WaistAways Team Chat - OCTOBER 2022



  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,271 Member
    @PlaneMonkey farmer's walks during commercial breaks. You are a person who does those. Yesssss!!

    All righty - Wednesday weigh-ins. Are you ready to roll??

    Yeee Hah!
  • DianaGetsFit512
    DianaGetsFit512 Posts: 139 Member
    micki48 wrote: »
    Hi friends! 👋🏼

    So happy to see you @DianaGetsFit512 ! You used to be eyesby Diana, right? Congratulations on your little guy. 🎉

    I finally remembered to jump on the scale this am and was happily down a bit. I have managed to log my breakfast and lunch and prelogged some of my dinner. I’m going to do it.

    Omg you remember me!!! Yes that was me!!!!! Great memory!!!! Thank you so much!
  • DianaGetsFit512
    DianaGetsFit512 Posts: 139 Member
    @jugar So glad you are home and sounds like you brought some new energy home with you as well. The piggies take no offense 😆 Piggies need daily vegetables, tons of fiber and lots of space to roam around and explore. I think you will make an excellent guinea pig for the study. I have had quite a few students with severe seizure disorders that are completely controlled by a medical ketosis diet! If ketones can have that kind of impact on their brain, I can't wait to hear more about the study. They all have feeding tubes and have no idea what bread tastes like so they are obviously very compliant with their diet. ix1ntfbmd2nn.jpg
    My daughter had some sudden intense pain behind her ear and her kneck was stiff this morning. Long story short, we ended up at the pediatric ER. They eventually decided it was a muscle spasm that was just very intense. This was a relief because the urgent care was worried about something more serious, hence the ER referral. She is pain free now and I ended up just taking the whole day off.

    I worked out this morning and I am really proud that I didn't go crazy and stress eat this afternoon post ER room visit.

    So glad it was just a spasm!
  • bobagurl2017
    bobagurl2017 Posts: 62 Member
    OMG ! Guess who was under her calorie goal today after like a year of being over "points"... this girl!! And I even had taco bell for dinner negate I was exhausted after work!
    I also got in a 20 minute cycling workout and 10 minute arms workout

    You go gurl! 😛
  • bobagurl2017
    bobagurl2017 Posts: 62 Member
    I feel like I am losing/gaining the same 5 pounds... yet, this is the lowest weight I have been for the last 5..6 years. Today, I was diligent with calorie tracking. Hoping to be better with it, for the next few months. Especially with the holidays right around the bend! Jack and I did a two hour walk. He's my accountability coach!
  • DianaGetsFit512
    DianaGetsFit512 Posts: 139 Member
    I feel like I am losing/gaining the same 5 pounds... yet, this is the lowest weight I have been for the last 5..6 years. Today, I was diligent with calorie tracking. Hoping to be better with it, for the next few months. Especially with the holidays right around the bend! Jack and I did a two hour walk. He's my accountability coach!

    That's great girly!! I'm so there with you with feeling like you can't get over a weight hurdle, but you are at the lowest so just keep going!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,271 Member
    Happy Wednesday!
    Great energy bubbling up here - build on it and have a good one! Keep those goals in mind, and up your fiber intake. All will be well :heart: :wink:
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 42,882 Member
    Hi WA's ...Another new member joining your amazing team ....Please welcome @alydanbeads :)
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,271 Member
    lauren_989 wrote: »
    😫 I did it to myself and can't blame this on anything but me. I don't know if I'm not in the right mindset or why I do this sometimes. I don't keep temptations in the house so yesterday and the day before, I went out of my way and drove to the fast food restaurant and ice cream. On the plus side, I did track all this food even though the day before yesterday I ate 2,700 calories 😳
    You did it exactly right! Yes, it was a crash and burn, but you did not close your eyes to the information, you logged it and looked it right in the eyes. You needed a little get-outta-jail-time and you took it. Now give it a good boot and you'll be feeling better in no time. One perfect day, ok?

    @alydanbeads welcome! Go ahead and introduce yourself and start to get to know the team - it's great to have you join us!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,271 Member
    eggfreak wrote: »
    You Waistaways are creeping back into my brain and my decision making. :)

  • DianaGetsFit512
    DianaGetsFit512 Posts: 139 Member
    micki48 wrote: »
    OMG ! Guess who was under her calorie goal today after like a year of being over "points"... this girl!! And I even had taco bell for dinner negate I was exhausted after work!
    I also got in a 20 minute cycling workout and 10 minute arms workout

    You go girl! That’s awesome. A workout after a busy day is commitment. And yes! I remember you!! Welcome back.
    I feel like I am losing/gaining the same 5 pounds... yet, this is the lowest weight I have been for the last 5..6 years. Today, I was diligent with calorie tracking. Hoping to be better with it, for the next few months. Especially with the holidays right around the bend! Jack and I did a two hour walk. He's my accountability coach!

    You are not alone. We’ve all been there. Grace over guilt. And what a great walk!!
    lauren_989 wrote: »
    PW: 209.4
    CW: 212.6

    😫 I did it to myself and can't blame this on anything but me. I don't know if I'm not in the right mindset or why I do this sometimes. I don't keep temptations in the house so yesterday and the day before, I went out of my way and drove to the fast food restaurant and ice cream. On the plus side, I did track all this food even though the day before yesterday I
    ate 2,700 calories 😳

    Grace over Guilt - say it over and over to yourself. Just keeping going for that one perfect day.

    My last post was cut short because lots of little kiddos needed their water bottles refilled at the end of PE. We should all take their lead and drink our water.

    I got through Tuesday at school, then started to feel symptoms. I took another Covid test last night and it was positive. Booooo! That’s twice in the last 90 days! My husband is also positive. So now we are busy trying not to infect everyone in the house. Five days of isolation again. Geez! Thankfully our symptoms are fairly mild. Like a cold.

    Today my weight was down again. About two pounds. Not sure if I believe it. We’ll see on Friday.

    Love those piggies @conleywoods. ❤️

    Oh no!!!!! Feel better soon! We just got it for the first time 4 weeks ago. I've been super paranoid about it because of the baby, but now sort of feel relief knowing we went through it already..(I still wear my mask out)
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,276 Member
    @DianaGetsFit512 @BeeHapppy101 @ashleydlevinson @alydanbeads Welcome!! Looking forward to learning about all of you.

    @micki48 Bummer about round 2 of COVID. I hope your symptoms are mild. I've had it twice myself and the second time was much easier to get through. Fingers crossed!!

    Brad and I have been busy.. from Sunday until this evening I've seen seven different live pianists! Work is also still a zoo, so I'm running a bit ragged. I was a bit like this pre-COVID (overextended at times) and it made it easy not to be on track. My weight was looking good for the week but the last few days haven't been as good. I'm definitely in that season - our anniversary, my birthday, Christmas party invites are starting to come out... need more on track days to balance it all out.

    Step report tomorrow night!

    Enjoyed catching up on everyone's news since Sunday.. lots going on.
  • DianaGetsFit512
    DianaGetsFit512 Posts: 139 Member
    I really don't want to come off intrusive :# but I can't help, because of what I do...to say.... please try not to go to an urgent care or primary doctor for red eyes. Unfortunately, not because they don't have the knowledge, but rather because they don't have the right equipment, they can't always properly diagnose eye related conditions. Too often I've seen patients come in with all sorts of other issues who were told they had pink eye and in fact had other conditions. Hope your little one feels better soon!!
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    PW 150.4
    CW 151

    I am so behind. I can't keep up. October was insane for me and I am ready for it to be over!!!! My weight stayed about the same all month. I really need to cut back on snacking if I want to lose weight.

    Also, my field trip to the Pumpkin Patch was canceled. We had horrible winds on Sunday and several of their tents broke. They had to close Monday for repairs
  • conleywoods
    conleywoods Posts: 986 Member
    PW 231.7
    CW 231.4

    @DianaGetsFit512 Thanks for the tip. They have 30+ cases of pink eye at my sons school which started about 10 days ago. My husband teaches there and it's so bad. I have a really great eye doctor and vision therapy team for my other son who definitely has complex vision stuff. He is doing better already. What do you do for a living?
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,322 Member
    Thanks for the well wishes. I’m doing well enough that I went outside and pulled up what’s left of my tomato plants. My garden is at rest. Hubby is running a fever and has an impressive cough. I have no fever, but definitely feel like I have a bad cold with an odd little dizzy here and there. @ashleycarole86 thanks for letting me know you had it twice. I was feeling a bit like a pariah. My symptoms are a bit more this time, but I am not taking paxlovid this time.

    I’m happy to say I am holding on to that loss so far. I was 209.8 this am and yesterday. I have also been logging my food. That’s a pretty big deal because I can’t remember the last time I did. I know it’s an important piece of the puzzle for me.

    @jugar So exciting to have time with a trainer. I totally believe having something new in the plan helps keep up the motivation/determination. Can’t wait to hear about it.

    @conleywoods Sorry to hear about your little guy. Our class has had a couple cases of pinkeye. We also have two littles in the other PreK who are hospitalized with RSV. 😞

    It’s a gorgeous day here. But not sure I’m going to be able to get my steps in being isolated.

    @ashleycarole86 i will post my steps on another post below. No worries if you are done the results. Just add them to the month. I totally forgot in this mess.

  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,322 Member
    Steps week of 10/16

    Sunday 9379
    Monday 8631
    Tuesday 8190
    Wednesday 8283
    Thursday 6343
    Friday 4067. Travel day
    Saturday 11876
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 42,882 Member
    Hi WA's .... Please welcome @wishfuljune to your wonderful team :)
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