Downsizers Team Chat - JANUARY 2023



  • rwillems
    rwillems Posts: 211 Member

    Well, good morning, team and Happy New Year! 🥳🥳🥳
    I hope this morning finds you all well and rested for the new year. I, for one, am happy to see 2022 behind me and looking forward to a great 2023. We are recovering from our COVID 19 Christmas visit. Not really a big deal, getting better every day.

    Like many of you, I’ll be spending the day getting my 2023 goals together. Hope all of you have a happy day and look forward to working together with you this coming year!

    User: rwillems
    Weigh-in day: Sunday
    PW : 276.4 l
    CW:. 280.6 lbs (+4.2 lbs)

    New year, new start. Time to get off the couch and back walking again!
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,595 Member
    edited January 2023

    Here is my friendly Sunday reminder of the people's steps I need for December Week 4 ... Please have your steps in no later than Tuesday evening 1/3/2023 so that I can post the results and the Grand Finale..Thanks for your cooperation

    @Morethanjustanumber 12/25- 12/31
    @IP2021 12/25- 12/31
    @aneedlecraft 12/25- 12/31
    @red1185 12/27-12/31
    @Bluetail6 12/25-12/31
    @missGYST 12/25-12/31

  • Jpedno
    Jpedno Posts: 301 Member

    12/28 9004
    12/29 8888
    12/30 21034 - 5 mile hike followed by a soak at Ojo Caliente (hot springs)!
    12/31 6645 - I wish I had noticed I was so close to my goal on this day!

    Happy new year everyone! Headed out for another hike. Then grocery and laundry today. Will post my introduction and some goals later this afternoon.

  • Slimmersixties
    Slimmersixties Posts: 815 Member
    Happy 2023 everyone and a warm welcome to our new members @rorojones95 , @WSOX37 , @comingback2life , @docbeauty1, @RunsOnCoffee_,@Tessita_07 and @LMK02020

    I m Lis, 59 from the UK but been living in Spain for 20 years. I'm retired and travel in my rv for 8 or 9 months of the year. Its my happy weight loss place! I've lost 90lb in the last 18 months with the help of this group.
    I've gained a bit back over Xmas.

    2. Why are you on this journey? What pushed you to start?
    In August 21 I'd reached 276lb and couldn't walk or swim due to a knee injury ... it was lose weight or give up!

    4. What are your triggers and how can you avoid them?
    Icecream and crisps .... I just don't buy them!

    5. Do you have a favourite diet you go by? ie keto, low carb
    I'm on a low carb diet and I also use intermittent fasting

    5. What is your favourite way to workout?
    Walking and swimming

    7. What are some of your goals this month? Year?
    My target is 175lb ... and I'm going to get there before my 60th birthday in April!

    8. What do you expect to gain from the team?
    This team provides so much support! I'm trying to pay it back as team motivator

    8. Share some words of wisdom with your teammates.
    You can do it! Whatever you need from the group, just ask!
  • Slimmersixties
    Slimmersixties Posts: 815 Member

    Still at home and not traveling so excuse me from the step challenge for January please. I'll be back in it in February!
  • rwillems
    rwillems Posts: 211 Member
    edited January 2023
    Hi @Megan_smartiepants1970 and Happy New Year! Here are my steps for last week, although they are pretty poor. The COVID kept me off my feet all week. Hope to get started again soon.

    Sun 12/25. 594 steps
    Mon 12/26. 2,461 steps
    Tue. 12/27. 4,111 steps
    Wed. 12/28. 759 steps
    Thu. 12/29. 6,880 steps
    Fri. 12/30. 3,287 steps
    Sat. 12/31. 1,859 steps

    Like I said, the doc wanted me to take it easy and rest as I recover from my COVID Christmas present. 🤕😤🤢 But I am feeling much better so hope to get back on track soon.

    Thanks for all the work you do and thanks for being there to support all of us on our journey. Stay health. Hope your infection clears up quickly.
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,314 Member



    Individual Results
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  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,314 Member



    Team Results
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    Individual Results
    By Percentage

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  • rwillems
    rwillems Posts: 211 Member
    jugar wrote: »
    January Habit Tracker! A great way to check off those little habits every day:

    Ok, how do I "save" this so I can find it again? I would love to use it but dont know how to access it on a daily basis?
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,595 Member
    rwillems wrote: »
    jugar wrote: »
    January Habit Tracker! A great way to check off those little habits every day:

    Ok, how do I "save" this so I can find it again? I would love to use it but dont know how to access it on a daily basis?

    Top right corner of this page is an icon for bookmarking the page
  • rwood566
    rwood566 Posts: 987 Member
    Sorry megan
    12/29 - 9701
    12/30 - 6441
    12/31 - 3469
  • WSOX37
    WSOX37 Posts: 1,611 Member
    Thanks for the add let's get it everyone
  • docbeauty1
    docbeauty1 Posts: 126 Member
    edited January 2023
    1. Tell us a little about yourself? Where are you from? What are some of your hobbies? Etc.

    Thanks for adding me.
    Happy new year everyone.
    My name is Fatima I'm from nigeria. Im a medical student, I love watching movies and volunteering to help those in need.
    I have lost and gained weight several times but this Time around I shall loss all the weight and keep it off totally.
    I had an accident and broke my leg a little over a year ago which which made me add weight , I can't exercise as I should because I have Osteomyelitis from the accident.

    3. Why are you on this journey? What pushed you to start?

    Being obese and being slowed down by my weight

    4. What are your triggers and how can you avoid them?
    I have a sweet tooth, I love sugar so I tend to substitute sugar with stevia

    5. Do you have a favourite diet you go by? ie keto, low carb

    Yes, intermediate fasting and keto

    5. What is your favourite way to workout?


    7. What are some of your goals this month? Year?

    To get to a healthy weight, 150lb and Reduce my sugar craving.

    8. What do you expect to gain from the team? Do you have any suggestions?

    Motivation and support

    9. Share some words of wisdom with your teammates.

    You didn't gain all your weight in a day, you won't loss it in a day .
    Be patient with yourself

    I wouldn't like to be excused from step challenge untill I heal completely.

    Username: docbeauty1
    PW: 201.6
    CW: 200
  • Jpedno
    Jpedno Posts: 301 Member
    Welcome to all the new ppl!

    1. Tell us a little about yourself? Where are you from? What are some of your hobbies? Etc.
    I live in Santa Fe, New Mexico. I enjoy plants, travel, history, cats, baking.

    2. Why are you on this journey? What pushed you to start?
    I want to make sure I am healthy so I can be active and continue to enjoy life as I get older. Also, I want to look better and feel more fit!

    3. What are your triggers and how can you avoid them?
    Road-trips, travel, anything outside of my normal schedule, the weekends, candy/baked goods. I struggle. Haven’t been able to really avoid these except by not buying candy.

    4. Do you have a favourite diet you go by? ie keto, low carb
    I count calories

    5. What is your favourite way to workout?
    I like group workouts at the gym - bodypump, yoga, spinning. Also planning lots of hikes for 2023!

    6. What are some of your goals this month? Year?
    Post here more often.
    No alcohol until my trip to England in May.
    Do several big hikes this year.
    Try to do active things with friends (walk/hike) instead of lunch or drinks.
    Track my food even on weekends
    Meet daily protein goals

    Also! I want to lose 18 lbs by my niece’s wedding in June!

    7. What do you expect to gain from the team? Do you have any suggestions?

    8. Share some words of wisdom with your teammates.
    One bad day is just that, one bad day. Move on and get right back on track.

  • 363days
    363days Posts: 548 Member
    Friday weigh in
    PW 174.8
    CW 177
    SW 173
    I had the hardest time posting this because I've gained so much! Back to basics
  • MSWarrior7088
    MSWarrior7088 Posts: 167 Member
    12/26 - 409 😳🙄
    12/27 - 2457
    12/28 - 3540
    12/29 - 5223
    12/30 - 1963
    12/31 - 2599
    1/1/23 - 5155

    Happy New Year's

    Hope 2023 is our best year yet...time to make sure I get my daily steps in. I have been slacking a bit!!!
  • Running4Bipolar
    Running4Bipolar Posts: 30 Member
    1. Tell us a little about yourself? Where are you from? What are some of your hobbies? Etc.
    My name is Tess and I am 35, married with 2 kids (5) and (3). We also have two cats, Chewbacca and Blitz. I am from Lethbridge, Alberta. Before moving here I was in Penticton, British Columbia. I love to crochet and make TikToks.

    2. Why are you on this journey? What pushed you to start?
    I honestly have been on this journey for years. It started shortly after I got married in 2014. I hated how I looked in my wedding photos. From there it was to get the baby weight off from having my kids. I think right now I just want to be healthy. My goal has always been to be in the 180lb-200lb range. I’ve been slightly under 200lbs twice.

    3. What are your triggers and how can you avoid them?
    My triggers are probably eating out with family. I can avoid that by making better food choices or eating ahead of time. Chocolate is a big trigger especially when I’m down or depressed. It’s probably best for me to keep chocolate out of the house, as it is hard to portion it sometimes.

    4. Do you have a favourite diet you go by? ie keto, low carb
    I count count calories, look at my protein intake and portion control. Moderation.

    5. What is your favourite way to workout?
    Running. I started in 2021 and haven’t stopped since.

    6. What are some of your goals this month? Year?
    Log food daily, run 3 times a week, drink 9-10 cups of water a day

    7. What do you expect to gain from the team? Do you have any suggestions?
    Encouragement and support

    8. Share some words of wisdom with your teammates.
    We are in this together. Don’t be afraid if you mess up. Post and share as you aren’t alone. We are here for each other.
  • rwood566
    rwood566 Posts: 987 Member
    Hi all. Happy new year.
    Check in:
    Steps - 7160
    Calories - 2380. Nice number. Now to keep it going.
    Exercise - gym in morning. 9 machines and 25 minutes treadmill.

    This year is starting out badly. We got a water leak from the apartment upstairs and the office wasn't open and didn't answer our calls to the emergency number. Can't use our bed anymore. Tomorrow I get to deal with the rental office and hope they don't kick us out saying uninhabitable. I also get to call my Insurance to work on my renter's policy to get a new bed. Super stress.
  • rwood566
    rwood566 Posts: 987 Member
    A hearty welcome to all the new people.
  • Slimmersixties
    Slimmersixties Posts: 815 Member
    363days wrote: »
    Friday weigh in
    PW 174.8
    CW 177
    SW 173
    I had the hardest time posting this because I've gained so much! Back to basics

    It's one little blip in your journey. It's done. Don't beat yourself up. Look forward not back! Ps I put on 10lb so don't feel bad!
This discussion has been closed.