December Damage Control



  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,904 Member
    A lot of stuff going on - just wrapped up the black Friday and holiday party I had for my side gig.
    Have a sinus infection that I'm working on right now.

    Working with my meal planning app also. Lose it. I went with the $20 annual upgrade, just gives me an extra reason to use it. AND, when I use it, I typically am in or under calories. I even have been logging the "Bad" days, which are actually only 100-200 calories over budget. But over time.... 100 *30 days = 3000 calories extra (one pound) and its .... YEAH..... less movement. Keeping a watchful eye will prove to be required so that I don't bounce up a few numbers.

    accountability: Caroline Girvan Bi/Tri and some cardio drills on my own sorta.
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,274 Member
    Whew! Trying to catch up - feels like 24/7 unpacking and trying the get as much done before I head to my parents house for the holidays.

    Ugh - trying to be a minimalist - I need to be less attached to things - but most of it have sentimental value.

    @SherryRueter - I have to go back to your video! I couldn’t finish it - not because I was busy - but I’m petty - and got jealous of your arms and had to
    take a break from the envy! ! GIRL! 💪💪🤣🤣🤣

    Have you all felt you’re back in the pre-Covid routines - book clubs, gyms - movies, salons?? I think I’ve been scarred and so scared - almost like a PTSD - and becoming a recluse!

    Deloading this week and doing a bit better with the nutrition.
  • k8richly
    k8richly Posts: 267 Member
    @CeeBeeSlim we are back at pre-Covid busyness and it's a bit insane. Kids sports, holiday recitals, office parties etc etc. So busy but it also feels good. As long as we stay healthy and I can keep the schedule straight! But I agree the lockdowns also taught me to slow down and balance life a bit better. Quiet family time is good too! Looking forward to 2 weeks off after Christmas.

    @zenobia9777 I totally brush my teeth standing on one leg! Some physio told me to do that for my weak ankles years ago. I even swerve and dip into one legged while squats while I'm doing it for a challenge. Try it! And the running links for old folks are fascinating. Makes sense why my PB at 49 is not my PB when i was 20. 😆. I don't really know what the couch to 5km plan is, but I've coached a few friends through the walk/run program and I assume it's similar. It's the safest easiest way to build up stamina and speed. Keep at it! Add some stairs and hills to challenge yourself and you'll see it pay off in speed and endurance.

    @SherryReuter is that you in the 2nd video!?! Dang girl, well done. And Caroline Girvan is my go-to for strength training videos! But she's intimidating with the weight she can take on - seriously sometimes I wonder if she's human. Inspirational! Also, I adopted every single one of those mini-tweaks to cut calories a couple of years ago and it totally helps.

    I ❤️ that we are all planning and ramping up to get through the holidays without falling off our wagons. Let's keep it up! I've done my bootcamp 2x this week when I really just wanted to sleep in (currently not sleeping enough at all....) and am taking the dog for a run today. Win-win!
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,904 Member
    @K8Richly Yes, that is me in the 2nd video. I have to adopt all of those tweaks again. I'm getting closer to where I want to be nutritionally. I can't afford to fall of my wagon, I almost have the wheels of my wagon fixed.

    So the video - Its from a few years ago. I was lifting and doing PiYo 45mins 3x a week (instructing) plus practicing it. and, my nutrition was more ON . I feel like i've lost SO much definition the past 2 years (covid perhaps.... but isn't that really just an excuse? the fact is, I really enjoy carbs, I really don't want to track food and I want to eat the damn cookie and have ice cream daily.

    I used to do 40/40/20 split for macros, then transitioned into the containers with the 21Day Fix. That all worked for a long time and then, IDK .... I quit. I decided I was fit enough and could have the damn M&Ms if i wanted. Thus why I want to lose just 4-5# .... and get back to 104.0 man, I can't imagine what I would have to do to get to the weight of that video. That is me at 101.x The difinition is just because I was so SPOT On with nutrition and very lean.

  • zenobia9777
    zenobia9777 Posts: 277 Member
    @HoneyBadger302 you are on the right track.

    Today I picked my weights well at circuit training. I do not want to strain anything.

    Yesterday I did better with food...did not have the snack attacks I have had lately.

    Happy weekend!
  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 767 Member
    @Happyness4me2 - Took my second yoga class today and really enjoyed it. I'm not very flexible so a lot of the movements are challenging, but I've been feeling really good all day, even my back which usually starts to stiffen up by mid-afternoon. I hope this instructor is back next year.
    @SherryRueter - just had a chance to watch your video this morning, and WOW. What great flexibility. You've given me something to aspire to.
    @zenobia9777 - I'm going to try the toothbrush/balance thing tonight before I go to bed. I'll report back tomorrow, LOL
    What couch to 5K do you use?
    @HoneyBadger302 - glad to hear you're getting your exercise routine back into place. I try to eat my meals slowly, taking at least 20 minutes, and usually 30. By the time I'm finished, I'm feeling pretty full.
    @CeeBeeSlim - I've been trying to minimize things in my house and am running into the same problem-sentimental value. Either that or I know if I tried to sell something I wouldn't get anywhere near what I paid and that kind of ticks me off, LOL.
    I was feeling a bit like a recluse this last year too, not just because of covid, but we moved and I don't really know anyone here (except my sister). I'm a bit of loner so being a recluse doesn't really bother me too much, but I am beginning to look for some ways to socialize now and meet some new people.
    @k8richly - ok, adding squats to standing on one leg and brushing teeth-you're killing me! I'll be lucky if I don't tip over just balancing on one leg for the whole tooth-brushing time.
  • zenobia9777
    zenobia9777 Posts: 277 Member
    @SparkSpringtime69 you made me laugh about the toothbrush thing. I think I missed some posts.

    I did not want to pay for another app so I just looked at these on the NHS website

    I put the presets into an app with ads that is free, called Interval Timer. I can listen to my music and also get the Interval timer cues.

    I did my balance demonstration for my husband last night, but it was not very impressive. Could have been the wine.

    Mad at myself for yesterday's afternoon sweets attack. I'm glad I'm picking up more exercise because I think I need it.
  • zenobia9777
    zenobia9777 Posts: 277 Member
    edited December 2022
    Actually I haven't figured out the right plan that will work with my interval timer.

    This has a plan and good tips:
  • Happyness4me2
    Happyness4me2 Posts: 37 Member
    @SherryRueter your shoulders look awesome in the video. I also really like carbs and totally slacked on my nutrition the last couple of years which is why my definition is gone :(

    @SparkSpringtime69 my flexibility sucks right now and I really need to put more of an emphasis on it, it just seems to go to the back burner with everything else going on.

    I'm going to start brushing my teeth standing on one leg. My ankles are super weak and sprain very easily. Did anytime know anything else I can do to strengthen them? I already to single leg squats and calf raises. Anytime I run or if I hike on unsteady ground I'm almost guaranteed to sprain my ankles.
  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 767 Member
    Sooo, I balanced on my right foot while washing my hands this morning and had a tough time! I think the teethbrushing stand will be a loooonnnng work in progress :p
    @zenobia9777 - thanks for the C25K links, I'm going to get something going on the treadmill for the rest of the winter and then maybe move outside for a while in the spring. My gym just had a couple of 5k runs-Halloween zombie run and Under the Lights holiday run-so I'm guessing they may have one in the spring. I'm going to work towards running one of these (or more).
    @Happyness4me2 - I'm not sure if it'll help ankles, but I do the calf raises on a step and alternate with dropping the heel below the step (I think they're called heel drops or negative calf raises)
  • JBanx256
    JBanx256 Posts: 1,477 Member

    Holidays are a LOT. And they cause a lot of stress - money, family, etc. And they can be pretty dark for people, too. Some people's mental health takes a big hit. So if ANY of you need to vent, reach out! If you have a friend who you suspect is struggling a bit, reach out!

    Thank you for coming to my TED talk. Carry on!
  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 767 Member
    @JBanx256 - Great, great advice, and I don't think your post is off-topic at all!
    Mental health is always a part of our overall health and, yes, the holidays can cause a lot of stress. They also often cause overindulging, and interruptions to our daily routines. Thanks for the reminder to vent and reach out :)
  • zenobia9777
    zenobia9777 Posts: 277 Member
    @JBanx256 I'm glad you posted that. I'm certainly in that category!

    @SparkSpringtime69 terrific idea to start the couch to 5K on the treadmill. Good luck with that. I tried brushing my teeth while standing on one leg, but I think I will just do my other little routine. I have trouble concentrating!!!

    @Happyness4me2 I think somebody mentioned that the ankle flexions were recommended for strengthening ankles. Chime in!

    This is what I'm doing, along with the calf raises and balance poses. I have been able to get the habit going by enlisting family members to watch me. I also have foot cramps and I think it helps prevent that.

    Ankle flexion (dorsiflexion)
    Sit on the floor with your legs stretched out in front of you.
    Secure the band around a chair leg or a table leg, and then wrap it around one foot.
    Slowly point your toes up toward you and then return to the starting position.
    Do 3 sets of 10 flexes on each foot, three days a week.

    On Saturday's run I did much better than Thursday's. Probably because it was the only exercise of the day.

    Week 1 best average pace: 13:47 1.83 miles

    I mapped out a big circle near my house, and it will be kind of fun to see how much farther I can get as the weeks go by. But I must remember, as they say, you will have some disappointing runs.

    Last night I walked the dogs for two and a half miles for the first time in days. Poor dogs. They have had some stimulation with grandchildren around the house.

    Today I went to circuit training. I was very pleased to feel that I had a spring in my step! I could do the jumping exercises well.
    Not so great on the platform, since I had trouble balancing while holding the stretch band up.

    I am not sure if the progress is from the C25K run or from the daily calf raises. I will take it.

    I can also stand on one leg and extend the other leg at an angle in front of me, holding onto the toe. I don't think I've been able to do that all year until now.

    Food choices weren't terrific yesterday but at least I did not snack, except for one candy cane!

    Non-scale victory is that I'm ending the year with a lot more exercise routine in place. With encouragement from you guys I have been able to do much more than I thought I would be able to do. Thanks!!!

    Sorry this is so long. It helps me to think about appreciating what I have and documenting the progress.

    Good luck with your week!

  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,904 Member

    @Happyness4me2 I agree, the additional food (primarily from carbs) is why my muscle mass appears to be less.

    @SparkSpringtime69 - thanks. If you search PIYO on youtube their are quite a few. Its a real dynamic, moving yoga-ish workout. I enjoy it because you get to hold poses but also work up a sweat. I really would love to get back into doing this 2x a week. ( after work double)

    @jBanx256 Thanks for posting that!

    Everyone - feel free to vent here !!! that is what we are here for. Getting it off of your thoughts and on virtual paper is SUCH a helper!

    Just chatting with a friend who hired a trainer for macro coaching for the year. He has been at 1.2g protein /# body weight for the past year. no cardio (maybe 30mins 1/wk) ... but gets his cardio in through lifting more weights. He has put on significant muscle and can lift SO much heavier than the year prior. Yet he weighs about the same.

    I'm getting VERY close to daily hitting 1g/#body weight. Its down to me choosing a PROTEIN for a snack, and ditching the carb snacks .... I know that just making that change could propel me to my weight goal and physique goal. Just would take 7-14 days of concentration on food.

    Daughter and I did our annual make gingerbread houses last night- I was doing SOOO good until this point. Then - got into that damn candy! Gesh.... UHHHHH.... I have to remember - Even though I like sweets, my body doesn't respond very well to them.
    Accountability below
    12/12 |D1 W1: Chest and Back (LiiftMORE) | D1W1: PUSH (6wks of the work) (warmup+25m).
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 1,982 Member
    I think my body is at least starting to adjust to the diet again - although there is some carb craving if I'm thinking about it, I'm not missing it when I'm eating or not hungry lol.

    Lots of life stuff + work related stuff (good, but extra stressors) + holidays + still feeling down about losing "my" place sometimes = sometimes feeling like I'm almost at the brink of a mini-meltdown. Haven't gotten to that point (yet lol), and my task list is at least keeping me focused each day so I'm not a complete scatter brain.

    Thankfully both pets seem to have settled in reasonably well. Dog still adjusting a bit, but she's been fine home alone a couple times now, so we're past the worst of it with her (rescue with semi mild separation anxiety that I've worked through with her, but there's always a tough call on when you can trust them - or not).
  • zenobia9777
    zenobia9777 Posts: 277 Member
    @SherryRueter interesting about the macro coaching. I have the same impulse for carbs.

    @HoneyBadger302 I hear you. I wonder if the stress is causing me to make minor stupid mistakes.

    Walked the dogs for over an hour yesterday to relieve stress. Tried to practice my balance poses, but I just was not with it. Just have to keep plugging away

    Off to yoga, and breakfast with an old friend.
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    Hi ladies. Yes, I went awol for some time again. I have no excuses, just life that got in the way.
    I'm still going to list some of the excuses though ... Work hit hard as my colleague of 13 years got sacked just like that. We started together and even if I didn't like her that much, it still hurts. Also because I need to cover her work now, "temporarily" they said. Second thing is that my usual physical therapist was in sick leave herself as she needed hip replacement. The new therapist and I didn't click terribly, I always got the impression that he wasn't inclined to go to the limit and I didn't progress as much as I should have. That kept me away from the gym also. The good news is that my usual PT is back since yesterday. Yes, I'm sore today from the hard work, it really is a big difference. So I renewed my fitness subscription again.
    And then the weather ! Boy, it is freezing here, as in biting arctic cold! As a result the diving went a bit on the backburner as well, but I'm going again on Thursday. My hands are already freezing from the thought alone.
    So yes, I have a plan: activity every day (walking, diving or PT/fitness combo and update my food log daily.
    And check in here of course !
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,274 Member
    Welcome back Antiopelle. We all “disappear” every once in a while. I haven’t checked in in a while as I’m trying to hurry up unpacking while I’m back at my home. Heading back to parents at the end of the week and who knows when I’m back after that.

    Good news is that during my deload week I lost 4.2 pounds?! I don’t get it. Cortisol? Does that mean my ST program was stressing me? I’m being a dummy - today I was to start back lifting but afraid I’ll see the scale go up tomorrow. I’m using my unpacking as an excuse.

    Hope you’re all doing well. @JBanx256 - thanks for sharing that. Been such a rough year for so many folks. The good thing about unpacking now is it’s around the holidays so it’s making it (kinda) easier to give stuff away.

    How many tea sets does one need?! Make me feel better - anyone have any collection “vices”? Marie Kondo I’m not. More like Marie Can’t Do! 🤣🤣 (Lame joke as I sit hear staring at my weights….)😕
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 1,982 Member
    I have a large Breyer model horse collection that started before I can remember (preschool) and still gets added to every now and then (rarely, but it happens). I refuse to get rid of them, a few were even my mother's growing up, so there's a lot of keepsake value too.

    Took le floof dog for a walk yesterday with my weighted vest, and we did a lot of obedience work - she did really well (for her) so that was fun! My knee, however, got MAD about that and completely blew up - sleep and a few drugs and supplement and it was down this morning, but this is getting annoying (I think its a prepateler bursitis (sp?) from the hours of crawling around on hard floors cleaning the old house.....doesn't hurt, but isn't giving up the ghost yet, either.
  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 767 Member
    edited December 2022
    @SherryRueter - my gym has Yogalates classes, I may try one out in January. I love gingerbread houses - how big do you make them?
    @HoneyBadger302 - I think it takes a while to adjust to living with someone. You can feel like you never have any private space though you had plenty when living on your own. I hope you're able to find ways to de-stress, especially now around the holidays. Glad to hear the pets are adjusting to the change.
    @zenobia9777 - hope you had a fun breakfast with your friend.
    @Antiopelle - Sorry to hear about the shake-up at your job! But happy for you that you have your usual PT therapist back, and that you've renewed your fitness commitment.
    @CeeBeeSlim - Congrats on the 4.2 pound loss, I hope it stays off for you even with today's lifting.
    I have a problem with books, both read and unread, school books and just general reading. I used to donate some to our library back in Jersey, but I don't know if our local library has book sales like that, I didn't see any "friends of the library" type thing on their website. I try to sell some when I can, but people don't seem to be as into buying books as they used to be.
    We have our final weigh-in/measurements tomorrow at the gym! I have an idea of what the weight loss might be, but I'm anxious to see the final measurements.
    In other news, I went to the doctor yesterday (general checkup) and got the blood work results back today - all numbers look good!! Potassium was just slightly over the high end of the range, not sure why, but if it's a problem the doctor will let me know. And I'm loving my new doctor, this was my first appt. with her.