Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,088 Member
    edited November 2022
    Hello, probably a short note again. I lost a few hours of sleep last night due to coughing and a mild bloody nose. I had plans to get up early and do some chores before the online class started. Didn’t work out. Anyway, class is over, my head has been pounding all day and my sinuses are in some sort of snit. I think I will try to take a nap before this headache gets totally out of control.

    Jeri, I am sorry you and Ed have Covid. I pray it is over quickly and you will not have a rebound of symptoms. Wow, you had to shovel snow while you have Covid? You are so strong! Cute pictures. What costume is the little one wearing? I don’t recognize it but it looks nice and warm.

    Sandy, we got so much rain my sump pump ran a lot today. But now it is over and the sun came out. Also, it didn’t get down to freezing, just the high 30’s. No SNOW! Yes!! I hope you and Babe find a condo/townhouse/or a single family house to purchase. We are told home prices will continue to decline given the high interest rates. You have quite a few months left on your lease right?

    Jackie, I had a bird in my fireplace once. It got loose in the house and there was lots of chasing before I trapped it in a towel. Lots of feathers were lost unfortunately. The handyman fixed something on the roof and no more birds got in. Take care of your back!

    Anne, Michael is not having a great day. So sorry. 🥺

    Patsy, hello. How are you and John getting along?

    Well, the pounding head feels like it may explode. Time to stop looking at this screen.

    Be safe everyone.



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,920 Member
    :'( Our power went out about 9PM last night along with 50+ mph wind that blew down limbs and branches. Bessie was distraught and couldn't find a safe place to sleep until the wind stopped. The utility company said power probably wouldn't be restored until tomorrow. I took my usual pre dawn walk and saw the mess on all the streets in the neighborhood. At daylight a bunch of people on our street came out and started cleanup efforts. Park management will do a lot of cleanup. One neighbor got on our roof to check for branches and damage. There's some damage on the roof and Jake called the company who put the roof on and someone will be out tomorrow to look at it. Just as Jake was starting to cook supper in pan on top of the woodstove, the power came on. We are delighted :)

    <3 Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,040 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) The wind has calmed down and the sun is shining. I had three items to pick up at Walmart Curbside but they substituted the hairspray I wanted for something else so I will not accept that.
    My chili came out delicious and today I am making beef stew. I am going to help Rob tomorrow because all three kids are off from school so Babe will have his choice of leftovers. Bryanna is also coming to clean my house and color and trim my hair tomorrow so I will have food if she is hungry.

    Barbie, sorry to hear about the storm knocking out your power and downing some tree limbs. At least you and Jake are safe but poor Bessie. I hope she is more relaxed today.

    Lin, sorry about your sinus's and hope they clear up soon. My lease isn't up until next August but it's nice to know that if we find something we like he is willing to buy. I really think he wants a first floor unit or ranch townhouse so we can get a little dog. I would be open to that as well.

    Anne, so sorry about Michael's friend who died so young. Change is always hard but we adapt. Bad fall for his other friend's mother may I ask how old she is? Thank you for words of encouragement for Rob.
    I also think once the routine is made things will be much easier for all of them. I would love to find a ranch townhouse with a small backyard maintained by the home owners association. I have plenty of time so I just keep looking to see what is available.

    Jeri, sorry to read about you and Ed having Covid. I hope it is a mild case like mine which only lasted about a day or two. Thank goodness for the vaccines or it could have been worse. It looks to me like your granddaughter was an ice cream cone, am I correct?

    Jackie, I meant to tell you that I also get that problem with the words being hidden but found that if I
    click on my last sentence it opens up again. Make sense?

    Have a good day everyone going to eat and pick up my order.

    One Day at a Time
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,920 Member
    This is the tree that got knocked down by the storm Friday night. It pulled the whole tree roots and all out of the ground. It's in the big field behind our house where I walk Bessie

    :)Sandy Finding a house for you and Babe and a small dog Soundstage great

    <3 Barbie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,088 Member
    Oh Barbie! Big field of tree debris. Sorry your house was damaged! Who is responsible for cleaning up the tree? Have the roofers been out to inspect the damage? I hope everything goes back to (nearly) normal soon.

    Sandy, nice to do some comfort food cooking with leftovers. That will make many people smile. I hear that home prices are falling but unless people have an urgent reason to sell, many are pulling their properties off the market. It may take quite a bit of time to find what you are searching for. Good luck. Another busy week ahead!

    Well, my head feels better today but I got up in a hurry this morning when I received 4 text messages almost simultaneously saying my identity had been compromised. Really, that gets your attention. So I spent a few hours until church talking to the identity theft folks and trying to resolve any problems. Ha, I didn’t have 4 notices, I had 14 notices added late in October but they hadn’t contacted me. So I was told this was for the most part old information on dark web activities that they found as they add more search parameters. I read each notice, changed appropriate passwords, double checked accounts and stopped sweating.

    Now all that remains is the money transfer. The money never arrived in my account. It is taking forever. I may end up making more phone calls next week.

    I hope everyone else is a-okay.

    See you soon.



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Well! We have a bit of blue sky but we are predicted to have rain and wind starting anytime now. Thank goodness for this break in rain.

    Hello dear ones! I am fast on the track to get our support team operating. I have our grandson helping with lifting and small tasks that might require a ladder…replacing light bulbs and hauling trash cart down the little road for county trash pickup. Our trash service is minimal at best. No recycle service. We have to do that ourselves. Need windows washed. Etc etc etc.

    John fell again last night. It makes me crazy with worry. I am going to insist we start PT right away. His muscles are weak and he has balance problems. I am living with a crazy 80+ year old delinquent, He doesn’t mind and doesn’t do as he is told. But he is funny and tells naughty jokes. He says it is a family trait, Katie doesn’t obey either!

    Anne: people in general are living longer. You will enjoy that lovely little home for years to come. And Mark and Mary Jo will also enjoy visiting you in that pretty little house. Jilly is telling you to get a lower bed. Or put a pee-pee pad closer. There is always an answer. The little stairs that pet stores carry might work for her.

    Oooooops must run ! My chicken needs to be taken out if the oven. Back later!
    Happy Sunday and the end of daylight savings.

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,692 Member
    It’s turned colder overnight which was a shock when I took the pooches on the moors this morning so woolly head scarf and fleece jacket were definitely needed. It was sunny but I could see stormy clouds in the distance that were gradually drifting in our direction and that kept me walking quickly! I stopped off at the farm shop for milk and eggs because my hens still aren’t laying! The rest of my day was taken up with housework, washing down the shower room and hoovering upstairs then, before I knew it, it was evening and dark.
    Nothing fell down the chimney today thank goodness but George is still investigating the fireplace regularly just in case.
    Previous cowls had wire netting over the gaps to keep birds out but the special one that the blacksmith Robbie fitted when he relined the chimney last year doesn’t. He did warn me it might happen but because any wind that comes over the hills behind the property drops down, stopping the chimney drawing smoke up, he recommended it as it has a very narrow gap below its cap. Hopefully when the fire is lit the smok will put off any bird thinking of perching on the edge.

    Patsy, it’s wonderful to read you are receiving so much help from family but for sure, John needs to start PT as soon as possible. Just gently to start. Both my brothers struggle with mobility these days but will they help themselves with a few stretches? NO!

    Barbie, That’s quite a mess your high winds made of the tree and it’s huge root system so good no one was hurt. You have reminded me I must buy a kettle to place on the top of my wood burner because we are being threatened with blackouts this winter due to lack of gas to fire the power stations.

    Jeri, I’m sorry you and Ed are both dealing with Covid but it does appear symptoms are mild so perhaps take a positive from it as it will be out of the way by the time you are in the midst of severe Winter weather.

    Lin, what a scary time you had with those security alerts. That would give me a headache too! I have no idea about the
    so-called dark web and hopefully will never have to! I loved the pretty strawberry design teapot and the elephant is charming.

    I think Betty wants to go to bed because she keeps picking up her favourite bunny toy and walking round the room. It is nearly midnight so she’s got the right idea.

    Jackie 🥰

  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    I woke up full of the joys of spring but that has plummeted to ground level. I spoke to my lovely neighbour Maria today because I haven't seen her for weeks and she's not living in the house although her sons are there every day fixing all the damage that poor Tony caused before he died in September. In a nutshell, the house goes up for sale today. She is planning to move in with her sister where she is right now or move in with one of her boys and their families. She said she is losing her memory and is terrified she is joining Tony in his affliction. Of course it could be stress related instead. I am awfully sad she is leaving, a great neighbour and lovely gentle friend.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,920 Member
    :) The good news here is that the roofer came over after lunch, climbed up on the roof, pulled out the branch, and declared the damage minimal and fixable with a bit of tar. Then he said "no charge" and invited Jake to visit his shop and see his operation. The big tree is in the big greenspace/drain field behind the house. One of the charms of the neighborhood is that there are trails and greenspaces for walking but we don't have to maintain them.

    >:) /The power went off briefly yesterday afternoon but came back right after Jake built a fire in the woodstove.

    <3 Barbie

    :) It drizzled for the entire after breakfast walk but Bessie and I had jackets that kept us dry.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,040 Member
    Happy Monday! 😁 I am already sitting to give Rob a break! He is in his office working. Robby is in school but kids have two days off for some school reason. Not sure how long I will be here but Bryanna is coming later to clean my house and do my hair.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,692 Member
    Awful weather today and the wind blowing down the chimney sounds like a steam train. I spent a couple of hours FaceTiming my friend Pat whose son was visiting but had to go home because he tested positive for Covid and left her sitting in a cold house with doors and windows wide open! His symptoms were aching limbs or what we call Man Flu! Once he had driven away she closed everything up and put the heating on saying it’s a bit late to be worrying now!
    I grabbed a dry half hour to walk George and Betty round the block then lit the log burner and relaxed.

    Anne, I’m so sorry you are losing another good neighbour but sounds like Maria’s time with her seriously unwell husband took its toll so it’s good she has family to take care of her. I expect you are right about her worries as stress can have a terrible effect on the mind.

    Barbie, that’s great news about your roof.

    Sandy, enjoy your hair appointment with Bryanna.

    Time to prepare an evening snack.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,088 Member
    edited November 2022
    Hello. I picked up books at the library this morning and purchased a lottery ticket just for fun. I have put in a grocery order to pick up a bit later this afternoon. And my funds transfer emerged after no word since last Wednesday. Yippee!

    Jackie, here’s an illustration of the web including the sinister dark web. 👀


    Barbie, that is very good news! No real damage to your roof and free tar! Sorry for the wet walk but your coats worked well to keep you dry.

    Anne, I am sorry Marie will not be returning home. Maybe she has been through so much she just needs time to rest up and recover. It really was a huge load for her. And sorry you are losing a neighbor.

    Sandy, busy day! It’s great that Bryanna will be doing your hair and cleaning your house. Wahoo!

    Also Jackie, sorry your friend was exposed to Covid. I hope she doesn’t get it. Golly, keeping away from this bug seems to be more difficult. One of my friends went out with family to celebrate all of the November birthdays. They met in a restaurant and the group was in excess of 20 people. I hope everyone was healthy. We have lots of viruses circulating in the area. Of course.

    Need to go get my groceries soon.

    Be safe. Hi Patsy, Jeri and Diane.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,692 Member
    Good grief Lin, that diagram shows the internet to be far more complex and scary than I imagined and I’m betting there is another deeper, darker than dark level no one but a very few knows about! I think I’ll just stay on the periphery!!

    Jackie 😧😮
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello! Cold winter weather now that daylight saving has left us for the time being. I seem to snuggle in sweaters even when we have a fire going in the wood stove and it is warm. Somewhere in my reptilian brain is that urge to get warm, even when the house is warm enough.

    John is progressing but enjoys the fact that I and others are taking some of the load from his shoulders….so to speak. I don’t blame him. I am using John’s need for PT to kick myself harder to do more exercise. As I have whined many times, we need assistance if we are to continue to live here in this two story house with over acres and a small private road through old growth forest. Fun to live among the wildlife, to be sure!

    At last the mid-term elections are almost over. Then the uproar will start. After voting ones choice, it used to be all over. But I fear this will not be the case now. No matter who wins, there will be the inevitable accusations of fraud. I will hide under a rock until all is over and done!

    Anne: I know you hate losing your neighbor and friend. Be glad she has a supportive situation now. A new neighbor and friend is possible now. Also you are just starting to get to know your new neighbor living in Harry’s old house. Change is difficult but constant.

    Jackie: we are constantly trying to keep the local wildlife out of our house. The list is endless. We have had bats, birds, mice, squirrels, deer on our deck, elk in the flower beds, bear eating our crabapples, and owls sitting on the back deck railing waiting to rob birds nests in a nearby tree, a friendly crow who sits on the gate and peeps in our window. Strange neighborhood cat living in our tool shed, neighbors dog likes to lay on the front deck and drink from Katie’s outdoor water bowl.

    Lin: confession! Online banking terrifies me. I know it is convenient and I will be forced to adapt but it will be scary! You would think that I would get more comfortable with internet shopping and other conveniences, but NO! I need that grandkid who is so great at computers, sitting at my elbow helping me.

    Sandy: my mom used to babysit occasionally and that was a hoot. She immediately loaded them in the car and took them either to a movie, or Chucky cheese for a treat or the park to play. They loved to be babysat by grandmother Nana. And her house never got dirty or messy from grandkids!
    Hello to other Sneakers…Diane, Barbie, Jeri

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,312 Member
    Hi Everyone

    Thanks for the kind words about our nasty COVID. We are doing pretty good. Ed has his energy back but still is blowing his nose. I’m a couple of days behind. Another winter storm going on but luckily a neighbor has used his snow blower on our driveway and sidewalk. The only good thing about all this crappy weather is that I don’t feel too bad about having to stay home.

    Our sweet daughter brought over chicken soup and is bringing over a casserole this evening.

    I’ll catch up more later. Hugs to all

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,920 Member
    <3Jeri, sorry to hear about the Covid.

    :) Our weather adventures continue. After the big wind storm on Friday night there has been some clear mild time followed by all day drizzle until it started snowing about an hour age. It's beautiful to look at out the window but most likely won't last past morning.

    <3 Barbie
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,920 Member
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,040 Member
    Funny Barbie!! :D

    Happy Tuesday! :D My baby son and his finance are on the way from Ohio and should arrive around 3ish. My oldest son and his wife will arrive tomorrow and my daughter and her husband will fly in tomorrow afternoon. We are going to reach 70 degrees on Thursday and then for the funeral on Saturday 35 degrees. I am looking forward to being with all my children for the first time in 5 years.

    Barbie, please keep the snow there until after this weekend, preferably never.

    Jeri, I hope by now that you and Ed are recovered and feeling good. I think this virus is here to stay like the flu virus but hopefully not so deadly anymore. Babe and I will go for our third booster after the kids leave.

    Patsy, I hope those of us in the US have all voted today and will be glad when all those commercials are gone. I did go downstairs and had a dance party with the little ones. Then we went outside for some air.
    Taking them to different places in quite expensive these days. I looked up the trampoline place by their house and it was like $30 a child for all day jump so I was glad they were closed yesterday. lol

    Lin, Bryanna did clean my house but not enough time to do my hair. We postponed until after everyone leaves unless she can come while they are here. My hair is fine just needed a little color to boost my spirits but she and Babe both said I have enough blonde so I will trust them. It's that time of year to let it get a little longer until I can't stand it. I use Eset and Malwarebytes Premium to protect my computer and I use last pass to protect my passwords.

    Jackie, sorry about your friend and covid and hope she doesn't get it from her son. I take it he tested at her house and didn't just go visit her with covid. See my message to Lin about my hair.

    Anne, did I miss your post this morning or are you having problems getting on MFP?

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time

  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    edited November 2022
    No. I'm not lost in outer computer space SANDY. Sort of a rather busy day and its a cold one as well.

    I keep looking at Marias house and its starting to get a desolate empty look now her two sons are not there clearing up the mess left by their dad. Its only 12 years old and is very modern inside and rather beautiful. It was built by the Polish people on ground that was once part of the local churches grounds. When I lived in the northern part of the UK one never built on consecrated ground. It was considered bad luck. Does that superstition linger in your part of the world. JACKIE? It will be more expensive to buy than Harrys old house for sure!
    I was sad at the time of building because the waste land was full of little finches. They were a joy to watch. Progress I guess.

    I have yet to meet my new neighbour on the other side. Apart from last weekend when a man and a teenager appeared as I gardened, she is alone with a white cat who sits in the window. She sets off for work [I guess] very early and its dark by the time she gets [presumably] home.

    So in the space of a couple of months the friendly Afghans have left, friend Flo has been carted off to a senior home, and Marias been widowed and gone.
    Actually since I've been here in the last 33 years almost every house in the street has been pulled down, rebuilt bigger and new owners have moved in. Its just struck me that next year me and the boys will have been in Canada 50 years! AND the old homestead will be 100 years old!

    I've read everyones post to this point and hope Jeri and Ed have recovered along with Jackies friend. Glad Barbies roof wasn't badly damaged and Patsy's John is feeling better. Which leaves Lin and I am definitely pleased her banking is all sorted out. Did you win with the lottery ticket Lin and will you let us know if you did! LOL. Sandy, whatever colour your hair is you will still be a good looker!

    Well time for a cup of tea and I must check my old paints to see if they have dried out. Time to rekindle the old hobbies and maybe buy some knitting yarn.

    Take care everyone and God bless,

    PS. The for sale notice has just gone up next door. Tonys only been gone 5 weeks.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,088 Member
    edited November 2022
    Good evening everyone. The laundry is done for today. One last armload to take upstairs.

    Anne, yes, many changes in your neighborhood. I have lived here since the mid-90’s, and most of the houses have sold multiple times. I think there are 3 of us in this cul-de-sac who have been here the longest. Of the 3, I am the shortest tenure. 😁 Oh how properties have evolved! And no, I did not win the Lottery. Someone in California won. Oh darn.

    Sandy, I hope the visit with all of your children will be a good catch up even though the purpose for the gathering is sad. And I lost a lot of information to the dark side through data breaches of various companies. I have a VPN which is keeping me safer now. Since I have no one to fix anything I mess up, I am hesitant to install things I have no idea how to control or fix.

    Barbie, cute meme. I am glad things are okay now, except for the snow.

    Jeri, how lovely of your daughter to bring home cooked food. And I am certain it is delicious. Keep on recovering please.

    Patsy, I can understand your reluctance to take on something like banking online but luckily for me, I guess, I have had accounts for a long time that have no actual physical locations so I have to use online apps. Sometimes life forces a decision. I hope you are finding people and companies to help with things around the house.

    Jackie, how are you and the fur kids? Cold, wet, warm, windy?? How’s the weather?

    Have been playing with a new stamp that just arrived. I love it! I will continue making a mess tomorrow. I am tuning in to a YouTube event this evening. I watched a Facebook Live this morning. I am the video watching addict! 😂

    Be safe.

