon: that takes place on November 13th. We will be in Athens as from the 10th until the 16th to get a bit of the city as well. I've never been to Greece, so I'm pretty excited for this trip !