Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - DECEMBER 2022



  • davors19
    davors19 Posts: 310 Member
    Weigh in day: Friday
    PW: 236
    CW: 236
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,306 Member
    With all this talk of tea it has reminded me of something. Coffee is the best tea ever.
  • Tamevv
    Tamevv Posts: 331 Member
    Friday weigh:

    PW: 73.9
    CW: 73.7
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 7,002 Member
    @DrewsAnna Sweet dreams!

    @megnolia82 Wow I bow down to the Queen of Teas! I was very tempted to do a tea advent calendar, I saw them today at World Market too. Both of those teas sound amazing, do you like all teas or just certain ones? I like everything from herbal to black teas, I'm actually drinking Trader Joe's Candy Cane Lane and know it's a Celestial Seasonings dupe. I drink both tea bags and loose tea too, I have my favorite cheaper teas. Now do you like kombucha too? I started brewing it at home, the last batch I made I forgot about it and I'm a little scared to reuse some for the next batch, I usually use Sweet and Spicy for it which is Good Earth I believe. Oh the hot chocolate pu'erh sounds amazing!

    @trooworld I haven't watched A Christmas Story this year, I was just thinking if I do any more Christmas stuff it would be classics. I also started a Christmas cozy mystery which is the 31 in a series so I'm still going strong on Christmas stuff. And drinking Christmas tea! Pretty corny but I like enjoying seasonal things. Congratulations on the loss!

    @19shmoo69 I love coffee too I just can't drink it at night! I'm using peppermint chocolate coffee cream right now too. I've been getting all the seasonal coffees everywhere, there's one more I'd like to get at Dutch Brother's but since it's raining a cold brew doesn't sound as good as it usually does. Do you like seasonal drinks?

    Hi team, hope everyone had a great Friday! I managed to get all my shopping for Christmas done but my cats and my brother's cat so I'm a little more relaxed, hopefully tomorrow I'll get all my cards out. Did my workout, I'm doing a belly dancing challenge with some friends and it started today but was way longer than I was expecting so I just did one of them and watched the rest. I'm going to try sitting through them and just trying at the end and maybe I can do more, we'll see. No plans for the weekend aside of cards and cleaning to get done, we have a big storm coming through so I'll stick around the house. Have a great Saturday everyone!
  • anya7f
    anya7f Posts: 160 Member
    Username: ftofit
    Weigh-in day: Friday
    PW: 159.4
    CW: 161

  • shaunarlr83
    shaunarlr83 Posts: 374 Member

    @Tamevv - man I wish I would have caught you in here, looks like you posted while I was typing…if I had scrolled back up after hitting send I would have totally chatted with you!!!

    @Katmary71 - I usually go for blackberry or raspberry, my mom has some white chocolate mint that I’m digging right now, haven’t explored a ton of flavors but getting more excited about it! We definitely need to block those bad influence friends 😂😂😂 mine posted that her neighbor brought her cinnamon rolls for breakfast and I have been craving one all day!!!

    @DrewsAnna - so sorry about your mom, I’m glad they figured out the cause so quickly. I had to say goodbye to my little Gracie last week. She originally belonged to my step dad and since I couldn’t keep her he agreed to take her back and love her. It was hard but I wasn’t quite as sad as I thought I would be. She was just one of the many things I had to say goodbye to in order to move forward. Great job with the meal prep!!! I love anything cooked in my airfryer!

    @trooworls - I bet your place is decorated amazingly! My mom and I just watched A Christmas Story for the first time ever together last night. I’ve seen clips of different scenes and would know the movie just by glimpsing the tv but I’ve never sat down and watched it. The town next to us has been putting up a Giant Leg Lamp for a few years and it’s getting national recognition. We plan on going to see it soon and the local theater is putting on a live performance of the show that we wanted to catch so I told her we actually needed to watch the movie first! 😂 I’ll post a picture with the leg lamp when we go but until then if you’re bored you can google “Leg Lamp Chickasha, Oklahoma” to see what I’m talking about.

    @19shmoo69 - I was getting worried we were about to make you blow a gasket with all that tea talk. Sorry for the struggles.

    I started my replies last night and didn’t make it far, yesterday morning my daughter had an appointment at 8:30 for labs, and ultrasound, X-rays, and an MRI. She’s been dealing with back and knee pain and they finally got her in to check it all out. We were both so exhausted after not getting home from the gym until after 1 am it was so hard to stay awake sitting there waiting for her to get finish and then she had to be at work by 3 yesterday afternoon so I pushed through and stayed awake until I knew she was off of work and back home safe. We skipped out late night workout session in order to catch up on some sleep and had every intention of getting up today and getting it in early. Didn’t happen 😂 BUT we got to go see a cute Christmas performance called The Living Christmas Tree and then we hit the gym for our longest workout yet!!

    A Mobil Mechanic will be here at 8 am to get started on my sons car!!!!! We’re all gonna pitch in and help clean parts so he can get done quick and then my daughter asked me to be her +1 at her company Christmas party for the hospital!!! I’m very much looking forward to this!!!

  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,306 Member
    I was making a humorous jab at the tea talk. I used to drink tea quite a bit. When I stopped drinking cola the tea drinking faded as well. About twice a year I drink hot tea. My daughter absolutely loves teas. She drinks all kinds from the high fructose teas in the convenient stores to loose leaf teaf from the tea shop.
    99% of the time I do not add anything to my coffee. When asked how I like my coffee I usually say I like my coffee like I like my women HOT BLACK AND STRONG. Then they look at my at my white wife. I said this for years then somebody asked my wife how she liked her coffee. Her response left me stunned. She said I like my coffee like I like my men, THROWN IN A BURLAP SACK AND DRUG ACROSS THE MOUNTAIN.
    The other day my wife read on facebook a lady had said she liked her men like she likes her coffee, falling her car as she drives off. I was laughing so hard
  • askewcr
    askewcr Posts: 396 Member
    Weigh in Day: Saturday
    P. W. 260.5
    C. W. 261

    I read one of the entries on "No Zero Days" and it sounds very doable. I am encouraged! Headed to the gym now. Hubby is continued to be on the mend. Thanks for all the well wishes! Have a great weekend everyone.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,587 Member
    @19shmoo69 LOL! Indeed! LOL I just read your 2nd response. Your wife sounds like she has your sense of humor. :D My husband shares my dark sense of humor, which I am so glad for. It can be lonely having a weird sense of humor!

    @Tamevv Congrats on the loss!

    @Katmary71 We just watched it last night. It never gets old lol. Nothing wrong with being corny. I'm corny lol. I watched 2 Hallmarkish Christmas movies yesterday while working (I only watch movies when I'm doing something I don't have to pay attention to) and tonight, we are going to look at Christmas lights so yeah, I'm Christmasy too! :D In fact, I will share some pics of my Christmas Village from this year. WTG, getting the Christmas shopping done! Yeah it's supposed to rain here, too. I hope you aren't in too much pain from it. Have a good weekend!

    @shaunarlr83 It does look pretty cool if I do say so myself! :D We just watched A Christmas Story for the millionth time last night lol. Did you like it? The Giant Leg Lamp would be cool to see. I can't wait to see your pics! I hope your daughter is okay. You are doing amazing with your workouts, keep it up! Wow, that performance looks cool with a live band and all. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

    @Cornanda I'm sorry about your gain. What can we do to help you? Would a New Year's Challenge help?

    Hi all. I thought I would share my Christmas decorations with you. I made the snowflakes hanging from our ceiling. The Christmas Village pics: we have some village stuff on the end table in the living room and some stuff on our tiny dining room table. Enjoy!

    My phrase for the year: "Something needs to change…so I will take no crap and eat no crap!"

  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,229 Member
    I just realized that I forgot to post this last Sunday:

    11/27: 191.2
    12/4: 193.2

    Sorry to disappoint you guys. I thought I had done really well while I was on my trip. Guess that's what I get for thinking.
  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,229 Member
    Woot Woot for all the tea drinkers! It prompted me to count how many I have...stopped counting after 120. It's a sickness...but it's definitely healthier than other addictions :smile: I'll sip tea and watch A Christmas HORROR Story (pictured below) while y'all watch the feel-good one! Hahahaha! No matter what, ever since it released in 2015, I always make sure to watch A Christmas Horror Story every December 24th. It's my all-time favorite anthology! Has anyone else seen it? Anyway, I decided to make a 12 Days of Christmas Horror movie list. There are 6 on the list I've watched before and 6 I haven't seen yet. I know there are a lot of others out there, but this is the list I'm going with this time.
    Back to the craft room...I am halfway through making the 48 cards I give my mother to distribute and then I have a LOT of ones to make that I want to send out. Behave yourselves and eat your veggies!
    2022 Mantra: No Zero Days
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,477 Member
    The December Week 2 Group Challenge is ready and will begin Sunday, Dec 11th. Join the team for Holiday Survival Planning. Here's your link:


    Hope to see you!
    Jessica :blush:
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,491 Member
    Username: gemwolf110
    Weigh in week: 1
    Weigh in day: Sat
    Previous Week's weight: 225
    Todays Weight: 225.6
  • digger61
    digger61 Posts: 4,008 Member
    Weigh in Day: Saturday
    P. W. 213
    C. W. 211
    posted wrong last time
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,491 Member

    Day - Friday
    PW - 239
    CW - 239

    I guess I'll just keep focusing on No Zero Days and tracking food. My insurance company refuses to cover my Saxenda script which really got me going on the weight loss. I'm consistently under calories which you'd think would tell them something else was going on, but what do I know? I never did much agree with for-profit companies making medical decisions but I know I'm preaching to the choir on this one.

    Anyways, I have a super busy week coming up. 2 Shop with a Cop events, 2 parties, Angel Tree shopping to make sure every kid gets enough presents, a vet appointment, and baking. Plus my 2 regular work days Wednesday and Thursday night. Yay!!!!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 7,002 Member
    @shaunarlr83 That white chocolate mint sounds amazing! Haha I get cravings from hearing things like that, I had to stop commenting on people's diaries on here because I'd find myself at the store going “hm, those Dot Pretzels have been in so-and-so's diary every day, they must be incredible if they eat them so often” then I'd buy them. I hope your daughter's tests show it's nothing too serious and she's feeling better soon. Have fun at the party, how cool that your daughter's taking you!

    @19shmoo69 Haha too funny about how you like your coffee! Oh your wife came up with a great comeback to your response to it! I have seen the one about falling off her car, I remember sending that one to a friend around the time I was waiting for my ex-boyfriend to get out of my house last year!

    @askewcr Thank you for bringing up No Zero Days, we should do a No Zero Days in the year 2023 aside of sicknesses or emergencies. Glad your husband is continuing to get better.

    @trooworld Were you able to go look at lights? We have a big storm going through, not sure if it's hitting you or not being at the bottom end of the state. Apparently it stopped raining enough for a parade of lights near me which is great since it was pouring earlier in the day.I love your snowflakes, are they something you can make with the Cricuit? I don't know how you spell that machine but I don't think it's like Cricket though it sounds like it! My aunt has one and I recall some of the things you've made with it. I love your entire house and the blue poppy painting! So cheerful and festive! It's always a bummer taking down everything after Christmas.

    @vegan4lyfe2012 You could just be bloated from extra food or have something hormonal going on, hang in there Jennifer! I love the Christmas horror list, I'm onto a cozy Christmas mystery after all these feel-good ones, I definitely needed to switch things up. Have you seen the new Christmas one in the theaters, sounds like suspense where the Santa Claus is up to no good? I haven't even heard of most of those!

    @bethanie0825 I agree with you about insurance making medical decisions! Sounds like you have a lot of fun stuff going on this week, have a wonderful time!

    Hi team! Came on a little late, having trouble sleeping so I wanted to drop in and catch up as Bill and I were doing our “watch the same thing together 120 miles apart” tonight (watched Wednesday on Netflix) then last night we made the same recipe together and talk on the phone while we do it then watched a Black Mirror episode. I had trouble getting out of bed with the weather but finally did around Noon and did my workout and wrote cards to send out to a few people. Little off my diet today doing some stress eating but will be back on track tomorrow, I have to stay somewhat low calorie-wise to make up for some of the fun things coming up. Have a great Sunday team!
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,491 Member
    Guess I forgot which month it was lol posted in November group. Been a busy start to December.

    Username: gemwolf110
    Weigh in week: 1
    Weigh in day: Sat
    Previous Week's weight: 225
    Todays Weight: 225.6
  • megnolia82
    megnolia82 Posts: 859 Member
    19shmoo69 wrote: »
    With all this talk of tea it has reminded me of something. Coffee is the best tea ever.

    Actually, I agree! About 2 years ago my body betrayed me. I made my normal morning pot of coffee as I had for 20 years, after the first sip I became violently ill. I tried again for a few days and barely got the cup to my mouth before vomiting. I have no idea what happened but I haven’t been able to drink it since then. It’s devastating.
    Katmary71 wrote: »

    @megnolia82 do you like all teas or just certain ones? I like everything from herbal to black teas, I'm actually drinking Trader Joe's Candy Cane Lane and know it's a Celestial Seasonings dupe. I drink both tea bags and loose tea too, I have my favorite cheaper teas. Now do you like kombucha too? .

    I love almost all teas except rooibos, I can’t place a finger on the flavour but it’s just something about it that I don’t like. I also avoid anything with stevia because I hate the taste. I should try some other tea companies because I get most of mine from David’s, and they use stevia quite a lot. Never tried kombucha! A friend was telling me about the Scoby(?) and she lost me at “you let it grow on the counter”. I’m nervous about that lol.
    Woot Woot for all the tea drinkers! It prompted me to count how many I have...stopped counting after 120. It's a sickness...but it's definitely healthier than other addictions :smile: I'll sip tea and watch A Christmas HORROR Story Horror movies. .

    Did you see Violent Night yet? I know it looks more action than horror but I think it looks hilarious and campy and awesome lol!

  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 594 Member
    Username: laurelfit57
    Weigh In Day: Sunday
    PW: 148.6
    CW: 148.2
    Goal Wieght 135-140
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,271 Member
    digger61 wrote: »
    Weigh in Day: Saturday
    P. W. 233
    C. W. 231

    Hi all - I entered these numbers, but there is a difference from the weight recorded for ending November as 213. If 231 is not correct @digger61 please be sure to re-post so that it can be fixed! Thanks.
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,306 Member
    @megnolia82 I'm sorry to hear about the affect it started to have on you body. In my opinion it's either the caffeine or the acid content. Have you tried de-caff coffee or low acid blends? Then again if you add stuff like creamer (etc) it could be caused by that. Do you drink hot tea?
  • megnolia82
    megnolia82 Posts: 859 Member
    19shmoo69 wrote: »
    @megnolia82 I'm sorry to hear about the affect it started to have on you body. In my opinion it's either the caffeine or the acid content. Have you tried de-caff coffee or low acid blends? Then again if you add stuff like creamer (etc) it could be caused by that. Do you drink hot tea?
    I think 100% the acid. I had a small ulcer years ago so I think I aggravated that. I still need my caffeine so it’s always the highest caf teas I can find lol ;)

    I’ve found I can drink an iced coffee (lots of cream and sugar) in the afternoon after I’ve eaten lunch. But it kind of defeats my attempts to watch calories lol.
  • megnolia82
    megnolia82 Posts: 859 Member
    Sunday weigh in Megnolia82

    SW: 228
    PW: 222
    CW: 220

    Still undoing the damage I did through October/November.
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,111 Member
    Hi, I didn't do my intro yet. I'm Lisa, live in NE FL with my hubs, grown son-- fresh out of college and job searching, and sometimes my daughter who is away at college most of the time. Struggled with weight since the freshman 15. Tried many diets/health strategies. Feel I'm being more honest with myself about my habits than ever in my life, but now that I am a "mature" age, it's harder to get the weight off. I walk alot, do step aerobics and strength training. Been in this group a couple of years and love it!

    As for my struggles lately- It seems I just am not motivated to make myself do all the things at the same time. And that's what needs to be done. I'd have to pull out my phone and look, but I'm pretty sure my weight right now is about the same as my post holiday weight last year. And the holiday feasting has not yet begun. Clothes are a bit snug. I really need to get it in gear for the next two weeks or I'm going to be heading into the New Year in a pretty awful spot.

    @trooworld - I've been pretty wishy washy on the challenges- Let's do one in Jan. Your snowflakes are lovely!

    @Tamevv - I did one day of strength and zero days of step this week

    I've enjoyed seeing everyone's holiday decorations. Absolutely beautiful!

  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 594 Member
    @DrewsAnna to train Vannie on the treadmill, I really broke it down for her. The first week I just got her to go on the treadmill when it was not moving. She was concerned, but i used very high-value treat to start (for her that is tuna brownie, I know others have used pieces of hotdogs etc). I would decrease the treat value as she became more comfortable.
    The next week, I turned the treadmill on the very lowest speed, I had her standing on it with the tuna brownies right in front of her nose. I only had her on for a few seconds, and then would release her. I kept increasing the time that she would be on there and increasing the speed just one point at a time with that treat right in front of her nose. As she became more comfortable, I would turn up the speed and give her a treat every five seconds, then, 10 seconds, etc.. it was definitely a process and did not happen overnight. Tons and tons and tons of praise just reinforcing what a smart, brilliant dog she was lol :-)
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,524 Member



    Team Results
    By Percentage

    By Pounds

    Individual Results
    By Percentage

    By Pounds

    Team Winners
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,587 Member
    @FushiaKat @hlnnan @digger61 Woo hoo! Congrats on getting onto the leaderboard!!!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 You did not disappoint us! I would say a 2 lb gain was probably worth it considering you went out of town. Hahaha about the horror Christmas. I've never seen A Christmas Horror Story but now I need to. Thanks for the suggestions! Good luck with the cards, that's a lot of work!

    @digger61 Way to go!

    @bethanie0825 I also got denied for Saxenda. You'd think that since I am prediabetic, they would want me to lose weight so I'm less of a risk for more expensive meds but oh well. Yes, just focus on No Zero Days, good decision. Good luck with your busy week!

    @Katmary71 Yes! It was nice. First, we went to a French restaurant for appetizers and drinks. I had a great time. It is hitting us, it just started sprinkling but it is supposed to get worse. Yes, I made the snowflakes with the Cricut! Thanks! I've made a bunch of stuff with it, I love it!!! Thank you, just the one wall is blue, it's our accent wall. Yes, I HATE taking all this crap down lol. And we just got a tree, so more stuff to take down. I watched Wednesday, I loved it. I love how you make a long distance relationship work, that's so cool! What recipe did you make together? Have a good day.

    @laurelfit57 @megnolia82 Congrats on the losses!

    @Cornanda Hugs. I'll put it in the books for Jan, that's a good time to start a challenge.

    Hi all. I had a great time last night, we went to a French restaurant for appetizers and drinks and then went to look at Christmas lights in the rich part of town lol. This morning, we got a tree and I need to get off here and decorate it. It's also Daisy's 1 year "Gotcha Day" (celebrated on the day we got her) and so we are celebrating that, too, with a pupcake and decorations. I may post a pic later.

    My phrase for the year: "Something needs to change…so I will take no crap and eat no crap!"
  • hlnnan
    hlnnan Posts: 19 Member
    @trooworld thanks! Fingers crossed for tomorrow when I do my weigh in :#
This discussion has been closed.